blob: 6b6bd6a774bb0f9ebe32f8d397cb4140297f8945 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include "pw_result/result.h"
#include "pw_span/span.h"
#include "pw_stream/stream.h"
#include "pw_sync/lock_annotations.h"
#include "pw_sync/mutex.h"
namespace pw::stream {
class SocketStream : public NonSeekableReaderWriter {
SocketStream() = default;
// Construct a SocketStream directly from a file descriptor.
explicit SocketStream(int connection_fd) : connection_fd_(connection_fd) {
// Mark as ready and take ownership of the connection by this object.
ready_ = true;
// SocketStream objects are moveable but not copyable.
SocketStream& operator=(SocketStream&& other) {
return *this;
SocketStream(SocketStream&& other) noexcept { MoveFrom(std::move(other)); }
SocketStream(const SocketStream&) = delete;
SocketStream& operator=(const SocketStream&) = delete;
~SocketStream() override { Close(); }
// Connect to a local or remote endpoint. Host may be either an IPv4 or IPv6
// address. If host is nullptr then the IPv4 localhost address is used
// instead.
Status Connect(const char* host, uint16_t port);
// Configures socket options.
int SetSockOpt(int level,
int optname,
const void* optval,
unsigned int optlen);
// Close the socket stream and release all resources
void Close();
static constexpr int kInvalidFd = -1;
class ConnectionOwnership {
explicit ConnectionOwnership(SocketStream* socket_stream)
: socket_stream_(socket_stream) {
fd_ = socket_stream_->TakeConnection();
std::lock_guard lock(socket_stream_->connection_mutex_);
pipe_r_fd_ = socket_stream->connection_pipe_r_fd_;
~ConnectionOwnership() { socket_stream_->ReleaseConnection(); }
int fd() { return fd_; }
int pipe_r_fd() { return pipe_r_fd_; }
SocketStream* socket_stream_;
int fd_;
int pipe_r_fd_;
Status DoWrite(span<const std::byte> data) override;
StatusWithSize DoRead(ByteSpan dest) override;
// Take ownership of the connection. There may be multiple owners. Each time
// TakeConnection is called, ReleaseConnection must be called to release
// ownership, even if the connection is not valid.
// Returns the connection fd or kInvalidFd if the connection is not valid.
int TakeConnection();
int TakeConnectionWithLockHeld()
// Release ownership of the connection. If no owners remain, close and clear
// the connection fds.
void ReleaseConnection();
void ReleaseConnectionWithLockHeld()
// Moves other to this.
void MoveFrom(SocketStream&& other) {
std::lock_guard lock(connection_mutex_);
std::lock_guard other_lock(other.connection_mutex_);
connection_own_count_ = other.connection_own_count_;
other.connection_own_count_ = 0;
ready_ = other.ready_;
other.ready_ = false;
connection_fd_ = other.connection_fd_;
other.connection_fd_ = kInvalidFd;
connection_pipe_r_fd_ = other.connection_pipe_r_fd_;
other.connection_pipe_r_fd_ = kInvalidFd;
connection_pipe_w_fd_ = other.connection_pipe_w_fd_;
other.connection_pipe_w_fd_ = kInvalidFd;
sync::Mutex connection_mutex_;
int connection_own_count_ PW_GUARDED_BY(connection_mutex_) = 0;
bool ready_ PW_GUARDED_BY(connection_mutex_) = false;
int connection_fd_ PW_GUARDED_BY(connection_mutex_) = kInvalidFd;
int connection_pipe_r_fd_ PW_GUARDED_BY(connection_mutex_) = kInvalidFd;
int connection_pipe_w_fd_ PW_GUARDED_BY(connection_mutex_) = kInvalidFd;
/// `ServerSocket` wraps a POSIX-style server socket, producing a `SocketStream`
/// for each accepted client connection.
/// Call `Listen` to create the socket and start listening for connections.
/// Then call `Accept` any number of times to accept client connections.
class ServerSocket {
ServerSocket() = default;
~ServerSocket() { Close(); }
ServerSocket(const ServerSocket& other) = delete;
ServerSocket& operator=(const ServerSocket& other) = delete;
// Listen for connections on the given port.
// If port is 0, a random unused port is chosen and can be retrieved with
// port().
Status Listen(uint16_t port = 0);
// Accept a connection. Blocks until after a client is connected.
// On success, returns a SocketStream connected to the new client.
Result<SocketStream> Accept();
// Close the server socket, preventing further connections.
void Close();
// Returns the port this socket is listening on.
uint16_t port() const { return port_; }
static constexpr int kInvalidFd = -1;
class SocketOwnership {
explicit SocketOwnership(ServerSocket* server_socket)
: server_socket_(server_socket) {
fd_ = server_socket_->TakeSocket();
std::lock_guard lock(server_socket->socket_mutex_);
pipe_r_fd_ = server_socket->socket_pipe_r_fd_;
~SocketOwnership() { server_socket_->ReleaseSocket(); }
int fd() { return fd_; }
int pipe_r_fd() { return pipe_r_fd_; }
ServerSocket* server_socket_;
int fd_;
int pipe_r_fd_;
// Take ownership of the socket. There may be multiple owners. Each time
// TakeSocket is called, ReleaseSocket must be called to release ownership,
// even if the socket is not invalid.
// Returns the socket fd or kInvalidFd if the socket is not valid.
int TakeSocket();
int TakeSocketWithLockHeld() PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(socket_mutex_);
// Release ownership of the socket. If no owners remain, close and clear the
// socket fds.
void ReleaseSocket();
void ReleaseSocketWithLockHeld() PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(socket_mutex_);
uint16_t port_ = -1;
sync::Mutex socket_mutex_;
int socket_own_count_ PW_GUARDED_BY(socket_mutex_) = 0;
bool ready_ PW_GUARDED_BY(socket_mutex_) = false;
int socket_fd_ PW_GUARDED_BY(socket_mutex_) = kInvalidFd;
int socket_pipe_r_fd_ PW_GUARDED_BY(socket_mutex_) = kInvalidFd;
int socket_pipe_w_fd_ PW_GUARDED_BY(socket_mutex_) = kInvalidFd;
} // namespace pw::stream