blob: ae932378b3939ff5a1ce732529eb13e8b32a244a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#pragma once
/// @file pw_string/string.h
/// @brief `pw::InlineBasicString` and `pw::InlineString` are safer alternatives
/// to `std::basic_string` and `std::string`.
#include <cstddef>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <iterator>
#include <type_traits>
#include "pw_assert/assert.h"
#include "pw_preprocessor/compiler.h"
#include "pw_string/internal/string_impl.h"
// Messages to use in static_assert statements.
"The pw::InlineString's capacity is too small to hold the assigned string " \
"literal or character array. When assigning a literal or array to a " \
"pw::InlineString, the pw::InlineString's capacity must be large enough " \
"for the entire string, not counting the null terminator."
"When assigning one pw::InlineString with known capacity to another, the " \
"capacity of the destination pw::InlineString must be at least as large as " \
"the source string."
namespace pw {
/// @brief `pw::InlineBasicString` is a fixed-capacity version of
/// `std::basic_string`. In brief:
/// - It is always null-terminated.
/// - It stores the string contents inline and uses no dynamic memory.
/// - It implements mostly the same API as `std::basic_string`, but the capacity
/// of the string is fixed at construction and cannot grow. Attempting to
/// increase the size beyond the capacity triggers an assert.
/// `pw::InlineBasicString` is efficient and compact. The current size and
/// capacity are stored in a single word. Accessing its contents is a simple
/// array access within the object, with no pointer indirection, even when
/// working from a generic reference `pw::InlineBasicString<T>` where the
/// capacity is not specified as a template argument. A string object can be
/// used safely without the need to know its capacity.
/// See also `pw::InlineString`, which is an alias of
/// `pw::InlineBasicString<char>` and is equivalent to `std::string`.
template <typename T, size_t kCapacity = string_impl::kGeneric>
class InlineBasicString final
: public InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric> {
using typename InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>::value_type;
using typename InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>::size_type;
using typename InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>::difference_type;
using typename InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>::reference;
using typename InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>::const_reference;
using typename InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>::pointer;
using typename InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>::const_pointer;
using typename InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>::iterator;
using typename InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>::const_iterator;
using typename InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>::reverse_iterator;
typename InlineBasicString<T,
using InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>::npos;
// Constructors
constexpr InlineBasicString() noexcept
: InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>(kCapacity), buffer_() {}
constexpr InlineBasicString(size_t count, T ch) : InlineBasicString() {
Fill(data(), ch, count);
template <size_t kOtherCapacity>
constexpr InlineBasicString(const InlineBasicString<T, kOtherCapacity>& other,
size_t index,
size_t count = npos)
: InlineBasicString() {
CopySubstr(data(),, other.size(), index, count);
constexpr InlineBasicString(const T* string, size_t count)
: InlineBasicString() {
Copy(data(), string, count);
template <typename U,
typename = string_impl::EnableIfNonArrayCharPointer<T, U>>
constexpr InlineBasicString(U c_string)
: InlineBasicString(
c_string, string_impl::BoundedStringLength(c_string, kCapacity)) {}
template <size_t kCharArraySize>
constexpr InlineBasicString(const T (&array)[kCharArraySize])
: InlineBasicString() {
string_impl::NullTerminatedArrayFitsInString(kCharArraySize, kCapacity),
Copy(data(), array, string_impl::ArrayStringLength(array, max_size()));
template <typename InputIterator,
typename = string_impl::EnableIfInputIterator<InputIterator>>
constexpr InlineBasicString(InputIterator start, InputIterator finish)
: InlineBasicString() {
CopyIterator(data(), start, finish);
// Use the default copy for InlineBasicString with the same capacity.
constexpr InlineBasicString(const InlineBasicString&) = default;
// When copying from an InlineBasicString with a different capacity, check
// that the destination capacity is at least as large as the source capacity.
template <size_t kOtherCapacity>
constexpr InlineBasicString(const InlineBasicString<T, kOtherCapacity>& other)
: InlineBasicString(, other.size()) {
kOtherCapacity == string_impl::kGeneric || kOtherCapacity <= kCapacity,
constexpr InlineBasicString(std::initializer_list<T> list)
: InlineBasicString(list.begin(), list.size()) {}
// Unlike std::string, pw::InlineString<> supports implicit conversions from
// std::string_view. However, explicit conversions are still required from
// types that convert to std::string_view, as with std::string.
// pw::InlineString<> allows implicit conversions from std::string_view
// because it can be cumbersome to specify the capacity parameter. In
// particular, this can make using aggregate initialization more difficult.
// This explicit constructor is enabled for an argument that converts to
// std::string_view, but is not a std::string_view.
template <
typename StringViewLike,
string_impl::EnableIfStringViewLikeButNotStringView<T, StringViewLike>* =
explicit constexpr InlineBasicString(const StringViewLike& string)
: InlineBasicString(string_impl::View<T>(string)) {}
// This converting constructor is enabled for std::string_view, but not types
// that convert to it.
template <
typename StringView,
std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<StringView, string_impl::View<T>>::value>* =
constexpr InlineBasicString(const StringView& view)
: InlineBasicString(, view.size()) {}
template <typename StringView,
typename = string_impl::EnableIfStringViewLike<T, StringView>>
constexpr InlineBasicString(const StringView& string,
size_t index,
size_t count)
: InlineBasicString() {
const string_impl::View<T> view = string;
CopySubstr(data(),, view.size(), index, count);
InlineBasicString(std::nullptr_t) = delete; // Cannot construct from nullptr
// Assignment operators
constexpr InlineBasicString& operator=(const InlineBasicString& other) =
// Checks capacity rather than current size.
template <size_t kOtherCapacity>
constexpr InlineBasicString& operator=(
const InlineBasicString<T, kOtherCapacity>& other) {
return assign<kOtherCapacity>(other); // NOLINT
template <size_t kCharArraySize>
constexpr InlineBasicString& operator=(const T (&array)[kCharArraySize]) {
return assign<kCharArraySize>(array); // NOLINT
// Use SFINAE to avoid ambiguity with the array overload.
template <typename U,
typename = string_impl::EnableIfNonArrayCharPointer<T, U>>
constexpr InlineBasicString& operator=(U c_string) {
return assign(c_string); // NOLINT
constexpr InlineBasicString& operator=(T ch) {
static_assert(kCapacity != 0,
"Cannot assign a character to pw::InlineString<0>");
return assign(1, ch); // NOLINT
constexpr InlineBasicString& operator=(std::initializer_list<T> list) {
return assign(list); // NOLINT
template <typename StringView,
typename = string_impl::EnableIfStringViewLike<T, StringView>>
constexpr InlineBasicString& operator=(const StringView& string) {
return assign(string); // NOLINT
constexpr InlineBasicString& operator=(std::nullptr_t) = delete;
template <size_t kOtherCapacity>
constexpr InlineBasicString& operator+=(
const InlineBasicString<T, kOtherCapacity>& string) {
return append(string);
constexpr InlineBasicString& operator+=(T character) {
return *this;
template <size_t kCharArraySize>
constexpr InlineBasicString& operator+=(const T (&array)[kCharArraySize]) {
return append(array);
template <typename U,
typename = string_impl::EnableIfNonArrayCharPointer<T, U>>
constexpr InlineBasicString& operator+=(U c_string) {
return append(c_string);
constexpr InlineBasicString& operator+=(std::initializer_list<T> list) {
return append(list.begin(), list.size());
template <typename StringView,
typename = string_impl::EnableIfStringViewLike<T, StringView>>
constexpr InlineBasicString& operator+=(const StringView& string) {
return append(string);
// The data() and size() functions are defined differently for the generic and
// known-size specializations. This is to support using pw::InlineBasicString
// in constexpr statements. This data() implementation simply returns the
// underlying buffer. The generic-capacity data() function casts *this to
// InlineBasicString<T, 0>, so is only constexpr when the capacity is actually
// 0.
constexpr pointer data() { return buffer_; }
constexpr const_pointer data() const { return buffer_; }
// Use the size() function from the base, but define max_size() to return the
// kCapacity template parameter instead of reading the stored capacity value.
using InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>::size;
constexpr size_t max_size() const noexcept { return kCapacity; }
// Most string functions are defined in separate file so they can be shared
// between the known capacity and generic capacity versions of
// InlineBasicString.
#include "pw_string/internal/"
using InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>::PushBack;
using InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>::PopBack;
using InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>::Copy;
using InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>::CopySubstr;
using InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>::Fill;
using InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>::CopyIterator;
using InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>::CopyExtend;
using InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>::CopyExtendSubstr;
using InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>::FillExtend;
using InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>::MoveExtend;
using InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>::CopyIteratorExtend;
using InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>::Resize;
using InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>::SetSizeAndTerminate;
// Store kCapacity + 1 bytes to reserve space for a null terminator.
// InlineBasicString<T, 0> only stores a null terminator.
T buffer_[kCapacity + 1];
// Generic-capacity version of pw::InlineBasicString. Generic-capacity strings
// cannot be constructed; they can only be used as references to fixed-capacity
// pw::InlineBasicString objects.
template <typename T>
class InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric> {
using value_type = T;
using size_type = string_impl::size_type;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using reference = value_type&;
using const_reference = const value_type&;
using pointer = value_type*;
using const_pointer = const value_type*;
using iterator = value_type*;
using const_iterator = const value_type*;
using reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<iterator>;
using const_reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>;
static constexpr size_t npos = string_impl::kGeneric;
InlineBasicString() = delete; // Must specify capacity to construct a string.
// For the generic-capacity pw::InlineBasicString, cast this object to a
// fixed-capacity class so the address of the data can be found. Even though
// the capacity isn't known at compile time, the location of the data never
// changes.
constexpr pointer data() noexcept {
return static_cast<InlineBasicString<T, 0>*>(this)->data();
constexpr const_pointer data() const noexcept {
return static_cast<const InlineBasicString<T, 0>*>(this)->data();
constexpr size_t size() const noexcept { return length_; }
constexpr size_t max_size() const noexcept { return capacity_; }
// Most string functions are defined in separate file so they can be shared
// between the known capacity and generic capacity versions of
// InlineBasicString.
#include "pw_string/internal/"
explicit constexpr InlineBasicString(size_t capacity)
: capacity_(string_impl::CheckedCastToSize(capacity)), length_(0) {}
// The generic-capacity InlineBasicString<T> is not copyable or movable, but
// BasicStrings can copied or assigned through a fixed capacity derived class.
InlineBasicString(const InlineBasicString&) = default;
InlineBasicString& operator=(const InlineBasicString&) = default;
constexpr void PushBack(T* data, T ch);
constexpr void PopBack(T* data) {
SetSizeAndTerminate(data, size() - 1);
constexpr InlineBasicString& Copy(T* data, const T* source, size_t new_size);
constexpr InlineBasicString& CopySubstr(
T* data, const T* source, size_t source_size, size_t index, size_t count);
constexpr InlineBasicString& Fill(T* data, T fill_char, size_t new_size);
template <typename InputIterator>
constexpr InlineBasicString& CopyIterator(T* data_start,
InputIterator begin,
InputIterator end);
constexpr InlineBasicString& CopyExtend(T* data,
size_t index,
const T* source,
size_t count);
constexpr InlineBasicString& CopyExtendSubstr(T* data,
size_t index,
const T* source,
size_t source_size,
size_t source_index,
size_t count);
constexpr InlineBasicString& FillExtend(T* data,
size_t index,
T fill_char,
size_t count);
template <typename InputIterator>
constexpr InlineBasicString& CopyIteratorExtend(T* data,
size_t index,
InputIterator begin,
InputIterator end);
constexpr InlineBasicString& MoveExtend(T* data,
size_t index,
size_t new_index);
constexpr void Resize(T* data, size_t new_size, T ch);
constexpr void set_size(size_t length) {
length_ = string_impl::CheckedCastToSize(length);
constexpr void SetSizeAndTerminate(T* data, size_t length) {
PW_ASSERT(length <= max_size());
string_impl::char_traits<T>::assign(data[length], T());
static_assert(std::is_same_v<char, T> || std::is_same_v<wchar_t, T> ||
#ifdef __cpp_char8_t
std::is_same_v<char8_t, T> ||
#endif // __cpp_char8_t
std::is_same_v<char16_t, T> ||
std::is_same_v<char32_t, T> || std::is_same_v<std::byte, T>,
"Only character types and std::byte are supported");
// Allow StringBuilder to directly set length_ when doing string operations.
friend class StringBuilder;
// Provide this constant for static_assert checks. If the capacity is unknown,
// use the maximum value so that compile-time capacity checks pass. If
// overflow occurs, the operation triggers a PW_ASSERT at runtime.
static constexpr size_t kCapacity = string_impl::kGeneric;
size_type capacity_;
size_type length_;
// Class template argument deduction guides
#ifdef __cpp_deduction_guides
// In C++17, the capacity of the string may be deduced from a string literal or
// array. For example, the following deduces a character type of char and a
// capacity of 4 (which does not include the null terminator).
// InlineBasicString my_string = "1234";
// In C++20, the template parameters for the pw::InlineString alias may be
// deduced similarly:
// InlineString my_string = "abc"; // deduces capacity of 3.
template <typename T, size_t kCharArraySize>
InlineBasicString(const T (&)[kCharArraySize])
-> InlineBasicString<T, kCharArraySize - 1>;
#endif // __cpp_deduction_guides
// Operators
// TODO: b/239996007 - Implement operator+
template <typename T, size_t kLhsCapacity, size_t kRhsCapacity>
constexpr bool operator==(
const InlineBasicString<T, kLhsCapacity>& lhs,
const InlineBasicString<T, kRhsCapacity>& rhs) noexcept {
return == 0;
template <typename T, size_t kLhsCapacity, size_t kRhsCapacity>
constexpr bool operator!=(
const InlineBasicString<T, kLhsCapacity>& lhs,
const InlineBasicString<T, kRhsCapacity>& rhs) noexcept {
return != 0;
template <typename T, size_t kLhsCapacity, size_t kRhsCapacity>
constexpr bool operator<(
const InlineBasicString<T, kLhsCapacity>& lhs,
const InlineBasicString<T, kRhsCapacity>& rhs) noexcept {
return < 0;
template <typename T, size_t kLhsCapacity, size_t kRhsCapacity>
constexpr bool operator<=(
const InlineBasicString<T, kLhsCapacity>& lhs,
const InlineBasicString<T, kRhsCapacity>& rhs) noexcept {
return <= 0;
template <typename T, size_t kLhsCapacity, size_t kRhsCapacity>
constexpr bool operator>(
const InlineBasicString<T, kLhsCapacity>& lhs,
const InlineBasicString<T, kRhsCapacity>& rhs) noexcept {
return > 0;
template <typename T, size_t kLhsCapacity, size_t kRhsCapacity>
constexpr bool operator>=(
const InlineBasicString<T, kLhsCapacity>& lhs,
const InlineBasicString<T, kRhsCapacity>& rhs) noexcept {
return >= 0;
template <typename T, size_t kLhsCapacity>
constexpr bool operator==(const InlineBasicString<T, kLhsCapacity>& lhs,
const T* rhs) {
return == 0;
template <typename T, size_t kRhsCapacity>
constexpr bool operator==(const T* lhs,
const InlineBasicString<T, kRhsCapacity>& rhs) {
return == 0;
template <typename T, size_t kLhsCapacity>
constexpr bool operator!=(const InlineBasicString<T, kLhsCapacity>& lhs,
const T* rhs) {
return != 0;
template <typename T, size_t kRhsCapacity>
constexpr bool operator!=(const T* lhs,
const InlineBasicString<T, kRhsCapacity>& rhs) {
return != 0;
template <typename T, size_t kLhsCapacity>
constexpr bool operator<(const InlineBasicString<T, kLhsCapacity>& lhs,
const T* rhs) {
return < 0;
template <typename T, size_t kRhsCapacity>
constexpr bool operator<(const T* lhs,
const InlineBasicString<T, kRhsCapacity>& rhs) {
return >= 0;
template <typename T, size_t kLhsCapacity>
constexpr bool operator<=(const InlineBasicString<T, kLhsCapacity>& lhs,
const T* rhs) {
return <= 0;
template <typename T, size_t kRhsCapacity>
constexpr bool operator<=(const T* lhs,
const InlineBasicString<T, kRhsCapacity>& rhs) {
return >= 0;
template <typename T, size_t kLhsCapacity>
constexpr bool operator>(const InlineBasicString<T, kLhsCapacity>& lhs,
const T* rhs) {
return > 0;
template <typename T, size_t kRhsCapacity>
constexpr bool operator>(const T* lhs,
const InlineBasicString<T, kRhsCapacity>& rhs) {
return <= 0;
template <typename T, size_t kLhsCapacity>
constexpr bool operator>=(const InlineBasicString<T, kLhsCapacity>& lhs,
const T* rhs) {
return >= 0;
template <typename T, size_t kRhsCapacity>
constexpr bool operator>=(const T* lhs,
const InlineBasicString<T, kRhsCapacity>& rhs) {
return <= 0;
// TODO: b/239996007 - Implement other comparison operator overloads.
// Aliases
/// @brief `pw::InlineString` is an alias of `pw::InlineBasicString<char>` and
/// is equivalent to `std::string`.
template <size_t kCapacity = string_impl::kGeneric>
using InlineString = InlineBasicString<char, kCapacity>;
/// @brief `pw::InlineByteString` is an alias of
/// `pw::InlineBasicString<std::byte>`. `InlineByteString` may be used as a
/// simple, efficient byte container.
template <size_t kCapacity = string_impl::kGeneric>
using InlineByteString = InlineBasicString<std::byte, kCapacity>;
// Function implementations
template <typename T>
constexpr void InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>::PushBack(T* data,
T ch) {
PW_ASSERT(size() < max_size());
string_impl::char_traits<T>::assign(data[size()], ch);
SetSizeAndTerminate(data, size() + 1);
template <typename T>
constexpr InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>&
InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>::Copy(T* data,
const T* source,
size_t new_size) {
PW_ASSERT(new_size <= max_size());
string_impl::char_traits<T>::copy(data, source, new_size);
SetSizeAndTerminate(data, new_size);
return *this;
template <typename T>
constexpr InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>&
InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>::CopySubstr(
T* data, const T* source, size_t source_size, size_t index, size_t count) {
PW_ASSERT(index <= source_size);
return Copy(data, source + index, std::min(count, source_size - index));
template <typename T>
constexpr InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>&
InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>::CopyExtend(T* data,
size_t index,
const T* source,
size_t count) {
PW_ASSERT(index <= size());
PW_ASSERT(count <= max_size() - index);
string_impl::char_traits<T>::copy(data + index, source, count);
SetSizeAndTerminate(data, std::max(size(), index + count));
return *this;
template <typename T>
constexpr InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>&
InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>::CopyExtendSubstr(
T* data,
size_t index,
const T* source,
size_t source_size,
size_t source_index,
size_t count) {
PW_ASSERT(source_index <= source_size);
return CopyExtend(data,
source + source_index,
std::min(count, source_size - source_index));
return *this;
template <typename T>
template <typename InputIterator>
constexpr InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>&
InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>::CopyIterator(T* data,
InputIterator begin,
InputIterator end) {
size_t length =
string_impl::IteratorCopy(begin, end, data, data + max_size());
SetSizeAndTerminate(data, length);
return *this;
template <typename T>
template <typename InputIterator>
constexpr InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>&
InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>::CopyIteratorExtend(
T* data, size_t index, InputIterator begin, InputIterator end) {
size_t length =
string_impl::IteratorCopy(begin, end, data + index, data + max_size());
SetSizeAndTerminate(data, std::max(size(), index + length));
return *this;
template <typename T>
constexpr InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>&
InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>::Fill(T* data,
T fill_char,
size_t new_size) {
PW_ASSERT(new_size <= max_size());
string_impl::char_traits<T>::assign(data, new_size, fill_char);
SetSizeAndTerminate(data, new_size);
return *this;
template <typename T>
constexpr InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>&
InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>::FillExtend(T* data,
size_t index,
T fill_char,
size_t count) {
PW_ASSERT(index <= size());
PW_ASSERT(count <= max_size() - index);
string_impl::char_traits<T>::assign(data + index, count, fill_char);
SetSizeAndTerminate(data, std::max(size(), index + count));
return *this;
template <typename T>
constexpr InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>&
InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>::MoveExtend(T* data,
size_t index,
size_t new_index) {
PW_ASSERT(index <= size());
PW_ASSERT(new_index <= max_size());
PW_ASSERT(size() - index <= max_size() - new_index);
data + new_index, data + index, size() - index);
SetSizeAndTerminate(data, size() - index + new_index);
return *this;
template <typename T>
constexpr void InlineBasicString<T, string_impl::kGeneric>::Resize(
T* data, size_t new_size, T ch) {
PW_ASSERT(new_size <= max_size());
if (new_size > size()) {
string_impl::char_traits<T>::assign(data + size(), new_size - size(), ch);
SetSizeAndTerminate(data, new_size);
} // namespace pw