blob: 4c52b9b8aea656674cd9262cf4238f42fa1631d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#pragma once
// This file provides functions for writing string representations of a few
// types to character buffers. Generally, the generic ToString function defined
// in "pw_string/to_string.h" should be used instead of these functions.
#include <array>
#include <cstdint>
#include <string_view>
#include <type_traits>
#include "lib/stdcompat/bit.h"
#include "pw_span/span.h"
#include "pw_status/status_with_size.h"
#include "pw_string/util.h"
namespace pw::string {
// Returns the number of digits in the decimal representation of the provided
// non-negative integer. Returns 1 for 0 or 1 + log base 10 for other numbers.
constexpr uint_fast8_t DecimalDigitCount(uint64_t integer);
// Returns the number of digits in the hexadecimal representation of the
// provided non-negative integer.
constexpr uint_fast8_t HexDigitCount(uint64_t integer) {
return static_cast<uint_fast8_t>((64 - __builtin_clzll(integer | 1u) + 3) /
// Writes an integer as a null-terminated string in base 10. Returns the number
// of characters written, excluding the null terminator, and the status.
// Numbers are never truncated; if the entire number does not fit, only a null
// terminator is written and the status is RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED.
// IntToString is templated, but a single 64-bit integer implementation is used
// for all integer types. The template is used for two reasons:
// 1. IntToString(int64_t) and IntToString(uint64_t) overloads are ambiguous
// when called with types other than int64_t or uint64_t. Using the
// template allows IntToString to be called with any integral type.
// 2. Templating IntToString allows the compiler to emit small functions like
// IntToString<int> or IntToString<short> that perform casting / sign
// extension on the various integer types. This saves code size, since call
// sites pass their arguments directly and casting instructions are shared.
template <typename T>
constexpr StatusWithSize IntToString(T value, span<char> buffer) {
if constexpr (std::is_signed_v<T>) {
return IntToString<int64_t>(value, buffer);
} else {
return IntToString<uint64_t>(value, buffer);
// Writes an integer as a hexadecimal string. Semantics match IntToString. The
// output is lowercase without a leading 0x. min_width adds leading zeroes such
// that the final string is at least the specified number of characters wide.
StatusWithSize IntToHexString(uint64_t value,
span<char> buffer,
uint_fast8_t min_width = 0);
// Rounds a floating point number to an integer and writes it as a
// null-terminated string. Returns the number of characters written, excluding
// the null terminator, and the status.
// Numbers are never truncated; if the entire number does not fit, only a null
// terminator is written and the status is RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED.
// WARNING: This is NOT a fully-functioning float-printing implementation! It
// simply outputs the closest integer, "inf", or "NaN". Floating point numbers
// too large to represent as a 64-bit int are treated as infinite.
// Examples:
// FloatAsIntToString(1.25, buffer) -> writes "1" to the buffer
// FloatAsIntToString(-4.9, buffer) -> writes "-5" to the buffer
// FloatAsIntToString(3.5e20, buffer) -> writes "inf" to the buffer
// FloatAsIntToString(INFINITY, buffer) -> writes "-inf" to the buffer
// FloatAsIntToString(-NAN, buffer) -> writes "-NaN" to the buffer
StatusWithSize FloatAsIntToString(float value, span<char> buffer);
// Writes a bool as "true" or "false". Semantics match CopyEntireString.
StatusWithSize BoolToString(bool value, span<char> buffer);
// String used to represent null pointers.
inline constexpr std::string_view kNullPointerString("(null)");
// Writes the pointer's address or kNullPointerString. Semantics match
// CopyEntireString.
StatusWithSize PointerToString(const void* pointer, span<char> buffer);
// Specialized form of pw::string::Copy which supports nullptr values.
// Copies the string to the buffer, truncating if the full string does not fit.
// Always null terminates if buffer.size() > 0.
// If value is a nullptr, then "(null)" is used as a fallback.
// Returns the number of characters written, excluding the null terminator. If
// the string is truncated, the status is RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED.
inline StatusWithSize CopyStringOrNull(std::string_view value,
span<char> buffer) {
return Copy(value, buffer);
inline StatusWithSize CopyStringOrNull(const char* value, span<char> buffer) {
if (value == nullptr) {
return PointerToString(value, buffer);
return Copy(value, buffer);
// Copies the string to the buffer, if the entire string fits. Always null
// terminates if buffer.size() > 0.
// If value is a nullptr, then "(null)" is used as a fallback.
// Returns the number of characters written, excluding the null terminator. If
// the full string does not fit, only a null terminator is written and the
StatusWithSize CopyEntireStringOrNull(std::string_view value,
span<char> buffer);
// Same as the string_view form of CopyEntireString, except that if value is a
// nullptr, then "(null)" is used as a fallback.
inline StatusWithSize CopyEntireStringOrNull(const char* value,
span<char> buffer) {
if (value == nullptr) {
return PointerToString(value, buffer);
return CopyEntireStringOrNull(std::string_view(value), buffer);
// This function is a fallback that is called if by ToString if no overload
// matches. No definition is provided, so attempting to print an unsupported
// type causes a linker error.
// Applications may define pw::string::UnknownTypeToString to support generic
// printing for unknown types, if desired. Implementations must follow the
// ToString semantics.
template <typename T>
StatusWithSize UnknownTypeToString(const T& value, span<char> buffer);
// Implementations
namespace internal {
// Powers of 10 (except 0) as an array. This table is fairly large (160 B), but
// avoids having to recalculate these values for each DecimalDigitCount call.
inline constexpr std::array<uint64_t, 20> kPowersOf10{
10ull, // 10^1
100ull, // 10^2
1000ull, // 10^3
10000ull, // 10^4
100000ull, // 10^5
1000000ull, // 10^6
10000000ull, // 10^7
100000000ull, // 10^8
1000000000ull, // 10^9
10000000000ull, // 10^10
100000000000ull, // 10^11
1000000000000ull, // 10^12
10000000000000ull, // 10^13
100000000000000ull, // 10^14
1000000000000000ull, // 10^15
10000000000000000ull, // 10^16
100000000000000000ull, // 10^17
1000000000000000000ull, // 10^18
10000000000000000000ull, // 10^19
constexpr StatusWithSize HandleExhaustedBuffer(span<char> buffer) {
if (!buffer.empty()) {
buffer[0] = '\0';
return StatusWithSize::ResourceExhausted();
} // namespace internal
constexpr uint_fast8_t DecimalDigitCount(uint64_t integer) {
// This fancy piece of code takes the log base 2, then approximates the
// change-of-base formula by multiplying by 1233 / 4096.
const uint_fast8_t log_10 = static_cast<uint_fast8_t>(
(64 - cpp20::countl_zero(integer | 1)) * 1233 >> 12);
// Adjust the estimated log base 10 by comparing against the power of 10.
return static_cast<uint_fast8_t>(
log_10 + (integer < internal::kPowersOf10[log_10] ? 0u : 1u));
// std::to_chars is available for integers in recent versions of GCC. I looked
// into switching to std::to_chars instead of this implementation. std::to_chars
// increased binary size by 160 B on an -Os build (even after removing
// DecimalDigitCount and its table). I didn't measure performance, but I don't
// think std::to_chars will be faster, so I kept this implementation for now.
template <>
constexpr StatusWithSize IntToString(uint64_t value, span<char> buffer) {
constexpr uint32_t base = 10;
constexpr uint32_t max_uint32_base_power = 1'000'000'000;
constexpr uint_fast8_t max_uint32_base_power_exponent = 9;
const uint_fast8_t total_digits = DecimalDigitCount(value);
if (total_digits >= buffer.size()) {
return internal::HandleExhaustedBuffer(buffer);
buffer[total_digits] = '\0';
uint_fast8_t remaining = total_digits;
while (remaining > 0u) {
uint32_t lower_digits = 0; // the value of the lower digits to write
uint_fast8_t digit_count = 0; // the number of lower digits to write
// 64-bit division is slow on 32-bit platforms, so print large numbers in
// 32-bit chunks to minimize the number of 64-bit divisions.
if (value <= std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()) {
lower_digits = static_cast<uint32_t>(value);
digit_count = remaining;
} else {
lower_digits = static_cast<uint32_t>(value % max_uint32_base_power);
digit_count = max_uint32_base_power_exponent;
value /= max_uint32_base_power;
// Write the specified number of digits, with leading 0s.
for (uint_fast8_t i = 0; i < digit_count; ++i) {
buffer[--remaining] = static_cast<char>(lower_digits % base + '0');
lower_digits /= base;
return StatusWithSize(total_digits);
template <>
constexpr StatusWithSize IntToString(int64_t value, span<char> buffer) {
if (value >= 0) {
return IntToString<uint64_t>(static_cast<uint64_t>(value), buffer);
// Write as an unsigned number, but leave room for the leading minus sign.
// Do not use std::abs since it fails for the minimum value integer.
const uint64_t absolute_value = -static_cast<uint64_t>(value);
auto result = IntToString<uint64_t>(
absolute_value, buffer.empty() ? buffer : buffer.subspan(1));
if (result.ok()) {
buffer[0] = '-';
return StatusWithSize(result.size() + 1);
return internal::HandleExhaustedBuffer(buffer);
} // namespace pw::string