blob: 5f6332a5145e5aa0dd9c2558fb17912b18cb454e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#pragma once
#include <limits>
#include "pw_assert/assert.h"
#include "pw_containers/intrusive_list.h"
#include "pw_status/status.h"
#include "pw_stream/stream.h"
#include "pw_transfer/internal/event.h"
namespace pw::transfer {
namespace internal {
class Context;
} // namespace internal
// The Handler class is the base class for the transfer handler classes.
// Transfer handlers connect a transfer resource ID to a data stream, wrapped
// with initialization and cleanup procedures.
// Handlers use a stream::Reader or stream::Writer to do the reads and writes.
// They also provide optional Prepare and Finalize functions.
class Handler : public IntrusiveList<Handler>::Item {
virtual ~Handler() = default;
constexpr uint32_t id() const { return resource_id_; }
// Called at the beginning of a read transfer. The stream::Reader must be
// ready to read after a successful PrepareRead() call. Returning a non-OK
// status aborts the read.
// Status::Unimplemented() indicates that reads are not supported.
virtual Status PrepareRead() = 0;
// Called at the beginning of a non-zero read transfer. The stream::Reader
// must be ready to read at the given offset after a successful PrepareRead()
// call. Returning a non-OK status aborts the read.
// The read handler should verify that the offset is a valid read point for
// the resource.
// Status::Unimplemented() indicates that non-zero reads are not supported.
virtual Status PrepareRead([[maybe_unused]] uint32_t offset) {
return Status::Unimplemented();
// FinalizeRead() is called at the end of a read transfer. The status argument
// indicates whether the data transfer was successful or not.
virtual void FinalizeRead(Status) {}
// Called at the beginning of a write transfer. The stream::Writer must be
// ready to read after a successful PrepareRead() call. Returning a non-OK
// status aborts the write.
// Status::Unimplemented() indicates that writes are not supported.
virtual Status PrepareWrite() = 0;
// Called at the beginning of a non-zero write transfer. The stream::writer
// must be ready to write at the given offset after a successful
// PrepareWrite() call. Returning a non-OK status aborts the write. The write
// handler should verify that the offset is a valid write point for the
// resource, and that the resource is prepared to write at that offset.
// Status::Unimplemented() indicates that non-zero writes are not supported.
virtual Status PrepareWrite([[maybe_unused]] uint32_t offset) {
return Status::Unimplemented();
// FinalizeWrite() is called at the end of a write transfer. The status
// argument indicates whether the data transfer was successful or not.
// Returning an error signals that the transfer failed, even if it had
// succeeded up to this point.
virtual Status FinalizeWrite(Status) { return OkStatus(); }
/// The total size of the transfer resource, if known. If unknown, returns
/// `std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()`.
virtual size_t ResourceSize() const {
return std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
// GetStatus() is called to Transfer.GetResourceStatus RPC. The application
// layer invoking transfers should define the contents of these status
// variables for proper interpretation.
// Status::Unimplemented() indicates that the values have not been modifed by
// a handler.
virtual Status GetStatus(uint64_t& readable_offset,
uint64_t& writeable_offset,
uint64_t& read_checksum,
uint64_t& write_checksum) {
readable_offset = 0;
writeable_offset = 0;
read_checksum = 0;
write_checksum = 0;
return Status::Unimplemented();
constexpr Handler(uint32_t resource_id, stream::Reader* reader)
: resource_id_(resource_id), reader_(reader) {}
constexpr Handler(uint32_t resource_id, stream::Writer* writer)
: resource_id_(resource_id), writer_(writer) {}
void set_reader(stream::Reader& reader) { reader_ = &reader; }
void set_writer(stream::Writer& writer) { writer_ = &writer; }
friend class internal::Context;
// Prepares for either a read or write transfer.
Status Prepare(internal::TransferType type, uint32_t offset = 0) {
if (offset == 0) {
return type == internal::TransferType::kTransmit ? PrepareRead()
: PrepareWrite();
return type == internal::TransferType::kTransmit ? PrepareRead(offset)
: PrepareWrite(offset);
// Only valid after a PrepareRead() or PrepareWrite() call that returns OK.
stream::Stream& stream() const {
PW_DASSERT(reader_ != nullptr);
return *reader_;
uint32_t resource_id_;
// Use a union to support constexpr construction.
union {
stream::Reader* reader_;
stream::Writer* writer_;
class ReadOnlyHandler : public Handler {
constexpr ReadOnlyHandler(uint32_t resource_id)
: Handler(resource_id, static_cast<stream::Reader*>(nullptr)) {}
constexpr ReadOnlyHandler(uint32_t resource_id, stream::Reader& reader)
: Handler(resource_id, &reader) {}
~ReadOnlyHandler() override = default;
Status PrepareRead() override { return OkStatus(); }
// Writes are not supported.
Status PrepareWrite() final { return Status::PermissionDenied(); }
using Handler::set_reader;
using Handler::set_writer;
class WriteOnlyHandler : public Handler {
constexpr WriteOnlyHandler(uint32_t resource_id)
: Handler(resource_id, static_cast<stream::Writer*>(nullptr)) {}
constexpr WriteOnlyHandler(uint32_t resource_id, stream::Writer& writer)
: Handler(resource_id, &writer) {}
~WriteOnlyHandler() override = default;
// Reads are not supported.
Status PrepareRead() final { return Status::PermissionDenied(); }
Status PrepareWrite() override { return OkStatus(); }
using Handler::set_writer;
using Handler::set_reader;
class ReadWriteHandler : public Handler {
constexpr ReadWriteHandler(uint32_t resource_id)
: Handler(resource_id, static_cast<stream::Reader*>(nullptr)) {}
ReadWriteHandler(uint32_t resource_id, stream::ReaderWriter& reader_writer)
: Handler(resource_id, &static_cast<stream::Reader&>(reader_writer)) {}
~ReadWriteHandler() override = default;
// Both reads and writes are supported.
Status PrepareRead() override { return OkStatus(); }
Status PrepareWrite() override { return OkStatus(); }
void set_reader_writer(stream::ReaderWriter& reader_writer) {
} // namespace pw::transfer