blob: 5cb02f6851260e11fa98bc749ba09ddc2479c1d8 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _module-pw_work_queue:
The ``pw_work_queue`` module contains utilities for deferring work to be
executed by another thread.
.. warning::
This module is still under construction; the API is not yet stable.
.. code-block:: cpp
#include "pw_thread/detached_thread.h"
#include "pw_work_queue/work_queue.h"
pw::work_queue::WorkQueueWithBuffer<10> work_queue;
pw::thread::Options& WorkQueueThreadOptions();
void SomeLongRunningProcessing();
void SomeInterruptHandler() {
// Instead of executing the long running processing task in the interrupt,
// the work_queue executes it on the interrupt's behalf.
int main() {
// Start up the work_queue as a detached thread which runs forever.
pw::thread::DetachedThread(WorkQueueThreadOptions(), work_queue);
API reference
.. doxygennamespace:: pw::work_queue