| <?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?> |
| |
| <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" |
| xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" |
| xmlns:exsl="http://exslt.org/common" |
| xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" |
| xmlns:math="http://exslt.org/math" |
| xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" |
| extension-element-prefixes="math"> |
| |
| |
| <!-- |
| =============================================== |
| =============================================== |
| --> |
| <xsl:include href="MdtSvgBLKD_Dimensions.xsl"/> |
| |
| <xsl:include href="MdtSvgDiag_Colors.xsl"/> |
| <xsl:include href="MdtSvgDiag_Globals.xsl"/> |
| <xsl:include href="MdtSvgDiag_StyleDefs.xsl"/> |
| |
| <xsl:include href="MdtTinySvgDiag_BifShapes.xsl"/> |
| |
| <xsl:include href="MdtTinySvgBLKD_IOPorts.xsl"/> |
| <xsl:include href="MdtTinySvgBLKD_Busses.xsl"/> |
| <xsl:include href="MdtTinySvgBLKD_Globals.xsl"/> |
| <xsl:include href="MdtTinySvgBLKD_Functions.xsl"/> |
| <xsl:include href="MdtTinySvgBLKD_Peripherals.xsl"/> |
| <xsl:include href="MdtTinySvgBLKD_Processors.xsl"/> |
| <xsl:include href="MdtTinySvgBLKD_BusLaneSpaces.xsl"/> |
| |
| <xsl:output method="xml" version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes" |
| doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.0//EN" |
| doctype-system="svg10.dtd"/> |
| |
| <!-- |
| =============================================== |
| =============================================== |
| --> |
| |
| <xsl:param name="ADD_VIEWBOX" select="'FALSE'"/> |
| <xsl:param name="IN_TESTMODE" select="'FALSE'"/> |
| |
| <!-- |
| <xsl:param name="CSS_SVG_DIAGRAMS" select="'MdtSvgDiag_StyleDefs.css'"/> |
| <xsl:param name="CSS_SVG_DIAGRAMS" select="'__INTERNAL__'"/> |
| --> |
| |
| <!-- |
| ====================================================== |
| ====================================================== |
| --> |
| <xsl:template match="EDKSYSTEM[not(BLKDIAGRAM)]"> |
| <xsl:message>ERROT: Project is missing BLKDIAGRAM Element. Cannot generate.</xsl:message> |
| </xsl:template> |
| |
| <xsl:template match="EDKSYSTEM[BLKDIAGRAM]"> |
| |
| <!-- |
| <xsl:message>STCK_W is <xsl:value-of select="$G_Total_Stacks_W"/></xsl:message> |
| <xsl:message>BRDG_W is <xsl:value-of select="$G_Total_Bridges_W"/></xsl:message> |
| <xsl:message>MPMC is <xsl:value-of select="$G_Total_StandAloneMpmc_H"/></xsl:message> |
| <xsl:message>MPMC is <xsl:value-of select="$G_Total_StandAloneMpmc_H"/></xsl:message> |
| <xsl:message>MABV is <xsl:value-of select="$G_Max_Stack_AbvSbs_H"/></xsl:message> |
| <xsl:message>MBLW is <xsl:value-of select="$G_Max_Stack_BlwSbs_H"/></xsl:message> |
| <xsl:message>IPBK is <xsl:value-of select="$G_Total_IpBucket_H"/></xsl:message> |
| <xsl:message>Blkd Total is <xsl:value-of select="$blkd_H_"/></xsl:message> |
| <xsl:message>max abv is <xsl:value-of select="$max_Stack_AbvSbs_H_"/></xsl:message> |
| <xsl:message>max blw is <xsl:value-of select="$max_Stack_BlwSbs_H_"/></xsl:message> |
| <xsl:message>Ip Bkt is <xsl:value-of select="$totalIpBkt_H_"/></xsl:message> |
| <xsl:message>Sbs is <xsl:value-of select="$totalSbs_H_"/></xsl:message> |
| <xsl:message>Unk Bkt is <xsl:value-of select="$totalUnkBkt_H_"/></xsl:message> |
| <xsl:message>Blkd DrawArea height as <xsl:value-of select="$total_DrawArea_H_"/></xsl:message> |
| --> |
| |
| <!--specify a css for the file --> |
| <!-- |
| <xsl:processing-instruction name="xml-stylesheet">href="<xsl:value-of select="$CSS_SVG_DIAGRAMS"/>" type="text/css"</xsl:processing-instruction> |
| <xsl:variable name="BLKD_ZOOM_Y"> |
| <xsl:choose> |
| <xsl:when test="($ADD_VIEWBOX = 'TRUE')"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="($G_Total_Diag_H * 2)"/> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:otherwise>0</xsl:otherwise> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| --> |
| |
| <xsl:text> </xsl:text> |
| <!-- |
| <svg width="{$G_Total_Diag_W}" height="{$G_Total_Diag_H}" viewBox="0 0 0 {$BLKD_ZOOM_Y}"> |
| --> |
| <svg width="{$G_Total_Diag_W}" height="{$G_Total_Diag_H}"> |
| <!-- |
| =============================================== |
| Layout All the various definitions |
| =============================================== |
| --> |
| <defs> |
| |
| <!-- IO Port Defs --> |
| <xsl:call-template name="Define_IOPorts"/> |
| |
| <!-- BIF Defs --> |
| <xsl:call-template name="Define_ConnectedBifTypes"/> |
| |
| <!-- Bus Defs --> |
| <xsl:call-template name="Define_Busses"/> |
| |
| <!-- Shared Bus Buckets Defs --> |
| <xsl:call-template name="Define_SBSBuckets"/> |
| |
| <!-- IP Bucket Defs --> |
| <xsl:call-template name="Define_IPBucket"/> |
| |
| <!-- Stack Defs --> |
| <xsl:call-template name="Define_AllStacks"/> |
| |
| <!-- Space Defs --> |
| <xsl:call-template name="Define_BusLaneSpaces"/> |
| |
| <!-- Main MPMC Defs --> |
| <xsl:call-template name="Define_StandAlone_MPMC"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| |
| <!-- Diagram Key Definition --> |
| <xsl:call-template name="Define_BlkDiagram_Key"/> |
| |
| <!-- Diagram Specs Definition --> |
| <xsl:call-template name="Define_BlkDiagram_Specs"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iArch" select="SYSTEMINFO/@ARCH"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iPart" select="SYSTEMINFO/@PART"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iTimeStamp" select="@TIMESTAMP"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iEdkVersion" select="@EDKVERSION"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| </defs> |
| |
| <!-- =============================================== --> |
| <!-- Draw Outlines --> |
| <!-- =============================================== --> |
| |
| <!-- The surrounding black liner --> |
| <rect x="0" |
| y="0" |
| width ="{$G_Total_Diag_W}" |
| height="{$G_Total_Diag_H}" style="fill:{$COL_WHITE}; stroke:{$COL_BLACK};stroke-width:4"/> |
| |
| <!-- The outer IO channel --> |
| <rect x="{$BLKD_PRTCHAN_W}" |
| y="{$BLKD_PRTCHAN_H}" |
| width= "{$G_Total_Blkd_W - ($BLKD_PRTCHAN_W * 2)}" |
| height="{$G_Total_Blkd_H - ($BLKD_PRTCHAN_H * 2)}" style="fill:{$COL_IORING}"/> |
| |
| <!-- The Diagram's drawing area --> |
| <rect x="{$BLKD_PRTCHAN_W + $BLKD_IORCHAN_W}" |
| width= "{$G_Total_DrawArea_W}" |
| height="{$G_Total_DrawArea_H}" rx="8" ry="8" style="fill:{$COL_BG}"/> |
| |
| <!-- =============================================== --> |
| <!-- Draw All the various components --> |
| <!-- =============================================== --> |
| |
| <!-- Layout the IO Ports --> |
| <!-- |
| <xsl:if test="(not($IN_TESTMODE) or ($IN_TESTMODE = 'FALSE'))"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="Draw_IOPorts"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| --> |
| |
| <!-- Layout the Shapes --> |
| <xsl:call-template name="Draw_BlkDiagram_Shapes"/> |
| |
| </svg> |
| |
| <!-- ======================= END MAIN SVG BLOCK =============================== --> |
| </xsl:template> |
| |
| <xsl:template name="Draw_BlkDiagram_Shapes"> |
| |
| <!-- |
| =========================================================== |
| Draw the Stand Alone MPMC, (if any) |
| =========================================================== |
| --> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="mpmc_inst_" select="$G_ROOT/EDKSYSTEM/BLKDIAGRAM/CMPLXSHAPES/MPMCSHAPE/@INSTANCE"/> |
| <use x="{$BLKD_INNER_X}" y="{$BLKD_INNER_Y}" xlink:href="#mpmcmodule_{$mpmc_inst_}"/> |
| |
| <!-- |
| =========================================================== |
| Draw the connections to the Stand Alone MPMC |
| =========================================================== |
| --> |
| <xsl:call-template name="Draw_BlkDiagram_StandAloneMpmcConnections"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| |
| <!-- |
| =========================================================== |
| Draw the Stacks |
| =========================================================== |
| --> |
| <xsl:call-template name="Draw_BlkDiagram_Stacks"/> |
| |
| |
| |
| <!-- |
| =========================================================== |
| Draw the Bus Lane Spaces |
| =========================================================== |
| --> |
| <xsl:call-template name="Draw_BlkDiagram_BusLaneSpaces"/> |
| |
| |
| <!-- |
| =========================================================== |
| Draw the shared busses |
| =========================================================== |
| --> |
| <use x="{$BLKD_INNER_X}" y="{$G_SharedBus_Y}" xlink:href="#group_sharedBusses"/> |
| |
| <!-- |
| =========================================================== |
| Draw the Bridges |
| =========================================================== |
| --> |
| <xsl:call-template name="Draw_BlkDiagram_Bridges"/> |
| |
| |
| <!-- |
| =========================================================== |
| Draw the Ip Bucket |
| =========================================================== |
| --> |
| <xsl:call-template name="Draw_BlkDiagram_IPBucket"/> |
| |
| |
| <!-- |
| =========================================================== |
| Draw the Key |
| =========================================================== |
| --> |
| <xsl:if test="(not($IN_TESTMODE) or ($IN_TESTMODE = 'FALSE'))"> |
| <use x="{$G_Total_Blkd_W - $BLKD_KEY_W - $BLKD_PRTCHAN_W}" y="{$G_Total_Blkd_H + $BLKD_DRAWAREA2KEY_GAP - 8}" xlink:href="#BlkDiagram_Key"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| |
| <!-- |
| =========================================================== |
| Draw the Specs |
| =========================================================== |
| --> |
| <xsl:if test="(not($IN_TESTMODE) or ($IN_TESTMODE = 'FALSE'))"> |
| <use x="{$BLKD_PRTCHAN_W}" y="{$G_Total_Blkd_H + $BLKD_DRAWAREA2KEY_GAP - 8}" xlink:href="#BlkDiagram_Specs"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| |
| <!-- |
| ************************************************************ |
| *************** DONE DRAWING BLOCK DIAGRAM ************** |
| ************************************************************ |
| --> |
| |
| </xsl:template> |
| |
| |
| <!-- ======================================================================= --> |
| <!-- --> |
| <!-- Draw stacks on the Block Diagram --> |
| <!-- ======================================================================= --> |
| <xsl:template name="Draw_BlkDiagram_Stacks"> |
| |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="stack_line_x_"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_Calc_Stack_X"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iStackIdx" select="@EAST"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="stack_abv_sbs_"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_Calc_Stack_AbvSbs_Height"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iStackIdx" select="@EAST"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="bridges_w_" select="(($G_NumOfBridges * ($BLKD_MOD_W + ($BLKD_BUS_LANE_W * 2))) + $BLKD_BRIDGE_GAP)"/> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="stack_y_" select="($G_SharedBus_Y - $stack_abv_sbs_ - $BLKD_PROC2SBS_GAP)"/> |
| <xsl:variable name="stack_x_" select="($BLKD_INNER_X + $stack_line_x_ + $bridges_w_)"/> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="stack_name_"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_generate_Stack_Name"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iHorizIdx" select="@EAST"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| |
| <use x="{$stack_x_}" y="{$stack_y_}" xlink:href="#{$stack_name_}"/> |
| |
| </xsl:for-each> |
| |
| </xsl:template> |
| |
| <xsl:template name="Draw_BlkDiagram_StandAloneMpmcConnections"> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="mpmcInst_" select="$G_ROOT/EDKSYSTEM/BLKDIAGRAM/CMPLXSHAPES/MPMCSHAPE/@INSTANCE"/> |
| <xsl:variable name="lastStack_" select="($G_ROOT/EDKSYSTEM/BLKDIAGRAM/@STACK_HORIZ_WIDTH) - 1"/> |
| |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="currentLane_" select="position()"/> |
| <!-- |
| <xsl:message>Current lane <xsl:value-of select="$currentLane_"/></xsl:message> |
| --> |
| <xsl:variable name="stackToEast_"> |
| <xsl:choose> |
| <xsl:when test="not(@WEST = $lastStack_)"><xsl:value-of select="@EAST"/></xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test=" (@WEST = $lastStack_)"><xsl:value-of select="'NONE'"/></xsl:when> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="stackToWest_"> |
| <xsl:choose> |
| <xsl:when test="not(@WEST = $lastStack_)"><xsl:value-of select="'NONE'"/></xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test=" (@WEST = $lastStack_)"><xsl:value-of select="@WEST"/></xsl:when> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="spaceAbvSbs_H_"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_Calc_Space_AbvSbs_Height"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iStackToEast" select="$stackToEast_"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iStackToWest" select="$stackToWest_"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="space_y_" select="($G_SharedBus_Y - $spaceAbvSbs_H_ - $BLKD_PROC2SBS_GAP)"/> |
| |
| <!-- |
| <xsl:message>Stack To East <xsl:value-of select="$stackToEast_"/></xsl:message> |
| <xsl:message>Stack To West <xsl:value-of select="$stackToWest_"/></xsl:message> |
| <xsl:variable name="space_X_"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_Calc_Space_X"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iStackToEast" select="$stackToEast_"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iStackToWest" select="$stackToWest_"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| <xsl:variable name="space_y_" select="($G_SharedBus_Y - $spaceAbvSbs_H_ - $BLKD_PROC2SBS_GAP)"/> |
| <xsl:variable name="space_x_" select="($BLKD_INNER_X + $G_Total_Bridges_W + $space_line_x_)"/> |
| --> |
| |
| |
| <xsl:for-each select="BUSCONNLANE[@IS_MPMCCONN]"> |
| |
| <!-- |
| --> |
| <xsl:variable name="bifInst_" select="BUSCONN/@INSTANCE"/> |
| <xsl:variable name="busName_" select="@BUSNAME"/> |
| <xsl:variable name="bifSide_" select="$G_ROOT/EDKSYSTEM/MODULES/MODULE[(@INSTANCE = $bifInst_)]/BUSINTERFACE[(@BUSNAME = $busName_)]/@BIF_X"/> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="mpmcBifName_"> |
| <xsl:choose> |
| <xsl:when test=" (@IS_SBSCONN)"><xsl:value-of select="BUSCONN/@BUSINTERFACE"/></xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test="not(@IS_SBSCONN)"><xsl:value-of select="$G_ROOT/EDKSYSTEM/MODULES/MODULE[(@INSTANCE = $mpmcInst_)]/BUSINTERFACE[(@BUSNAME = $busName_)]/@NAME"/></xsl:when> |
| <xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="$G_ROOT/EDKSYSTEM/MODULES/MODULE[(@INSTANCE = $mpmcInst_)]/BUSINTERFACE[(@BUSNAME = $busName_)]/@NAME"/></xsl:otherwise> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| |
| <!-- |
| <xsl:message>MPMC Bif Name <xsl:value-of select="$mpmcBifName_"/></xsl:message> |
| <xsl:message>Bif Side <xsl:value-of select="$bifSide_"/></xsl:message> |
| <xsl:message>Bus Name <xsl:value-of select="@BUSNAME"/></xsl:message> |
| <xsl:message>Instance <xsl:value-of select="$bifInst_"/></xsl:message> |
| <xsl:message>Space line x <xsl:value-of select="$space_line_X_"/></xsl:message> |
| --> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="space_line_X_"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_Calc_Space_X"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iStackToEast" select="$stackToEast_"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iStackToWest" select="$stackToWest_"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="space_X_" select="($BLKD_INNER_X + $G_Total_Bridges_W + $space_line_X_)"/> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name = "stackToWest_W_"> |
| <xsl:choose> |
| <xsl:when test="(($stackToEast_ = '0') and ($stackToWest_ = 'NONE'))">0</xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test="(($stackToEast_ = 'NONE') and not($stackToWest_ = 'NONE'))"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_Calc_Stack_Width"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iStackIdx" select="$stackToWest_"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test="(not($stackToEast_ = '0') and not($stackToEast_ = 'NONE') and ($stackToWest_ = 'NONE'))"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_Calc_Stack_Width"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iStackIdx" select="($stackToEast_ - 1)"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:otherwise>0</xsl:otherwise> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name = "stackToEast_W_"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_Calc_Stack_Width"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iStackIdx" select="$stackToEast_"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name ="extSpaceWest_W_" select="ceiling($stackToWest_W_ div 2)"/> |
| <xsl:variable name ="extSpaceEast_W_" select="ceiling($stackToEast_W_ div 2)"/> |
| <xsl:variable name="laneInSpace_X_"> |
| <xsl:choose> |
| <xsl:when test="(@ORIENTED = 'EAST')"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="($extSpaceWest_W_ + (@BUSLANE_X * $BLKD_BUS_LANE_W) - $BLKD_BUS_LANE_W - $BLKD_BUS_ARROW_W - $BLKD_P2P_BUS_W)"/> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="($extSpaceWest_W_ + (@BUSLANE_X * $BLKD_BUS_LANE_W))"/></xsl:otherwise> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="lane_X_" select="($space_X_ + $laneInSpace_X_)"/> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="mpmcBifType_" select="$G_ROOT/EDKSYSTEM/MODULES/MODULE[(@INSTANCE = $mpmcInst_)]/BUSINTERFACE[(@NAME = $mpmcBifName_)]/@TYPE"/> |
| |
| <!-- |
| <xsl:variable name="bc_X_" select="($lane_X_ + ceiling($BLKD_BIFC_W div 2) - ceiling($BLKD_BUS_ARROW_W div 2))"/> |
| <xsl:variable name="bc_X_" select="($lane_X_ + ceiling($BLKD_BIFC_W div 2) - ceiling($BLKD_BUS_ARROW_W div 2))"/> |
| <xsl:variable name="bc_X_" select="($lane_X_ + ceiling($BLKD_BIFC_W div 2))"/> |
| --> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="bc_Y_" select="($BLKD_INNER_Y + $BLKD_MPMC_MOD_H)"/> |
| <xsl:variable name="bc_X_" > |
| <xsl:choose> |
| <xsl:when test="($bifSide_ = '0')"><xsl:value-of select="($lane_X_ + ceiling($BLKD_BIFC_W div 2))"/></xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test="($bifSide_ = '1')"><xsl:value-of select="($lane_X_ + $BLKD_BIFC_dx)"/></xsl:when> |
| <xsl:otherwise> <xsl:value-of select="($lane_X_ + ceiling($BLKD_BIFC_W div 2))"/></xsl:otherwise> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="busColor_"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_BusStd2RGB"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iBusStd" select="@BUSSTD"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| |
| <!-- Place the MPMC bif label --> |
| <xsl:variable name="bcl_X_" select="($bc_X_ + ceiling($BLKD_BIFC_W div 2) - ceiling($BLKD_BIF_W div 2))"/> |
| <xsl:variable name="bcl_Y_" select="($bc_Y_ - $BLKD_BIF_H - $BLKD_MOD_BIF_GAP_H)"/> |
| <use x="{$bcl_X_}" y="{$bcl_Y_}" xlink:href="#{@BUSSTD}_BifLabel"/> |
| |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="($bcl_X_ + ceiling($BLKD_BIF_W div 2))"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="($bcl_Y_ + ceiling($BLKD_BIF_H div 2) + 3)"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="$mpmcBifName_"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'mpmc_biflabel'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| |
| <!-- Place the MPMC bif --> |
| <use x="{$bc_X_}" y="{$bc_Y_}" xlink:href="#{@BUSSTD}_busconn_{$mpmcBifType_}"/> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="bcArrow_X_" select="($bc_X_ + ceiling($BLKD_BIFC_W div 2) - ceiling($BLKD_BUS_ARROW_H div 2))"/> |
| <xsl:variable name="bcArrow_Y_" select="($bc_Y_ + $BLKD_BIFC_H - 3)"/> |
| |
| <!-- Place the MPMC Arrow --> |
| <use x="{$bcArrow_X_}" y="{$bcArrow_Y_}" xlink:href="#{@BUSSTD}_BusArrowNorth"/> |
| |
| <!-- |
| Place a block to cover the gap btw MPMC and top of Bus Lane Space, or to the correct SBS |
| For non SBS connections a vertical block will already have been drawn to the top of the |
| space. |
| --> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="sbsDy_"> |
| <xsl:choose> |
| <xsl:when test="@IS_SBSCONN"><xsl:value-of select="2 + ($G_ROOT/EDKSYSTEM/MODULES/MODULE[(@INSTANCE = $busName_)]/@BUS_INDEX * $BLKD_SBS_LANE_H)"/></xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test="not(@IS_SBSCONN)">0</xsl:when> |
| <xsl:otherwise>0></xsl:otherwise> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="mpmcBusHeight_"> |
| <xsl:choose> |
| <xsl:when test="(@IS_SBSCONN)"><xsl:value-of select="($G_SharedBus_Y - ($bcArrow_Y_ + $BLKD_BUS_ARROW_W + 4) + $sbsDy_)"/></xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test="not(@IS_SBSCONN)"> |
| <xsl:choose> |
| <xsl:when test="($space_y_ >= ($bcArrow_Y_ + $BLKD_BUS_ARROW_W + 4 + $sbsDy_))"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="($space_y_ - ($bcArrow_Y_ + $BLKD_BUS_ARROW_W + 4 + $sbsDy_))"/> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test="($space_y_ < ($bcArrow_Y_ + $BLKD_BUS_ARROW_W + 4 + $sbsDy_))"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="(($bcArrow_Y_ + $BLKD_BUS_ARROW_W + 4 + $sbsDy_) - $space_y_)"/> |
| </xsl:when> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="$BLKD_BIFC_H"/></xsl:otherwise> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| |
| <rect x="{$bcArrow_X_ + $BLKD_BUS_ARROW_G}" |
| y="{$bcArrow_Y_ + $BLKD_BUS_ARROW_W + 4}" |
| width= "{$BLKD_P2P_BUS_W}" |
| height="{$mpmcBusHeight_}" |
| style="stroke:none; fill:{$busColor_}"/> |
| |
| <!-- place the bus label here --> |
| |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="($bcArrow_X_ + $BLKD_BUS_ARROW_W + 6)"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="($bcArrow_Y_ + ceiling($mpmcBusHeight_ div 2) + 6)"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="$busName_"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'p2pbus_label'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| </xsl:for-each> |
| </xsl:for-each> |
| |
| </xsl:template> |
| |
| |
| <!-- ======================================================================= --> |
| <!-- --> |
| <!-- Draw bus lane spaces on the Block Diagram --> |
| <!-- ======================================================================= --> |
| <xsl:template name="Draw_BlkDiagram_BusLaneSpaces"> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="lastStack_" select="($G_ROOT/EDKSYSTEM/BLKDIAGRAM/@STACK_HORIZ_WIDTH) - 1"/> |
| |
| <xsl:sort select="@EAST" data-type="number"/> |
| |
| <xsl:call-template name="Draw_BlkDiagram_BusLaneSpace"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iStackToEast" select="@EAST"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:for-each> |
| |
| <xsl:for-each select="$G_ROOT/EDKSYSTEM/BLKDIAGRAM/BCLANESPACES/BCLANESPACE[(@WEST = $lastStack_)]"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="Draw_BlkDiagram_BusLaneSpace"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iStackToWest" select="$lastStack_"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:for-each> |
| |
| </xsl:template> |
| |
| <xsl:template name="Draw_BlkDiagram_BusLaneSpace"> |
| |
| <xsl:param name="iStackToEast" select="'NONE'"/> |
| <xsl:param name="iStackToWest" select="'NONE'"/> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="spaceAbvSbs_H_"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_Calc_Space_AbvSbs_Height"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iStackToEast" select="$iStackToEast"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iStackToWest" select="$iStackToWest"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="spaceBlwSbs_H_"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_Calc_Space_BlwSbs_Height"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iStackToEast" select="$iStackToEast"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iStackToWest" select="$iStackToWest"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="space_line_x_"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_Calc_Space_X"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iStackToEast" select="$iStackToEast"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iStackToWest" select="$iStackToWest"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="space_y_" select="($G_SharedBus_Y - $spaceAbvSbs_H_ - $BLKD_PROC2SBS_GAP)"/> |
| <xsl:variable name="space_x_" select="($BLKD_INNER_X + $G_Total_Bridges_W + $space_line_x_)"/> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="stackToEast_"> |
| <xsl:choose> |
| <xsl:when test="not($iStackToEast = 'NONE')"><xsl:value-of select="$iStackToEast"/></xsl:when> |
| <xsl:otherwise>NONE</xsl:otherwise> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="stackToWest_"> |
| <xsl:choose> |
| <xsl:when test=" not($iStackToWest = 'NONE')"><xsl:value-of select="$iStackToWest"/></xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test="(not($iStackToEast = 'NONE') and not($iStackToEast = '0'))"><xsl:value-of select="($iStackToEast - 1)"/></xsl:when> |
| <xsl:otherwise>NONE</xsl:otherwise> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="space_Name_"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_generate_Space_Name"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iStackToEast" select="$stackToEast_"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iStackToWest" select="$stackToWest_"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| |
| <!-- |
| <xsl:message>StackToEast is <xsl:value-of select="$iStackToEast"/></xsl:message> |
| <xsl:message>StackToWest is <xsl:value-of select="$iStackToWest"/></xsl:message> |
| <xsl:message>SpaceName is <xsl:value-of select="$space_Name_"/></xsl:message> |
| --> |
| |
| <use x="{$space_x_}" y="{$space_y_}" xlink:href="#{$space_Name_}"/> |
| |
| </xsl:template> |
| |
| |
| <!-- =========================================================================== --> |
| <!-- --> |
| <!-- Draw Bridges on the Block Diagram --> |
| <!-- =========================================================================== --> |
| <xsl:template name="Draw_BlkDiagram_Bridges"> |
| |
| <!-- First save all the bridge indexs in a variable --> |
| <xsl:variable name="bridgeShapes_"> |
| <BRIDGE BUS_INDEX="{@BUS_INDEX}" INSTANCE="{../../@INSTANCE}" POSITION="{(position() -1)}"/> |
| <!-- So both bus conns have same position.... --> |
| <xsl:if test="../../BUSCONNS[(@ORIENTED = 'EAST')]"> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:for-each> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| <!-- |
| <xsl:message>Found an east connection on <xsl:value-of select="../../@INSTANCE"/></xsl:message> |
| --> |
| <!-- Now layout the bridge shapes between the shared busses --> |
| <xsl:for-each select="exsl:node-set($bridgeShapes_)/BRIDGE"> |
| <xsl:sort select="@POSITION" data-type="number"/> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="brdgPosition_" select="@POSITION"/> |
| <xsl:variable name="brdgInstance_" select="@INSTANCE"/> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="min_bus_idx_" select="math:min(exsl:node-set($bridgeShapes_)/BRIDGECONN[(@POSITION = $brdgPosition_)]/@BUS_INDEX)"/> |
| <!-- |
| <xsl:variable name="max_bus_idx_" select="math:max(exsl:node-set($bridgeShapes_)/BRIDGECONN[(@POSITION = $brdgPosition_)]/@BUS_INDEX)"/> |
| |
| <xsl:message>Maximum index <xsl:value-of select="$max_bus_idx_"/></xsl:message> |
| <xsl:message>Minimum index <xsl:value-of select="$min_bus_idx_"/></xsl:message> |
| --> |
| |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="brdg_X_" select="($BLKD_INNER_X + $BLKD_BRIDGE_GAP + $BLKD_BUS_LANE_W + (@POSITION * ($BLKD_MOD_W + ($BLKD_BUS_LANE_W * 2))))"/> |
| <xsl:variable name="brdg_Y_" select="($G_SharedBus_Y + ($min_bus_idx_ * $BLKD_SBS_LANE_H) + ceiling($BLKD_SBS_LANE_H div 2) - ceiling($BLKD_MOD_H div 2))"/> |
| |
| <use x="{$brdg_X_}" y="{$brdg_Y_}" xlink:href="#symbol_{$brdgInstance_}"/> |
| </xsl:for-each> |
| |
| |
| |
| <!-- |
| <xsl:message>Found <xsl:value-of select="count(exsl:node-set($bridgeShapes_)/BRIDGECONN)"/> busconns </xsl:message> |
| <xsl:message>Drawing connection for bridge <xsl:value-of select="$brdgInstance_"/> at <xsl:value-of select="@POSITION"/> </xsl:message> |
| --> |
| |
| <xsl:for-each select="exsl:node-set($bridgeShapes_)/BRIDGECONN"> |
| <xsl:sort select="@POSITION" data-type="number"/> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="brdgInstance_" select="@INSTANCE"/> |
| <xsl:variable name="brdgPosition_" select="@POSITION"/> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="busColor_"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_BusStd2RGB"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iBusStd" select="@BUSSTD"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="min_bus_idx_" select="math:min(exsl:node-set($bridgeShapes_)/BRIDGECONN[(@POSITION = $brdgPosition_)]/@BUS_INDEX)"/> |
| <xsl:variable name="brdg_Y1_" select="($G_SharedBus_Y + ($min_bus_idx_ * $BLKD_SBS_LANE_H) + ceiling($BLKD_SBS_LANE_H div 2) - ceiling($BLKD_MOD_H div 2))"/> |
| <xsl:variable name="brdg_X_" select="($BLKD_INNER_X + $BLKD_BRIDGE_GAP + $BLKD_BUS_LANE_W + (@POSITION * ($BLKD_MOD_W + ($BLKD_BUS_LANE_W * 2))))"/> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="bc_Y_" select="$brdg_Y1_ + $BLKD_MOD_LANE_H + $BLKD_MOD_LABEL_H + $BLKD_MOD_BIF_GAP_V + ceiling($BLKD_BIF_H div 2) - ceiling($BLKD_BIFC_H div 2)"/> |
| <xsl:variable name="bc_X_"> |
| <xsl:choose> |
| <xsl:when test="@ORIENTED='WEST'"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="($brdg_X_ - $BLKD_BIFC_W)"/> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test="@ORIENTED='EAST'"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="($brdg_X_ + $BLKD_MOD_W)"/> |
| </xsl:when> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| |
| <!-- Layout the bus conn --> |
| <use x="{$bc_X_}" y="{$bc_Y_}" xlink:href="#{@BUSSTD}_busconn_{@TYPE}"/> |
| |
| <!-- Figure out the positions of the lines --> |
| |
| <!-- |
| <xsl:variable name="vert_line_x_" select="$bc_X_ + ceiling($BLKD_BIFC_W div 2)"/> |
| <xsl:message>vert line x <xsl:value-of select="$vert_line_x_"/></xsl:message> |
| <xsl:message>bus index <xsl:value-of select="@BUS_INDEX"/></xsl:message> |
| --> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="vert_line_x_"> |
| <xsl:choose> |
| <xsl:when test="@ORIENTED='WEST'"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="($bc_X_ - ($BLKD_BUS_LANE_W - $BLKD_BIFC_W))"/> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test="@ORIENTED='EAST'"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="($bc_X_ + ($BLKD_BUS_LANE_W - $BLKD_P2P_BUS_W))"/> |
| </xsl:when> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| |
| <!-- At least one of the points is going to be the bus --> |
| <!-- |
| <xsl:variable name="vert_line_y1_" select="($G_SharedBus_Y + $BLKD_PROC2SBS_GAP + (@BUS_INDEX * $BLKD_SBS_LANE_H))"/> |
| --> |
| <xsl:variable name="vert_line_y1_" select="($G_SharedBus_Y + (@BUS_INDEX * $BLKD_SBS_LANE_H))"/> |
| <xsl:variable name="vert_line_y2_" select="$bc_Y_ + ceiling($BLKD_BIFC_H div 2)"/> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="v_bus_ul_y_"> |
| <xsl:choose> |
| <xsl:when test="$vert_line_y1_ > $vert_line_y2_"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$vert_line_y2_"/> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test="$vert_line_y2_ > $vert_line_y1_"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$vert_line_y1_"/> |
| </xsl:when> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| <!-- |
| <xsl:variable name="v_bus_ul_x_" select="$vert_line_x_"/> |
| --> |
| <xsl:variable name="v_bus_ul_x_"> |
| <xsl:choose> |
| <xsl:when test="@ORIENTED='WEST'"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="($vert_line_x_ + $BLKD_MOD_BIF_GAP_H)"/> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test="@ORIENTED='EAST'"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="($vert_line_x_ - $BLKD_MOD_BIF_GAP_H)"/> |
| </xsl:when> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="v_bus_width_" select="$BLKD_P2P_BUS_W"/> |
| <xsl:variable name="v_bus_height_"> |
| <xsl:choose> |
| <xsl:when test="$vert_line_y1_ > $vert_line_y2_"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="($vert_line_y1_ - $vert_line_y2_)"/> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test="$vert_line_y2_ > $vert_line_y1_"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="($vert_line_y2_ - $vert_line_y1_)"/> |
| </xsl:when> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="h_bus_ul_x_"> |
| <xsl:choose> |
| <xsl:when test="@ORIENTED='WEST'"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="($bc_X_ - ($BLKD_BUS_LANE_W - $BLKD_BIFC_W) + $BLKD_MOD_BIF_GAP_H)"/> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test="@ORIENTED='EAST'"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="($bc_X_ + $BLKD_BIFC_W - ceiling(($BLKD_BIFC_W - $BLKD_BIFC_Wi) div 2))"/> |
| </xsl:when> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="h_bus_ul_y_" select="$bc_Y_ + ceiling($BLKD_BIFC_H div 2) - ceiling($BLKD_P2P_BUS_W div 2)"/> |
| <xsl:variable name="h_bus_height_" select="$BLKD_P2P_BUS_W"/> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="h_bus_width_"> |
| <xsl:choose> |
| <xsl:when test="@ORIENTED='WEST'"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="(($bc_X_ + ceiling(($BLKD_BIFC_W - $BLKD_BIFC_Wi) div 2)) - $h_bus_ul_x_ + 1)"/> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test="@ORIENTED='EAST'"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="(($v_bus_ul_x_ + $BLKD_P2P_BUS_W) - $h_bus_ul_x_)"/> |
| </xsl:when> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| |
| |
| <!-- |
| <xsl:message>vert line y1 <xsl:value-of select="$vert_line_y1_"/></xsl:message> |
| --> |
| |
| <rect x="{$v_bus_ul_x_}" |
| y="{$v_bus_ul_y_ + 2}" |
| width= "{$v_bus_width_}" |
| height="{$v_bus_height_}" |
| style="stroke:none; fill:{$busColor_}"/> |
| |
| <rect x="{$h_bus_ul_x_}" |
| y="{$h_bus_ul_y_}" |
| width= "{$h_bus_width_}" |
| height="{$h_bus_height_}" |
| style="stroke:none; fill:{$busColor_}"/> |
| |
| </xsl:for-each> |
| |
| </xsl:template> |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| <!-- =========================================================================== --> |
| <!-- --> |
| <!-- Draw the IP Bucket --> |
| <!-- =========================================================================== --> |
| <xsl:template name="Draw_BlkDiagram_IPBucket"> |
| |
| <!-- Draw IP Bucket --> |
| <xsl:for-each select="$G_ROOT/EDKSYSTEM/BLKDIAGRAM/IPBUCKET"> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="bucket_w_" select="(($BLKD_MOD_BKTLANE_W * 2) + (($BLKD_MOD_W * @MODS_W) + ($BLKD_MOD_BUCKET_G * (@MODS_W - 1))))"/> |
| <xsl:variable name="bucket_h_" select="(($BLKD_MOD_BKTLANE_H * 2) + (($BLKD_MOD_H * @MODS_H) + ($BLKD_MOD_BUCKET_G * (@MODS_H - 1))))"/> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="bucket_x_" select="(ceiling($G_Total_Blkd_W div 2) - ceiling($bucket_w_ div 2))"/> |
| <xsl:variable name="bucket_y_" select="($G_SharedBus_Y + $G_Total_SharedBus_H + $G_Max_Stack_BlwSbs_H + $BLKD_SBS2IP_GAP)"/> |
| |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="$bucket_x_"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="($bucket_y_ - 4)"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'IP'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'bkt_label'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| <use x="{$bucket_x_}" y="{$bucket_y_}" xlink:href="#ipbucket"/> |
| |
| </xsl:for-each> |
| |
| </xsl:template> |
| |
| |
| <xsl:template name="Draw_BlkDiagram_Key"> |
| <use x="{ceiling($G_Total_Blkd_W div 2) - ceiling($BLKD_KEY_W div 2)}" y="0" xlink:href="#BlkDiagram_Key"/> |
| </xsl:template> |
| |
| <xsl:template name="Define_BlkDiagram_Key"> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="key_col_"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_BusStd2RGB"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iBusStd" select="'KEY'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="key_lt_col_"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_BusStd2RGB_LT"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iBusStd" select="'KEY'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| |
| <g id="KEY_IntrCntrl"> |
| <rect |
| x="0" |
| y="0" |
| rx="3" |
| ry="3" |
| width= "{ceiling($BLKD_INTR_W div 2)}" |
| height="{$BLKD_INTR_H}" style="fill:{$key_lt_col_}; stroke:none; stroke-width:1"/> |
| |
| <line x1="0" |
| y1="{ceiling($BLKD_INTR_H div 4)}" |
| x2="{ceiling($BLKD_INTR_W div 2)}" |
| y2="{ceiling($BLKD_INTR_H div 4)}" |
| style="stroke:{$COL_BLACK};stroke-width:2"/> |
| |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="1.5"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="(7 + ceiling($BLKD_INTR_H div 2))"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'x'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'intr_symbol'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| </g> |
| |
| <g id="KEY_IntrdProc"> |
| <rect |
| x="0" |
| y="0" |
| rx="3" |
| ry="3" |
| width= "{ceiling($BLKD_INTR_W div 2)}" |
| height="{$BLKD_INTR_H}" style="fill:{$key_lt_col_}; stroke:none; stroke-width:1"/> |
| |
| <line x1="0" |
| y1="{ceiling($BLKD_INTR_H div 4) - 2}" |
| x2="{ceiling($BLKD_INTR_W div 2)}" |
| y2="{ceiling($BLKD_INTR_H div 4) - 2}" |
| style="stroke:{$COL_BLACK};stroke-width:1"/> |
| |
| <line x1="0" |
| y1="{ceiling($BLKD_INTR_H div 4) + 2}" |
| x2="{ceiling($BLKD_INTR_W div 2)}" |
| y2="{ceiling($BLKD_INTR_H div 4) + 2}" |
| style="stroke:{$COL_BLACK};stroke-width:1"/> |
| |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="1.5"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="(7 + ceiling($BLKD_INTR_H div 2))"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'x'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'intr_symbol'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </g> |
| |
| <g id="KEY_IntrSrc"> |
| <rect |
| x="0" |
| y="0" |
| rx="3" |
| ry="3" |
| width= "{$BLKD_INTR_W}" |
| height="{ceiling($BLKD_INTR_H div 2)}" style="fill:{$key_lt_col_}; stroke:none; stroke-width:1"/> |
| |
| <line x1="{ceiling($BLKD_INTR_W div 2)}" |
| y1="0" |
| x2="{ceiling($BLKD_INTR_W div 2)}" |
| y2="{ceiling($BLKD_INTR_H div 2)}" |
| style="stroke:{$COL_BLACK};stroke-width:1"/> |
| |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="'2'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="'7'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'y'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'intr_symbol'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="(2 + ceiling($BLKD_INTR_W div 2))"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="'7'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'x'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'intr_symbol'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </g> |
| |
| |
| <g id="BlkDiagram_Key"> |
| <rect |
| x="0" |
| y="0" |
| width= "{$BLKD_KEY_W}" |
| height="{$BLKD_KEY_H}" |
| style="fill:{$COL_BG}; stroke:none;"/> |
| |
| <rect x="0" |
| y="0" |
| width= "{$BLKD_KEY_W}" |
| height="16" |
| style="fill:{$COL_BG}; stroke:none;"/> |
| |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="ceiling($BLKD_KEY_W div 2)"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="'14'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'KEY'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'key_title'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| <rect x="0" |
| y="16" |
| width= "{$BLKD_KEY_W}" |
| height="16" |
| style="fill:{$COL_BG_LT}; stroke:none;"/> |
| |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="ceiling($BLKD_KEY_W div 2)"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="'30'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'SYMBOLS'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'key_header'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| <use x="32" y="47" xlink:href="#KEY_BifLabel" transform="scale(0.75)"/> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="'12'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="'60'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'bus interface'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'key_label'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| <use x="20" y="68" xlink:href="#KEY_SharedBus"/> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="'12'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="'89'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'shared bus'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'key_label'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| |
| <!-- |
| ================================== |
| ================================== |
| --> |
| |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="'110'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="'47'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'Bus connections'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'key_label_ul'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| <use x="110" y="58" xlink:href="#KEY_busconn_MASTER"/> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="'140'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="'72'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'master or initiator'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'key_label'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| <use x="110" y="{58 + (($BLKD_BIFC_H + 4) * 1)}" xlink:href="#KEY_busconn_SLAVE"/> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="'140'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="(72 + (($BLKD_BIFC_H + 4) * 1))"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'slave or target'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'key_label'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| <use x="110" y="{58 + (($BLKD_BIFC_H + 4) * 2)}" xlink:href="#KEY_busconn_MASTER_SLAVE"/> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="'140'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="(72 + (($BLKD_BIFC_H + 4) * 2))"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'master slave'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'key_label'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| |
| <use x="110" y="{58 + (($BLKD_BIFC_H + 4) * 3)}" xlink:href="#KEY_busconn_MONITOR"/> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="'140'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="(72 + (($BLKD_BIFC_H + 4) * 3))"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'monitor'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'key_label'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| <!-- |
| ================================== |
| ================================== |
| --> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="'258'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="'47'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'External Ports'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'key_label_ul'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| <use x="258" y="58" xlink:href="#KEY_INPort"/> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="'288'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="'72'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'input'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'key_label'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| <use x="258" y="{58 + ($BLKD_IOP_H * 1) + 4}" xlink:href="#KEY_OUTPort"/> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="'288'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="(72 + ($BLKD_IOP_H * 1) + 4)"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'output'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'key_label'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| <use x="258" y="{58 + ($BLKD_IOP_H * 2) + 8}" xlink:href="#KEY_INOUTPort"/> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="'288'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="(72 + ($BLKD_IOP_H * 2) + 8)"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'inout'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'key_label'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| |
| <!-- |
| ================================== |
| ================================== |
| --> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="'380'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="'47'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'Interrupts'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'key_label_ul'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| <use x="380" y="58" xlink:href="#KEY_IntrCntrl"/> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="'396'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="'64'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'Interrupt'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'key_label_small'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="'396'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="'74'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'Controller'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'key_label_small'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| |
| <use x="380" y="88" xlink:href="#KEY_IntrdProc"/> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="'396'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="'94'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'Interrupt'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'key_label'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="'396'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="'104'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'Target'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'key_label_small'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| |
| <use x="380" y="118" xlink:href="#KEY_IntrSrc"/> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="'400'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="'124'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'Interrupt'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'key_label_small'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="'400'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="'134'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'Source'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'key_label_small'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="'360'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="'146'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'X = Controller ID'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'key_label_small'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="'360'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="'156'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'Y = Interrupt Priority'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'key_label_small'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| <!-- |
| ================================== |
| ================================== |
| --> |
| <rect x="0" |
| y="160" |
| width= "{$BLKD_KEY_W}" |
| height="16" |
| style="fill:{$COL_BG_LT}; stroke:none;"/> |
| |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="ceiling($BLKD_KEY_W div 2)"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="'172'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'COLORS'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'key_header'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| <!-- |
| <text class="keylblul" |
| x="110" |
| y="190">Bus Standards</text> |
| --> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="'110'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="'190'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'Bus Standard'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'key_label'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="dcr_col_"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_BusStd2RGB"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iBusStd" select="'DCR'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| |
| <rect x="{12 + ((12 + $BLKD_BIFC_W + 36) * 0)}" |
| y="200" |
| width= "{$BLKD_BIFC_H}" |
| height="{$BLKD_BIFC_W}" |
| style="fill:{$dcr_col_}; stroke:none;"/> |
| |
| <!-- |
| <text class="keylabel" |
| x="{12 + $BLKD_BIFC_W + 4}" |
| y="{200 + (($BLKD_BIF_H + 4) * 1)}">DCR</text> |
| --> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="(12 + $BLKD_BIFC_W + 4)"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="(200 + (($BLKD_BIF_H + 4) * 1))"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'DCR'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'key_label'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="fcb_col_"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_BusStd2RGB"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iBusStd" select="'FCB'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| |
| <rect x="{12 + ((12 + $BLKD_BIFC_W + 36) * 0)}" |
| y="{200 + (($BLKD_BIFC_H + 4) * 1)}" |
| width= "{$BLKD_BIFC_H}" |
| height="{$BLKD_BIFC_W}" |
| style="fill:{$fcb_col_}; stroke:none;"/> |
| |
| <!-- |
| <text class="keylabel" |
| x="{12 + $BLKD_BIFC_W + 4}" |
| y="{200 + (($BLKD_BIF_H + 4) * 2)}">FCB</text> |
| --> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="(12 + $BLKD_BIFC_W + 4)"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="(200 + (($BLKD_BIF_H + 4) * 2))"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'FCB'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'key_label'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="fsl_col_"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_BusStd2RGB"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iBusStd" select="'FSL'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| |
| <rect x="{12 + ((12 + $BLKD_BIFC_W + 36) * 1)}" |
| y="200" |
| width= "{$BLKD_BIFC_H}" |
| height="{$BLKD_BIFC_W}" |
| style="fill:{$fsl_col_}; stroke:none;"/> |
| <!-- |
| <text class="keylabel" |
| x="{12 + ($BLKD_BIFC_W + 4) + ((12 + $BLKD_BIFC_W + 36) * 1)}" |
| y="{200 + (($BLKD_BIF_H + 4) * 1)}">FSL</text> |
| --> |
| |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="(12 + ($BLKD_BIFC_W + 4) + ((12 + $BLKD_BIFC_W + 36) * 1))"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="(200 + (($BLKD_BIF_H + 4) * 1))"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'FSL'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'key_label'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="col_lmb_"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_BusStd2RGB"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iBusStd" select="'LMB'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| |
| <rect x="{12 + ((12 + $BLKD_BIFC_W + 36) * 1)}" |
| y="{200 + (($BLKD_BIFC_H + 4) * 1)}" |
| width= "{$BLKD_BIFC_H}" |
| height="{$BLKD_BIFC_W}" |
| style="fill:{$col_lmb_}; stroke:none;"/> |
| <!-- |
| <text class="keylabel" |
| x="{12 + ($BLKD_BIFC_W + 4) + ((12 + $BLKD_BIFC_W + 36) * 1)}" |
| y="{200 + (($BLKD_BIF_H + 4) * 2)}">LMB</text> |
| --> |
| |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="(12 + ($BLKD_BIFC_W + 4) + ((12 + $BLKD_BIFC_W + 36) * 1))"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="(200 + (($BLKD_BIF_H + 4) * 2))"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'LMB'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'key_label'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="opb_col_"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_BusStd2RGB"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iBusStd" select="'OPB'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| |
| <rect |
| x="{12 + ((12 + $BLKD_BIFC_W + 36) * 2)}" |
| y="200" |
| width= "{$BLKD_BIFC_H}" |
| height="{$BLKD_BIFC_W}" |
| style="fill:{$opb_col_}; stroke:none;"/> |
| <!-- |
| <text class="keylabel" |
| x="{12 + ($BLKD_BIFC_W + 4) + ((12 + $BLKD_BIFC_W + 36) * 2)}" |
| y="{200 + (($BLKD_BIF_H + 4) * 1)}">OPB</text> |
| --> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="(12 + ($BLKD_BIFC_W + 4) + ((12 + $BLKD_BIFC_W + 36) * 2))"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="(200 + (($BLKD_BIF_H + 4) * 1))"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'OPB'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'key_label'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="plb_col_"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_BusStd2RGB"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iBusStd" select="'PLB'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| <rect |
| x="{12 + ((12 + $BLKD_BIFC_W + 36) * 2)}" |
| y="{200 + (($BLKD_BIFC_H + 4) * 1)}" |
| width= "{$BLKD_BIFC_H}" |
| height="{$BLKD_BIFC_W}" |
| style="fill:{$plb_col_}; stroke:none;"/> |
| <!-- |
| <text class="keylabel" |
| x="{12 + ($BLKD_BIFC_W + 4) + ((12 + $BLKD_BIFC_W + 36) * 2)}" |
| y="{200 + (($BLKD_BIF_H + 4) * 2)}">PLB</text> |
| --> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="(12 + ($BLKD_BIFC_W + 4) + ((12 + $BLKD_BIFC_W + 36) * 2))"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="(200 + (($BLKD_BIF_H + 4) * 2))"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'PLB'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'key_header'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="ocm_col_"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_BusStd2RGB"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iBusStd" select="'OCM'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| |
| <rect |
| x="{12 + ((12 + $BLKD_BIFC_W + 36) * 3)}" |
| y="200" |
| width= "{$BLKD_BIFC_H}" |
| height="{$BLKD_BIFC_W}" |
| style="fill:{$ocm_col_}; stroke:none;"/> |
| <!-- |
| <text class="keylabel" |
| x="{12 + ($BLKD_BIFC_W + 4) + ((12 + $BLKD_BIFC_W + 36) * 3)}" |
| y="{200 + (($BLKD_BIF_H + 4) * 1)}">SOCM</text> |
| --> |
| |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="(12 + ($BLKD_BIFC_W + 4) + ((12 + $BLKD_BIFC_W + 36) * 3))"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="(200 + (($BLKD_BIF_H + 4) * 1))"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'SOCM'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'key_label'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="xil_p2p_col_"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_BusStd2RGB"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iBusStd" select="'XIL'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| |
| <rect |
| x="{12 + ((12 + $BLKD_BIFC_W + 36) * 3)}" |
| y="{200 + (($BLKD_BIFC_H + 4) * 1)}" |
| width= "{$BLKD_BIFC_H}" |
| height="{$BLKD_BIFC_W}" |
| style="fill:{$xil_p2p_col_}; stroke:none;"/> |
| <!-- |
| <text class="keylabel" |
| x="{12 + ($BLKD_BIFC_W + 4) + ((12 + $BLKD_BIFC_W + 36) * 3)}" |
| y="{200 + (($BLKD_BIF_H + 4) * 2)}">Xilinx P2P</text> |
| --> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="(12 + ($BLKD_BIFC_W + 4) + ((12 + $BLKD_BIFC_W + 36) * 3))"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="(200 + (($BLKD_BIF_H + 4) * 2))"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'Xilinx P2P'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'key_label'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="user_p2p_col_"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_BusStd2RGB"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iBusStd" select="'USER'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| |
| <rect x="{12 + ((12 + $BLKD_BIFC_W + 36) * 4)}" |
| y="200" |
| width= "{$BLKD_BIFC_H}" |
| height="{$BLKD_BIFC_W}" |
| style="fill:{$user_p2p_col_}; stroke:none;"/> |
| <!-- |
| <text class="keylabel" |
| x="{12 + ($BLKD_BIFC_W + 4) + ((12 + $BLKD_BIFC_W + 36) * 4)}" |
| y="{200 + (($BLKD_BIF_H + 4) * 1)}">USER P2P</text> |
| --> |
| |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="(12 + ($BLKD_BIFC_W + 4) + ((12 + $BLKD_BIFC_W + 36) * 4))"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="(200 + (($BLKD_BIF_H + 4) * 1))"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'USER P2P'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'key_label'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| |
| </g> |
| </xsl:template> |
| |
| <xsl:template name="Define_BlkDiagram_Specs"> |
| |
| <xsl:param name="iArch" select="'NA'"/> |
| <xsl:param name="iPart" select="'NA'"/> |
| <xsl:param name="iTimeStamp" select="'NA'"/> |
| <xsl:param name="iEdkVersion" select="'NA'"/> |
| |
| <g id="BlkDiagram_Specs"> |
| <rect |
| x="0" |
| y="0" |
| width= "{$BLKD_SPECS_W}" |
| height="{$BLKD_SPECS_H}" |
| style="fill:{$COL_BG}; stroke:none;"/> |
| |
| <rect |
| x="0" |
| y="0" |
| width= "{$BLKD_SPECS_W}" |
| height="16" |
| style="fill:{$COL_BG}; stroke:none;"/> |
| <!-- |
| ================================== |
| ================================== |
| --> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'key_title'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="ceiling($BLKD_SPECS_W div 2)"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="'14'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'SPECS'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| <!-- |
| <text class="keytitle" |
| x="{ceiling($BLKD_SPECS_W div 2)} " |
| y="14">SPECS</text> |
| --> |
| |
| <!-- |
| ================================== |
| ================================== |
| --> |
| <rect x="0" |
| y="20" |
| width= "{$BLKD_SPECS_W}" |
| height="16" |
| style="fill:{$COL_BG_LT}; stroke:none;"/> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'blkd_spec_name'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="'4'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="'32'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'EDK VERSION'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'blkd_spec_value_mid'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="($BLKD_SPECS_W + 1) - ceiling($BLKD_SPECS_W div 5)"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="'32'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="$iEdkVersion"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| <!-- |
| ================================== |
| ARCH |
| ================================== |
| --> |
| <rect x="0" |
| y="40" |
| width= "{$BLKD_SPECS_W}" |
| height="16" |
| style="fill:{$COL_BG_LT}; stroke:none;"/> |
| |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'blkd_spec_name'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="'4'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="'52'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'ARCH'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'blkd_spec_value_mid'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="($BLKD_SPECS_W + 1) - ceiling($BLKD_SPECS_W div 5)"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="'52'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="$iArch"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| <!-- |
| <text class="specsvalue" |
| x="{($BLKD_SPECS_W + 1) - (string-length($blkd_arch) * 6.5)}" |
| y="52"><xsl:value-of select="$blkd_arch"/></text> |
| <text class="specsvaluemid" |
| x="{($BLKD_SPECS_W + 1) - ceiling($BLKD_SPECS_W div 5)}" |
| y="52"><xsl:value-of select="$iArch"/></text> |
| --> |
| |
| <!-- |
| ================================== |
| PART |
| ================================== |
| --> |
| <rect x="0" |
| y="60" |
| width= "{$BLKD_SPECS_W}" |
| height="16" |
| style="fill:{$COL_BG_LT}; stroke:none;"/> |
| |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'blkd_spec_name'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="'4'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="'72'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'PART'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'blkd_spec_value_mid'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="($BLKD_SPECS_W + 1) - ceiling($BLKD_SPECS_W div 5)"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="'72'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="$iPart"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| <!-- |
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| <rect x="0" |
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| |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'blkd_spec_name'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="'4'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="'92'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="'GENERATED'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_WriteText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iClass" select="'blkd_spec_value_mid'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iX" select="($BLKD_SPECS_W + 1) - (string-length($iTimeStamp) * 3.5)"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iY" select="'92'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iText" select="$iTimeStamp"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </g> |
| </xsl:template> |
| |
| |
| </xsl:stylesheet> |
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