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| |
| <!-- ======================= DEF BLOCK =================================== --> |
| |
| <xsl:template name="Define_ConnectedBifTypes"> |
| |
| <xsl:for-each select="exsl:node-set($COL_BUSSTDS)/BUSCOLOR"> |
| <xsl:variable name="busStd_" select="@BUSSTD"/> |
| |
| <xsl:for-each select="exsl:node-set($G_BIFTYPES)/BIFTYPE"> |
| <xsl:variable name="bifType_" select="@TYPE"/> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="connectedBifs_cnt_" select="count($G_ROOT/EDKSYSTEM/MODULES/MODULE/BUSINTERFACE[((@IS_INMHS = 'TRUE') and (@TYPE = $bifType_) and (@BUSSTD = $busStd_))])"/> |
| |
| <xsl:if test="($connectedBifs_cnt_ > 0)"> |
| <!-- |
| <xsl:message>DEBUG : Connected BifType : <xsl:value-of select="$busStd_"/> : <xsl:value-of select="@TYPE"/> : <xsl:value-of select="$connectedBifs_cnt_"/> </xsl:message> |
| --> |
| <xsl:call-template name="Define_BifTypeConnector"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iBusStd" select="$busStd_"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iBifType" select="$bifType_"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| <xsl:call-template name="Define_BifLabel"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iBusStd" select="$busStd_"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| </xsl:if> |
| |
| </xsl:for-each> |
| |
| </xsl:for-each> |
| |
| <xsl:for-each select="exsl:node-set($G_BIFTYPES)/BIFTYPE"> |
| <xsl:variable name="bifType_" select="@TYPE"/> |
| |
| <xsl:call-template name="Define_BifTypeConnector"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iBusStd" select="'KEY'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iBifType" select="$bifType_"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| |
| <xsl:call-template name="Define_BifLabel"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iBusStd" select="'KEY'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:for-each> |
| |
| </xsl:template> |
| |
| <xsl:template name="Define_BifLabel"> |
| |
| <xsl:param name="iBusStd" select="'OPB'"/> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="busStdColor_"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_BusStd2RGB"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iBusStd" select="$iBusStd"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| |
| <g id="{$iBusStd}_BifLabel"> |
| <rect x="0" |
| y="0" |
| rx="3" |
| ry="3" |
| width= "{$BIF_W}" |
| height="{$BIF_H}" |
| style="fill:{$busStdColor_}; stroke:black; stroke-width:1"/> |
| </g> |
| |
| </xsl:template> |
| |
| |
| <xsl:template name="Define_BifTypeConnector"> |
| |
| <xsl:param name="iBusStd" select="'OPB'"/> |
| <xsl:param name="iBifType" select="'USER'"/> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="busStdColor_"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_BusStd2RGB"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iBusStd" select="$iBusStd"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="busStdColor_lt_"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="F_BusStd2RGB_LT"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="iBusStd" select="$iBusStd"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| |
| <xsl:variable name="bifc_wi_" select="ceiling($BIFC_W div 3)"/> |
| <xsl:variable name="bifc_hi_" select="ceiling($BIFC_H div 3)"/> |
| |
| <xsl:choose> |
| |
| <xsl:when test="$iBifType = 'SLAVE'"> |
| <g id="{$iBusStd}_busconn_{$iBifType}"> |
| <circle |
| cx="{ceiling($BIFC_W div 2)}" |
| cy="{ceiling($BIFC_H div 2)}" |
| r="{ceiling($BIFC_W div 2)}" |
| style="fill:{$busStdColor_lt_}; stroke:{$busStdColor_}; stroke-width:1"/> |
| <circle |
| cx="{ceiling($BIFC_W div 2) + 0.5}" |
| cy="{ceiling($BIFC_H div 2)}" |
| r="{ceiling($BIFC_Wi div 2)}" |
| style="fill:{$busStdColor_}; stroke:none;"/> |
| </g> |
| </xsl:when> |
| |
| <xsl:when test="$iBifType = 'MASTER'"> |
| <g id="{$iBusStd}_busconn_{$iBifType}"> |
| <rect x="0" |
| y="0" |
| width= "{$BIFC_W}" |
| height="{$BIFC_H}" |
| style="fill:{$busStdColor_lt_}; stroke:{$busStdColor_}; stroke-width:1"/> |
| <rect x="{$BIFC_dx + 0.5}" |
| y="{$BIFC_dy}" |
| width= "{$BIFC_Wi}" |
| height="{$BIFC_Hi}" |
| style="fill:{$busStdColor_}; stroke:none;"/> |
| </g> |
| </xsl:when> |
| |
| <xsl:when test="$iBifType = 'INITIATOR'"> |
| <g id="{$iBusStd}_busconn_{$iBifType}"> |
| <rect x="0" |
| y="0" |
| width= "{$BIFC_W}" |
| height="{$BIFC_H}" |
| style="fill:{$busStdColor_lt_}; stroke:{$busStdColor_}; stroke-width:1"/> |
| <rect x="{$BIFC_dx + 0.5}" |
| y="{$BIFC_dy}" |
| width= "{$BIFC_Wi}" |
| height="{$BIFC_Hi}" |
| style="fill:{$busStdColor_}; stroke:none;"/> |
| </g> |
| </xsl:when> |
| |
| <xsl:when test="$iBifType = 'TARGET'"> |
| <g id="{$iBusStd}_busconn_{$iBifType}"> |
| <circle |
| cx="{ceiling($BIFC_W div 2)}" |
| cy="{ceiling($BIFC_H div 2)}" |
| r="{ceiling($BIFC_W div 2)}" |
| style="fill:{$busStdColor_lt_}; stroke:{$busStdColor_}; stroke-width:1"/> |
| <circle |
| cx="{ceiling($BIFC_W div 2) + 0.5}" |
| cy="{ceiling($BIFC_H div 2)}" |
| r="{ceiling($BIFC_Wi div 2)}" |
| style="fill:{$busStdColor_}; stroke:none;"/> |
| </g> |
| </xsl:when> |
| |
| <xsl:when test="$iBifType = 'MASTER_SLAVE'"> |
| <g id="{$iBusStd}_busconn_{$iBifType}"> |
| <circle |
| cx="{ceiling($BIFC_W div 2)}" |
| cy="{ceiling($BIFC_H div 2)}" |
| r="{ceiling($BIFC_W div 2)}" |
| style="fill:{$busStdColor_lt_}; stroke:{$busStdColor_}; stroke-width:1"/> |
| <circle |
| cx="{ceiling($BIFC_W div 2) + 0.5}" |
| cy="{ceiling($BIFC_H div 2)}" |
| r="{ceiling($BIFC_Wi div 2)}" |
| style="fill:{$busStdColor_}; stroke:none;"/> |
| <rect |
| x="0" |
| y="{ceiling($BIFC_H div 2)}" |
| width= "{$BIFC_W}" |
| height="{ceiling($BIFC_H div 2)}" |
| style="fill:{$busStdColor_lt_}; stroke:{$busStdColor_}; stroke-width:1"/> |
| <rect |
| x="{$BIFC_dx + 0.5}" |
| y="{ceiling($BIFC_H div 2)}" |
| width= "{$BIFC_Wi}" |
| height="{ceiling($BIFC_Hi div 2)}" |
| style="fill:{$busStdColor_}; stroke:none;"/> |
| </g> |
| </xsl:when> |
| |
| <xsl:when test="$iBifType = 'MONITOR'"> |
| <g id="{$iBusStd}_busconn_{$iBifType}"> |
| <rect |
| x="0" |
| y="0.5" |
| width= "{$BIFC_W}" |
| height="{ceiling($BIFC_Hi div 2)}" |
| style="fill:{$busStdColor_}; stroke:none;"/> |
| <rect |
| x="0" |
| y="{ceiling($BIFC_H div 2) + 4}" |
| width= "{$BIFC_W}" |
| height="{ceiling($BIFC_Hi div 2)}" |
| style="fill:{$busStdColor_}; stroke:none;"/> |
| </g> |
| </xsl:when> |
| |
| <xsl:when test="$iBifType = 'USER'"> |
| <g id="{$iBusStd}_busconn_USER"> |
| <circle |
| cx="{ceiling($BIFC_W div 2)}" |
| cy="{ceiling($BIFC_H div 2)}" |
| r="{ceiling($BIFC_W div 2)}" |
| style="fill:{$busStdColor_lt_}; stroke:{$busStdColor_}; stroke-width:1"/> |
| <circle |
| cx="{ceiling($BIFC_W div 2) + 0.5}" |
| cy="{ceiling($BIFC_H div 2)}" |
| r="{ceiling($BIFC_Wi div 2)}" |
| style="fill:{$busStdColor_}; stroke:none;"/> |
| </g> |
| </xsl:when> |
| |
| <xsl:otherwise> |
| <g id="{$iBusStd}_busconn_{$iBifType}"> |
| <circle |
| cx="{ceiling($BIFC_W div 2)}" |
| cy="{ceiling($BIFC_H div 2)}" |
| r="{ceiling($BIFC_W div 2)}" |
| style="fill:{$COL_WHITE}; stroke:{$busStdColor_}; stroke-width:1"/> |
| <circle |
| cx="{ceiling($BIFC_W div 2) + 0.5}" |
| cy="{ceiling($BIFC_H div 2)}" |
| r="{ceiling($BIFC_Wi div 2)}" |
| style="fill:{$COL_WHITE}; stroke:none;"/> |
| </g> |
| </xsl:otherwise> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| |
| </xsl:template> |
| |
| |
| </xsl:stylesheet> |