blob: fe3c4d204e051d3f0ae3e391b6f622dc3e2cdc54 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <stdint.h>
#include <msp.h>
// Enable the IAR extensions for this source file.
#pragma language=extended
// Forward declaration of the default fault handlers.
void resetISR(void);
static void nmiSR(void);
static void faultISR(void);
static void intDefaultHandler(void);
// External declaration for the interrupt handler used by the application.
extern void SysTick_Handler( void );
extern void PendSV_Handler( void );
extern void SVC_Handler( void );
extern void vUART_Handler( void );
extern void vT32_0_Handler( void );
extern void vT32_1_Handler( void );
// The entry point for the application startup code.
extern void __iar_program_start(void);
// Reserve space for the system stack.
static uint32_t systemStack[128] @ ".noinit";
// A union that describes the entries of the vector table. The union is needed
// since the first entry is the stack pointer and the remainder are function
// pointers.
typedef union
void (*handler)(void);
uint32_t ptr;
// The vector table. Note that the proper constructs must be placed on this to
// ensure that it ends up at physical address 0x0000.0000.
__root const uVectorEntry __vector_table[] @ ".intvec" =
{ .ptr = (uint32_t)systemStack + sizeof(systemStack) },
// The initial stack pointer
resetISR, // The reset handler
nmiSR, // The NMI handler
faultISR, // The hard fault handler
intDefaultHandler, // The MPU fault handler
intDefaultHandler, // The bus fault handler
intDefaultHandler, // The usage fault handler
0, // Reserved
0, // Reserved
0, // Reserved
0, // Reserved
SVC_Handler, // SVCall handler
intDefaultHandler, // Debug monitor handler
0, // Reserved
PendSV_Handler, // The PendSV handler
SysTick_Handler, // The SysTick handler
intDefaultHandler, // PSS ISR
intDefaultHandler, // CS ISR
intDefaultHandler, // PCM ISR
intDefaultHandler, // WDT ISR
intDefaultHandler, // FPU ISR
intDefaultHandler, // FLCTL ISR
intDefaultHandler, // COMP0 ISR
intDefaultHandler, // COMP1 ISR
intDefaultHandler, // TA0_0 ISR
intDefaultHandler, // TA0_N ISR
intDefaultHandler, // TA1_0 ISR
intDefaultHandler, // TA1_N ISR
intDefaultHandler, // TA2_0 ISR
intDefaultHandler, // TA2_N ISR
intDefaultHandler, // TA3_0 ISR
intDefaultHandler, // TA3_N ISR
vUART_Handler, // EUSCIA0 ISR
intDefaultHandler, // EUSCIA1 ISR
intDefaultHandler, // EUSCIA2 ISR
intDefaultHandler, // EUSCIA3 ISR
intDefaultHandler, // EUSCIB0 ISR
intDefaultHandler, // EUSCIB1 ISR
intDefaultHandler, // EUSCIB2 ISR
intDefaultHandler, // EUSCIB3 ISR
intDefaultHandler, // ADC14 ISR
vT32_0_Handler, // T32_INT1 ISR
vT32_1_Handler, // T32_INT2 ISR
intDefaultHandler, // T32_INTC ISR
intDefaultHandler, // AES ISR
intDefaultHandler, // RTC ISR
intDefaultHandler, // DMA_ERR ISR
intDefaultHandler, // DMA_INT3 ISR
intDefaultHandler, // DMA_INT2 ISR
intDefaultHandler, // DMA_INT1 ISR
intDefaultHandler, // DMA_INT0 ISR
intDefaultHandler, // PORT1 ISR
intDefaultHandler, // PORT2 ISR
intDefaultHandler, // PORT3 ISR
intDefaultHandler, // PORT4 ISR
intDefaultHandler, // PORT5 ISR
intDefaultHandler, // PORT6 ISR
intDefaultHandler, // Reserved 41
intDefaultHandler, // Reserved 42
intDefaultHandler, // Reserved 43
intDefaultHandler, // Reserved 44
intDefaultHandler, // Reserved 45
intDefaultHandler, // Reserved 46
intDefaultHandler, // Reserved 47
intDefaultHandler, // Reserved 48
intDefaultHandler, // Reserved 49
intDefaultHandler, // Reserved 50
intDefaultHandler, // Reserved 51
intDefaultHandler, // Reserved 52
intDefaultHandler, // Reserved 53
intDefaultHandler, // Reserved 54
intDefaultHandler, // Reserved 55
intDefaultHandler, // Reserved 56
intDefaultHandler, // Reserved 57
intDefaultHandler, // Reserved 58
intDefaultHandler, // Reserved 59
intDefaultHandler, // Reserved 60
intDefaultHandler, // Reserved 61
intDefaultHandler, // Reserved 62
intDefaultHandler, // Reserved 63
intDefaultHandler // Reserved 64
// This is the code that gets called when the processor first starts execution
// following a reset event. Only the absolutely necessary set is performed,
// after which the application supplied entry() routine is called. Any fancy
// actions (such as making decisions based on the reset cause register, and
// resetting the bits in that register) are left solely in the hands of the
// application.
// Call the application's entry point.
// This is the code that gets called when the processor receives a NMI. This
// simply enters an infinite loop, preserving the system state for examination
// by a debugger.
static void
// Enter an infinite loop.
// This is the code that gets called when the processor receives a fault
// interrupt. This simply enters an infinite loop, preserving the system state
// for examination by a debugger.
static void
// Enter an infinite loop.
// This is the code that gets called when the processor receives an unexpected
// interrupt. This simply enters an infinite loop, preserving the system state
// for examination by a debugger.
static void
// Go into an infinite loop.