Use the extended movx instruction instead of mov (#676)

The following is from the MSP430X instruction set -

MOVX.W Move source word to destination word.

The source operand is copied to the destination. The source operand is
not affected. Both operands may be located in the full address space.

The movx instruction allows both the operands to be located in the full
address space and therefore, works with large data model as well.

Signed-off-by: Gaurav Aggarwal <>
diff --git a/portable/CCS/MSP430X/portext.asm b/portable/CCS/MSP430X/portext.asm
index 9ebfa99..9fe306e 100644
--- a/portable/CCS/MSP430X/portext.asm
+++ b/portable/CCS/MSP430X/portext.asm
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
     ;Save the remaining registers.
     pushm_x #12, r15
-    mov.w   &usCriticalNesting, r14
+    movx.w   &usCriticalNesting, r14
     push_x r14
     mov_x   &pxCurrentTCB, r12
     mov_x   sp, 0( r12 )
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
     mov_x   &pxCurrentTCB, r12
     mov_x   @r12, sp
     pop_x   r15
-    mov.w   r15, &usCriticalNesting
+    movx.w   r15, &usCriticalNesting
     popm_x  #12, r15
     pop.w   sr