blob: f266f546baac2b830fb7cfe4733e267af3a03aa8 [file] [log] [blame]
* IoT MQTT V2.1.0
* Copyright (C) 2018, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
* this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
* the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
* use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
* the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
* subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* @file iot_mqtt.h
* @brief User-facing functions of the MQTT 3.1.1 library.
#ifndef IOT_MQTT_H_
#define IOT_MQTT_H_
/* The config header is always included first. */
#include "iot_config.h"
/* MQTT types include. */
#include "types/iot_mqtt_types.h"
/*------------------------- MQTT library functions --------------------------*/
* @functionspage{mqtt,MQTT library}
* - @functionname{mqtt_function_init}
* - @functionname{mqtt_function_cleanup}
* - @functionname{mqtt_function_receivecallback}
* - @functionname{mqtt_function_connect}
* - @functionname{mqtt_function_disconnect}
* - @functionname{mqtt_function_subscribeasync}
* - @functionname{mqtt_function_subscribesync}
* - @functionname{mqtt_function_unsubscribeasync}
* - @functionname{mqtt_function_unsubscribesync}
* - @functionname{mqtt_function_publishasync}
* - @functionname{mqtt_function_publishsync}
* - @functionname{mqtt_function_wait}
* - @functionname{mqtt_function_strerror}
* - @functionname{mqtt_function_operationtype}
* - @functionname{mqtt_function_issubscribed}
* @functionpage{IotMqtt_Init,mqtt,init}
* @functionpage{IotMqtt_Cleanup,mqtt,cleanup}
* @functionpage{IotMqtt_ReceiveCallback,mqtt,receivecallback}
* @functionpage{IotMqtt_Connect,mqtt,connect}
* @functionpage{IotMqtt_Disconnect,mqtt,disconnect}
* @functionpage{IotMqtt_SubscribeAsync,mqtt,subscribeasync}
* @functionpage{IotMqtt_SubscribeSync,mqtt,subscribesync}
* @functionpage{IotMqtt_UnsubscribeAsync,mqtt,unsubscribeasync}
* @functionpage{IotMqtt_UnsubscribeSync,mqtt,unsubscribesync}
* @functionpage{IotMqtt_PublishAsync,mqtt,publishasync}
* @functionpage{IotMqtt_PublishSync,mqtt,publishsync}
* @functionpage{IotMqtt_Wait,mqtt,wait}
* @functionpage{IotMqtt_strerror,mqtt,strerror}
* @functionpage{IotMqtt_OperationType,mqtt,operationtype}
* @functionpage{IotMqtt_IsSubscribed,mqtt,issubscribed}
* @brief One-time initialization function for the MQTT library.
* This function performs setup of the MQTT library. <b>It must be called
* once (and only once) before calling any other MQTT function.</b> Calling this
* function more than once without first calling @ref mqtt_function_cleanup
* may result in a crash.
* @return One of the following:
* @warning No thread-safety guarantees are provided for this function.
* @see @ref mqtt_function_cleanup
/* @[declare_mqtt_init] */
IotMqttError_t IotMqtt_Init( void );
/* @[declare_mqtt_init] */
* @brief One-time deinitialization function for the MQTT library.
* This function frees resources taken in @ref mqtt_function_init. It should be
* called after [closing all MQTT connections](@ref mqtt_function_disconnect) to
* clean up the MQTT library. After this function returns, @ref mqtt_function_init
* must be called again before calling any other MQTT function.
* @warning No thread-safety guarantees are provided for this function. Do not
* call this function if any MQTT connections are open!
* @see @ref mqtt_function_init
/* @[declare_mqtt_cleanup] */
void IotMqtt_Cleanup( void );
/* @[declare_mqtt_cleanup] */
* @brief Network receive callback for the MQTT library.
* This function should be called by the system whenever data is available for
* the MQTT library.
* @param[in] pNetworkConnection The network connection associated with the MQTT
* connection, passed by the network stack.
* @param[in] pReceiveContext A pointer to the MQTT connection handle for which
* the packet was received.
/* @[declare_mqtt_receivecallback] */
void IotMqtt_ReceiveCallback( IotNetworkConnection_t pNetworkConnection,
void * pReceiveContext );
/* @[declare_mqtt_receivecallback] */
* @brief Establish a new MQTT connection.
* This function opens a connection between a new MQTT client and an MQTT server
* (also called a <i>broker</i>). MQTT connections are established on top of transport
* layer protocols (such as TCP/IP), and optionally, application layer security
* protocols (such as TLS). The MQTT packet that establishes a connection is called
* the MQTT CONNECT packet. After @ref mqtt_function_init, this function must be
* called before any other MQTT library function.
* If [pConnectInfo->cleanSession](@ref IotMqttConnectInfo_t.cleanSession) is `true`,
* this function establishes a clean MQTT session. Subscriptions and unacknowledged
* PUBLISH messages will be discarded when the connection is closed.
* If [pConnectInfo->cleanSession](@ref IotMqttConnectInfo_t.cleanSession) is `false`,
* this function establishes (or re-establishes) a persistent MQTT session. The parameters
* [pConnectInfo->pPreviousSubscriptions](@ref IotMqttConnectInfo_t.pPreviousSubscriptions)
* and [pConnectInfo->previousSubscriptionCount](@ref IotMqttConnectInfo_t.previousSubscriptionCount)
* may be used to restore subscriptions present in a re-established persistent session.
* Any restored subscriptions <b>MUST</b> have been present in the persistent session;
* <b>this function does not send an MQTT SUBSCRIBE packet!</b>
* [pConnectInfo->pPreviousSubscriptions](@ref IotMqttConnectInfo_t.pPreviousSubscriptions)
* and [pConnectInfo->previousSubscriptionCount](@ref IotMqttConnectInfo_t.previousSubscriptionCount) can
* also be used to pass a list of subscriptions to be stored locally without a SUBSCRIBE packet being
* sent to the broker. These subscriptions are useful to invoke application level callbacks for messages received
* on unsolicited topics from the broker.
* This MQTT library is network agnostic, meaning it has no knowledge of the
* underlying network protocol carrying the MQTT packets. It interacts with the
* network through a network abstraction layer, allowing it to be used with many
* different network stacks. The network abstraction layer is established
* per-connection, allowing every #IotMqttConnection_t to use a different network
* stack. The parameter `pNetworkInterface` sets up the network abstraction layer
* for an MQTT connection; see the documentation on #IotMqttNetworkInfo_t for details
* on its members.
* The `pConnectInfo` parameter provides the contents of the MQTT CONNECT packet.
* Most members [are defined by the MQTT spec.](@ref IotMqttConnectInfo_t). The
* [pConnectInfo->pWillInfo](@ref IotMqttConnectInfo_t.pWillInfo) member provides
* information on a Last Will and Testament (LWT) message to be published if the
* MQTT connection is closed without [sending a DISCONNECT packet]
* (@ref mqtt_function_disconnect). Unlike other PUBLISH
* messages, a LWT message payload is limited to 65535 bytes in length. Additionally,
* the retry [interval](@ref IotMqttPublishInfo_t.retryMs) and [limit]
* (@ref IotMqttPublishInfo_t.retryLimit) members of #IotMqttPublishInfo_t
* are ignored for LWT messages. The LWT message is optional; `pWillInfo` may be NULL.
* Unlike @ref mqtt_function_publishasync, @ref mqtt_function_subscribeasync, and
* @ref mqtt_function_unsubscribeasync, this function is always blocking. Additionally,
* because the MQTT connection acknowledgement packet (CONNACK packet) does not
* contain any information on <i>which</i> CONNECT packet it acknowledges, only one
* CONNECT operation may be in progress at any time. This means that parallel
* threads making calls to @ref mqtt_function_connect will be serialized to send
* their CONNECT packets one-by-one.
* @param[in] pNetworkInfo Information on the transport-layer network connection
* to use with the MQTT connection.
* @param[in] pConnectInfo MQTT connection setup parameters.
* @param[in] timeoutMs If the MQTT server does not accept the connection within
* this timeout in milliseconds, this function returns #IOT_MQTT_TIMEOUT.
* @param[out] pMqttConnection Set to a newly-initialized MQTT connection handle
* if this function succeeds.
* @return One of the following:
* <b>Example</b>
* @code{c}
* // Callback function to receive messages from the broker on an unsolicited topic.
* void unsolicitedMessageCallback( void * pArgument, IotMqttCallbackParam_t * pPublish );
* // Parameters to MQTT connect.
* IotMqttConnection_t mqttConnection = IOT_MQTT_CONNECTION_INITIALIZER;
* IotMqttNetworkInfo_t networkInfo = IOT_MQTT_NETWORK_INFO_INITIALIZER;
* IotMqttConnectInfo_t connectInfo = IOT_MQTT_CONNECT_INFO_INITIALIZER;
* IotMqttPublishInfo_t willInfo = IOT_MQTT_PUBLISH_INFO_INITIALIZER;
* // A local subscription to receive messages from the broker on an unsolicited topic.
* IotMqttSubscription_t subscription = IOT_MQTT_SUBSCRIPTION_INITIALIZER;
* // Example network abstraction types.
* IotNetworkServerInfo_t serverInfo = { ... };
* IotNetworkCredentials_t credentialInfo = { ... };
* IotNetworkInterface_t networkInterface = { ... };
* // Example using a generic network implementation.
* networkInfo.createNetworkConnection = true;
* networkInfo.u.setup.pNetworkServerInfo = &serverInfo;
* networkInfo.u.setup.pNetworkCredentialInfo = &credentialInfo;
* networkInfo.pNetworkInterface = &networkInterface;
* // Set the members of the connection info (password and username not used).
* connectInfo.cleanSession = true;
* connectInfo.keepAliveSeconds = 30;
* connectInfo.pClientIdentifier = "uniqueclientidentifier";
* connectInfo.clientIdentifierLength = 22;
* // Set the members of the will info (retain and retry not used).
* willInfo.qos = IOT_MQTT_QOS_1;
* willInfo.pTopicName = "will/topic/name";
* willInfo.topicNameLength = ( uint16_t ) strlen( willInfo.pTopicName );
* willInfo.pPayload = "MQTT client unexpectedly disconnected.";
* willInfo.payloadLength = strlen( willInfo.pPayload );
* // Set the pointer to the will info.
* connectInfo.pWillInfo = &willInfo;
* // [Optional] Set a local subscription to receive the broker messages on an unsolicited topic.
* subscription.qos = IOT_MQTT_QOS_0;
* subscription.pTopicFilter = "some/unsolicited/topic";
* subscription.topicLength = ( uint16_t ) strlen( subscription.pTopicFilter );
* subscription.callback.function = unsolicitedMessageCallback;
* connectInfo.pPreviousSubscriptions = &subscription;
* connectInfo.previousSubscriptionCount = 1;
* // Call CONNECT with a 5 second block time. Should return
* // IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS when successful.
* IotMqttError_t result = IotMqtt_Connect( &networkInfo,
* &connectInfo,
* 5000,
* &mqttConnection );
* if( result == IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS )
* {
* // Do something with the MQTT connection...
* // Clean up and close the MQTT connection once it's no longer needed.
* IotMqtt_Disconnect( mqttConnection, 0 );
* }
* @endcode
/* @[declare_mqtt_connect] */
IotMqttError_t IotMqtt_Connect( const IotMqttNetworkInfo_t * pNetworkInfo,
const IotMqttConnectInfo_t * pConnectInfo,
uint32_t timeoutMs,
IotMqttConnection_t * const pMqttConnection );
/* @[declare_mqtt_connect] */
* @brief Closes an MQTT connection and frees resources.
* This function closes an MQTT connection and should only be called once
* the MQTT connection is no longer needed. Its exact behavior depends on the
* `flags` parameter.
* Normally, `flags` should be `0`. This gracefully shuts down an MQTT
* connection by sending an MQTT DISCONNECT packet. Any [network close function]
* (@ref IotNetworkInterface_t::close) provided [when the connection was established]
* (@ref mqtt_function_connect) will also be called. Note that because the MQTT server
* will not acknowledge a DISCONNECT packet, the client has no way of knowing if
* the server received the DISCONNECT packet. In the case where the DISCONNECT
* packet is lost in transport, any Last Will and Testament (LWT) message established
* with the connection may be published. However, if the DISCONNECT reaches the
* MQTT server, the LWT message will be discarded and not published.
* Should the underlying network connection become unusable, this function should
* be called with `flags` set to #IOT_MQTT_FLAG_CLEANUP_ONLY. In this case, no
* DISCONNECT packet will be sent, though the [network close function](@ref IotNetworkInterface_t::close)
* will still be called. This function will only free the resources used by the MQTT
* connection; it still must be called even if the network is offline to avoid leaking
* resources.
* @ref mqtt_function_disconnect modifies `mqttConnection`, so it shouldn't
* be used after calling this function.
* @param[in] mqttConnection The MQTT connection to close and clean up.
* @param[in] flags Flags which modify the behavior of this function. See @ref mqtt_constants_flags.
/* @[declare_mqtt_disconnect] */
void IotMqtt_Disconnect( IotMqttConnection_t mqttConnection,
uint32_t flags );
/* @[declare_mqtt_disconnect] */
* @brief Subscribes to the given array of topic filters and optionally
* receive an asynchronous notification when the subscribe completes.
* This function sends an MQTT SUBSCRIBE packet to the server. A SUBSCRIBE
* packet notifies the server to send any matching PUBLISH messages to this client.
* A single SUBSCRIBE packet may carry more than one topic filter, hence the
* parameters to this function include an array of [subscriptions]
* (@ref IotMqttSubscription_t).
* An MQTT subscription has two pieces:
* 1. The subscription topic filter registered with the MQTT server. The MQTT
* SUBSCRIBE packet sent from this client to server notifies the server to send
* messages matching the given topic filters to this client.
* 2. The [callback function](@ref IotMqttCallbackInfo_t.function) that this
* client will invoke when an incoming message is received. The callback function
* notifies applications of an incoming PUBLISH message.
* The helper function @ref mqtt_function_issubscribed can be used to check if a
* [callback function](@ref IotMqttCallbackInfo_t.function) is registered for
* a particular topic filter.
* To modify an already-registered subscription callback, call this function with
* a new `pSubscriptionList`. Any topic filters in `pSubscriptionList` that already
* have a registered callback will be replaced with the new values in `pSubscriptionList`.
* @attention QoS 2 subscriptions are currently unsupported. Only 0 or 1 are valid
* for subscription QoS.
* @param[in] mqttConnection The MQTT connection to use for the subscription.
* @param[in] pSubscriptionList Pointer to the first element in the array of
* subscriptions.
* @param[in] subscriptionCount The number of elements in pSubscriptionList.
* @param[in] flags Flags which modify the behavior of this function. See @ref mqtt_constants_flags.
* @param[in] pCallbackInfo Asynchronous notification of this function's completion (`NULL` to disable).
* @param[out] pSubscribeOperation Set to a handle by which this operation may be
* referenced after this function returns. This reference is invalidated once
* the subscription operation completes.
* @return This function will return #IOT_MQTT_STATUS_PENDING upon success.
* @return Upon completion of the subscription (either through an
* #IotMqttCallbackInfo_t or @ref mqtt_function_wait), the status will be one of:
* @return If this function fails before queuing a subscribe operation, it will return
* one of:
* @see @ref mqtt_function_subscribesync for a blocking variant of this function.
* @see @ref mqtt_function_unsubscribeasync for the function that removes subscriptions.
* <b>Example</b>
* @code{c}
* // Subscription callback function.
* void subscriptionCallback( void * pArgument, IotMqttCallbackParam_t * pPublish );
* // An initialized and connected MQTT connection.
* IotMqttConnection_t mqttConnection;
* // Subscription information.
* IotMqttOperation_t lastOperation = IOT_MQTT_OPERATION_INITIALIZER;
* // Set the subscription information.
* for( int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_SUBSCRIPTIONS; i++ )
* {
* pSubscriptions[ i ].qos = IOT_MQTT_QOS_1;
* pSubscriptions[ i ].pTopicFilter = "some/topic/filter";
* pSubscriptions[ i ].topicLength = ( uint16_t ) strlen( pSubscriptions[ i ].pTopicFilter );
* pSubscriptions[ i ].callback.function = subscriptionCallback;
* }
* IotMqttError_t result = IotMqtt_SubscribeAsync( mqttConnection,
* pSubscriptions,
* &lastOperation );
* // Subscribe returns IOT_MQTT_STATUS_PENDING when successful. Wait up to
* // 5 seconds for the operation to complete.
* if( result == IOT_MQTT_STATUS_PENDING )
* {
* result = IotMqtt_Wait( subscriptionRef, 5000 );
* }
* // Check that the subscriptions were successful.
* if( result == IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS )
* {
* // Wait for messages on the subscription topic filters...
* // Unsubscribe once the subscriptions are no longer needed.
* result = IotMqtt_UnsubscribeAsync( mqttConnection,
* pSubscriptions,
* &lastOperation );
* // UNSUBSCRIBE returns IOT_MQTT_STATUS_PENDING when successful.
* // Wait up to 5 seconds for the operation to complete.
* if( result == IOT_MQTT_STATUS_PENDING )
* {
* result = IotMqtt_Wait( lastOperation, 5000 );
* }
* }
* // Check which subscriptions were rejected by the server.
* else if( result == IOT_MQTT_SERVER_REFUSED )
* {
* for( int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_SUBSCRIPTIONS; i++ )
* {
* if( IotMqtt_IsSubscribed( mqttConnection,
* pSubscriptions[ i ].pTopicFilter,
* pSubscriptions[ i ].topicFilterLength,
* NULL ) == false )
* {
* // This subscription was rejected.
* }
* }
* }
* @endcode
/* @[declare_mqtt_subscribeasync] */
IotMqttError_t IotMqtt_SubscribeAsync( IotMqttConnection_t mqttConnection,
const IotMqttSubscription_t * pSubscriptionList,
size_t subscriptionCount,
uint32_t flags,
const IotMqttCallbackInfo_t * pCallbackInfo,
IotMqttOperation_t * const pSubscribeOperation );
/* @[declare_mqtt_subscribeasync] */
* @brief Subscribes to the given array of topic filters with a timeout.
* This function sends an MQTT SUBSCRIBE packet to the server, then waits for
* a server response to the packet. Internally, this function is a call to @ref
* mqtt_function_subscribeasync followed by @ref mqtt_function_wait. See @ref
* mqtt_function_subscribeasync for more information about the MQTT SUBSCRIBE operation.
* @attention QoS 2 subscriptions are currently unsupported. Only 0 or 1 are valid
* for subscription QoS.
* @param[in] mqttConnection The MQTT connection to use for the subscription.
* @param[in] pSubscriptionList Pointer to the first element in the array of
* subscriptions.
* @param[in] subscriptionCount The number of elements in pSubscriptionList.
* @param[in] flags Flags which modify the behavior of this function. See @ref mqtt_constants_flags.
* Currently, flags are ignored by this function; this parameter is for
* future-compatibility.
* @param[in] timeoutMs If the MQTT server does not acknowledge the subscriptions within
* this timeout in milliseconds, this function returns #IOT_MQTT_TIMEOUT.
* @return One of the following:
/* @[declare_mqtt_subscribesync] */
IotMqttError_t IotMqtt_SubscribeSync( IotMqttConnection_t mqttConnection,
const IotMqttSubscription_t * pSubscriptionList,
size_t subscriptionCount,
uint32_t flags,
uint32_t timeoutMs );
/* @[declare_mqtt_subscribesync] */
* @brief Unsubscribes from the given array of topic filters and optionally
* receive an asynchronous notification when the unsubscribe completes.
* This function sends an MQTT UNSUBSCRIBE packet to the server. An UNSUBSCRIBE
* packet removes registered topic filters from the server. After unsubscribing,
* the server will no longer send messages on these topic filters to the client.
* Corresponding [subscription callback functions](@ref IotMqttCallbackInfo_t.function)
* are also removed from the MQTT connection. These subscription callback functions
* will be removed even if the MQTT UNSUBSCRIBE packet fails to send.
* @param[in] mqttConnection The MQTT connection used for the subscription.
* @param[in] pSubscriptionList Pointer to the first element in the array of
* subscriptions.
* @param[in] subscriptionCount The number of elements in pSubscriptionList.
* @param[in] flags Flags which modify the behavior of this function. See @ref mqtt_constants_flags.
* @param[in] pCallbackInfo Asynchronous notification of this function's completion (`NULL` to disable).
* @param[out] pUnsubscribeOperation Set to a handle by which this operation may be
* referenced after this function returns. This reference is invalidated once
* the unsubscribe operation completes.
* @return This function will return #IOT_MQTT_STATUS_PENDING upon success.
* @return Upon completion of the unsubscribe (either through an
* #IotMqttCallbackInfo_t or @ref mqtt_function_wait), the status will be one of:
* @return If this function fails before queuing an unsubscribe operation, it will return
* one of:
* @see @ref mqtt_function_unsubscribesync for a blocking variant of this function.
* @see @ref mqtt_function_subscribeasync for the function that adds subscriptions.
/* @[declare_mqtt_unsubscribeasync] */
IotMqttError_t IotMqtt_UnsubscribeAsync( IotMqttConnection_t mqttConnection,
const IotMqttSubscription_t * pSubscriptionList,
size_t subscriptionCount,
uint32_t flags,
const IotMqttCallbackInfo_t * pCallbackInfo,
IotMqttOperation_t * const pUnsubscribeOperation );
/* @[declare_mqtt_unsubscribeasync] */
* @brief Unsubscribes from a given array of topic filters with a timeout.
* This function sends an MQTT UNSUBSCRIBE packet to the server, then waits
* for a server response to the packet. Internally, this function is a call to
* @ref mqtt_function_unsubscribeasync followed by @ref mqtt_function_wait. See @ref
* mqtt_function_unsubscribeasync for more information about the MQTT UNSUBSCRIBE
* operation.
* @param[in] mqttConnection The MQTT connection used for the subscription.
* @param[in] pSubscriptionList Pointer to the first element in the array of
* subscriptions.
* @param[in] subscriptionCount The number of elements in pSubscriptionList.
* @param[in] flags Flags which modify the behavior of this function. See @ref mqtt_constants_flags.
* Flags are currently ignored but reserved for future use.
* @param[in] timeoutMs If the MQTT server does not acknowledge the UNSUBSCRIBE within
* this timeout in milliseconds, this function returns #IOT_MQTT_TIMEOUT.
* @return One of the following:
/* @[declare_mqtt_unsubscribesync] */
IotMqttError_t IotMqtt_UnsubscribeSync( IotMqttConnection_t mqttConnection,
const IotMqttSubscription_t * pSubscriptionList,
size_t subscriptionCount,
uint32_t flags,
uint32_t timeoutMs );
/* @[declare_mqtt_unsubscribesync] */
* @brief Publishes a message to the given topic name and optionally
* receive an asynchronous notification when the publish completes.
* This function sends an MQTT PUBLISH packet to the server. A PUBLISH packet
* contains a payload and a topic name. Any clients with a subscription on a
* topic filter matching the PUBLISH topic name will receive a copy of the
* PUBLISH packet from the server.
* If a PUBLISH packet fails to reach the server and it is not a QoS 0 message,
* it will be retransmitted. See #IotMqttPublishInfo_t for a description
* of the retransmission strategy.
* @attention QoS 2 messages are currently unsupported. Only 0 or 1 are valid
* for message QoS.
* @param[in] mqttConnection The MQTT connection to use for the publish.
* @param[in] pPublishInfo MQTT publish parameters.
* @param[in] flags Flags which modify the behavior of this function. See @ref mqtt_constants_flags.
* @param[in] pCallbackInfo Asynchronous notification of this function's completion (`NULL` to disable).
* @param[out] pPublishOperation Set to a handle by which this operation may be
* referenced after this function returns. This reference is invalidated once
* the publish operation completes.
* @return This function will return #IOT_MQTT_STATUS_PENDING upon success for
* QoS 1 publishes. For a QoS 0 publish it returns #IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS upon
* success.
* @return Upon completion of a QoS 1 publish (either through an
* #IotMqttCallbackInfo_t or @ref mqtt_function_wait), the status will be one of:
* - #IOT_MQTT_RETRY_NO_RESPONSE (if [pPublishInfo->retryMs](@ref IotMqttPublishInfo_t.retryMs)
* and [pPublishInfo->retryLimit](@ref IotMqttPublishInfo_t.retryLimit) were set).
* @return If this function fails before queuing an publish operation (regardless
* of QoS), it will return one of:
* @note The parameters `pCallbackInfo` and `pPublishOperation` should only be used for QoS
* 1 publishes. For QoS 0, they should both be `NULL`.
* @see @ref mqtt_function_publishsync for a blocking variant of this function.
* <b>Example</b>
* @code{c}
* // An initialized and connected MQTT connection.
* IotMqttConnection_t mqttConnection;
* // Publish information.
* IotMqttPublishInfo_t publishInfo = IOT_MQTT_PUBLISH_INFO_INITIALIZER;
* // Set the publish information. QoS 0 example (retain not used):
* publishInfo.qos = IOT_MQTT_QOS_0;
* publishInfo.pTopicName = "some/topic/name";
* publishInfo.topicNameLength = ( uint16_t ) strlen( publishInfo.pTopicName );
* publishInfo.pPayload = "payload";
* publishInfo.payloadLength = strlen( publishInfo.pPayload );
* // QoS 0 publish should return IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS upon success.
* IotMqttError_t qos0Result = IotMqtt_PublishAsync( mqttConnection,
* &publishInfo,
* 0,
* NULL );
* // QoS 1 with retry example (using same topic name and payload as QoS 0 example):
* IotMqttOperation_t qos1Operation = IOT_MQTT_OPERATION_INITIALIZER;
* publishInfo.qos = IOT_MQTT_QOS_1;
* publishInfo.retryMs = 1000; // Retry if no response is received in 1 second.
* publishInfo.retryLimit = 5; // Retry up to 5 times.
* // QoS 1 publish should return IOT_MQTT_STATUS_PENDING upon success.
* IotMqttError_t qos1Result = IotMqtt_PublishAsync( mqttConnection,
* &publishInfo,
* &qos1Operation );
* // Wait up to 5 seconds for the publish to complete.
* if( qos1Result == IOT_MQTT_STATUS_PENDING )
* {
* qos1Result = IotMqtt_Wait( qos1Operation, 5000 );
* }
* @endcode
/* @[declare_mqtt_publishasync] */
IotMqttError_t IotMqtt_PublishAsync( IotMqttConnection_t mqttConnection,
const IotMqttPublishInfo_t * pPublishInfo,
uint32_t flags,
const IotMqttCallbackInfo_t * pCallbackInfo,
IotMqttOperation_t * const pPublishOperation );
/* @[declare_mqtt_publishasync] */
* @brief Publish a message to the given topic name with a timeout.
* This function sends an MQTT PUBLISH packet to the server, then waits for
* a server response to the packet. Internally, this function is a call to @ref
* mqtt_function_publishasync followed by @ref mqtt_function_wait. See @ref
* mqtt_function_publishasync for more information about the MQTT PUBLISH operation.
* @attention QoS 2 messages are currently unsupported. Only 0 or 1 are valid
* for message QoS.
* @param[in] mqttConnection The MQTT connection to use for the publish.
* @param[in] pPublishInfo MQTT publish parameters.
* @param[in] flags Flags which modify the behavior of this function. See @ref mqtt_constants_flags.
* Currently, flags are ignored by this function; this parameter is for
* future-compatibility.
* @param[in] timeoutMs If the MQTT server does not acknowledge a QoS 1 PUBLISH
* within this timeout in milliseconds, this function returns #IOT_MQTT_TIMEOUT.
* This parameter is ignored for QoS 0 PUBLISH messages.
* @return One of the following:
* - #IOT_MQTT_RETRY_NO_RESPONSE (if [pPublishInfo->retryMs](@ref IotMqttPublishInfo_t.retryMs)
* and [pPublishInfo->retryLimit](@ref IotMqttPublishInfo_t.retryLimit) were set).
/* @[declare_mqtt_publishsync] */
IotMqttError_t IotMqtt_PublishSync( IotMqttConnection_t mqttConnection,
const IotMqttPublishInfo_t * pPublishInfo,
uint32_t flags,
uint32_t timeoutMs );
/* @[declare_mqtt_publishsync] */
* @brief Waits for an operation to complete.
* This function blocks to wait for a [subscribe](@ref mqtt_function_subscribeasync),
* [unsubscribe](@ref mqtt_function_unsubscribeasync), or [publish]
* (@ref mqtt_function_publishasync) to complete. These operations are by default
* asynchronous; the function calls queue an operation for processing, and a
* callback is invoked once the operation is complete.
* To use this function, the flag #IOT_MQTT_FLAG_WAITABLE must have been
* set in the operation's function call. Additionally, this function must always
* be called with any waitable operation to clean up resources.
* Regardless of its return value, this function always clean up resources used
* by the waitable operation. This means `reference` is invalidated as soon as
* this function returns, even if it returns #IOT_MQTT_TIMEOUT or another error.
* @param[in] operation Reference to the operation to wait for. The flag
* #IOT_MQTT_FLAG_WAITABLE must have been set for this operation.
* @param[in] timeoutMs How many milliseconds to wait before returning
* @return The return value of this function depends on the MQTT operation associated
* with `reference`. See #IotMqttError_t for possible return values.
* <b>Example</b>
* @code{c}
* // Operation reference and timeout.
* IotMqttOperation_t publishOperation = IOT_MQTT_OPERATION_INITIALIZER;
* uint32_t timeoutMs = 5000; // 5 seconds
* // MQTT operation to wait for.
* IotMqttError_t result = IotMqtt_PublishAsync( mqttConnection,
* &publishInfo,
* &publishOperation );
* // Publish should have returned IOT_MQTT_STATUS_PENDING. The call to wait
* // returns once the result of the publish is available or the timeout expires.
* if( result == IOT_MQTT_STATUS_PENDING )
* {
* result = IotMqtt_Wait( publishOperation, timeoutMs );
* // After the call to wait, the result of the publish is known
* assert( result != IOT_MQTT_STATUS_PENDING );
* }
* @endcode
/* @[declare_mqtt_wait] */
IotMqttError_t IotMqtt_Wait( IotMqttOperation_t operation,
uint32_t timeoutMs );
/* @[declare_mqtt_wait] */
/*-------------------------- MQTT helper functions --------------------------*/
* @brief Returns a string that describes an #IotMqttError_t.
* Like the POSIX `strerror`, this function returns a string describing a
* return code. In this case, the return code is an MQTT library error code,
* `status`.
* The string returned by this function <b>MUST</b> be treated as read-only: any
* attempt to modify its contents may result in a crash. Therefore, this function
* is limited to usage in logging.
* @param[in] status The status to describe.
* @return A read-only string that describes `status`.
* @warning The string returned by this function must never be modified.
/* @[declare_mqtt_strerror] */
const char * IotMqtt_strerror( IotMqttError_t status );
/* @[declare_mqtt_strerror] */
* @brief Returns a string that describes an #IotMqttOperationType_t.
* This function returns a string describing an MQTT operation type, `operation`.
* The string returned by this function <b>MUST</b> be treated as read-only: any
* attempt to modify its contents may result in a crash. Therefore, this function
* is limited to usage in logging.
* @param[in] operation The operation to describe.
* @return A read-only string that describes `operation`.
* @warning The string returned by this function must never be modified.
/* @[declare_mqtt_operationtype] */
const char * IotMqtt_OperationType( IotMqttOperationType_t operation );
/* @[declare_mqtt_operationtype] */
* @brief Check if an MQTT connection has a subscription for a topic filter.
* This function checks whether an MQTT connection `mqttConnection` has a
* subscription callback registered for a topic filter `pTopicFilter`. If a
* subscription callback is found, its details are copied into the output parameter
* `pCurrentSubscription`. This subscription callback will be invoked for incoming
* PUBLISH messages on `pTopicFilter`.
* <b>The check for a matching subscription is only performed client-side</b>;
* therefore, this function should not be relied upon for perfect accuracy. For
* example, this function may return an incorrect result if the MQTT server
* crashes and drops subscriptions without informing the client.
* Note that an MQTT connection's subscriptions might change between the time this
* function checks the subscription list and its caller tests the return value.
* This function certainly should not be used concurrently with any pending SUBSCRIBE
* or UNSUBSCRIBE operations.
* One suitable use of this function is to check <i>which</i> subscriptions were rejected
* if @ref mqtt_function_subscribeasync returns #IOT_MQTT_SERVER_REFUSED; that return
* code only means that <i>at least one</i> subscription was rejected.
* @param[in] mqttConnection The MQTT connection to check.
* @param[in] pTopicFilter The topic filter to check.
* @param[in] topicFilterLength Length of `pTopicFilter`.
* @param[out] pCurrentSubscription If a subscription is found, its details are
* copied here. This output parameter is only valid if this function returns `true` (`NULL` to disable).
* @return `true` if a subscription was found; `false` otherwise.
* @note The subscription QoS is not stored by the MQTT library; therefore,
* `pCurrentSubscription->qos` will always be set to #IOT_MQTT_QOS_0.
/* @[declare_mqtt_issubscribed] */
bool IotMqtt_IsSubscribed( IotMqttConnection_t mqttConnection,
const char * pTopicFilter,
uint16_t topicFilterLength,
IotMqttSubscription_t * const pCurrentSubscription );
/* @[declare_mqtt_issubscribed] */
* Doxygen should ignore this section.
* Backwards compatibility macros for previous function names.
#define IotMqtt_Subscribe IotMqtt_SubscribeAsync
#define IotMqtt_TimedSubscribe IotMqtt_SubscribeSync
#define IotMqtt_Unsubscribe IotMqtt_UnsubscribeAsync
#define IotMqtt_TimedUnsubscribe IotMqtt_UnsubscribeSync
#define IotMqtt_Publish IotMqtt_PublishAsync
#define IotMqtt_TimedPublish IotMqtt_PublishSync
/** @endcond */
#endif /* ifndef IOT_MQTT_H_ */