Tidy up the 8051 sdcc port (#376)

* Tidy up the 8051 sdcc port

* Replace tabs with spaces in SDCC Cygnal port.c file.

Co-authored-by: John Lin <shaojun.lin@delonghigroup.com>
Co-authored-by: Paul Bartell <pbartell@amazon.com>
diff --git a/portable/SDCC/Cygnal/port.c b/portable/SDCC/Cygnal/port.c
index 3b7ce0c..e0a9d94 100644
--- a/portable/SDCC/Cygnal/port.c
+++ b/portable/SDCC/Cygnal/port.c
@@ -38,19 +38,19 @@
 #include "task.h"


 /* Constants required to setup timer 2 to produce the RTOS tick. */

-#define portCLOCK_DIVISOR				( ( uint32_t ) 12 )

-#define portMAX_TIMER_VALUE				( ( uint32_t ) 0xffff )

-#define portENABLE_TIMER				( ( uint8_t ) 0x04 )

-#define portTIMER_2_INTERRUPT_ENABLE	( ( uint8_t ) 0x20 )

+#define portCLOCK_DIVISOR                               ( ( uint32_t ) 12 )

+#define portMAX_TIMER_VALUE                             ( ( uint32_t ) 0xffff )

+#define portENABLE_TIMER                                ( ( uint8_t ) 0x04 )

+#define portTIMER_2_INTERRUPT_ENABLE                    ( ( uint8_t ) 0x20 )


 /* The value used in the IE register when a task first starts. */

-#define portGLOBAL_INTERRUPT_BIT	( ( StackType_t ) 0x80 )

+#define portGLOBAL_INTERRUPT_BIT                        ( ( StackType_t ) 0x80 )


 /* The value used in the PSW register when a task first starts. */

-#define portINITIAL_PSW				( ( StackType_t ) 0x00 )

+#define portINITIAL_PSW                                 ( ( StackType_t ) 0x00 )


 /* Macro to clear the timer 2 interrupt flag. */

-#define portCLEAR_INTERRUPT_FLAG()	TMR2CN &= ~0x80;

+#define portCLEAR_INTERRUPT_FLAG()                      TMR2CN &= ~0x80;


 /* Used during a context switch to store the size of the stack being copied

 to or from XRAM. */

@@ -70,257 +70,257 @@
 extern volatile TCB_t * volatile pxCurrentTCB;



- * Setup the hardware to generate an interrupt off timer 2 at the required 

+ * Setup the hardware to generate an interrupt off timer 2 at the required

  * frequency.


 static void prvSetupTimerInterrupt( void );




- * Macro that copies the current stack from internal RAM to XRAM.  This is 

- * required as the 8051 only contains enough internal RAM for a single stack, 

+ * Macro that copies the current stack from internal RAM to XRAM.  This is

+ * required as the 8051 only contains enough internal RAM for a single stack,

  * but we have a stack for every task.


-#define portCOPY_STACK_TO_XRAM()																\

-{																								\

-	/* pxCurrentTCB points to a TCB which itself points to the location into					\

-	which the first	stack byte should be copied.  Set pxXRAMStack to point						\

-	to the location into which the first stack byte is to be copied. */							\

-	pxXRAMStack = ( xdata StackType_t * ) *( ( xdata StackType_t ** ) pxCurrentTCB );		\

-																								\

-	/* Set pxRAMStack to point to the first byte to be coped from the stack. */					\

-	pxRAMStack = ( data StackType_t * data ) configSTACK_START;								\

-																								\

-	/* Calculate the size of the stack we are about to copy from the current					\

-	stack pointer value. */																		\

-	ucStackBytes = SP - ( configSTACK_START - 1 );												\

-																								\

-	/* Before starting to copy the stack, store the calculated stack size so					\

-	the stack can be restored when the task is resumed. */										\

-	*pxXRAMStack = ucStackBytes;																\

-																								\

-	/* Copy each stack byte in turn.  pxXRAMStack is incremented first as we					\

-	have already stored the stack size into XRAM. */											\

-	while( ucStackBytes )																		\

-	{																							\

-		pxXRAMStack++;																			\

-		*pxXRAMStack = *pxRAMStack;																\

-		pxRAMStack++;																			\

-		ucStackBytes--;																			\

-	}																							\

+#define portCOPY_STACK_TO_XRAM()                                                            \

+{                                                                                           \

+        /* pxCurrentTCB points to a TCB which itself points to the location into            \

+        which the first stack byte should be copied. Set pxXRAMStack to point               \

+        to the location into which the first stack byte is to be copied. */                 \

+        pxXRAMStack = ( xdata StackType_t * ) *( ( xdata StackType_t ** ) pxCurrentTCB );   \

+                                                                                            \

+        /* Set pxRAMStack to point to the first byte to be coped from the stack. */         \

+        pxRAMStack = ( data StackType_t * data ) configSTACK_START;                         \

+                                                                                            \

+        /* Calculate the size of the stack we are about to copy from the current            \

+        stack pointer value. */                                                             \

+        ucStackBytes = SP - ( configSTACK_START - 1 );                                      \

+                                                                                            \

+        /* Before starting to copy the stack, store the calculated stack size so            \

+        the stack can be restored when the task is resumed. */                              \

+        *pxXRAMStack = ucStackBytes;                                                        \

+                                                                                            \

+        /* Copy each stack byte in turn.  pxXRAMStack is incremented first as we            \

+        have already stored the stack size into XRAM. */                                    \

+        while( ucStackBytes )                                                               \

+        {                                                                                   \

+                pxXRAMStack++;                                                              \

+                *pxXRAMStack = *pxRAMStack;                                                 \

+                pxRAMStack++;                                                               \

+                ucStackBytes--;                                                             \

+        }                                                                                   \





- * Macro that copies the stack of the task being resumed from XRAM into 

+ * Macro that copies the stack of the task being resumed from XRAM into

  * internal RAM.


-#define portCOPY_XRAM_TO_STACK()																\

-{																								\

-	/* Setup the pointers as per portCOPY_STACK_TO_XRAM(), but this time to						\

-	copy the data back out of XRAM and into the stack. */										\

-	pxXRAMStack = ( xdata StackType_t * ) *( ( xdata StackType_t ** ) pxCurrentTCB );		\

-	pxRAMStack = ( data StackType_t * data ) ( configSTACK_START - 1 );						\

-																								\

-	/* The first value stored in XRAM was the size of the stack - i.e. the						\

-	number of bytes we need to copy back. */													\

-	ucStackBytes = pxXRAMStack[ 0 ];															\

-																								\

-	/* Copy the required number of bytes back into the stack. */								\

-	do																							\

-	{																							\

-		pxXRAMStack++;																			\

-		pxRAMStack++;																			\

-		*pxRAMStack = *pxXRAMStack;																\

-		ucStackBytes--;																			\

-	} while( ucStackBytes );																	\

-																								\

-	/* Restore the stack pointer ready to use the restored stack. */							\

-	SP = ( uint8_t ) pxRAMStack;														\

+#define portCOPY_XRAM_TO_STACK()                                                            \

+{                                                                                           \

+        /* Setup the pointers as per portCOPY_STACK_TO_XRAM(), but this time to             \

+        copy the data back out of XRAM and into the stack. */                               \

+        pxXRAMStack = ( xdata StackType_t * ) *( ( xdata StackType_t ** ) pxCurrentTCB );   \

+        pxRAMStack = ( data StackType_t * data ) ( configSTACK_START - 1 );                 \

+                                                                                            \

+        /* The first value stored in XRAM was the size of the stack - i.e. the              \

+        number of bytes we need to copy back. */                                            \

+        ucStackBytes = pxXRAMStack[ 0 ];                                                    \

+                                                                                            \

+        /* Copy the required number of bytes back into the stack. */                        \

+        do                                                                                  \

+        {                                                                                   \

+                pxXRAMStack++;                                                              \

+                pxRAMStack++;                                                               \

+                *pxRAMStack = *pxXRAMStack;                                                 \

+                ucStackBytes--;                                                             \

+        } while( ucStackBytes );                                                            \

+                                                                                            \

+        /* Restore the stack pointer ready to use the restored stack. */                    \

+        SP = ( uint8_t ) pxRAMStack;                                                        \





- * Macro to push the current execution context onto the stack, before the stack 

- * is moved to XRAM. 

+ * Macro to push the current execution context onto the stack, before the stack

+ * is moved to XRAM.


-#define portSAVE_CONTEXT()																		\

-{																								\

-	_asm																						\

-		/* Push ACC first, as when restoring the context it must be restored					\

-		last (it is used to set the IE register). */											\

-		push	ACC																				\

-		/* Store the IE register then disable interrupts. */									\

-		push	IE																				\

-		clr		_EA																				\

-		push	DPL																				\

-		push	DPH																				\

-		push	b																				\

-		push	ar2																				\

-		push	ar3																				\

-		push	ar4																				\

-		push	ar5																				\

-		push	ar6																				\

-		push	ar7																				\

-		push	ar0																				\

-		push	ar1																				\

-		push	PSW																				\

-	_endasm;																					\

-		PSW = 0;																				\

-	_asm																						\

-		push	_bp																				\

-	_endasm;																					\

+#define portSAVE_CONTEXT()                                                                  \

+{                                                                                           \

+        _asm                                                                                \

+                /* Push ACC first, as when restoring the context it must be restored        \

+                last (it is used to set the IE register). */                                \

+                push        ACC                                                             \

+                /* Store the IE register then disable interrupts. */                        \

+                push        IE                                                              \

+                clr                _EA                                                      \

+                push        DPL                                                             \

+                push        DPH                                                             \

+                push        b                                                               \

+                push        ar2                                                             \

+                push        ar3                                                             \

+                push        ar4                                                             \

+                push        ar5                                                             \

+                push        ar6                                                             \

+                push        ar7                                                             \

+                push        ar0                                                             \

+                push        ar1                                                             \

+                push        PSW                                                             \

+        _endasm;                                                                            \

+                PSW = 0;                                                                    \

+        _asm                                                                                \

+                push        _bp                                                             \

+        _endasm;                                                                            \





- * Macro that restores the execution context from the stack.  The execution 

+ * Macro that restores the execution context from the stack.  The execution

  * context was saved into the stack before the stack was copied into XRAM.


-#define portRESTORE_CONTEXT()																	\

-{																								\

-	_asm																						\

-		pop		_bp																				\

-		pop		PSW																				\

-		pop		ar1																				\

-		pop		ar0																				\

-		pop		ar7																				\

-		pop		ar6																				\

-		pop		ar5																				\

-		pop		ar4																				\

-		pop		ar3																				\

-		pop		ar2																				\

-		pop		b																				\

-		pop		DPH																				\

-		pop		DPL																				\

-		/* The next byte of the stack is the IE register.  Only the global						\

-		enable bit forms part of the task context.  Pop off the IE then set						\

-		the global enable bit to match that of the stored IE register. */						\

-		pop		ACC																				\

-		JB		ACC.7,0098$																		\

-		CLR		IE.7																			\

-		LJMP	0099$																			\

-	0098$:																						\

-		SETB	IE.7																			\

-	0099$:																						\

-		/* Finally pop off the ACC, which was the first register saved. */						\

-		pop		ACC																				\

-		reti																					\

-	_endasm;																					\

+#define portRESTORE_CONTEXT()                                                               \

+{                                                                                           \

+        _asm                                                                                \

+                pop                _bp                                                      \

+                pop                PSW                                                      \

+                pop                ar1                                                      \

+                pop                ar0                                                      \

+                pop                ar7                                                      \

+                pop                ar6                                                      \

+                pop                ar5                                                      \

+                pop                ar4                                                      \

+                pop                ar3                                                      \

+                pop                ar2                                                      \

+                pop                b                                                        \

+                pop                DPH                                                      \

+                pop                DPL                                                      \

+                /* The next byte of the stack is the IE register.  Only the global          \

+                enable bit forms part of the task context.  Pop off the IE then set         \

+                the global enable bit to match that of the stored IE register. */           \

+                pop                ACC                                                      \

+                JB                ACC.7,0098$                                               \

+                CLR                IE.7                                                     \

+                LJMP        0099$                                                           \

+        0098$:                                                                              \

+                SETB        IE.7                                                            \

+        0099$:                                                                              \

+                /* Finally pop off the ACC, which was the first register saved. */          \

+                pop                ACC                                                      \

+                reti                                                                        \

+        _endasm;                                                                            \





- * See header file for description. 


+ * See header file for description.


 StackType_t *pxPortInitialiseStack( StackType_t *pxTopOfStack, TaskFunction_t pxCode, void *pvParameters )


 uint32_t ulAddress;

 StackType_t *pxStartOfStack;


-	/* Leave space to write the size of the stack as the first byte. */

-	pxStartOfStack = pxTopOfStack;

-	pxTopOfStack++;

+        /* Leave space to write the size of the stack as the first byte. */

+        pxStartOfStack = pxTopOfStack;

+        pxTopOfStack++;


-	/* Place a few bytes of known values on the bottom of the stack. 

-	This is just useful for debugging and can be uncommented if required.

-	*pxTopOfStack = 0x11;

-	pxTopOfStack++;

-	*pxTopOfStack = 0x22;

-	pxTopOfStack++;

-	*pxTopOfStack = 0x33;

-	pxTopOfStack++;

-	*/

+        /* Place a few bytes of known values on the bottom of the stack.

+        This is just useful for debugging and can be uncommented if required.

+        *pxTopOfStack = 0x11;

+        pxTopOfStack++;

+        *pxTopOfStack = 0x22;

+        pxTopOfStack++;

+        *pxTopOfStack = 0x33;

+        pxTopOfStack++;

+        */


-	/* Simulate how the stack would look after a call to the scheduler tick 

-	ISR. 

+        /* Simulate how the stack would look after a call to the scheduler tick

+        ISR.


-	The return address that would have been pushed by the MCU. */

-	ulAddress = ( uint32_t ) pxCode;

-	*pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ulAddress;

-	ulAddress >>= 8;

-	pxTopOfStack++;

-	*pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ( ulAddress );

-	pxTopOfStack++;

+        The return address that would have been pushed by the MCU. */

+        ulAddress = ( uint32_t ) pxCode;

+        *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ulAddress;

+        ulAddress >>= 8;

+        pxTopOfStack++;

+        *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ( ulAddress );

+        pxTopOfStack++;


-	/* Next all the registers will have been pushed by portSAVE_CONTEXT(). */

-	*pxTopOfStack = 0xaa;	/* acc */

-	pxTopOfStack++;	

+        /* Next all the registers will have been pushed by portSAVE_CONTEXT(). */

+        *pxTopOfStack = 0xaa;        /* acc */

+        pxTopOfStack++;


-	/* We want tasks to start with interrupts enabled. */

-	*pxTopOfStack = portGLOBAL_INTERRUPT_BIT;

-	pxTopOfStack++;

+        /* We want tasks to start with interrupts enabled. */

+        *pxTopOfStack = portGLOBAL_INTERRUPT_BIT;

+        pxTopOfStack++;


-	/* The function parameters will be passed in the DPTR and B register as

-	a three byte generic pointer is used. */

-	ulAddress = ( uint32_t ) pvParameters;

-	*pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ulAddress;	/* DPL */

-	ulAddress >>= 8;

-	*pxTopOfStack++;

-	*pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ulAddress;	/* DPH */

-	ulAddress >>= 8;

-	pxTopOfStack++;

-	*pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ulAddress;	/* b */

-	pxTopOfStack++;

+        /* The function parameters will be passed in the DPTR and B register as

+        a three byte generic pointer is used. */

+        ulAddress = ( uint32_t ) pvParameters;

+        *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ulAddress;        /* DPL */

+        ulAddress >>= 8;

+        *pxTopOfStack++;

+        *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ulAddress;        /* DPH */

+        ulAddress >>= 8;

+        pxTopOfStack++;

+        *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ulAddress;        /* b */

+        pxTopOfStack++;


-	/* The remaining registers are straight forward. */

-	*pxTopOfStack = 0x02;	/* R2 */

-	pxTopOfStack++;

-	*pxTopOfStack = 0x03;	/* R3 */

-	pxTopOfStack++;

-	*pxTopOfStack = 0x04;	/* R4 */

-	pxTopOfStack++;

-	*pxTopOfStack = 0x05;	/* R5 */

-	pxTopOfStack++;

-	*pxTopOfStack = 0x06;	/* R6 */

-	pxTopOfStack++;

-	*pxTopOfStack = 0x07;	/* R7 */

-	pxTopOfStack++;

-	*pxTopOfStack = 0x00;	/* R0 */

-	pxTopOfStack++;

-	*pxTopOfStack = 0x01;	/* R1 */

-	pxTopOfStack++;

-	*pxTopOfStack = 0x00;	/* PSW */

-	pxTopOfStack++;

-	*pxTopOfStack = 0xbb;	/* BP */

+        /* The remaining registers are straight forward. */

+        *pxTopOfStack = 0x02;        /* R2 */

+        pxTopOfStack++;

+        *pxTopOfStack = 0x03;        /* R3 */

+        pxTopOfStack++;

+        *pxTopOfStack = 0x04;        /* R4 */

+        pxTopOfStack++;

+        *pxTopOfStack = 0x05;        /* R5 */

+        pxTopOfStack++;

+        *pxTopOfStack = 0x06;        /* R6 */

+        pxTopOfStack++;

+        *pxTopOfStack = 0x07;        /* R7 */

+        pxTopOfStack++;

+        *pxTopOfStack = 0x00;        /* R0 */

+        pxTopOfStack++;

+        *pxTopOfStack = 0x01;        /* R1 */

+        pxTopOfStack++;

+        *pxTopOfStack = 0x00;        /* PSW */

+        pxTopOfStack++;

+        *pxTopOfStack = 0xbb;        /* BP */


-	/* Dont increment the stack size here as we don't want to include

-	the stack size byte as part of the stack size count.

+        /* Dont increment the stack size here as we don't want to include

+        the stack size byte as part of the stack size count.


-	Finally we place the stack size at the beginning. */

-	*pxStartOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ( pxTopOfStack - pxStartOfStack );

+        Finally we place the stack size at the beginning. */

+        *pxStartOfStack = ( StackType_t ) ( pxTopOfStack - pxStartOfStack );


-	/* Unlike most ports, we return the start of the stack as this is where the

-	size of the stack is stored. */

-	return pxStartOfStack;

+        /* Unlike most ports, we return the start of the stack as this is where the

+        size of the stack is stored. */

+        return pxStartOfStack;





- * See header file for description. 


+ * See header file for description.


 BaseType_t xPortStartScheduler( void )


-	/* Setup timer 2 to generate the RTOS tick. */

-	prvSetupTimerInterrupt();	

+        /* Setup timer 2 to generate the RTOS tick. */

+        prvSetupTimerInterrupt();


-	/* Make sure we start with the expected SFR page.  This line should not

-	really be required. */

-	SFRPAGE = 0;

+        /* Make sure we start with the expected SFR page.  This line should not

+        really be required. */

+        SFRPAGE = 0;


-	/* Copy the stack for the first task to execute from XRAM into the stack,

-	restore the task context from the new stack, then start running the task. */



+        /* Copy the stack for the first task to execute from XRAM into the stack,

+        restore the task context from the new stack, then start running the task. */

+        portCOPY_XRAM_TO_STACK();

+        portRESTORE_CONTEXT();


-	/* Should never get here! */

-	return pdTRUE;

+        /* Should never get here! */

+        return pdTRUE;




 void vPortEndScheduler( void )


-	/* Not implemented for this port. */

+        /* Not implemented for this port. */




@@ -330,53 +330,53 @@

 void vPortYield( void ) _naked


-	/* Save the execution context onto the stack, then copy the entire stack

-	to XRAM.  This is necessary as the internal RAM is only large enough to

-	hold one stack, and we want one per task. 






+        /* Save the execution context onto the stack, then copy the entire stack

+        to XRAM.  This is necessary as the internal RAM is only large enough to

+        hold one stack, and we want one per task.


-	/* Call the standard scheduler context switch function. */

-	vTaskSwitchContext();


+        IS REQUIRED. */

+        portSAVE_CONTEXT();

+        portCOPY_STACK_TO_XRAM();


-	/* Copy the stack of the task about to execute from XRAM into RAM and

-	restore it's context ready to run on exiting. */



+        /* Call the standard scheduler context switch function. */

+        vTaskSwitchContext();


+        /* Copy the stack of the task about to execute from XRAM into RAM and

+        restore it's context ready to run on exiting. */

+        portCOPY_XRAM_TO_STACK();

+        portRESTORE_CONTEXT();




 #if configUSE_PREEMPTION == 1

-	void vTimer2ISR( void ) interrupt 5 _naked

-	{

-		/* Preemptive context switch function triggered by the timer 2 ISR.

-		This does the same as vPortYield() (see above) with the addition

-		of incrementing the RTOS tick count. */

+        void vTimer2ISR( void ) interrupt 5 _naked

+        {

+                /* Preemptive context switch function triggered by the timer 2 ISR.

+                This does the same as vPortYield() (see above) with the addition

+                of incrementing the RTOS tick count. */


-		portSAVE_CONTEXT();


+                portSAVE_CONTEXT();

+                portCOPY_STACK_TO_XRAM();


-		if( xTaskIncrementTick() != pdFALSE )

-		{

-			vTaskSwitchContext();

-		}





-	}

+                if( xTaskIncrementTick() != pdFALSE )

+                {

+                        vTaskSwitchContext();

+                }


+                portCLEAR_INTERRUPT_FLAG();

+                portCOPY_XRAM_TO_STACK();

+                portRESTORE_CONTEXT();

+        }


-	void vTimer2ISR( void ) interrupt 5

-	{

-		/* When using the cooperative scheduler the timer 2 ISR is only 

-		required to increment the RTOS tick count. */

+        void vTimer2ISR( void ) interrupt 5

+        {

+                /* When using the cooperative scheduler the timer 2 ISR is only

+                required to increment the RTOS tick count. */


-		xTaskIncrementTick();


-	}

+                xTaskIncrementTick();

+                portCLEAR_INTERRUPT_FLAG();

+        }




@@ -391,33 +391,33 @@
 const uint8_t ucLowCaptureByte = ( uint8_t ) ( ulCaptureValue & ( uint32_t ) 0xff );

 const uint8_t ucHighCaptureByte = ( uint8_t ) ( ulCaptureValue >> ( uint32_t ) 8 );


-	/* NOTE:  This uses a timer only present on 8052 architecture. */

+        /* NOTE:  This uses a timer only present on 8052 architecture. */


-	/* Remember the current SFR page so we can restore it at the end of the

-	function. */

-	ucOriginalSFRPage = SFRPAGE;

-	SFRPAGE = 0;

+        /* Remember the current SFR page so we can restore it at the end of the

+        function. */

+        ucOriginalSFRPage = SFRPAGE;

+        SFRPAGE = 0;


-	/* TMR2CF can be left in its default state. */	

-	TMR2CF = ( uint8_t ) 0;

+        /* TMR2CF can be left in its default state. */

+        TMR2CF = ( uint8_t ) 0;


-	/* Setup the overflow reload value. */

-	RCAP2L = ucLowCaptureByte;

-	RCAP2H = ucHighCaptureByte;

+        /* Setup the overflow reload value. */

+        RCAP2L = ucLowCaptureByte;

+        RCAP2H = ucHighCaptureByte;


-	/* The initial load is performed manually. */

-	TMR2L = ucLowCaptureByte;

-	TMR2H = ucHighCaptureByte;

+        /* The initial load is performed manually. */

+        TMR2L = ucLowCaptureByte;

+        TMR2H = ucHighCaptureByte;


-	/* Enable the timer 2 interrupts. */


+        /* Enable the timer 2 interrupts. */

+        IE |= portTIMER_2_INTERRUPT_ENABLE;


-	/* Interrupts are disabled when this is called so the timer can be started

-	here. */


+        /* Interrupts are disabled when this is called so the timer can be started

+        here. */

+        TMR2CN = portENABLE_TIMER;


-	/* Restore the original SFR page. */

-	SFRPAGE = ucOriginalSFRPage;

+        /* Restore the original SFR page. */

+        SFRPAGE = ucOriginalSFRPage;
