/* | |
FreeRTOS V5.4.2 - Copyright (C) 2009 Real Time Engineers Ltd. | |
This file is part of the FreeRTOS distribution. | |
FreeRTOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under | |
the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2) as published by the | |
Free Software Foundation and modified by the FreeRTOS exception. | |
**NOTE** The exception to the GPL is included to allow you to distribute a | |
combined work that includes FreeRTOS without being obliged to provide the | |
source code for proprietary components outside of the FreeRTOS kernel. | |
Alternative commercial license and support terms are also available upon | |
request. See the licensing section of http://www.FreeRTOS.org for full | |
license details. | |
FreeRTOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT | |
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or | |
FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for | |
more details. | |
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along | |
with FreeRTOS; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 | |
Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. | |
*************************************************************************** | |
* * | |
* Looking for a quick start? Then check out the FreeRTOS eBook! * | |
* See http://www.FreeRTOS.org/Documentation for details * | |
* * | |
*************************************************************************** | |
1 tab == 4 spaces! | |
Please ensure to read the configuration and relevant port sections of the | |
online documentation. | |
http://www.FreeRTOS.org - Documentation, latest information, license and | |
contact details. | |
http://www.SafeRTOS.com - A version that is certified for use in safety | |
critical systems. | |
http://www.OpenRTOS.com - Commercial support, development, porting, | |
licensing and training services. | |
*/ | |
/* | |
* Creates all the demo application tasks, then starts the scheduler. | |
* In addition to the standard demo tasks, the following tasks and tests are | |
* defined and/or created within this file: | |
* | |
* "Check" task - This only executes every five seconds but has the highest | |
* priority so is guaranteed to get processor time. Its main function is to | |
* check that all the standard demo tasks are still operational. The check | |
* task will write an error message to the console should an error be detected | |
* within any of the demo tasks. The check task also toggles the LED defined | |
* by mainCHECK_LED every 5 seconds while the system is error free, with the | |
* toggle rate increasing to every 500ms should an error occur. | |
* | |
* "Reg test" tasks - These fill the registers with known values, then check | |
* that each register still contains its expected value. Each task uses | |
* different values. The tasks run with very low priority so get preempted very | |
* frequently. A register containing an unexpected value is indicative of an | |
* error in the context switching mechanism. | |
* | |
* See the online documentation for this demo for more information on interrupt | |
* usage. | |
*/ | |
/* Standard includes. */ | |
#include <stddef.h> | |
#include <stdio.h> | |
#include <string.h> | |
/* Scheduler includes. */ | |
#include "FreeRTOS.h" | |
#include "task.h" | |
#include "queue.h" | |
/* Demo application includes. */ | |
#include "partest.h" | |
#include "flash.h" | |
#include "blocktim.h" | |
#include "semtest.h" | |
#include "serial.h" | |
#include "comtest.h" | |
#include "GenQTest.h" | |
#include "QPeek.h" | |
#include "integer.h" | |
#include "PollQ.h" | |
#include "BlockQ.h" | |
#include "dynamic.h" | |
#include "countsem.h" | |
#include "recmutex.h" | |
#include "death.h" | |
/*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ | |
#error The batch file Demo\NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC\CreateProjectDirectoryStructure.bat must be executed before the first build. After executing the batch file hit F5 to refrech the Eclipse project, then delete this line. | |
/*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ | |
/* The rate at which the LED controlled by the 'check' task will toggle when no | |
errors have been detected. */ | |
#define mainNO_ERROR_PERIOD ( 5000 ) | |
/* The rate at which the LED controlled by the 'check' task will toggle when an | |
error has been detected. */ | |
#define mainERROR_PERIOD ( 500 ) | |
/* The LED toggled by the Check task. */ | |
#define mainCHECK_LED ( 7 ) | |
/* The first LED used by the ComTest tasks. One LED toggles each time a | |
character is transmitted, and one each time a character is received and | |
verified as being the expected character. */ | |
#define mainCOMTEST_LED ( 4 ) | |
/* Priority definitions for the tasks in the demo application. */ | |
#define mainLED_TASK_PRIORITY ( tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1 ) | |
#define mainCREATOR_TASK_PRIORITY ( tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 3 ) | |
#define mainCHECK_TASK_PRIORITY ( tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 4 ) | |
#define mainQUEUE_POLL_PRIORITY ( tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 2 ) | |
#define mainQUEUE_BLOCK_PRIORITY ( tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 3 ) | |
#define mainCOM_TEST_PRIORITY ( tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 2 ) | |
#define mainREG_TEST_PRIORITY ( tskIDLE_PRIORITY ) | |
/* Misc. */ | |
#define mainDONT_WAIT ( 0 ) | |
/* The parameters passed to the reg test tasks. This is just done to check | |
the parameter passing mechanism is working correctly. */ | |
#define mainREG_TEST_1_PARAMETER ( ( void * ) 0x12345678 ) | |
#define mainREG_TEST_2_PARAMETER ( ( void * ) 0x87654321 ) | |
/*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ | |
/* | |
* Setup the processor ready for the demo. | |
*/ | |
static void prvSetupHardware( void ); | |
/* | |
* Execute all of the check functions to ensure the tests haven't failed. | |
*/ | |
static void prvCheckTask( void *pvParameters ); | |
/* | |
* The register test (or RegTest) tasks as described at the top of this file. | |
*/ | |
static void prvFirstRegTestTask( void *pvParameters ); | |
static void prvSecondRegTestTask( void *pvParameters ); | |
/*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ | |
/* Counters that are incremented on each iteration of the RegTest tasks | |
so long as no errors have been detected. */ | |
volatile unsigned long ulRegTest1Counter = 0UL, ulRegTest2Counter = 0UL; | |
/*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ | |
/* | |
* Create the demo tasks then start the scheduler. | |
*/ | |
int main( void ) | |
{ | |
/* Configure any hardware required for this demo. */ | |
prvSetupHardware(); | |
/* Create all the other standard demo tasks. These serve no purpose other | |
than to test the port and demonstrate the use of the FreeRTOS API. */ | |
vStartLEDFlashTasks( tskIDLE_PRIORITY ); | |
vStartIntegerMathTasks( mainGENERIC_QUEUE_PRIORITY ); | |
vStartPolledQueueTasks( mainQUEUE_POLL_PRIORITY ); | |
vStartBlockingQueueTasks( mainQUEUE_BLOCK_PRIORITY ); | |
vCreateBlockTimeTasks(); | |
vStartSemaphoreTasks( mainSEMAPHORE_TASK_PRIORITY ); | |
vStartDynamicPriorityTasks(); | |
vStartQueuePeekTasks(); | |
vStartGenericQueueTasks( mainGENERIC_QUEUE_PRIORITY ); | |
vStartCountingSemaphoreTasks(); | |
vStartRecursiveMutexTasks(); | |
vAltStartComTestTasks( mainCOM_TEST_PRIORITY, 0, mainCOMTEST_LED ); | |
/* prvCheckTask uses sprintf so requires more stack. */ | |
xTaskCreate( prvCheckTask, "Check", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainCHECK_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL ); | |
/* The RegTest tasks as described at the top of this file. */ | |
xTaskCreate( prvFirstRegTestTask, "Rreg1", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, mainREG_TEST_1_PARAMETER, mainREG_TEST_PRIORITY, NULL ); | |
xTaskCreate( prvSecondRegTestTask, "Rreg2", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, mainREG_TEST_2_PARAMETER, mainREG_TEST_PRIORITY, NULL ); | |
/* This task has to be created last as it keeps account of the number of tasks | |
it expects to see running. */ | |
vCreateSuicidalTasks( mainCREATOR_TASK_PRIORITY ); | |
/* Finally start the scheduler. */ | |
vTaskStartScheduler(); | |
/* Will only reach here if there is insufficient heap available to start | |
the scheduler. */ | |
for( ;; ); | |
} | |
/*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ | |
static void prvSetupHardware( void ) | |
{ | |
/* Setup the digital IO for the LED's. */ | |
vParTestInitialise(); | |
} | |
/*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ | |
void vApplicationStackOverflowHook( void ) | |
{ | |
/* Look at pxCurrentTCB to see which task overflowed its stack. */ | |
for( ;; ) | |
{ | |
asm( "break" ); | |
} | |
} | |
/*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ | |
void _general_exception_handler( unsigned portLONG ulCause, unsigned portLONG ulStatus ) | |
{ | |
/* This overrides the definition provided by the kernel. Other exceptions | |
should be handled here. */ | |
for( ;; ) | |
{ | |
asm( "break" ); | |
} | |
} | |
/*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ | |
static void prvCheckTask( void *pvParameters ) | |
{ | |
portTickType xLastExecutionTime, ulTicksToWait = mainNO_ERROR_PERIOD; | |
unsigned long ulLastRegTest1 = 0UL, ulLastRegTest2 = 0UL; | |
const portCHAR * pcMessage; | |
/* Initialise the variable used to control our iteration rate prior to | |
its first use. */ | |
xLastExecutionTime = xTaskGetTickCount(); | |
for( ;; ) | |
{ | |
/* Wait until it is time to run the tests again. */ | |
vTaskDelayUntil( &xLastExecutionTime, ulTicksToWait ); | |
/* Have any of the standard demo tasks detected an error in their | |
operation? */ | |
if( xAreIntegerMathsTaskStillRunning() != pdTRUE ) | |
{ | |
ulTicksToWait = mainERROR_PERIOD; | |
pcMessage = "Error: Integer Maths.\n"; | |
} | |
else if( xAreGenericQueueTasksStillRunning() != pdTRUE ) | |
{ | |
ulTicksToWait = mainERROR_PERIOD; | |
pcMessage = "Error: GenQ.\n"; | |
} | |
else if( xAreBlockingQueuesStillRunning() != pdTRUE ) | |
{ | |
ulTicksToWait = mainERROR_PERIOD; | |
pcMessage = "Error: BlockQ.\n"; | |
} | |
else if( xArePollingQueuesStillRunning() != pdTRUE ) | |
{ | |
ulTicksToWait = mainERROR_PERIOD; | |
pcMessage = "Error: PollQ.\n"; | |
} | |
else if( xAreQueuePeekTasksStillRunning() != pdTRUE ) | |
{ | |
ulTicksToWait = mainERROR_PERIOD; | |
pcMessage = "Error: PeekQ.\n"; | |
} | |
else if( xAreBlockTimeTestTasksStillRunning() != pdTRUE ) | |
{ | |
ulTicksToWait = mainERROR_PERIOD; | |
pcMessage = "Error: Block Time.\n"; | |
} | |
else if( xAreSemaphoreTasksStillRunning() != pdTRUE ) | |
{ | |
ulTicksToWait = mainERROR_PERIOD; | |
pcMessage = "Error: Semaphore Test.\n"; | |
} | |
else if( xAreComTestTasksStillRunning() != pdTRUE ) | |
{ | |
ulTicksToWait = mainERROR_PERIOD; | |
pcMessage = "Error: Comm Test.\n"; | |
} | |
else if( xIsCreateTaskStillRunning() != pdTRUE ) | |
{ | |
ulTicksToWait = mainERROR_PERIOD; | |
pcMessage = "Error: Suicidal Tasks.\n"; | |
} | |
else if( xAreDynamicPriorityTasksStillRunning() != pdTRUE ) | |
{ | |
ulTicksToWait = mainERROR_PERIOD; | |
pcMessage = "Error: Dynamic Priority.\n"; | |
} | |
else if( xAreCountingSemaphoreTasksStillRunning() != pdTRUE ) | |
{ | |
ulTicksToWait = mainERROR_PERIOD; | |
pcMessage = "Error: Count Semaphore.\n"; | |
} | |
else if( xAreRecursiveMutexTasksStillRunning() != pdTRUE ) | |
{ | |
ulTicksToWait = mainERROR_PERIOD; | |
pcMessage = "Error: Recursive Mutex.\n"; | |
} | |
else if( ulLastRegTest1 == ulRegTest1Counter ) | |
{ | |
/* ulRegTest1Counter is no longer being incremented, indicating | |
that an error has been discovered in prvFirstRegTestTask(). */ | |
ulTicksToWait = mainERROR_PERIOD; | |
pcMessage = "Error: Reg Test1.\n"; | |
} | |
else if( ulLastRegTest2 == ulRegTest2Counter ) | |
{ | |
/* ulRegTest2Counter is no longer being incremented, indicating | |
that an error has been discovered in prvSecondRegTestTask(). */ | |
ulTicksToWait = mainERROR_PERIOD; | |
pcMessage = "Error: Reg Test2.\n"; | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
pcMessage = NULL; | |
} | |
/* Remember the counter values this time around so a counter failing | |
to be incremented correctly can be spotted. */ | |
ulLastRegTest1 = ulRegTest1Counter; | |
ulLastRegTest2 = ulRegTest2Counter; | |
/* Print out an error message if there is one. Mutual exclusion is | |
not used as this is the only task accessing stdout. */ | |
if( pcMessage != NULL ) | |
{ | |
printf( pcMessage ); | |
} | |
/* Provide visual feedback of the system status. If the LED is toggled | |
every 5 seconds then no errors have been found. If the LED is toggled | |
every 500ms then at least one error has been found. */ | |
vParTestToggleLED( mainCHECK_LED ); | |
} | |
} | |
/*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ | |
static void prvFirstRegTestTask( void *pvParameters ) | |
{ | |
/* Check the parameters are passed in as expected. */ | |
if( pvParameters != mainREG_TEST_1_PARAMETER ) | |
{ | |
/* Don't execute any further so an error is recognised by the check | |
task. */ | |
vTaskDelete( NULL ); | |
} | |
/* Fill registers with known values, then check that each register still | |
contains its expected value. An incorrect value is indicative of an error | |
in the context switching process. | |
If no errors are found ulRegTest1Counter is incremented. The check task | |
will recognise an error if ulRegTest1Counter stops being incremented. | |
This task also performs a manual yield in the middle of its execution, just | |
to increase the test coverage. */ | |
asm volatile ( | |
" .extern ulRegTest1Counter \n" \ | |
" \n" \ | |
" addi r3, r0, 3 \n" \ | |
" addi r4, r0, 4 \n" \ | |
" addi r5, r0, 5 \n" \ | |
" addi r6, r0, 6 \n" \ | |
" addi r7, r0, 7 \n" \ | |
" addi r8, r0, 8 \n" \ | |
" addi r9, r0, 9 \n" \ | |
" addi r10, r0, 10 \n" \ | |
" addi r11, r0, 11 \n" \ | |
" addi r12, r0, 12 \n" \ | |
" addi r13, r0, 13 \n" \ | |
" addi r14, r0, 14 \n" \ | |
" addi r15, r0, 15 \n" \ | |
" addi r16, r0, 16 \n" \ | |
" addi r17, r0, 17 \n" \ | |
" addi r18, r0, 18 \n" \ | |
" addi r19, r0, 19 \n" \ | |
" addi r20, r0, 20 \n" \ | |
" addi r21, r0, 21 \n" \ | |
" addi r22, r0, 22 \n" \ | |
" addi r23, r0, 23 \n" \ | |
" addi r28, r0, 28 \n" \ | |
" addi r31, r0, 31 \n" \ | |
"RegTest1: \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 0 \n" \ | |
" trap \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r0, RegTest1Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 3 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r3, RegTest1Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 4 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r4, RegTest1Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 5 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r5, RegTest1Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 6 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r6, RegTest1Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 7 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r7, RegTest1Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 8 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r8, RegTest1Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 9 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r9, RegTest1Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 10 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r10, RegTest1Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 11 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r11, RegTest1Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 12 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r12, RegTest1Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 13 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r13, RegTest1Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 14 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r14, RegTest1Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 15 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r15, RegTest1Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 16 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r16, RegTest1Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 17 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r17, RegTest1Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 18 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r18, RegTest1Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 19 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r19, RegTest1Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 20 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r20, RegTest1Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 21 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r21, RegTest1Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 22 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r22, RegTest1Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 23 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r23, RegTest1Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 28 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r28, RegTest1Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 31 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r31, RegTest1Error \n" \ | |
" ldw r2, %gprel(ulRegTest1Counter)(gp) \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r2, 1 \n" \ | |
" stw r2, %gprel(ulRegTest1Counter)(gp) \n" \ | |
" br RegTest1 \n" \ | |
"RegTest1Error: \n" \ | |
" br RegTest1Error \n" | |
); | |
} | |
/*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ | |
static void prvSecondRegTestTask( void *pvParameters ) | |
{ | |
/* Check the parameters are passed in as expected. */ | |
if( pvParameters != mainREG_TEST_2_PARAMETER ) | |
{ | |
/* Don't execute any further so an error is recognised by the check | |
task. */ | |
vTaskDelete( NULL ); | |
} | |
/* Fill registers with known values, then check that each register still | |
contains its expected value. An incorrect value is indicative of an error | |
in the context switching process. | |
If no errors are found ulRegTest2Counter is incremented. The check task | |
will recognise an error if ulRegTest2Counter stops being incremented. */ | |
asm volatile ( | |
" .extern ulRegTest2Counter \n" \ | |
" \n" \ | |
" addi r3, r0, 3 \n" \ | |
" addi r4, r0, 4 \n" \ | |
" addi r5, r0, 5 \n" \ | |
" addi r6, r0, 6 \n" \ | |
" addi r7, r0, 7 \n" \ | |
" addi r8, r0, 8 \n" \ | |
" addi r9, r0, 9 \n" \ | |
" addi r10, r0, 10 \n" \ | |
" addi r11, r0, 11 \n" \ | |
" addi r12, r0, 12 \n" \ | |
" addi r13, r0, 13 \n" \ | |
" addi r14, r0, 14 \n" \ | |
" addi r15, r0, 15 \n" \ | |
" addi r16, r0, 16 \n" \ | |
" addi r17, r0, 17 \n" \ | |
" addi r18, r0, 18 \n" \ | |
" addi r19, r0, 19 \n" \ | |
" addi r20, r0, 20 \n" \ | |
" addi r21, r0, 21 \n" \ | |
" addi r22, r0, 22 \n" \ | |
" addi r23, r0, 23 \n" \ | |
" addi r28, r0, 28 \n" \ | |
" addi r31, r0, 31 \n" \ | |
"RegTest2: \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 0 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r0, RegTest2Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 3 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r3, RegTest2Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 4 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r4, RegTest2Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 5 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r5, RegTest2Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 6 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r6, RegTest2Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 7 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r7, RegTest2Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 8 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r8, RegTest2Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 9 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r9, RegTest2Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 10 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r10, RegTest2Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 11 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r11, RegTest2Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 12 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r12, RegTest2Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 13 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r13, RegTest2Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 14 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r14, RegTest2Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 15 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r15, RegTest2Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 16 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r16, RegTest2Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 17 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r17, RegTest2Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 18 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r18, RegTest2Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 19 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r19, RegTest2Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 20 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r20, RegTest2Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 21 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r21, RegTest2Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 22 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r22, RegTest2Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 23 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r23, RegTest2Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 28 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r28, RegTest2Error \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r0, 31 \n" \ | |
" bne r2, r31, RegTest2Error \n" \ | |
" ldw r2, %gprel(ulRegTest2Counter)(gp) \n" \ | |
" addi r2, r2, 1 \n" \ | |
" stw r2, %gprel(ulRegTest2Counter)(gp) \n" \ | |
" br RegTest2 \n" \ | |
"RegTest2Error: \n" \ | |
" br RegTest2Error \n" | |
); | |
} | |
/*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ | |