blob: c5a285ad0c6f75711e77ed5b216d330b7d04b3d0 [file] [log] [blame]
** @(#)cstart.c 1.8 $E%
** Copyright 1997-2012 Altium BV *
** The system startup code initializes the processor's registers
** and the application C variables.
#pragma nomisrac
#pragma profiling off /* prevent profiling information on cstart */
#pragma optimize abcefgIJKlopRsUy /* preset optimization level */
#pragma tradeoff 4 /* preset tradeoff level */
#pragma runtime BCMSZ /* disable runtime error checking for cstart */
#pragma warning 750 /* do not warn about unsaved registers */
#pragma section .text=cstart /* use: .text.cstart as the section name */
#pragma alias Reset_Handler = _START /* requirement for CMSIS */
#pragma extern Reset_Handler /* required for mil-linking with CMSIS */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <dbg.h>
#define VTOR (*(volatile unsigned int *)0xE000ED08)
#define PREF_PCON (*(volatile unsigned int *)0x58004000)
#define SCU_GCU_PEEN (*(volatile unsigned int *)0x5000413C)
#define SCU_GCU_PEFLAG (*(volatile unsigned int *)0x50004150)
extern unsigned char _lc_ub_stack[];
extern unsigned char _lc_vtor_value[];
#pragma weak exit
#pragma extern _Exit
#pragma extern main
extern int main( int argc, char *argv[] );
extern void SystemInit( void );
extern void __init( void );
extern void __prof_init( void );
#ifdef __POSIX__
extern void * _posix_boot_stack_top;
extern int posix_main( void );
#ifdef __USE_ARGC_ARGV
#define __ARGCV_BUFSIZE 256
static char argcv[__ARGCV_BUFSIZE];
void __interrupt() __frame() _START( void )
PREF_PCON |= 0x00010000; /* Disable Branch prediction */
SCU_GCU_PEFLAG =0xFFFFFFFF; /* Clear existing parity errors if any */
SCU_GCU_PEEN = 0; /* Disable parity */
* Anticipate possible ROM/RAM remapping
* by loading the 'real' program address.
* Initialize stack pointer.
__setsp( _lc_ub_stack );
* Call a user function which initializes hardware,
* such as ROM/RAM re-mapping or MMU configuration.
* Copy initialized sections from ROM to RAM
* and clear uninitialized data sections in RAM.
__asm( "_cptable_handled:" ); /* symbol may be used by debugger */
* Load VTOR register with the actual vector table
* start address
VTOR = (unsigned int)_lc_vtor_value;
#ifdef __POSIX__
__setsp( _posix_boot_stack_top );
#ifdef __POSIX__
exit( posix_main() );
#elif defined __USE_ARGC_ARGV
exit( main( _argcv( argcv, __ARGCV_BUFSIZE ), (char **)argcv ) );
exit( main( 0, NULL ) );