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<title>Release Notes for STM32F7xx CMSIS</title>
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<h1 id="release-notes-for-stm32f7xx-cmsis"><strong>Release Notes for STM32F7xx CMSIS</strong></h1>
<p>Copyright © 2019 STMicroelectronics<br />
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<h1 id="update-history"><strong>Update History</strong></h1>
<div class="collapse">
<input type="checkbox" id="collapse-section1_2_7" checked aria-hidden="true"> <label for="collapse-section1_2_7" aria-hidden="true"><strong>V1.2.7 / 22-November-2021</strong></label>
<h2 id="main-changes">Main Changes</h2>
<li>All source files: update disclaimer to add reference to the new license agreement.</li>
<li>Add new atomic register access macros in stm32f7xx.h file.</li>
<li>Add LSI maximum startup time datasheet value: LSI_STARTUP_TIME.</li>
<li>__FPU_PRESENT defined with 1U instead of 1 to avoid compilation warning.</li>
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<input type="checkbox" id="collapse-section1_2_6" aria-hidden="true"> <label for="collapse-section1_2_6" aria-hidden="true"><strong>V1.2.6 / 12-February-2021</strong></label>
<h2 id="main-changes-1">Main Changes</h2>
<li>Improved GCC startup files robustness.</li>
<li>Protect Vector table modification following SRAM or FLASH preprocessor directive by a generic preprocessor directive : USER_VECT_TAB_ADDRESS.</li>
<li>Added and files required for GitHub publication.</li>
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<input type="checkbox" id="collapse-section1_2_5" aria-hidden="true"> <label for="collapse-section1_2_5" aria-hidden="true"><strong>V1.2.5 / 13-February-2020</strong></label>
<h2 id="main-changes-2">Main Changes</h2>
<li>Add ADC missing calibration address for Vref and Temperature sensor.</li>
<li>Align GPIO Bits Definitions to use _POS and _MSK.</li>
<li>Add IS_UART_WAKEUP_FROMSTOP_INSTANCE macro for STM32F765xx, STM32F767xx, STM32F769xx,STM32F777xx and STM32F779xx devices.</li>
<li>Add missing USART Bits Definitions in USART_CR1, USART_CR3, USART_ISR and USART_ICR registers for STM32F765xx, STM32F767xx, STM32F769xx,STM32F777xx and STM32F779xx devices.</li>
<li>Add USB missing Bit Definition in USB_OTG_GUSBCFG register for STM32F722xx and STM32F732xx devices</li>
<li>Remove dublicated Bits Definitions for OTG register</li>
<li>Remove IS_TIM_SYNCHRO_INSTANCE macro.</li>
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<input type="checkbox" id="collapse-section1_2_4" aria-hidden="true"> <label for="collapse-section1_2_4" aria-hidden="true"><strong>V1.2.4 / 08-February-2019</strong></label>
<h2 id="main-changes-3">Main Changes</h2>
<li>Update CMSIS devices with correct CRYP data input register name: DIN instead of DR<br />
<li>SAI -Fix frame length in SAI_xFRCR_FSALL &amp; SAI_xFRCR_FRL bits description</li>
<li>Add missing Bits Definitions in USB_OTG_DOEPMSK register
<li>Add missing Bits Definitions in USB_OTG_DIEPINT register
<li>Add missing Bits Definitions in USB_OTG_DCFG register
<li>Add IS_PCD_ALL_INSTANCE() and IS_HCD_ALL_INSTANCE() defines</li>
<li>Remove GADPCTL parameter from USB_OTG_GlobalTypeDef() structure</li>
<li>Remove GPWRDN parameter from USB_OTG_GlobalTypeDef5° STRUCTURE</li>
<li>Align Bit naming for DFSDM_FLTICR register: DFSDM_FLTICR_CLRSCSDF–&gt; DFSDM_FLTICR_CLRSCDF</li>
<li>Align Bit naming for CEC_RXDR register: CEC_TXDR_RXD–&gt; CEC_RXDR_RXD</li>
<li>Update FLEVEL field in QuadSPI Status register definition to be compliant with user manual</li>
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<input type="checkbox" id="collapse-section1_2_3" aria-hidden="true"> <label for="collapse-section1_2_3" aria-hidden="true"><strong>V1.2.3 / 29-June-2018</strong></label>
<h2 id="main-changes-4">Main Changes</h2>
<li>Add the support of <strong>STM32F730xx and STM32F750xx</strong> devices
<li>Add “stm32f730xx.h” and “stm32f750xx.h” header files</li>
<li>Add startup files “startup_stm32f730xx.s” and “startup_stm32f750xx.s” for EWARM, MDK-ARM and SW4STM32 toolchains</li>
<li>Add Linker files “stm32f730xx_flash.icf”, “stm32f730xx_sram.icf” and “stm32f730xx_ITCM_flash.icf” used within EWARM Workspaces</li>
<li>Add Linker files “stm32f750xx_flash.icf”, “stm32f750xx_sram.icf” and “stm32f750xx_ITCM_flash.icf” used within EWARM Workspaces</li>
<div class="collapse">
<input type="checkbox" id="collapse-section1_2_2" aria-hidden="true"> <label for="collapse-section1_2_2" aria-hidden="true"><strong>V1.2.2 / 26-December-2017</strong></label>
<h2 id="main-changes-5">Main Changes</h2>
<li>Update bits definition for USBPHYC_PLL1 and USBPHYC_LDO registers to be inline with products documentation.</li>
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<input type="checkbox" id="collapse-section1_2_1" aria-hidden="true"> <label for="collapse-section1_2_1" aria-hidden="true"><strong>V1.2.1 / 25-August-2017</strong></label>
<h2 id="main-changes-6">Main Changes</h2>
<li>Update FLASHSIZE_BASE and UID_BASE defined values for STM32F72x and STM32F73x devices.</li>
<li>Update stm32f7xx.h to include stm32f7xx_hal.h file instead of stm32f7xx_hal_conf.h file</li>
<li>Remove Date and Version from header files</li>
<div class="collapse">
<input type="checkbox" id="collapse-section1_2_0" aria-hidden="true"> <label for="collapse-section1_2_0" aria-hidden="true"><strong>V1.2.0 / 30-December-2016</strong></label>
<h2 id="main-changes-7">Main Changes</h2>
<li>Add the support of <strong>STM32F722xx, STM32F723xx, STM32F732xx and STM32F733xx</strong> devices
<li>Add “stm32f722xx.h”, “stm32f723xx.h”, “stm32f732xx.h” and “stm32f733xx.h” header files</li>
<li>Add startup files “startup_stm32f722xx.s”, “startup_stm32f723xx.s”, “startup_stm32f732xx.s” and “startup_stm32f733xx.s” for EWARM, MDK-ARM and SW4STM32 toolchains</li>
<li>Add Linker files “stm32f722xx_flash.icf”, “stm32f722xx_sram.icf” and “stm32f722xx_ITCM_flash.icf” used within EWARM Workspaces</li>
<li>Add Linker files “stm32f723xx_flash.icf”, “stm32f723xx_sram.icf” and “stm32f723xx_ITCM_flash.icf” used within EWARM Workspaces</li>
<li>Add Linker files “stm32f732xx_flash.icf”, “stm32f732xx_sram.icf” and “stm32f732xx_ITCM_flash.icf” used within EWARM Workspaces</li>
<li>Add Linker files “stm32f733xx_flash.icf”, “stm32f733xx_sram.icf” and “stm32f733xx_ITCM_flash.icf” used within EWARM Workspaces</li>
<li>All devices header files
<li>Use _Pos and _Mask macro for all Bit Definitions</li>
<li>Use DAC1 instance instead of DAC</li>
<li>Add IS_SMBUS_ALL_INSTANCE macro</li>
<li>Add ADC123_COMMON instance</li>
<li>Add DMA_SxPAR_PA, DMA_SxM0AR_M0A and DMA_SxM1AR_M1A registers Bits Definition</li>
<li>Add FLASH_OTP_BASE and FLASH_OTP_END defines</li>
<li>Add MACDBGR register Bits Definition</li>
<li>Add GPIO_AFRL and GPIO_AFRH registers Bits Definition</li>
<li>Add TIM2_OR, TIM5_OR and TIM11_OR registers Bits Definition</li>
<li>Add TIM1_AF1_BKINP Bit Definition for TIM1_AF1 register</li>
<li>Remove TIM_SMCR_OCCS Bit Definition for TIM_SMCR register</li>
<li>Remove USART_ISR_WUF and USART_ISR_REACK Bits Definition from USART_ISR register</li>
<li>Rename USART_CR1_M_0 / USART_CR1_M_1 defines to USART_CR1_M0 / USART_CR1_M1</li>
<li>Rename PACKAGESIZE_BASE define to PACKAGE_BASE</li>
<li>Rename RTC_OR_ALARMTYPE Bit Definition to RTC_OR_ALARMOUTTYPE</li>
<li>Rename RTC_CR_BCK Bit Definition to RTC_CR_BKP in RTC_CR register</li>
<div class="collapse">
<input type="checkbox" id="collapse-section1_1_1" aria-hidden="true"> <label for="collapse-section1_1_1" aria-hidden="true"><strong>V1.1.1 / 01-July-2016</strong></label>
<h2 id="main-changes-8">Main Changes</h2>
<li>update to respectively associate STM32F778xx and STM32F768xx devices to STM32F779xx and STM32F769xx devices</li>
<div class="collapse">
<input type="checkbox" id="collapse-section1_1_0" aria-hidden="true"> <label for="collapse-section1_1_0" aria-hidden="true"><strong>V1.1.0 / 22-April-2016</strong></label>
<h2 id="main-changes-9">Main Changes</h2>
<li>Add the support of <strong>STM32F765xx, STM32F767xx, STM32F768xx, STM32F769xx, STM32F777xx, STM32F778xx and STM32F779xx</strong> devices
<li>Add “stm32f765xx.h”, “stm32f767xx.h”, “stm32f769xx.h”, “stm32f777xx.h” and “stm32f779xx.h” header files</li>
<li>Add startup files “startup_stm32f765xx.s”, “startup_stm32f767xx.s”, “startup_stm32f769xx.s”, “startup_stm32f777xx.s” and “startup_stm32f779xx.s” for EWARM, MDK-ARM and SW4STM32 toolchains</li>
<li>Add Linker files “stm32f765xx_flash.icf”, “stm32f765xx_sram.icf” and “stm32f765xx_ITCM_flash.icf” used within EWARM Workspaces</li>
<li>Add Linker files “stm32f767xx_flash.icf”, “stm32f767xx_sram.icf” and “stm32f767xx_ITCM_flash.icf” used within EWARM Workspaces</li>
<li>Add Linker files “stm32f769xx_flash.icf”, “stm32f769xx_sram.icf” and “stm32f769xx_ITCM_flash.icf” used within EWARM Workspaces</li>
<li>Add Linker files “stm32f777xx_flash.icf”, “stm32f777xx_sram.icf” and “stm32f777xx_ITCM_flash.icf” used within EWARM Workspaces</li>
<li>Add Linker files “stm32f779xx_flash.icf”, “stm32f779xx_sram.icf” and “stm32f779xx_ITCM_flash.icf” used within EWARM Workspaces</li>
<li>STM32F768xx cmsis files are associated with STM32F767xx ones, as there is no difference between these devices on HAL side</li>
<li>STM32F778xx cmsis files are associated with STM32F777xx ones, as there is no difference between these devices on HAL side</li>
<li>All devices header files
<li>Update Bit Definition names in DCMI_RISR / DCMI_IER registers</li>
<li>Update Bit Definition names in DMA2D_CR / DMA2D_FGPFCCR / DMA2D_BGPFCCR / DMA2D_OPFCCR registers</li>
<li>Update QUADSPI_CR_FTHRES Bit Definition in QUADSPI_CR register</li>
<li>Rename SAI_xFRCR_FSPO to SAI_xFRCR_FSPOL in SAI_xFRCR register</li>
<li>Rename ADC_CSR_DOVRx Bit Definition to ADC_CSR_OVRx in ADC_CSR register</li>
<li>Rename LTDC_GCR_DTEN Bit Definition to LTDC_GCR_DEN in LTDC_GCR register</li>
<li>Rename PWR_CSR1_UDSWRDY Bit Definition to PWR_CSR1_UDRDY in PWR_CSR1 register</li>
<li>Rename RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPx_TRG Bit Definition to RTC_TAMPCR_TAMPxTRG in RTC_TAMPCR register</li>
<li>Rename USART_ISR_LBD Bit Definition to USART_ISR_LBDF in USART_ISR register</li>
<li>Rename DCMI_ICR_OVF_ISC Bit Definition to DCMI_ICR_OVR_ISC</li>
<li>Rename DMA2D_IFSR register to DMA2D_IFCR</li>
<li>Rename EXTI_IMR_MRx Bit Definition to EXTI_IMR_IM0x</li>
<li>Rename EXTI_EMR_MRx Bit Definition to EXTI_EMR_EMx</li>
<li>Fix LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT Bit Definition value in LPTIM_CR register</li>
<li>Fix mask incorrect naming in DBGMCU_APB2_FZ register</li>
<li>Fix Bits Definition for SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PI and SYSCFG_EXTICR4_EXTI13_PJ</li>
<li>Add DAC_CR_DMAUDRIEx Bit Definition in DAC_CR register</li>
<li>Add a new mask EXTI_IMR_IM in EXTI bits definition: Interrupt Mask All</li>
<li>Add UID_BASE define for Unique ID register base address</li>
<li>Add FLASHSIZE_BASE define for register base address</li>
<li>Add PACKAGESIZE_BASE define for register base address</li>
<li>Add FLASH_SECTOR_TOTAL define for total Flash sector number</li>
<li>Add Bits Definition for DCMI_ESCR, DCMI_ESUR, DCMI_CWSTRT, DCMI_CWSIZE and DCMI_DR registers</li>
<li>Add PWR_CSR1_EIWUP Bit Definition in PWR_CSR1 register</li>
<li>Add IP version define for QSPI: QSPI_V1_0</li>
<li>Apply an ‘U’ suffix to all constants of ‘unsigned’ type (MISRA-C 2004 rule 10.6)</li>
<li>Remove uint32_t cast in all defines</li>
<li>Remove DMA_SxCR_ACK Bit Definition in DMA_SxCR register</li>
<li>Remove I2C_CR1_SWRST / I2C_CR1_WUPEN Bit Definitions in I2C_CR1 register</li>
<li>Keep the same DCMI register names (RISR, MISR, CWSTRTR and CWSIZER) as F4 family</li>
<li>system_stm32f7xx.c/.h files
<li>Remove external memories configuration from the system_stm32f7xx.c common file (moved to Template Projects)</li>
<li>Add declaration of AHBPrescTable / APBPrescTable constant tables</li>
<li>Rename __STM32F7xx_CMSIS_DEVICE_VERSION_xx defines to __STM32F7_CMSIS_VERSION_xx (MISRA-C 2004 rule 5.1)</li>
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<input type="checkbox" id="collapse-section1_0_3" aria-hidden="true"> <label for="collapse-section1_0_3" aria-hidden="true"><strong>V1.0.3 / 13-November-2015</strong></label>
<h2 id="main-changes-10">Main Changes</h2>
<li>stm32f745xx.h, stm32f746xx.h and stm32f756xx.h files
<li>update __CM7_REV with proper Cortex M7 core revision</li>
<li>update SAI_xCR2_CPL bit definition</li>
<li>update WWDG bits naming to be aligned with reference manual</li>
<li>rename I2C_CR1_DFN bit to I2C_CR1_DNF</li>
<li>remove OR register definition from LPTIM_TypeDef structure</li>
<li>update SystemInit_ExtMemCtl() function implementation to allow simultaneous use of SDRAM and SRAM external memories</li>
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<input type="checkbox" id="collapse-section1_0_2" aria-hidden="true"> <label for="collapse-section1_0_2" aria-hidden="true"><strong>V1.0.2 / 21-September-2015</strong></label>
<h2 id="main-changes-11">Main Changes</h2>
<li>stm32f745xx.h, stm32f746xx.h and stm32f756xx.h files
<li>add new define USB_OTG_DOEPMSK_OTEPSPRM</li>
<li>add new define USB_OTG_DOEPINT_OTEPSPR</li>
<div class="collapse">
<input type="checkbox" id="collapse-section1_0_1" aria-hidden="true"> <label for="collapse-section1_0_1" aria-hidden="true"><strong>V1.0.1 / 25-June-2015</strong></label>
<h2 id="main-changes-12">Main Changes</h2>
<li>stm32f745xx.h, stm32f746xx.h and stm32f756xx.h files
<li>update IDR field declaration in CRC_TypeDef sructure</li>
<li>add I2C Own address 2 mask bits defininition in the I2C_OAR2 register</li>
<li>update SAI_xSR_FLVL_2 bit definition</li>
<li>stm32f756xx.h file
<li>rename HASH_STR_NBWx bits definition to HASH_STR_NBLWx</li>
<li>rename HASH_IMR_DINIM bit definition to HASH_IMR_DINIE</li>
<li>rename HASH_IMR_DCIM bit definition to HASH_IMR_DCIE</li>
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<input type="checkbox" id="collapse-section1_0_0" aria-hidden="true"> <label for="collapse-section1_0_0" aria-hidden="true"><strong>V1.0.0 / 12-April-2019</strong></label>
<h2 id="main-changes-13">Main Changes</h2>
<h3 id="first-release">First release</h3>
<p>First official release for <strong>STM32F756xx/746xx/745xx</strong> devices</p>
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