| /** |
| ****************************************************************************** |
| * @file stm32l0xx_ll_comp.h |
| * @author MCD Application Team |
| * @brief Header file of COMP LL module. |
| ****************************************************************************** |
| * @attention |
| * |
| * <h2><center>© Copyright(c) 2016 STMicroelectronics. |
| * All rights reserved.</center></h2> |
| * |
| * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license, |
| * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the |
| * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: |
| * opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause |
| * |
| ****************************************************************************** |
| */ |
| |
| /* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/ |
| #ifndef __STM32L0xx_LL_COMP_H |
| #define __STM32L0xx_LL_COMP_H |
| |
| #ifdef __cplusplus |
| extern "C" { |
| #endif |
| |
| /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| #include "stm32l0xx.h" |
| |
| /** @addtogroup STM32L0xx_LL_Driver |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| |
| #if defined (COMP1) || defined (COMP2) |
| |
| /** @defgroup COMP_LL COMP |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| |
| /* Private types -------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| /* Private constants ---------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| /** @defgroup COMP_LL_Private_Constants COMP Private Constants |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| |
| /* COMP registers bits positions */ |
| |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| |
| /* Private macros ------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| /* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| #if defined(USE_FULL_LL_DRIVER) |
| /** @defgroup COMP_LL_ES_INIT COMP Exported Init structure |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Structure definition of some features of COMP instance. |
| */ |
| typedef struct |
| { |
| uint32_t PowerMode; /*!< Set comparator operating mode to adjust power and speed. |
| This parameter can be a value of @ref COMP_LL_EC_POWERMODE |
| |
| This feature can be modified afterwards using unitary function @ref LL_COMP_SetPowerMode(). */ |
| |
| uint32_t InputPlus; /*!< Set comparator input plus (non-inverting input). |
| This parameter can be a value of @ref COMP_LL_EC_INPUT_PLUS |
| |
| This feature can be modified afterwards using unitary function @ref LL_COMP_SetInputPlus(). */ |
| |
| uint32_t InputMinus; /*!< Set comparator input minus (inverting input). |
| This parameter can be a value of @ref COMP_LL_EC_INPUT_MINUS |
| |
| This feature can be modified afterwards using unitary function @ref LL_COMP_SetInputMinus(). */ |
| |
| uint32_t OutputPolarity; /*!< Set comparator output polarity. |
| This parameter can be a value of @ref COMP_LL_EC_OUTPUT_POLARITY |
| |
| This feature can be modified afterwards using unitary function @ref LL_COMP_SetOutputPolarity(). */ |
| |
| } LL_COMP_InitTypeDef; |
| |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| #endif /* USE_FULL_LL_DRIVER */ |
| |
| /* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| /** @defgroup COMP_LL_Exported_Constants COMP Exported Constants |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| |
| /** @defgroup COMP_LL_EC_COMMON_WINDOWMODE Comparator common modes - Window mode |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| #define LL_COMP_WINDOWMODE_DISABLE (0x00000000U) /*!< Window mode disable: Comparators 1 and 2 are independent */ |
| #define LL_COMP_WINDOWMODE_COMP1_INPUT_PLUS_COMMON (COMP_CSR_COMP1WM) /*!< Window mode enable: Comparators instances pair COMP1 and COMP2 have their input plus connected together. The common input is COMP1 input plus (COMP2 input plus is no more accessible). */ |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| |
| /** @defgroup COMP_LL_EC_POWERMODE Comparator modes - Power mode |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| #define LL_COMP_POWERMODE_ULTRALOWPOWER (0x00000000U) /*!< COMP power mode to low speed (specific to COMP instance: COMP2) */ |
| #define LL_COMP_POWERMODE_MEDIUMSPEED (COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED) /*!< COMP power mode to fast speed (specific to COMP instance: COMP2) */ |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| |
| /** @defgroup COMP_LL_EC_INPUT_PLUS Comparator inputs - Input plus (input non-inverting) selection |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| #define LL_COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO1 (0x00000000U) /*!< Comparator input plus connected to IO1 (pin PA1 for COMP1, pin PA3 for COMP2) */ |
| #define LL_COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO2 (COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_0) /*!< Comparator input plus connected to IO2 (pin PB4 for COMP2) (specific to COMP instance: COMP2) */ |
| #define LL_COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO3 (COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_1) /*!< Comparator input plus connected to IO3 (pin PA5 for COMP2) (specific to COMP instance: COMP2) */ |
| #define LL_COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO4 (COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_0 | COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_1) /*!< Comparator input plus connected to IO4 (pin PB6 for COMP2) (specific to COMP instance: COMP2) */ |
| #define LL_COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO5 (COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_2) /*!< Comparator input plus connected to IO5 (pin PB7 for COMP2) (specific to COMP instance: COMP2) */ |
| #if defined (STM32L011xx) || defined (STM32L021xx) |
| #define LL_COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO6 (COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_2 | COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL_0) /*!< Comparator input plus connected to IO6 (pin PA7 for COMP2) (specific to COMP instance: COMP2) (Available only on devices STM32L0 category 1) */ |
| #endif |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| |
| /** @defgroup COMP_LL_EC_INPUT_MINUS Comparator inputs - Input minus (input inverting) selection |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| #define LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_1_4VREFINT (COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_2 ) /*!< Comparator input minus connected to 1/4 VrefInt (specifity of COMP2 related to path to enable via SYSCFG: refer to comment in function @ref LL_COMP_SetInputMinus() ) (specific to COMP instance: COMP2) */ |
| #define LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_1_2VREFINT (COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_2 | COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_0) /*!< Comparator input minus connected to 1/2 VrefInt (specifity of COMP2 related to path to enable via SYSCFG: refer to comment in function @ref LL_COMP_SetInputMinus() ) (specific to COMP instance: COMP2) */ |
| #define LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_3_4VREFINT (COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_2 | COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_1 ) /*!< Comparator input minus connected to 3/4 VrefInt (specifity of COMP2 related to path to enable via SYSCFG: refer to comment in function @ref LL_COMP_SetInputMinus() ) (specific to COMP instance: COMP2) */ |
| #define LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_VREFINT (0x00000000U) /*!< Comparator input minus connected to VrefInt (specifity of COMP2 related to path to enable via SYSCFG: refer to comment in function @ref LL_COMP_SetInputMinus() ) */ |
| #define LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_DAC1_CH1 ( COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_1 ) /*!< Comparator input minus connected to DAC1 channel 1 (DAC_OUT1) */ |
| #define LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_DAC1_CH2 ( COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_1 | COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_0) /*!< Comparator input minus connected to DAC1 channel 2 (DAC_OUT2) */ |
| #define LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_IO1 ( COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_0) /*!< Comparator input minus connected to IO1 (pin PA0 for COMP1, pin PA2 for COMP2) */ |
| #define LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_IO2 (COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_2 | COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_1 | COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL_0) /*!< Comparator input minus connected to IO2 (pin PB3 for COMP2) (specific to COMP instance: COMP2) */ |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| |
| /** @defgroup COMP_LL_EC_OUTPUT_SELECTION_LPTIM Comparator output - Output selection specific to LPTIM peripheral |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| #define LL_COMP_OUTPUT_LPTIM1_IN1_COMP1 (COMP_CSR_COMP1LPTIM1IN1) /*!< COMP output connected to TIM2 input capture 4 */ |
| #define LL_COMP_OUTPUT_LPTIM1_IN1_COMP2 (COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN1) /*!< COMP output connected to TIM2 input capture 4 */ |
| #define LL_COMP_OUTPUT_LPTIM1_IN2_COMP2 (COMP_CSR_COMP2LPTIM1IN2) /*!< COMP output connected to TIM2 input capture 4 */ |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| |
| /** @defgroup COMP_LL_EC_OUTPUT_POLARITY Comparator output - Output polarity |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| #define LL_COMP_OUTPUTPOL_NONINVERTED (0x00000000U) /*!< COMP output polarity is not inverted: comparator output is high when the plus (non-inverting) input is at a higher voltage than the minus (inverting) input */ |
| #define LL_COMP_OUTPUTPOL_INVERTED (COMP_CSR_COMP1POLARITY) /*!< COMP output polarity is inverted: comparator output is low when the plus (non-inverting) input is at a lower voltage than the minus (inverting) input */ |
| |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| |
| /** @defgroup COMP_LL_EC_OUTPUT_LEVEL Comparator output - Output level |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| #define LL_COMP_OUTPUT_LEVEL_LOW (0x00000000U) /*!< Comparator output level low (if the polarity is not inverted, otherwise to be complemented) */ |
| #define LL_COMP_OUTPUT_LEVEL_HIGH (0x00000001U) /*!< Comparator output level high (if the polarity is not inverted, otherwise to be complemented) */ |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| |
| /** @defgroup COMP_LL_EC_HW_DELAYS Definitions of COMP hardware constraints delays |
| * @note Only COMP IP HW delays are defined in COMP LL driver driver, |
| * not timeout values. |
| * For details on delays values, refer to descriptions in source code |
| * above each literal definition. |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| |
| /* Delay for comparator startup time. */ |
| /* Note: Delay required to reach propagation delay specification. */ |
| /* Literal set to maximum value (refer to device datasheet, */ |
| /* parameter "tSTART"). */ |
| /* Unit: us */ |
| #define LL_COMP_DELAY_STARTUP_US (25U) /*!< Delay for COMP startup time */ |
| |
| /* Delay for comparator voltage scaler stabilization time */ |
| /* (voltage from VrefInt, delay based on VrefInt startup time). */ |
| /* Literal set to maximum value (refer to device datasheet, */ |
| /* parameter "TVREFINT"). */ |
| /* Unit: us */ |
| #define LL_COMP_DELAY_VOLTAGE_SCALER_STAB_US (3000U) /*!< Delay for COMP voltage scaler stabilization time */ |
| |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| |
| /* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| /** @defgroup COMP_LL_Exported_Macros COMP Exported Macros |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| /** @defgroup COMP_LL_EM_WRITE_READ Common write and read registers macro |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Write a value in COMP register |
| * @param __INSTANCE__ comparator instance |
| * @param __REG__ Register to be written |
| * @param __VALUE__ Value to be written in the register |
| * @retval None |
| */ |
| #define LL_COMP_WriteReg(__INSTANCE__, __REG__, __VALUE__) WRITE_REG(__INSTANCE__->__REG__, (__VALUE__)) |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Read a value in COMP register |
| * @param __INSTANCE__ comparator instance |
| * @param __REG__ Register to be read |
| * @retval Register value |
| */ |
| #define LL_COMP_ReadReg(__INSTANCE__, __REG__) READ_REG(__INSTANCE__->__REG__) |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| |
| /** @defgroup COMP_LL_EM_HELPER_MACRO COMP helper macro |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Helper macro to select the COMP common instance |
| * to which is belonging the selected COMP instance. |
| * @note COMP common register instance can be used to |
| * set parameters common to several COMP instances. |
| * Refer to functions having argument "COMPxy_COMMON" as parameter. |
| * @param __COMPx__ COMP instance |
| * @retval COMP common instance or value "0" if there is no COMP common instance. |
| */ |
| #define __LL_COMP_COMMON_INSTANCE(__COMPx__) \ |
| |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| |
| /* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| /** @defgroup COMP_LL_Exported_Functions COMP Exported Functions |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| |
| /** @defgroup COMP_LL_EF_Configuration_comparator_common Configuration of COMP hierarchical scope: common to several COMP instances |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Set window mode of a pair of comparators instances |
| * (2 consecutive COMP instances odd and even COMP<x> and COMP<x+1>). |
| * @rmtoll COMP1_CSR COMP1WM LL_COMP_SetCommonWindowMode |
| * @param COMPxy_COMMON Comparator common instance |
| * (can be set directly from CMSIS definition or by using helper macro @ref __LL_COMP_COMMON_INSTANCE() ) |
| * @param WindowMode This parameter can be one of the following values: |
| * @retval None |
| */ |
| __STATIC_INLINE void LL_COMP_SetCommonWindowMode(COMP_Common_TypeDef *COMPxy_COMMON, uint32_t WindowMode) |
| { |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Get window mode of a pair of comparators instances |
| * (2 consecutive COMP instances odd and even COMP<x> and COMP<x+1>). |
| * @rmtoll COMP1_CSR COMP1WM LL_COMP_GetCommonWindowMode |
| * @param COMPxy_COMMON Comparator common instance |
| * (can be set directly from CMSIS definition or by using helper macro @ref __LL_COMP_COMMON_INSTANCE() ) |
| * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values: |
| */ |
| __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_COMP_GetCommonWindowMode(COMP_Common_TypeDef *COMPxy_COMMON) |
| { |
| return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(COMPxy_COMMON->CSR, COMP_CSR_COMP1WM)); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| |
| /** @defgroup COMP_LL_EF_Configuration_comparator_modes Configuration of comparator modes |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Set comparator instance operating mode to adjust power and speed. |
| * @rmtoll COMP2_CSR COMP2SPEED LL_COMP_SetPowerMode |
| * @param COMPx Comparator instance |
| * @param PowerMode This parameter can be one of the following values: |
| * |
| * (1) Available only on COMP instance: COMP2. |
| * @retval None |
| */ |
| __STATIC_INLINE void LL_COMP_SetPowerMode(COMP_TypeDef *COMPx, uint32_t PowerMode) |
| { |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Get comparator instance operating mode to adjust power and speed. |
| * @note Available only on COMP instance: COMP2. |
| * @rmtoll COMP2_CSR COMP2SPEED LL_COMP_GetPowerMode\n |
| * @param COMPx Comparator instance |
| * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values: |
| * |
| * (1) Available only on COMP instance: COMP2. |
| */ |
| __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_COMP_GetPowerMode(COMP_TypeDef *COMPx) |
| { |
| return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(COMPx->CSR, COMP_CSR_COMP2SPEED)); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| |
| /** @defgroup COMP_LL_EF_Configuration_comparator_inputs Configuration of comparator inputs |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Set comparator inputs minus (inverting) and plus (non-inverting). |
| * @note This function shall only be used for COMP2. |
| * For setting COMP1 input it is recommended to use LL_COMP_SetInputMinus() |
| * Plus (non-inverting) input is not configurable on COMP1. |
| * Using this function for COMP1 will corrupt COMP1WM register |
| * @note On this STM32 serie, specificity if using COMP instance COMP2 |
| * with COMP input based on VrefInt (VrefInt or subdivision |
| * of VrefInt): scaler bridge is based on VrefInt and requires |
| * to enable path from VrefInt (refer to literal |
| * @rmtoll COMP2_CSR COMP2INNSEL LL_COMP_ConfigInputs\n |
| * @param COMPx Comparator instance |
| * @param InputMinus This parameter can be one of the following values: |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_IO1 |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_DAC1_CH1 |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_DAC1_CH2 |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_1_4VREFINT |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_1_2VREFINT |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_3_4VREFINT |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_IO2 |
| * @param InputPlus This parameter can be one of the following values: |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO1 (1) |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO2 (1) |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO3 (1) |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO4 (1) |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO5 (1) |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO6 (1)(2) |
| * |
| * (1) Available only on COMP instance: COMP2. |
| * (2) Available only on devices STM32L0 category 1. |
| * @retval None |
| */ |
| __STATIC_INLINE void LL_COMP_ConfigInputs(COMP_TypeDef *COMPx, uint32_t InputMinus, uint32_t InputPlus) |
| { |
| InputMinus | InputPlus); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Set comparator input plus (non-inverting). |
| * @note Only COMP2 allows to set the input plus (non-inverting). |
| * For COMP1 it is always PA1 IO, except when Windows Mode is selected. |
| * @rmtoll COMP2_CSR COMP2INPSEL LL_COMP_SetInputPlus |
| * @param COMPx Comparator instance |
| * @param InputPlus This parameter can be one of the following values: |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO1 (1) |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO2 (1) |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO3 (1) |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO4 (1) |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO5 (1) |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO6 (1)(2) |
| * |
| * (1) Available only on COMP instance: COMP2. |
| * (2) Available only on devices STM32L0 category 1. |
| * @retval None |
| */ |
| __STATIC_INLINE void LL_COMP_SetInputPlus(COMP_TypeDef *COMPx, uint32_t InputPlus) |
| { |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Get comparator input plus (non-inverting). |
| * @note Only COMP2 allows to set the input plus (non-inverting). |
| * For COMP1 it is always PA1 IO, except when Windows Mode is selected. |
| * @rmtoll COMP2_CSR COMP2INPSEL LL_COMP_GetInputPlus |
| * @param COMPx Comparator instance |
| * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values: |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO1 (1) |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO2 (1) |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO3 (1) |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO4 (1) |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO5 (1) |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO6 (1)(2) |
| * |
| * (1) Available only on COMP instance: COMP2. |
| * (2) Available only on devices STM32L0 category 1. |
| */ |
| __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_COMP_GetInputPlus(COMP_TypeDef *COMPx) |
| { |
| return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(COMPx->CSR, COMP_CSR_COMP2INPSEL)); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Set comparator input minus (inverting). |
| * @note In case of comparator input selected to be connected to IO: |
| * GPIO pins are specific to each comparator instance. |
| * Refer to description of parameters or to reference manual. |
| * @note On this STM32 serie, specificity if using COMP instance COMP2 |
| * with COMP input based on VrefInt (VrefInt or subdivision |
| * of VrefInt): scaler bridge is based on VrefInt and requires |
| * to enable path from VrefInt (refer to literal |
| * @rmtoll COMP1_CSR COMP1INNSEL LL_COMP_SetInputMinus\n |
| * @param COMPx Comparator instance |
| * @param InputMinus This parameter can be one of the following values: |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_IO1 |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_DAC1_CH1 |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_DAC1_CH2 |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_1_4VREFINT (*) |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_1_2VREFINT (*) |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_3_4VREFINT (*) |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_IO2 (*) |
| * |
| * (*) Available only on COMP instance: COMP2. |
| * @retval None |
| */ |
| __STATIC_INLINE void LL_COMP_SetInputMinus(COMP_TypeDef *COMPx, uint32_t InputMinus) |
| { |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Get comparator input minus (inverting). |
| * @note In case of comparator input selected to be connected to IO: |
| * GPIO pins are specific to each comparator instance. |
| * Refer to description of parameters or to reference manual. |
| * @rmtoll COMP1_CSR COMP1INNSEL LL_COMP_GetInputMinus\n |
| * @param COMPx Comparator instance |
| * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values: |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_IO1 |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_DAC1_CH1 |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_DAC1_CH2 |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_1_4VREFINT (*) |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_1_2VREFINT (*) |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_3_4VREFINT (*) |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_IO2 (*) |
| * |
| * (*) Available only on COMP instance: COMP2. |
| */ |
| __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_COMP_GetInputMinus(COMP_TypeDef *COMPx) |
| { |
| return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(COMPx->CSR, COMP_CSR_COMP2INNSEL)); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| |
| /** @defgroup COMP_LL_EF_Configuration_comparator_output Configuration of comparator output |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Set comparator output LPTIM. |
| * @rmtoll COMP1_CSR COMP1LPTIMIN1 LL_COMP_SetOutputLPTIM\n |
| * @param COMPx Comparator instance |
| * @param OutputLptim This parameter can be one of the following values: |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_OUTPUT_LPTIM1_IN1_COMP1 (*) |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_OUTPUT_LPTIM1_IN1_COMP2 (**) |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_OUTPUT_LPTIM1_IN2_COMP2 (**) |
| * |
| * (*) Available only on COMP instance: COMP1.\n |
| * (**) Available only on COMP instance: COMP2. |
| * @retval None |
| */ |
| __STATIC_INLINE void LL_COMP_SetOutputLPTIM(COMP_TypeDef *COMPx, uint32_t OutputLptim) |
| { |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Get comparator output LPTIM. |
| * @rmtoll COMP1_CSR COMP1LPTIMIN1 LL_COMP_GetOutputLPTIM\n |
| * @param COMPx Comparator instance |
| * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values: |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_OUTPUT_LPTIM1_IN1_COMP1 (*) |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_OUTPUT_LPTIM1_IN1_COMP2 (**) |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_OUTPUT_LPTIM1_IN2_COMP2 (**) |
| * |
| * (*) Available only on COMP instance: COMP1.\n |
| * (**) Available only on COMP instance: COMP2. |
| */ |
| __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_COMP_GetOutputLPTIM(COMP_TypeDef *COMPx) |
| { |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Set comparator instance output polarity. |
| * @rmtoll COMP COMP1POLARITY LL_COMP_SetOutputPolarity |
| * @param COMPx Comparator instance |
| * @param OutputPolarity This parameter can be one of the following values: |
| * @retval None |
| */ |
| __STATIC_INLINE void LL_COMP_SetOutputPolarity(COMP_TypeDef *COMPx, uint32_t OutputPolarity) |
| { |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Get comparator instance output polarity. |
| * @rmtoll COMP COMP1POLARITY LL_COMP_GetOutputPolarity |
| * @param COMPx Comparator instance |
| * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values: |
| */ |
| __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_COMP_GetOutputPolarity(COMP_TypeDef *COMPx) |
| { |
| return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(COMPx->CSR, COMP_CSR_COMPxPOLARITY)); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| |
| /** @defgroup COMP_LL_EF_Operation Operation on comparator instance |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Enable comparator instance. |
| * @note After enable from off state, comparator requires a delay |
| * to reach reach propagation delay specification. |
| * Refer to device datasheet, parameter "tSTART". |
| * @rmtoll COMP1_CSR COMP1EN LL_COMP_Enable\n |
| * @param COMPx Comparator instance |
| * @retval None |
| */ |
| __STATIC_INLINE void LL_COMP_Enable(COMP_TypeDef *COMPx) |
| { |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Disable comparator instance. |
| * @rmtoll COMP1_CSR COMP1EN LL_COMP_Disable\n |
| * @param COMPx Comparator instance |
| * @retval None |
| */ |
| __STATIC_INLINE void LL_COMP_Disable(COMP_TypeDef *COMPx) |
| { |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Get comparator enable state |
| * (0: COMP is disabled, 1: COMP is enabled) |
| * @rmtoll COMP1_CSR COMP1EN LL_COMP_IsEnabled\n |
| * @param COMPx Comparator instance |
| * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). |
| */ |
| __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_COMP_IsEnabled(COMP_TypeDef *COMPx) |
| { |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Lock comparator instance. |
| * @note Once locked, comparator configuration can be accessed in read-only. |
| * @note The only way to unlock the comparator is a device hardware reset. |
| * @rmtoll COMP1_CSR COMP1LOCK LL_COMP_Lock\n |
| * @param COMPx Comparator instance |
| * @retval None |
| */ |
| __STATIC_INLINE void LL_COMP_Lock(COMP_TypeDef *COMPx) |
| { |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Get comparator lock state |
| * (0: COMP is unlocked, 1: COMP is locked). |
| * @note Once locked, comparator configuration can be accessed in read-only. |
| * @note The only way to unlock the comparator is a device hardware reset. |
| * @rmtoll COMP1_CSR COMP1LOCK LL_COMP_IsLocked\n |
| * @param COMPx Comparator instance |
| * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). |
| */ |
| __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_COMP_IsLocked(COMP_TypeDef *COMPx) |
| { |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Read comparator instance output level. |
| * @note The comparator output level depends on the selected polarity |
| * (Refer to function @ref LL_COMP_SetOutputPolarity()). |
| * If the comparator polarity is not inverted: |
| * - Comparator output is low when the input plus |
| * is at a lower voltage than the input minus |
| * - Comparator output is high when the input plus |
| * is at a higher voltage than the input minus |
| * If the comparator polarity is inverted: |
| * - Comparator output is high when the input plus |
| * is at a lower voltage than the input minus |
| * - Comparator output is low when the input plus |
| * is at a higher voltage than the input minus |
| * @rmtoll COMP1_CSR COMP1VALUE LL_COMP_ReadOutputLevel\n |
| * COMP2_CSR COMP2VALUE LL_COMP_ReadOutputLevel |
| * @param COMPx Comparator instance |
| * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values: |
| * @arg @ref LL_COMP_OUTPUT_LEVEL_LOW |
| */ |
| __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_COMP_ReadOutputLevel(COMP_TypeDef *COMPx) |
| { |
| return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(COMPx->CSR, COMP_CSR_COMPxOUTVALUE) |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| |
| #if defined(USE_FULL_LL_DRIVER) |
| /** @defgroup COMP_LL_EF_Init Initialization and de-initialization functions |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| |
| ErrorStatus LL_COMP_DeInit(COMP_TypeDef *COMPx); |
| ErrorStatus LL_COMP_Init(COMP_TypeDef *COMPx, LL_COMP_InitTypeDef *COMP_InitStruct); |
| void LL_COMP_StructInit(LL_COMP_InitTypeDef *COMP_InitStruct); |
| |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| #endif /* USE_FULL_LL_DRIVER */ |
| |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| |
| #endif /* COMP1 || COMP2 */ |
| |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| |
| #ifdef __cplusplus |
| } |
| #endif |
| |
| #endif /* __STM32L0xx_LL_COMP_H */ |
| |
| /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/ |