blob: 70c4e24d92308ecfa4ad310d57d3636435d53ec9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Utilities and helper rules for Java fuzz tests."""
load("//fuzzing/private:binary.bzl", "fuzzing_binary_transition")
load("//fuzzing/private:util.bzl", "runfile_path")
# A Starlark reimplementation of a part of Bazel's JavaCommon#determinePrimaryClass.
def determine_primary_class(srcs, name):
main_source_path = _get_java_main_source_path(srcs, name)
return _get_java_full_classname(main_source_path)
# A Starlark reimplementation of a part of Bazel's JavaCommon#determinePrimaryClass.
def _get_java_main_source_path(srcs, name):
main_source_basename = name + ".java"
for source_file in srcs:
if source_file[source_file.rfind("/") + 1:] == main_source_basename:
main_source_basename = source_file
return native.package_name() + "/" + main_source_basename[:-len(".java")]
# A Starlark reimplementation of Bazel's JavaUtil#getJavaFullClassname.
def _get_java_full_classname(main_source_path):
java_path = _get_java_path(main_source_path)
if java_path != None:
return java_path.replace("/", ".")
return None
# A Starlark reimplementation of Bazel's JavaUtil#getJavaPath.
def _get_java_path(main_source_path):
path_segments = main_source_path.split("/")
index = _java_segment_index(path_segments)
if index >= 0:
return "/".join(path_segments[index + 1:])
return None
_KNOWN_SOURCE_ROOTS = ["java", "javatests", "src", "testsrc"]
# A Starlark reimplementation of Bazel's JavaUtil#javaSegmentIndex.
def _java_segment_index(path_segments):
root_index = -1
for pos, segment in enumerate(path_segments):
if segment in _KNOWN_SOURCE_ROOTS:
root_index = pos
if root_index == -1:
return root_index
is_src = "src" == path_segments[root_index]
check_maven_index = root_index if is_src else -1
max = len(path_segments) - 1
if root_index == 0 or is_src:
for i in range(root_index + 1, max):
segment = path_segments[i]
if "src" == segment or (is_src and ("javatests" == segment or "java" == segment)):
next = path_segments[i + 1]
if ("com" == next or "org" == next or "net" == next):
root_index = i
elif "src" == segment:
check_maven_index = i
if check_maven_index >= 0 and check_maven_index + 2 < len(path_segments):
next = path_segments[check_maven_index + 1]
if "main" == next or "test" == next:
next = path_segments[check_maven_index + 2]
if "java" == next or "resources" == next:
root_index = check_maven_index + 2
return root_index
def _jazzer_fuzz_binary_script(ctx, native_libs, driver):
script = ctx.actions.declare_file(
# The script is split into two parts: The first is emitted as-is, the second
# is a template that is passed to format(). Without the split, curly braces
# in the first part would need to be escaped.
script_literal_part = """#!/bin/bash
# LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput - OSS-Fuzz needs this string literal to appear
# somewhere in the script so it is recognized as a fuzz target.
# Bazel-provided code snippet that should be copy-pasted as is at use sites.
# Taken from @bazel_tools//tools/bash/runfiles.
# --- begin runfiles.bash initialization v2 ---
# Copy-pasted from the Bazel Bash runfiles library v2.
set -uo pipefail; f=bazel_tools/tools/bash/runfiles/runfiles.bash
source "${RUNFILES_DIR:-/dev/null}/$f" 2>/dev/null || \
source "$(grep -sm1 "^$f " "${RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE:-/dev/null}" | cut -f2- -d' ')" 2>/dev/null || \
source "$0.runfiles/$f" 2>/dev/null || \
source "$(grep -sm1 "^$f " "$0.runfiles_manifest" | cut -f2- -d' ')" 2>/dev/null || \
source "$(grep -sm1 "^$f " "$0.exe.runfiles_manifest" | cut -f2- -d' ')" 2>/dev/null || \
{ echo>&2 "ERROR: cannot find $f"; exit 1; }; f=; set -e
# --- end runfiles.bash initialization v2 ---
# Export the env variables required for subprocesses to find their runfiles.
# When the runfiles tree exists but does not contain local_jdk, this script is
# executing on OSS-Fuzz. Link the current JAVA_HOME into the runfiles tree.
if [ -d "$0.runfiles" ] && [ ! -d "$0.runfiles/local_jdk" ]; then
ln -s "$JAVA_HOME" "$0.runfiles/local_jdk"
script_format_part = """
source "$(rlocation {sanitizer_options})"
exec "$(rlocation {driver})" \
--agent_path="$(rlocation {agent})" \
--cp="$(rlocation {deploy_jar})" \
--jvm_args="-Djava.library.path={native_dirs}" \
native_dirs = [
"$(dirname \"$(rlocation %s)\")" % runfile_path(ctx, lib)
for lib in native_libs
script_content = script_literal_part + script_format_part.format(
agent = runfile_path(ctx, ctx.file.agent),
deploy_jar = runfile_path(ctx, ctx.file.target_deploy_jar),
driver = runfile_path(ctx, driver),
# Jazzer requires the path separator to be escaped in --jvm_args.
# See:
native_dirs = "\\:".join(native_dirs),
sanitizer_options = runfile_path(ctx, ctx.file.sanitizer_options),
ctx.actions.write(script, script_content, is_executable = True)
return script
def _is_required_runfile(runfile, runtime_classpath = []):
# The jars in the runtime classpath are all merged into the deploy jar and
# thus don't need to be included in the runfiles for the fuzzer.
if runfile in runtime_classpath:
return False
# A java_binary target has a dependency on the local JDK. Since the Jazzer
# driver launches its own JVM, these runfiles are not needed.
if runfile.owner != None and runfile.owner.workspace_name == "local_jdk":
return False
return True
def _filter_target_runfiles(ctx, target):
compilation_info = target[JavaInfo].compilation_info
runtime_classpath = compilation_info.runtime_classpath.to_list()
all_runfiles = target[DefaultInfo].default_runfiles
return ctx.runfiles([
for runfile in all_runfiles.files.to_list()
if _is_required_runfile(runfile, runtime_classpath)
def _is_potential_native_dependency(file):
if file.extension not in ["dll", "dylib", "so"]:
return False
if not _is_required_runfile(file):
return False
return True
def _native_library_files(ctx):
target_info =[0][DefaultInfo]
target_java_info =[0][JavaInfo]
# Perform feature detection for
if hasattr(target_java_info, "transitive_native_libraries"):
# The current version of Bazel contains the commit, which means that
# the JavaInfo of the target includes information about all transitive
# native library dependencies.
native_libraries_list = target_java_info.transitive_native_libraries.to_list()
return [
for lib in native_libraries_list
if lib.dynamic_library != None
# If precise information about transitive native libraries is not
# available, fall back to an overapproximation that includes all
# runfiles with file extensions indicating a shared library.
runfiles_list = target_info.default_runfiles.files.to_list()
return [
for runfile in runfiles_list
if _is_potential_native_dependency(runfile)
def _jazzer_fuzz_binary_impl(ctx):
native_libs = _native_library_files(ctx)
# Use a driver with a linked in sanitizer if the fuzz test has native
# dependencies.
if native_libs:
driver = ctx.executable.driver_with_native
driver_info = ctx.attr.driver_with_native[DefaultInfo]
driver = ctx.executable.driver_java_only
driver_info = ctx.attr.driver_java_only[DefaultInfo]
# The DefaultInfo's default_runfiles of an executable file target do not
# contain the executable itself, which thus needs to be added explicitly.
driver_runfiles = driver_info.default_runfiles
driver_executable = driver_info.files_to_run.executable
driver_runfiles = driver_runfiles.merge(ctx.runfiles([driver_executable]))
runfiles = ctx.runfiles()
runfiles = runfiles.merge(driver_runfiles)
# Used by the wrapper script created in _jazzer_fuzz_binary_script.
runfiles = runfiles.merge(ctx.attr._bash_runfiles_library[DefaultInfo].default_runfiles)
# While the Jazzer agent is already included in the runfiles of
# @jazzer//driver:jazzer_driver, it has to be added here explicitly for the
# case where both are provided by OSS-Fuzz.
runfiles = runfiles.merge(ctx.runfiles([ctx.file.agent]))
# The Java fuzz target packaged as a jar including all Java dependencies.
# This does not include e.g. data runfiles and shared libraries.
runfiles = runfiles.merge(ctx.runfiles([ctx.file.target_deploy_jar]))
# The full runfiles of the Java fuzz target, but with the files of the local
# JDK and all jar files excluded.
runfiles = runfiles.merge(_filter_target_runfiles(ctx,[0]))
runfiles = runfiles.merge(ctx.runfiles([ctx.file.sanitizer_options]))
script = _jazzer_fuzz_binary_script(ctx, native_libs, driver)
return [DefaultInfo(executable = script, runfiles = runfiles)]
jazzer_fuzz_binary = rule(
implementation = _jazzer_fuzz_binary_impl,
doc = """
Rule that creates a binary that invokes Jazzer on the specified target.
attrs = {
"agent": attr.label(
doc = "The Jazzer agent used to instrument the target.",
allow_single_file = [".jar"],
"_bash_runfiles_library": attr.label(
default = "@bazel_tools//tools/bash/runfiles",
"driver_java_only": attr.label(
doc = "The Jazzer driver binary used to fuzz a Java-only target.",
allow_single_file = True,
executable = True,
# Build in target configuration rather than host because the driver
# uses transitions to set the correct C++ standard for its
# dependencies.
cfg = "target",
"driver_with_native": attr.label(
doc = "The Jazzer driver binary used to fuzz a Java target with " +
"native dependencies.",
allow_single_file = True,
executable = True,
# Build in target configuration rather than host because the driver
# uses transitions to set the correct C++ standard for its
# dependencies.
cfg = "target",
"sanitizer_options": attr.label(
doc = "A shell script that can export environment variables with " +
"sanitizer options.",
allow_single_file = [".sh"],
"target": attr.label(
doc = "The fuzz target.",
mandatory = True,
providers = [JavaInfo],
cfg = fuzzing_binary_transition,
"target_deploy_jar": attr.label(
doc = "The deploy jar of the fuzz target.",
allow_single_file = [".jar"],
mandatory = True,
cfg = fuzzing_binary_transition,
"_allowlist_function_transition": attr.label(
default = "@bazel_tools//tools/allowlists/function_transition_allowlist",
executable = True,