blob: 9f3f4d4e4887b72c363d06d502c249c751ed993a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2024 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
This module is used to construct the config settings for selecting which distribution is used in the pip hub repository.
Bazel's selects work by selecting the most-specialized configuration setting
that matches the target platform. We can leverage this fact to ensure that the
most specialized wheels are used by default with the users being able to
configure string_flag values to select the less specialized ones.
The list of specialization of the dists goes like follows:
* sdist
* py*-none-any.whl
* py*-abi3-any.whl
* py*-cpxy-any.whl
* cp*-none-any.whl
* cp*-abi3-any.whl
* cp*-cpxy-plat.whl
* py*-none-plat.whl
* py*-abi3-plat.whl
* py*-cpxy-plat.whl
* cp*-none-plat.whl
* cp*-abi3-plat.whl
* cp*-cpxy-plat.whl
Note, that here the specialization of musl vs manylinux wheels is the same in
order to ensure that the matching fails if the user requests for `musl` and we don't have it or vice versa.
load(":flags.bzl", "INTERNAL_FLAGS", "UniversalWhlFlag", "WhlLibcFlag")
FLAGS = struct(
f: str(Label("//python/config_settings:" + f))
for f in [
# Here we create extra string flags that are just to work with the select
# selecting the most specialized match. We don't allow the user to change
# them.
_flags = struct(
f: str(Label("//python/config_settings:_internal_pip_" + f))
def config_settings(
python_versions = [],
glibc_versions = [],
muslc_versions = [],
osx_versions = [],
target_platforms = [],
name = None,
visibility = None,
native = native):
"""Generate all of the pip config settings.
name (str): Currently unused.
python_versions (list[str]): The list of python versions to configure
config settings for.
glibc_versions (list[str]): The list of glibc version of the wheels to
configure config settings for.
muslc_versions (list[str]): The list of musl version of the wheels to
configure config settings for.
osx_versions (list[str]): The list of OSX OS versions to configure
config settings for.
target_platforms (list[str]): The list of "{os}_{cpu}" for deriving
constraint values for each condition.
visibility (list[str], optional): The visibility to be passed to the
exposed labels. All other labels will be private.
native (struct): The struct containing alias and config_setting rules
to use for creating the objects. Can be overridden for unit tests
glibc_versions = [""] + glibc_versions
muslc_versions = [""] + muslc_versions
osx_versions = [""] + osx_versions
target_platforms = [("", "")] + [
t.split("_", 1)
for t in target_platforms
for python_version in [""] + python_versions:
is_python = "is_python_{}".format(python_version or "version_unset")
# The aliases defined in @rules_python//python/config_settings may not
# have config settings for the versions we need, so define our own
# config settings instead.
name = is_python,
flag_values = {
Label("//python/config_settings:python_version_major_minor"): python_version,
visibility = visibility,
for os, cpu in target_platforms:
constraint_values = []
suffix = ""
if os:
constraint_values.append("@platforms//os:" + os)
suffix += "_" + os
if cpu:
constraint_values.append("@platforms//cpu:" + cpu)
suffix += "_" + cpu
suffix = suffix,
plat_flag_values = _plat_flag_values(
os = os,
cpu = cpu,
osx_versions = osx_versions,
glibc_versions = glibc_versions,
muslc_versions = muslc_versions,
constraint_values = constraint_values,
python_version = python_version,
is_python = is_python,
visibility = visibility,
native = native,
def _dist_config_settings(*, suffix, plat_flag_values, **kwargs):
if kwargs.get("constraint_values"):
# Add python version + platform config settings
name = suffix.strip("_"),
flag_values = {_flags.dist: ""}
# First create an sdist, we will be building upon the flag values, which
# will ensure that each sdist config setting is the least specialized of
# all. However, we need at least one flag value to cover the case where we
# have `sdist` for any platform, hence we have a non-empty `flag_values`
# here.
name = "sdist{}".format(suffix),
flag_values = flag_values,
is_pip_whl = FLAGS.is_pip_whl_no,
for name, f in [
("py_none", _flags.whl_py2_py3),
("py3_none", _flags.whl_py3),
("py3_abi3", _flags.whl_py3_abi3),
("cp3x_none", _flags.whl_pycp3x),
("cp3x_abi3", _flags.whl_pycp3x_abi3),
("cp3x_cp", _flags.whl_pycp3x_abicp),
if f in flag_values:
# This should never happen as all of the different whls should have
# unique flag values.
fail("BUG: the flag {} is attempted to be added twice to the list".format(f))
flag_values[f] = ""
name = "{}_any{}".format(name, suffix),
flag_values = flag_values,
is_pip_whl = FLAGS.is_pip_whl_only,
generic_flag_values = flag_values
for (suffix, flag_values) in plat_flag_values:
flag_values = flag_values | generic_flag_values
for name, f in [
("py_none", _flags.whl_plat),
("py3_none", _flags.whl_plat_py3),
("py3_abi3", _flags.whl_plat_py3_abi3),
("cp3x_none", _flags.whl_plat_pycp3x),
("cp3x_abi3", _flags.whl_plat_pycp3x_abi3),
("cp3x_cp", _flags.whl_plat_pycp3x_abicp),
if f in flag_values:
# This should never happen as all of the different whls should have
# unique flag values.
fail("BUG: the flag {} is attempted to be added twice to the list".format(f))
flag_values[f] = ""
name = "{}_{}".format(name, suffix),
flag_values = flag_values,
is_pip_whl = FLAGS.is_pip_whl_only,
def _to_version_string(version, sep = "."):
if not version:
return ""
return "{}{}{}".format(version[0], sep, version[1])
def _plat_flag_values(os, cpu, osx_versions, glibc_versions, muslc_versions):
ret = []
if os == "":
return []
elif os == "windows":
ret.append(("{}_{}".format(os, cpu), {}))
elif os == "osx":
for cpu_, arch in {
cpu: UniversalWhlFlag.ARCH,
cpu + "_universal2": UniversalWhlFlag.UNIVERSAL,
for osx_version in osx_versions:
flags = {
FLAGS.pip_whl_osx_version: _to_version_string(osx_version),
if arch == UniversalWhlFlag.ARCH:
flags[FLAGS.pip_whl_osx_arch] = arch
if not osx_version:
suffix = "{}_{}".format(os, cpu_)
suffix = "{}_{}_{}".format(os, _to_version_string(osx_version, "_"), cpu_)
ret.append((suffix, flags))
elif os == "linux":
for os_prefix, linux_libc in {
os: WhlLibcFlag.GLIBC,
"many" + os: WhlLibcFlag.GLIBC,
"musl" + os: WhlLibcFlag.MUSL,
if linux_libc == WhlLibcFlag.GLIBC:
libc_versions = glibc_versions
libc_flag = FLAGS.pip_whl_glibc_version
elif linux_libc == WhlLibcFlag.MUSL:
libc_versions = muslc_versions
libc_flag = FLAGS.pip_whl_muslc_version
fail("Unsupported libc type: {}".format(linux_libc))
for libc_version in libc_versions:
if libc_version and os_prefix == os:
elif libc_version:
suffix = "{}_{}_{}".format(os_prefix, _to_version_string(libc_version, "_"), cpu)
suffix = "{}_{}".format(os_prefix, cpu)
FLAGS.py_linux_libc: linux_libc,
libc_flag: _to_version_string(libc_version),
fail("Unsupported os: {}".format(os))
return ret
def _dist_config_setting(*, name, is_python, python_version, is_pip_whl = None, native = native, **kwargs):
"""A macro to create a target that matches is_pip_whl_auto and one more value.
name: The name of the public target.
is_pip_whl: The config setting to match in addition to
`is_pip_whl_auto` when evaluating the config setting.
is_python: The python version config_setting to match.
python_version: The python version name.
native (struct): The struct containing alias and config_setting rules
to use for creating the objects. Can be overridden for unit tests
**kwargs: The kwargs passed to the config_setting rule. Visibility of
the main alias target is also taken from the kwargs.
_name = "_is_" + name
visibility = kwargs.get("visibility")
name = "is_cp{}_{}".format(python_version, name) if python_version else "is_{}".format(name),
actual = select({
# First match by the python version
is_python: _name,
"//conditions:default": is_python,
visibility = visibility,
if python_version:
# Reuse the config_setting targets that we use with the default
# `python_version` setting.
if not is_pip_whl:
native.config_setting(name = _name, **kwargs)
config_setting_name = _name + "_setting"
native.config_setting(name = config_setting_name, **kwargs)
# Next match by the `pip_whl` flag value and then match by the flags that
# are intrinsic to the distribution.
name = _name,
actual = select({
"//conditions:default": FLAGS.is_pip_whl_auto,
FLAGS.is_pip_whl_auto: config_setting_name,
is_pip_whl: config_setting_name,
visibility = visibility,