blob: d21fb53a419eca574c485bffc50d1d6338e19cb4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Create a repository to hold the toolchains.
This follows guidance here:
The "complex computation" in our case is simply downloading large artifacts.
This guidance tells us how to avoid that: we put the toolchain targets in the
alias repository with only the toolchain attribute pointing into the
platform-specific repositories.
load(":repo_utils.bzl", "REPO_DEBUG_ENV_VAR", "repo_utils")
load(":text_util.bzl", "render")
def get_repository_name(repository_workspace):
dummy_label = "//:_"
return str(repository_workspace.relative(dummy_label))[:-len(dummy_label)] or "@"
def python_toolchain_build_file_content(
"""Creates the content for toolchain definitions for a build file.
prefix: Python toolchain name prefixes
python_version: Python versions for the toolchains
set_python_version_constraint: string, "True" if the toolchain should
have the Python version constraint added as a requirement for
matching the toolchain, "False" if not.
user_repository_name: names for the user repos
loaded_platforms: {type}`struct` the list of platform structs defining the
loaded platforms. It is as they are defined in `//python:versions.bzl`.
build_content: Text containing toolchain definitions
return "\n\n".join([
user_repository_name = "{user_repository_name}_{platform}",
prefix = "{prefix}{platform}",
target_compatible_with = {compatible_with},
flag_values = {flag_values},
python_version = "{python_version}",
set_python_version_constraint = "{set_python_version_constraint}",
compatible_with = render.indent(render.list(meta.compatible_with)).lstrip(),
flag_values = render.indent(render.dict(
key_repr = lambda x: repr(str(x)), # this is to correctly display labels
platform = platform,
set_python_version_constraint = set_python_version_constraint,
user_repository_name = user_repository_name,
prefix = prefix,
python_version = python_version,
for platform, meta in loaded_platforms.items()
def _toolchains_repo_impl(rctx):
build_content = """\
# Generated by python/private/toolchains_repo.bzl
# These can be registered in the workspace file or passed to --extra_toolchains
# flag. By default all these toolchains are registered by the
# python_register_toolchains macro so you don't normally need to interact with
# these targets.
load("@{rules_python}//python/private:py_toolchain_suite.bzl", "py_toolchain_suite")
rules_python = rctx.attr._rules_python_workspace.workspace_name,
toolchains = python_toolchain_build_file_content(
prefix = "",
python_version = rctx.attr.python_version,
set_python_version_constraint = str(rctx.attr.set_python_version_constraint),
user_repository_name = rctx.attr.user_repository_name,
loaded_platforms = {
k: v
for k, v in PLATFORMS.items()
if k in rctx.attr.platforms
rctx.file("BUILD.bazel", build_content + toolchains)
toolchains_repo = repository_rule(
doc = "Creates a repository with toolchain definitions for all known platforms " +
"which can be registered or selected.",
attrs = {
"platforms": attr.string_list(doc = "List of platforms for which the toolchain definitions shall be created"),
"python_version": attr.string(doc = "The Python version."),
"set_python_version_constraint": attr.bool(doc = "if target_compatible_with for the toolchain should set the version constraint"),
"user_repository_name": attr.string(doc = "what the user chose for the base name"),
"_rules_python_workspace": attr.label(default = Label("//:WORKSPACE")),
def _toolchain_aliases_impl(rctx):
logger = repo_utils.logger(rctx)
(os_name, arch) = _get_host_os_arch(rctx, logger)
host_platform = _get_host_platform(os_name, arch)
is_windows = (os_name == WINDOWS_NAME)
python3_binary_path = "python.exe" if is_windows else "bin/python3"
# Base BUILD file for this repository.
build_contents = """\
# Generated by python/private/toolchains_repo.bzl
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
load("@rules_python//python:versions.bzl", "gen_python_config_settings")
alias(name = "files", actual = select({{":" + item: "@{py_repository}_" + item + "//:files" for item in PLATFORMS}}))
alias(name = "includes", actual = select({{":" + item: "@{py_repository}_" + item + "//:includes" for item in PLATFORMS}}))
alias(name = "libpython", actual = select({{":" + item: "@{py_repository}_" + item + "//:libpython" for item in PLATFORMS}}))
alias(name = "py3_runtime", actual = select({{":" + item: "@{py_repository}_" + item + "//:py3_runtime" for item in PLATFORMS}}))
alias(name = "python_headers", actual = select({{":" + item: "@{py_repository}_" + item + "//:python_headers" for item in PLATFORMS}}))
alias(name = "python_runtimes", actual = select({{":" + item: "@{py_repository}_" + item + "//:python_runtimes" for item in PLATFORMS}}))
alias(name = "python3", actual = select({{":" + item: "@{py_repository}_" + item + "//:" + ("python.exe" if "windows" in item else "bin/python3") for item in PLATFORMS}}))
py_repository = rctx.attr.user_repository_name,
loaded_platforms = "\n".join([" \"{}\",".format(p) for p in rctx.attr.platforms]),
if not is_windows:
build_contents += """\
alias(name = "pip", actual = select({{":" + item: "@{py_repository}_" + item + "//:python_runtimes" for item in PLATFORMS if "windows" not in item}}))
py_repository = rctx.attr.user_repository_name,
host_platform = host_platform,
rctx.file("BUILD.bazel", build_contents)
# Expose a Starlark file so rules can know what host platform we used and where to find an interpreter
# when using repository_ctx.path, which doesn't understand aliases.
rctx.file("defs.bzl", content = """\
# Generated by python/private/toolchains_repo.bzl
_py_binary = "py_binary",
_py_test = "py_test",
_py_console_script_binary = "py_console_script_binary",
load("{rules_python}//python:pip.bzl", _compile_pip_requirements = "compile_pip_requirements")
host_platform = "{host_platform}"
interpreter = "@{py_repository}_{host_platform}//:{python3_binary_path}"
def py_binary(name, **kwargs):
return _py_binary(
name = name,
python_version = "{python_version}",
def py_console_script_binary(name, **kwargs):
return _py_console_script_binary(
name = name,
binary_rule = py_binary,
def py_test(name, **kwargs):
return _py_test(
name = name,
python_version = "{python_version}",
def compile_pip_requirements(name, **kwargs):
return _compile_pip_requirements(
name = name,
py_binary = py_binary,
py_test = py_test,
host_platform = host_platform,
py_repository = rctx.attr.user_repository_name,
python_version = rctx.attr.python_version,
python3_binary_path = python3_binary_path,
rules_python = get_repository_name(rctx.attr._rules_python_workspace),
toolchain_aliases = repository_rule(
doc = """\
Creates a repository with a shorter name only referencing the python version,
it contains a BUILD.bazel file declaring aliases to the host platform's targets
and is a great fit for any usage related to setting up toolchains for build
attrs = {
"platforms": attr.string_list(
doc = "List of platforms for which aliases shall be created",
"python_version": attr.string(doc = "The Python version."),
"user_repository_name": attr.string(
mandatory = True,
doc = "The base name for all created repositories, like 'python38'.",
"_rules_python_workspace": attr.label(default = Label("//:WORKSPACE")),
environ = [REPO_DEBUG_ENV_VAR],
def _host_toolchain_impl(rctx):
logger = repo_utils.logger(rctx)
rctx.file("BUILD.bazel", """\
# Generated by python/private/toolchains_repo.bzl
exports_files(["python"], visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
(os_name, arch) = _get_host_os_arch(rctx, logger)
host_platform = _get_host_platform(os_name, arch)
repo = "@@{py_repository}_{host_platform}".format(
py_repository =[:-len("_host")],
host_platform = host_platform,
rctx.report_progress("Symlinking interpreter files to the target platform")
host_python_repo = rctx.path(Label("{repo}//:BUILD.bazel".format(repo = repo)))
# The interpreter might not work on platfroms that don't have symlink support if
# we just symlink the interpreter itself. rctx.symlink does a copy in such cases
# so we can just attempt to symlink all of the directories in the host interpreter
# repo, which should be faster than re-downloading it.
for p in host_python_repo.dirname.readdir():
if p.basename in [
# ignore special files created by the repo rule automatically
# symlink works on all platforms that bazel supports, so it should work on
# UNIX and Windows with and without symlink support. For better performance
# users should enable the symlink startup option, however that requires admin
# privileges.
rctx.symlink(p, p.basename)
is_windows = (os_name == WINDOWS_NAME)
python_binary = "python.exe" if is_windows else "python"
# Ensure that we can run the interpreter and check that we are not
# using the host interpreter.
python_tester_contents = """\
from pathlib import Path
import sys
python = Path(sys.executable)
want_python = str(Path("{python}").resolve())
got_python = str(Path(sys.executable).resolve())
assert want_python == got_python, \
"Expected to use a different interpreter:\\nwant: '{{}}'\\n got: '{{}}'".format(
""".format(repo = repo.strip("@"), python = python_binary)
python_tester = rctx.path("")
rctx.file(python_tester, python_tester_contents)
op = "CheckHostInterpreter",
arguments = [rctx.path(python_binary), python_tester],
if not rctx.delete(python_tester):
fail("Failed to delete the python tester")
host_toolchain = repository_rule(
doc = """\
Creates a repository with a shorter name meant to be used in the repository_ctx,
which needs to have `symlinks` for the interpreter. This is separate from the
toolchain_aliases repo because referencing the `python` interpreter target from
this repo causes an eager fetch of the toolchain for the host platform.
attrs = {
"_rule_name": attr.string(default = "host_toolchain"),
"_rules_python_workspace": attr.label(default = Label("//:WORKSPACE")),
def _multi_toolchain_aliases_impl(rctx):
rules_python = rctx.attr._rules_python_workspace.workspace_name
for python_version, repository_name in rctx.attr.python_versions.items():
file = "{}/defs.bzl".format(python_version)
rctx.file(file, content = """\
# Generated by python/private/toolchains_repo.bzl
_compile_pip_requirements = "compile_pip_requirements",
_host_platform = "host_platform",
_interpreter = "interpreter",
_py_binary = "py_binary",
_py_console_script_binary = "py_console_script_binary",
_py_test = "py_test",
compile_pip_requirements = _compile_pip_requirements
host_platform = _host_platform
interpreter = _interpreter
py_binary = _py_binary
py_console_script_binary = _py_console_script_binary
py_test = _py_test
repository_name = repository_name,
rctx.file("{}/BUILD.bazel".format(python_version), "")
pip_bzl = """\
# Generated by python/private/toolchains_repo.bzl
load("@{rules_python}//python:pip.bzl", "pip_parse", _multi_pip_parse = "multi_pip_parse")
def multi_pip_parse(name, requirements_lock, **kwargs):
return _multi_pip_parse(
name = name,
python_versions = {python_versions},
requirements_lock = requirements_lock,
minor_mapping = {minor_mapping},
python_versions = rctx.attr.python_versions.keys(),
minor_mapping = render.indent(render.dict(rctx.attr.minor_mapping), indent = " " * 8).lstrip(),
rules_python = rules_python,
rctx.file("pip.bzl", content = pip_bzl)
rctx.file("BUILD.bazel", "")
multi_toolchain_aliases = repository_rule(
attrs = {
"minor_mapping": attr.string_dict(doc = "The mapping between `X.Y` and `X.Y.Z` python version values"),
"python_versions": attr.string_dict(doc = "The Python versions."),
"_rules_python_workspace": attr.label(default = Label("//:WORKSPACE")),
def sanitize_platform_name(platform):
return platform.replace("-", "_")
def _get_host_platform(os_name, arch):
"""Gets the host platform.
os_name: the host OS name.
arch: the host arch.
The host platform.
host_platform = None
for platform, meta in PLATFORMS.items():
if "freethreaded" in platform:
if meta.os_name == os_name and meta.arch == arch:
host_platform = platform
if not host_platform:
fail("No platform declared for host OS {} on arch {}".format(os_name, arch))
return host_platform
def _get_host_os_arch(rctx, logger):
"""Infer the host OS name and arch from a repository context.
rctx: Bazel's repository_ctx.
logger: Logger to use for operations.
A tuple with the host OS name and arch.
os_name =
# We assume the arch for Windows is always x86_64.
if "windows" in os_name.lower():
arch = "x86_64"
# Normalize the os_name. E.g. os_name could be "OS windows server 2019".
os_name = WINDOWS_NAME
# This is not ideal, but bazel doesn't directly expose arch.
arch = repo_utils.execute_unchecked(
op = "GetUname",
arguments = [repo_utils.which_checked(rctx, "uname"), "-m"],
logger = logger,
# Normalize the os_name.
if "mac" in os_name.lower():
os_name = MACOS_NAME
elif "linux" in os_name.lower():
os_name = LINUX_NAME
return (os_name, arch)