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# Copyright 2024 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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"""This module is used to construct the config settings in the BUILD file in this same package.
load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
load("@bazel_skylib//rules:common_settings.bzl", "string_flag")
load("//python:versions.bzl", "MINOR_MAPPING", "TOOL_VERSIONS")
_PYTHON_VERSION_FLAG = str(Label("//python/config_settings:python_version"))
def _ver_key(s):
major, _, s = s.partition(".")
minor, _, s = s.partition(".")
micro, _, s = s.partition(".")
return (int(major), int(minor), int(micro))
def _flag_values(python_versions):
"""Construct a map of python_version to a list of toolchain values.
This mapping maps the concept of a config setting to a list of compatible toolchain versions.
For using this in the code, the VERSION_FLAG_VALUES should be used instead.
python_versions: list of strings; all X.Y.Z python versions
A `map[str, list[str]]`. Each key is a python_version flag value. Each value
is a list of the python_version flag values that should match when for the
`key`. For example:
"3.8" -> ["3.8", "3.8.1", "3.8.2", ..., "3.8.19"] # All 3.8 versions
"3.8.2" -> ["3.8.2"] # Only 3.8.2
"3.8.19" -> ["3.8.19", "3.8"] # The latest version should also match 3.8 so
as when the `3.8` toolchain is used we just use the latest `3.8` toolchain.
this makes the `select("is_python_3.8.19")` work no matter how the user
specifies the latest python version to use.
ret = {}
for micro_version in sorted(python_versions, key = _ver_key):
minor_version, _, _ = micro_version.rpartition(".")
# This matches the raw flag value, e.g. --//python/config_settings:python_version=3.8
# It's private because matching the concept of e.g. "3.8" value is done
# using the `is_python_X.Y` config setting group, which is aware of the
# minor versions that could match instead.
ret.setdefault(minor_version, [minor_version]).append(micro_version)
# Ensure that is_python_3.9.8 is matched if python_version is set
# to 3.9 if MINOR_MAPPING points to 3.9.8
default_micro_version = MINOR_MAPPING[minor_version]
ret[micro_version] = [micro_version, minor_version] if default_micro_version == micro_version else [micro_version]
return ret
def is_python_config_setting(name, *, python_version, reuse_conditions = None, **kwargs):
"""Create a config setting for matching 'python_version' configuration flag.
This function is mainly intended for internal use within the `whl_library` and `pip_parse`
The matching of the 'python_version' flag depends on the value passed in
`python_version` and here is the example for `3.8` (but the same applies
to other python versions present in @//python:versions.bzl#TOOL_VERSIONS):
* "3.8" -> ["3.8", "3.8.1", "3.8.2", ..., "3.8.19"] # All 3.8 versions
* "3.8.2" -> ["3.8.2"] # Only 3.8.2
* "3.8.19" -> ["3.8.19", "3.8"] # The latest version should also match 3.8 so
as when the `3.8` toolchain is used we just use the latest `3.8` toolchain.
this makes the `select("is_python_3.8.19")` work no matter how the user
specifies the latest python version to use.
name: name for the target that will be created to be used in select statements.
python_version: The python_version to be passed in the `flag_values` in the
`config_setting`. Depending on the version, the matching python version list
can be as described above.
reuse_conditions: A dict of version to version label for which we should
reuse config_setting targets instead of creating them from scratch. This
is useful when using is_python_config_setting multiple times in the
same package with the same `major.minor` python versions.
**kwargs: extra kwargs passed to the `config_setting`.
if python_version not in name:
fail("The name '{}' must have the python version '{}' in it".format(name, python_version))
if python_version not in VERSION_FLAG_VALUES:
fail("The 'python_version' must be known to 'rules_python', choose from the values: {}".format(VERSION_FLAG_VALUES.keys()))
python_versions = VERSION_FLAG_VALUES[python_version]
if len(python_versions) == 1:
name = name,
flag_values = {
_PYTHON_VERSION_FLAG: python_version,
reuse_conditions = reuse_conditions or {}
create_config_settings = {
"_{}".format(name).replace(python_version, version): {_PYTHON_VERSION_FLAG: version}
for version in python_versions
if not reuse_conditions or version not in reuse_conditions
match_any = list(create_config_settings.keys())
for version, condition in reuse_conditions.items():
if len(VERSION_FLAG_VALUES[version]) == 1:
# Convert the name to an internal label that this function would create,
# so that we are hitting the config_setting and not the config_setting_group.
condition = Label(condition)
if hasattr(condition, "same_package_label"):
condition = condition.same_package_label("_" +
condition = condition.relative("_" +
for name_, flag_values_ in create_config_settings.items():
name = name_,
flag_values = flag_values_,
# An alias pointing to an underscore-prefixed config_setting_group
# is used because config_setting_group creates
# `is_{version}_N` targets, which are easily confused with the
# `is_{minor}.{micro}` (dot) targets.
name = "_{}_group".format(name),
match_any = match_any,
visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
name = name,
actual = "_{}_group".format(name),
visibility = kwargs.get("visibility", []),
def construct_config_settings(name = None): # buildifier: disable=function-docstring
"""Create a 'python_version' config flag and construct all config settings used in rules_python.
This mainly includes the targets that are used in the toolchain and pip hub
repositories that only match on the 'python_version' flag values.
name(str): A dummy name value that is no-op for now.
name = "python_version",
# TODO: The default here should somehow match the MODULE config. Until
# then, use the empty string to indicate an unknown version. This
# also prevents version-unaware targets from inadvertently matching
# a select condition when they shouldn't.
build_setting_default = "",
values = [""] + VERSION_FLAG_VALUES.keys(),
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
for version, matching_versions in VERSION_FLAG_VALUES.items():
name = "is_python_{}".format(version),
python_version = version,
reuse_conditions = {
v: native.package_relative_label("is_python_{}".format(v))
for v in matching_versions
if v != version
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],