blob: c730c204397d57e67c16d56d0311cb7052436bbd [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2024 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
A file that houses private functions used in the `bzlmod` extension with the same name.
load("@bazel_features//:features.bzl", "bazel_features")
load("//python/private:auth.bzl", "get_auth")
load("//python/private:envsubst.bzl", "envsubst")
load("//python/private:normalize_name.bzl", "normalize_name")
load(":parse_simpleapi_html.bzl", "parse_simpleapi_html")
def simpleapi_download(ctx, *, attr, cache, parallel_download = True):
"""Download Simple API HTML.
ctx: The module_ctx or repository_ctx.
attr: Contains the parameters for the download. They are grouped into a
struct for better clarity. It must have attributes:
* index_url: str, the index.
* index_url_overrides: dict[str, str], the index overrides for
separate packages.
* extra_index_urls: Extra index URLs that will be looked up after
the main is looked up.
* sources: list[str], the sources to download things for. Each value is
the contents of requirements files.
* envsubst: list[str], the envsubst vars for performing substitution in index url.
* netrc: The netrc parameter for, see http_file for docs.
* auth_patterns: The auth_patterns parameter for, see
http_file for docs.
cache: A dictionary that can be used as a cache between calls during a
single evaluation of the extension. We use a dictionary as a cache
so that we can reuse calls to the simple API when evaluating the
extension. Using the canonical_id parameter of the module_ctx would
deposit the simple API responses to the bazel cache and that is
undesirable because additions to the PyPI index would not be
reflected when re-evaluating the extension unless we do
`bazel clean --expunge`.
parallel_download: A boolean to enable usage of bazel 7.1 non-blocking downloads.
dict of pkg name to the parsed HTML contents - a list of structs.
index_url_overrides = {
normalize_name(p): i
for p, i in (attr.index_url_overrides or {}).items()
download_kwargs = {}
if bazel_features.external_deps.download_has_block_param:
download_kwargs["block"] = not parallel_download
# NOTE @aignas 2024-03-31: we are not merging results from multiple indexes
# to replicate how `pip` would handle this case.
async_downloads = {}
contents = {}
index_urls = [attr.index_url] + attr.extra_index_urls
for pkg in attr.sources:
pkg_normalized = normalize_name(pkg)
success = False
for index_url in index_urls:
result = _read_simpleapi(
ctx = ctx,
url = "{}/{}/".format(
index_url_overrides.get(pkg_normalized, index_url).rstrip("/"),
attr = attr,
cache = cache,
if hasattr(result, "wait"):
# We will process it in a separate loop:
async_downloads.setdefault(pkg_normalized, []).append(
pkg_normalized = pkg_normalized,
wait = result.wait,
if result.success:
contents[pkg_normalized] = result.output
success = True
if not async_downloads and not success:
fail("Failed to download metadata from urls: {}".format(
", ".join(index_urls),
if not async_downloads:
return contents
# If we use `block` == False, then we need to have a second loop that is
# collecting all of the results as they were being downloaded in parallel.
for pkg, downloads in async_downloads.items():
success = False
for download in downloads:
result = download.wait()
if result.success and download.pkg_normalized not in contents:
contents[download.pkg_normalized] = result.output
success = True
if not success:
fail("Failed to download metadata from urls: {}".format(
", ".join(index_urls),
return contents
def _read_simpleapi(ctx, url, attr, cache, **download_kwargs):
"""Read SimpleAPI.
ctx: The module_ctx or repository_ctx.
url: str, the url parameter that can be passed to
attr: The attribute that contains necessary info for downloading. The
following attributes must be present:
* envsubst: The envsubst values for performing substitutions in the URL.
* netrc: The netrc parameter for, see http_file for docs.
* auth_patterns: The auth_patterns parameter for, see
http_file for docs.
cache: A dict for storing the results.
**download_kwargs: Any extra params to
Note that output and auth will be passed for you.
A similar object to what `download` would return except that in result.out
will be the parsed simple api contents.
# NOTE @aignas 2024-03-31: some of the simple APIs use relative URLs for
# the whl location and we cannot handle multiple URLs at once by passing
# them to if we want to correctly handle the relative URLs.
# TODO: Add a test that env subbed index urls do not leak into the lock file.
real_url = envsubst(
ctx.getenv if hasattr(ctx, "getenv") else ctx.os.environ.get,
cache_key = real_url
if cache_key in cache:
return struct(success = True, output = cache[cache_key])
output_str = envsubst(
# Use env names in the subst values - this will be unique over
# the lifetime of the execution of this function and we also use
# `~` as the separator to ensure that we don't get clashes.
{e: "~{}~".format(e) for e in attr.envsubst}.get,
# Transform the URL into a valid filename
for char in [".", ":", "/", "\\", "-"]:
output_str = output_str.replace(char, "_")
output = ctx.path(output_str.strip("_").lower() + ".html")
# NOTE: this may have block = True or block = False in the download_kwargs
download =
url = [real_url],
output = output,
auth = get_auth(ctx, [real_url], ctx_attr = attr),
allow_fail = True,
if download_kwargs.get("block") == False:
# Simulate the same API as has
return struct(
wait = lambda: _read_index_result(ctx, download.wait(), output, real_url, cache, cache_key),
return _read_index_result(ctx, download, output, real_url, cache, cache_key)
def _read_index_result(ctx, result, output, url, cache, cache_key):
if not result.success:
return struct(success = False)
content =
output = parse_simpleapi_html(url = url, content = content)
if output:
cache.setdefault(cache_key, output)
return struct(success = True, output = output, cache_key = cache_key)
return struct(success = False)