blob: 5504172e1d358e732eb41a11222e80137be72558 [file] [log] [blame]
name = "example_bzlmod",
version = "0.0.0",
compatibility_level = 1,
bazel_dep(name = "bazel_skylib", version = "1.4.1")
bazel_dep(name = "rules_python", version = "0.0.0")
module_name = "rules_python",
path = "../..",
# (py_proto_library specific) We are using rules_proto to define rules_proto targets to be consumed by py_proto_library.
bazel_dep(name = "rules_proto", version = "5.3.0-21.7")
# (py_proto_library specific) Add the protobuf library for well-known types (e.g. `Any`, `Timestamp`, etc)
bazel_dep(name = "protobuf", version = "24.4", repo_name = "com_google_protobuf")
# We next initialize the python toolchain using the extension.
# You can set different Python versions in this block.
python = use_extension("@rules_python//python/extensions:python.bzl", "python")
configure_coverage_tool = True,
# Only set when you have multiple toolchain versions.
is_default = True,
python_version = "3.9",
# We are also using a second version of Python in this project.
# Typically you will only need a single version of Python, but
# If you need a different vesion we support more than one.
# Note: we do not supporting using multiple pip extensions, this is
# work in progress.
configure_coverage_tool = True,
python_version = "3.10",
# One can override the actual toolchain versions that are available, which can be useful
# when optimizing what gets downloaded and when.
available_python_versions = [
# The following is used by the `other_module` and we need to include it here
# as well.
# Also override the `minor_mapping` so that the root module,
# instead of rules_python's defaulting to the latest available version,
# controls what full version is used when `3.x` is requested.
minor_mapping = {
"3.9": "3.9.19",
# Or the sources that the toolchains come from for all platforms
patch_strip = 1,
# The user can specify patches to be applied to all interpreters.
patches = [],
python_version = "3.10.2",
sha256 = {
"aarch64-apple-darwin": "1409acd9a506e2d1d3b65c1488db4e40d8f19d09a7df099667c87a506f71c0ef",
"aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu": "8f351a8cc348bb45c0f95b8634c8345ec6e749e483384188ad865b7428342703",
"x86_64-apple-darwin": "8146ad4390710ec69b316a5649912df0247d35f4a42e2aa9615bffd87b3e235a",
"x86_64-pc-windows-msvc": "a1d9a594cd3103baa24937ad9150c1a389544b4350e859200b3e5c036ac352bd",
"x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu": "9b64eca2a94f7aff9409ad70bdaa7fbbf8148692662e764401883957943620dd",
urls = ["20220227/cpython-{python_version}+20220227-{platform}-{build}.tar.gz"],
# Or a single platform. This can be used in combination with the
# `single_version_override` and `single_version_platform_override` will be
# applied after `single_version_override`. Any values present in this override
# will overwrite the values set by the `single_version_override`
patch_strip = 1,
patches = [],
platform = "aarch64-apple-darwin",
python_version = "3.10.2",
sha256 = "1409acd9a506e2d1d3b65c1488db4e40d8f19d09a7df099667c87a506f71c0ef",
urls = ["20220227/cpython-{python_version}+20220227-{platform}-{build}.tar.gz"],
# You only need to load this repositories if you are using multiple Python versions.
# See the tests folder for various examples on using multiple Python versions.
# The names "python_3_9" and "python_3_10" are autmatically created by the repo
# rules based on the `python_version` arg values.
use_repo(python, "python_3_10", "python_3_9", "python_versions", "pythons_hub")
# EXPERIMENTAL: This is experimental and may be removed without notice
uv = use_extension("@rules_python//python/uv:extensions.bzl", "uv")
uv.toolchain(uv_version = "0.2.23")
use_repo(uv, "uv_toolchains")
# This extension allows a user to create modifications to how rules_python
# creates different wheel repositories. Different attributes allow the user
# to modify the BUILD file, and copy files.
# See @rules_python//python/extensions:whl_mods.bzl attributes for more information
# on each of the attributes.
# You are able to set a hub name, so that you can have different modifications of the same
# wheel in different pip hubs.
pip = use_extension("@rules_python//python/extensions:pip.bzl", "pip")
# Call whl_mods.create for the requests package.
# we are using the appended_build_content.BUILD file
# to add content to the request wheel BUILD file.
additive_build_content_file = "//whl_mods:appended_build_content.BUILD",
data = [":generated_file"],
hub_name = "whl_mods_hub",
whl_name = "requests",
load("@bazel_skylib//rules:write_file.bzl", "write_file")
name = "generated_file",
out = "generated_file.txt",
content = ["Hello world from build content file"],
# Call whl_mods.create for the wheel package.
additive_build_content = ADDITIVE_BUILD_CONTENT,
copy_executables = {
"@@//whl_mods:data/": "copied_content/",
copy_files = {
"@@//whl_mods:data/copy_file.txt": "copied_content/file.txt",
data = [":generated_file"],
data_exclude_glob = ["site-packages/*.dist-info/WHEEL"],
hub_name = "whl_mods_hub",
whl_name = "wheel",
use_repo(pip, "whl_mods_hub")
# To fetch pip dependencies, use pip.parse. We can pass in various options,
# but typically we pass requirements and the Python version. The Python
# version must have been configured by a corresponding `python.toolchain()`
# call.
# Alternatively, `python_interpreter_target` can be used to directly specify
# the Python interpreter to run to resolve dependencies.
# We can use `envsubst in the above
envsubst = ["PIP_INDEX_URL"],
# Use the bazel downloader to query the simple API for downloading the sources
# Note, that we can use envsubst for this value.
experimental_index_url = "${PIP_INDEX_URL:-}",
# One can also select a particular index for a particular package.
# This ensures that the setup is resistant against confusion attacks.
# experimental_index_url_overrides = {
# "my_package": "",
# },
# Or you can specify extra indexes like with `pip`:
# experimental_extra_index_urls = [
# "",
# ],
experimental_requirement_cycles = {
"sphinx": [
# You can use one of the values below to specify the target platform
# to generate the dependency graph for.
experimental_target_platforms = [
# Specifying the target platforms explicitly
hub_name = "pip",
python_version = "3.9",
requirements_lock = "requirements_lock_3_9.txt",
# These modifications were created above and we
# are providing pip.parse with the label of the mod
# and the name of the wheel.
whl_modifications = {
"@whl_mods_hub//:requests.json": "requests",
"@whl_mods_hub//:wheel.json": "wheel",
experimental_requirement_cycles = {
"sphinx": [
# You can use one of the values below to specify the target platform
# to generate the dependency graph for.
experimental_target_platforms = [
# Using host python version
# Or specifying an exact platform
# Or the following to get the `host` platform only
hub_name = "pip",
python_version = "3.10",
# The requirements files for each platform that we want to support.
requirements_by_platform = {
# Default requirements file for needs to explicitly provide the platforms
"//:requirements_lock_3_10.txt": "linux_*,osx_*",
# This API allows one to specify additional platforms that the users
# configure the toolchains for themselves. In this example we add
# `windows_aarch64` to illustrate that `rules_python` won't fail to
# process the value, but it does not mean that this example will work
# on Windows ARM.
"//:requirements_windows_3_10.txt": "windows_x86_64,windows_aarch64",
# These modifications were created above and we
# are providing pip.parse with the label of the mod
# and the name of the wheel.
whl_modifications = {
"@whl_mods_hub//:requests.json": "requests",
"@whl_mods_hub//:wheel.json": "wheel",
# You can add patches that will be applied on the whl contents.
# The patches have to be in the unified-diff format.
file = "requests-2.25.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl",
patch_strip = 1,
patches = [
use_repo(pip, "pip")
bazel_dep(name = "other_module", version = "", repo_name = "our_other_module")
module_name = "other_module",
path = "other_module",