blob: 750ebfcf7a9829c00bbbcfb21460a44baeb0f66d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Utility class to inspect an extracted wheel directory"""
import email
import platform
import re
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union
import installer
from packaging.requirements import Requirement
from pip._vendor.packaging.utils import canonicalize_name
class OS(Enum):
linux = 1
osx = 2
windows = 3
darwin = osx
win32 = windows
def interpreter(cls) -> "OS":
"Return the interpreter operating system."
return cls[sys.platform.lower()]
def __str__(self) -> str:
class Arch(Enum):
x86_64 = 1
x86_32 = 2
aarch64 = 3
ppc = 4
s390x = 5
amd64 = x86_64
arm64 = aarch64
i386 = x86_32
i686 = x86_32
x86 = x86_32
ppc64le = ppc
def interpreter(cls) -> "OS":
"Return the currently running interpreter architecture."
# FIXME @aignas 2023-12-13: Hermetic toolchain on Windows 3.11.6
# is returning an empty string here, so lets default to x86_64
return cls[platform.machine().lower() or "x86_64"]
def __str__(self) -> str:
def _as_int(value: Optional[Union[OS, Arch]]) -> int:
"""Convert one of the enums above to an int for easier sorting algorithms.
value: The value of an enum or None.
-1 if we get None, otherwise, the numeric value of the given enum.
if value is None:
return -1
return int(value.value)
def host_interpreter_minor_version() -> int:
return sys.version_info.minor
class Platform:
os: Optional[OS] = None
arch: Optional[Arch] = None
minor_version: Optional[int] = None
def __post_init__(self):
if not self.os and not self.arch and not self.minor_version:
raise ValueError(
"At least one of os, arch, minor_version must be specified"
def all(
want_os: Optional[OS] = None,
minor_version: Optional[int] = None,
) -> List["Platform"]:
return sorted(
cls(os=os, arch=arch, minor_version=minor_version)
for os in OS
for arch in Arch
if not want_os or want_os == os
def host(cls) -> List["Platform"]:
"""Use the Python interpreter to detect the platform.
We extract `os` from sys.platform and `arch` from platform.machine
A list of parsed values which makes the signature the same as
`Platform.all` and `Platform.from_string`.
return [cls(os=OS.interpreter(), arch=Arch.interpreter())]
def all_specializations(self) -> Iterator["Platform"]:
"""Return the platform itself and all its unambiguous specializations.
For more info about specializations see
yield self
if self.arch is None:
for arch in Arch:
yield Platform(os=self.os, arch=arch, minor_version=self.minor_version)
if self.os is None:
for os in OS:
yield Platform(os=os, arch=self.arch, minor_version=self.minor_version)
if self.arch is None and self.os is None:
for os in OS:
for arch in Arch:
yield Platform(os=os, arch=arch, minor_version=self.minor_version)
def __lt__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
"""Add a comparison method, so that `sorted` returns the most specialized platforms first."""
if not isinstance(other, Platform) or other is None:
raise ValueError(f"cannot compare {other} with Platform")
self_arch, self_os = _as_int(self.arch), _as_int(self.os)
other_arch, other_os = _as_int(other.arch), _as_int(other.os)
if self_os == other_os:
return self_arch < other_arch
return self_os < other_os
def __str__(self) -> str:
if self.minor_version is None:
assert (
self.os is not None
), f"if minor_version is None, OS must be specified, got {repr(self)}"
if self.arch is None:
return f"@platforms//os:{self.os}"
return f"{self.os}_{self.arch}"
if self.arch is None and self.os is None:
return f"@//python/config_settings:is_python_3.{self.minor_version}"
if self.arch is None:
return f"cp3{self.minor_version}_{self.os}_anyarch"
if self.os is None:
return f"cp3{self.minor_version}_anyos_{self.arch}"
return f"cp3{self.minor_version}_{self.os}_{self.arch}"
def from_string(cls, platform: Union[str, List[str]]) -> List["Platform"]:
"""Parse a string and return a list of platforms"""
platform = [platform] if isinstance(platform, str) else list(platform)
ret = set()
for p in platform:
if p == "host":
abi, _, tail = p.partition("_")
if not abi.startswith("cp"):
# The first item is not an abi
tail = p
abi = ""
os, _, arch = tail.partition("_")
arch = arch or "*"
minor_version = int(abi[len("cp3") :]) if abi else None
if arch != "*":
os=OS[os] if os != "*" else None,
want_os=OS[os] if os != "*" else None,
return sorted(ret)
# NOTE @aignas 2023-12-05: below is the minimum number of accessors that are defined in
# to make rules_python generate dependencies.
# WARNING: It may not work in cases where the python implementation is different between
# different platforms.
# derived from OS
def os_name(self) -> str:
if self.os == OS.linux or self.os == OS.osx:
return "posix"
elif self.os ==
return "nt"
return ""
def sys_platform(self) -> str:
if self.os == OS.linux:
return "linux"
elif self.os == OS.osx:
return "darwin"
elif self.os ==
return "win32"
return ""
def platform_system(self) -> str:
if self.os == OS.linux:
return "Linux"
elif self.os == OS.osx:
return "Darwin"
elif self.os ==
return "Windows"
# derived from OS and Arch
def platform_machine(self) -> str:
"""Guess the target 'platform_machine' marker.
NOTE @aignas 2023-12-05: this may not work on really new systems, like
Windows if they define the platform markers in a different way.
if self.arch == Arch.x86_64:
return "x86_64"
elif self.arch == Arch.x86_32 and self.os != OS.osx:
return "i386"
elif self.arch == Arch.x86_32:
return ""
elif self.arch == Arch.aarch64 and self.os == OS.linux:
return "aarch64"
elif self.arch == Arch.aarch64:
# Assuming that OSX and Windows use this one since the precedent is set here:
return "arm64"
elif self.os != OS.linux:
return ""
elif self.arch == Arch.ppc64le:
return "ppc64le"
elif self.arch == Arch.s390x:
return "s390x"
return ""
def env_markers(self, extra: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
# If it is None, use the host version
minor_version = self.minor_version or host_interpreter_minor_version()
return {
"extra": extra,
"os_name": self.os_name,
"sys_platform": self.sys_platform,
"platform_machine": self.platform_machine,
"platform_system": self.platform_system,
"platform_release": "", # unset
"platform_version": "", # unset
"python_version": f"3.{minor_version}",
# FIXME @aignas 2024-01-14: is putting zero last a good idea? Maybe we should
# use `20` or something else to avoid having weird issues where the full version is used for
# matching and the author decides to only support 3.y.5 upwards.
"implementation_version": f"3.{minor_version}.0",
"python_full_version": f"3.{minor_version}.0",
# we assume that the following are the same as the interpreter used to setup the deps:
# "implementation_name": "cpython"
# "platform_python_implementation: "CPython",
class FrozenDeps:
deps: List[str]
deps_select: Dict[str, List[str]]
class Deps:
"""Deps is a dependency builder that has a build() method to return FrozenDeps."""
def __init__(
name: str,
requires_dist: List[str],
extras: Optional[Set[str]] = None,
platforms: Optional[Set[Platform]] = None,
"""Create a new instance and parse the requires_dist
name (str): The name of the whl distribution
requires_dist (list[Str]): The Requires-Dist from the METADATA of the whl
extras (set[str], optional): The list of requested extras, defaults to None.
platforms (set[Platform], optional): The list of target platforms, defaults to
None. If the list of platforms has multiple `minor_version` values, it
will change the code to generate the select statements using
`@rules_python//python/config_settings:is_python_3.y` conditions.
""" str = Deps._normalize(name)
self._platforms: Set[Platform] = platforms or set()
self._target_versions = {p.minor_version for p in platforms or {}}
self._add_version_select = platforms and len(self._target_versions) > 2
if None in self._target_versions and len(self._target_versions) > 2:
raise ValueError(
f"all python versions need to be specified explicitly, got: {platforms}"
# Sort so that the dictionary order in the FrozenDeps is deterministic
# without the final sort because Python retains insertion order. That way
# the sorting by platform is limited within the Platform class itself and
# the unit-tests for the Deps can be simpler.
reqs = sorted(
(Requirement(wheel_req) for wheel_req in requires_dist),
key=lambda x: f"{}:{sorted(x.extras)}",
want_extras = self._resolve_extras(reqs, extras)
# Then add all of the requirements in order
self._deps: Set[str] = set()
self._select: Dict[Platform, Set[str]] = defaultdict(set)
for req in reqs:
self._add_req(req, want_extras)
def _add(self, dep: str, platform: Optional[Platform]):
dep = Deps._normalize(dep)
# Self-edges are processed in _resolve_extras
if dep ==
if not platform:
# Add the platform-specific dep
# Add the dep to specializations of the given platform if they
# exist in the select statement.
for p in platform.all_specializations():
if p not in self._select:
if len(self._select[platform]) == 1:
# We are adding a new item to the select and we need to ensure that
# existing dependencies from less specialized platforms are propagated
# to the newly added dependency set.
for p, deps in self._select.items():
# Check if the existing platform overlaps with the given platform
if p == platform or platform not in p.all_specializations():
def _maybe_add_common_dep(self, dep):
if len(self._target_versions) < 2:
platforms = [Platform(minor_version=v) for v in self._target_versions]
# If the dep is targeting all target python versions, lets add it to
# the common dependency list to simplify the select statements.
for p in platforms:
if p not in self._select:
if dep not in self._select[p]:
# All of the python version-specific branches have the dep, so lets add
# it to the common deps.
for p in platforms:
if not self._select[p]:
def _normalize(name: str) -> str:
return re.sub(r"[-_.]+", "_", name).lower()
def _resolve_extras(
self, reqs: List[Requirement], extras: Optional[Set[str]]
) -> Set[str]:
"""Resolve extras which are due to depending on self[some_other_extra].
Some packages may have cyclic dependencies resulting from extras being used, one example is
`etils`, where we have one set of extras as aliases for other extras
and we have an extra called 'all' that includes all other extras.
When the `requirements.txt` is generated by `pip-tools`, then it is likely that
this step is not needed, but for other `requirements.txt` files this may be useful.
NOTE @aignas 2023-12-08: the extra resolution is not platform dependent,
but in order for it to become platform dependent we would have to have
separate targets for each extra in extras.
# Resolve any extra extras due to self-edges, empty string means no
# extras The empty string in the set is just a way to make the handling
# of no extras and a single extra easier and having a set of {"", "foo"}
# is equivalent to having {"foo"}.
extras = extras or {""}
self_reqs = []
for req in reqs:
if Deps._normalize( !=
if req.marker is None:
# I am pretty sure we cannot reach this code as it does not
# make sense to specify packages in this way, but since it is
# easy to handle, lets do it.
# TODO @aignas 2023-12-08: add a test
extras = extras | req.extras
# process these in a separate loop
# A double loop is not strictly optimal, but always correct without recursion
for req in self_reqs:
if any(req.marker.evaluate({"extra": extra}) for extra in extras):
extras = extras | req.extras
# Iterate through all packages to ensure that we include all of the extras from previously
# visited packages.
for req_ in self_reqs:
if any(req_.marker.evaluate({"extra": extra}) for extra in extras):
extras = extras | req_.extras
return extras
def _add_req(self, req: Requirement, extras: Set[str]) -> None:
if req.marker is None:
self._add(, None)
marker_str = str(req.marker)
if not self._platforms:
if any(req.marker.evaluate({"extra": extra}) for extra in extras):
self._add(, None)
# NOTE @aignas 2023-12-08: in order to have reasonable select statements
# we do have to have some parsing of the markers, so it begs the question
# if packaging should be reimplemented in Starlark to have the best solution
# for now we will implement it in Python and see what the best parsing result
# can be before making this decision.
match_os = any(
tag in marker_str
for tag in [
match_arch = "platform_machine" in marker_str
match_version = "version" in marker_str
if not (match_os or match_arch or match_version):
if any(req.marker.evaluate({"extra": extra}) for extra in extras):
self._add(, None)
for plat in self._platforms:
if not any(
req.marker.evaluate(plat.env_markers(extra)) for extra in extras
if match_arch:
self._add(, plat)
elif match_os and self._add_version_select:
self._add(, Platform(plat.os, minor_version=plat.minor_version))
elif match_os:
self._add(, Platform(plat.os))
elif match_version and self._add_version_select:
self._add(, Platform(minor_version=plat.minor_version))
elif match_version:
self._add(, None)
# Merge to common if possible after processing all platforms
def build(self) -> FrozenDeps:
return FrozenDeps(
deps_select={str(p): sorted(deps) for p, deps in self._select.items()},
class Wheel:
"""Representation of the compressed .whl file"""
def __init__(self, path: Path):
self._path = path
def path(self) -> str:
return self._path
def name(self) -> str:
# TODO Also available as installer.sources.WheelSource.distribution
name = str(self.metadata["Name"])
return canonicalize_name(name)
def metadata(self) -> email.message.Message:
with as wheel_source:
metadata_contents = wheel_source.read_dist_info("METADATA")
metadata = installer.utils.parse_metadata_file(metadata_contents)
return metadata
def version(self) -> str:
# TODO Also available as installer.sources.WheelSource.version
return str(self.metadata["Version"])
def entry_points(self) -> Dict[str, Tuple[str, str]]:
"""Returns the entrypoints defined in the current wheel
See for more info
Dict[str, Tuple[str, str]]: A mapping of the entry point's name to it's module and attribute
with as wheel_source:
if "entry_points.txt" not in wheel_source.dist_info_filenames:
return dict()
entry_points_mapping = dict()
entry_points_contents = wheel_source.read_dist_info("entry_points.txt")
entry_points = installer.utils.parse_entrypoints(entry_points_contents)
for script, module, attribute, script_section in entry_points:
if script_section == "console":
entry_points_mapping[script] = (module, attribute)
return entry_points_mapping
def dependencies(
extras_requested: Set[str] = None,
platforms: Optional[Set[Platform]] = None,
) -> FrozenDeps:
return Deps(,
requires_dist=self.metadata.get_all("Requires-Dist", []),
def unzip(self, directory: str) -> None:
installation_schemes = {
"purelib": "/site-packages",
"platlib": "/site-packages",
"headers": "/include",
"scripts": "/bin",
"data": "/data",
destination = installer.destinations.SchemeDictionaryDestination(
# TODO Should entry_point scripts also be handled by installer rather than custom code?
with as wheel_source: