blob: 3df7b52e8a2fcee9cc0341c8dc7299c0af798659 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"pip module extension for use with bzlmod"
load("@bazel_features//:features.bzl", "bazel_features")
load("@pythons_hub//:interpreters.bzl", "INTERPRETER_LABELS")
load("//python/private:auth.bzl", "AUTH_ATTRS")
load("//python/private:normalize_name.bzl", "normalize_name")
load("//python/private:repo_utils.bzl", "repo_utils")
load("//python/private:semver.bzl", "semver")
load("//python/private:version_label.bzl", "version_label")
load(":attrs.bzl", "use_isolated")
load(":evaluate_markers.bzl", "evaluate_markers", EVALUATE_MARKERS_SRCS = "SRCS")
load(":hub_repository.bzl", "hub_repository")
load(":parse_requirements.bzl", "host_platform", "parse_requirements", "select_requirement")
load(":parse_whl_name.bzl", "parse_whl_name")
load(":pip_repository_attrs.bzl", "ATTRS")
load(":render_pkg_aliases.bzl", "whl_alias")
load(":requirements_files_by_platform.bzl", "requirements_files_by_platform")
load(":simpleapi_download.bzl", "simpleapi_download")
load(":whl_library.bzl", "whl_library")
load(":whl_repo_name.bzl", "pypi_repo_name", "whl_repo_name")
def _major_minor_version(version):
version = semver(version)
return "{}.{}".format(version.major, version.minor)
def _whl_mods_impl(whl_mods_dict):
"""Implementation of the pip.whl_mods tag class.
This creates the JSON files used to modify the creation of different wheels.
for hub_name, whl_maps in whl_mods_dict.items():
whl_mods = {}
# create a struct that we can pass to the _whl_mods_repo rule
# to create the different JSON files.
for whl_name, mods in whl_maps.items():
whl_mods[whl_name] = json.encode(struct(
additive_build_content = mods.build_content,
copy_files = mods.copy_files,
copy_executables = mods.copy_executables,
data =,
data_exclude_glob = mods.data_exclude_glob,
srcs_exclude_glob = mods.srcs_exclude_glob,
name = hub_name,
whl_mods = whl_mods,
def _create_whl_repos(
available_interpreters = INTERPRETER_LABELS,
simpleapi_download = simpleapi_download):
"""create all of the whl repositories
module_ctx: {type}`module_ctx`.
pip_attr: {type}`struct` - the struct that comes from the tag class iteration.
whl_overrides: {type}`dict[str, struct]` - per-wheel overrides.
simpleapi_cache: {type}`dict` - an opaque dictionary used for caching the results from calling
SimpleAPI evaluating all of the tag class invocations {bzl:obj}`pip.parse`.
simpleapi_download: Used for testing overrides
available_interpreters: {type}`dict[str, Label]` The dictionary of available
interpreters that have been registered using the `python` bzlmod extension.
The keys are in the form `python_{snake_case_version}_host`. This is to be
used during the `repository_rule` and must be always compatible with the host.
Returns a {type}`struct` with the following attributes:
whl_map: {type}`dict[str, list[struct]]` the output is keyed by the
normalized package name and the values are the instances of the
{bzl:obj}`whl_alias` return values.
exposed_packages: {type}`dict[str, Any]` this is just a way to
represent a set of string values.
whl_libraries: {type}`dict[str, dict[str, Any]]` the keys are the
aparent repository names for the hub repo and the values are the
arguments that will be passed to {bzl:obj}`whl_library` repository
is_reproducible: {type}`bool` set to True if does not make calls to the
internet to evaluate the requirements files.
logger = repo_utils.logger(module_ctx, "pypi:create_whl_repos")
python_interpreter_target = pip_attr.python_interpreter_target
is_reproducible = True
# containers to aggregate outputs from this function
whl_map = {}
exposed_packages = {}
extra_aliases = {
whl_name: {alias: True for alias in aliases}
for whl_name, aliases in pip_attr.extra_hub_aliases.items()
whl_libraries = {}
# if we do not have the python_interpreter set in the attributes
# we programmatically find it.
hub_name = pip_attr.hub_name
if python_interpreter_target == None and not pip_attr.python_interpreter:
python_name = "python_{}_host".format(
pip_attr.python_version.replace(".", "_"),
if python_name not in available_interpreters:
"Unable to find interpreter for pip hub '{hub_name}' for " +
"python_version={version}: Make sure a corresponding " +
'`python.toolchain(python_version="{version}")` call exists.' +
"Expected to find {python_name} among registered versions:\n {labels}"
hub_name = hub_name,
version = pip_attr.python_version,
python_name = python_name,
labels = " \n".join(available_interpreters),
python_interpreter_target = available_interpreters[python_name]
pip_name = "{}_{}".format(
major_minor = _major_minor_version(pip_attr.python_version)
whl_modifications = {}
if pip_attr.whl_modifications != None:
for mod, whl_name in pip_attr.whl_modifications.items():
whl_modifications[normalize_name(whl_name)] = mod
if pip_attr.experimental_requirement_cycles:
requirement_cycles = {
name: [normalize_name(whl_name) for whl_name in whls]
for name, whls in pip_attr.experimental_requirement_cycles.items()
whl_group_mapping = {
whl_name: group_name
for group_name, group_whls in requirement_cycles.items()
for whl_name in group_whls
whl_group_mapping = {}
requirement_cycles = {}
# Create a new wheel library for each of the different whls
get_index_urls = None
if pip_attr.experimental_index_url:
get_index_urls = lambda ctx, distributions: simpleapi_download(
attr = struct(
index_url = pip_attr.experimental_index_url,
extra_index_urls = pip_attr.experimental_extra_index_urls or [],
index_url_overrides = pip_attr.experimental_index_url_overrides or {},
sources = distributions,
envsubst = pip_attr.envsubst,
# Auth related info
netrc = pip_attr.netrc,
auth_patterns = pip_attr.auth_patterns,
cache = simpleapi_cache,
parallel_download = pip_attr.parallel_download,
requirements_by_platform = parse_requirements(
requirements_by_platform = requirements_files_by_platform(
requirements_by_platform = pip_attr.requirements_by_platform,
requirements_linux = pip_attr.requirements_linux,
requirements_lock = pip_attr.requirements_lock,
requirements_osx = pip_attr.requirements_darwin,
requirements_windows = pip_attr.requirements_windows,
extra_pip_args = pip_attr.extra_pip_args,
python_version = major_minor,
logger = logger,
extra_pip_args = pip_attr.extra_pip_args,
get_index_urls = get_index_urls,
# NOTE @aignas 2024-08-02: , we will execute any interpreter that we find either
# in the PATH or if specified as a label. We will configure the env
# markers when evaluating the requirement lines based on the output
# from the `requirements_files_by_platform` which should have something
# similar to:
# {
# "//:requirements.txt": ["cp311_linux_x86_64", ...]
# }
# We know the target python versions that we need to evaluate the
# markers for and thus we don't need to use multiple python interpreter
# instances to perform this manipulation. This function should be executed
# only once by the underlying code to minimize the overhead needed to
# spin up a Python interpreter.
evaluate_markers = lambda module_ctx, requirements: evaluate_markers(
requirements = requirements,
python_interpreter = pip_attr.python_interpreter,
python_interpreter_target = python_interpreter_target,
srcs = pip_attr._evaluate_markers_srcs,
logger = logger,
logger = logger,
repository_platform = host_platform(module_ctx)
for whl_name, requirements in requirements_by_platform.items():
whl_name = normalize_name(whl_name)
group_name = whl_group_mapping.get(whl_name)
group_deps = requirement_cycles.get(group_name, [])
# Construct args separately so that the lock file can be smaller and does not include unused
# attrs.
whl_library_args = dict(
repo = pip_name,
dep_template = "@{}//{{name}}:{{target}}".format(hub_name),
maybe_args = dict(
# The following values are safe to omit if they have false like values
annotation = whl_modifications.get(whl_name),
download_only = pip_attr.download_only,
enable_implicit_namespace_pkgs = pip_attr.enable_implicit_namespace_pkgs,
environment = pip_attr.environment,
envsubst = pip_attr.envsubst,
experimental_target_platforms = pip_attr.experimental_target_platforms,
group_deps = group_deps,
group_name = group_name,
pip_data_exclude = pip_attr.pip_data_exclude,
python_interpreter = pip_attr.python_interpreter,
python_interpreter_target = python_interpreter_target,
whl_patches = {
p: json.encode(args)
for p, args in whl_overrides.get(whl_name, {}).items()
whl_library_args.update({k: v for k, v in maybe_args.items() if v})
maybe_args_with_default = dict(
# The following values have defaults next to them
isolated = (use_isolated(module_ctx, pip_attr), True),
quiet = (pip_attr.quiet, True),
timeout = (pip_attr.timeout, 600),
k: v
for k, (v, default) in maybe_args_with_default.items()
if v != default
is_exposed = False
if get_index_urls:
# TODO @aignas 2024-05-26: move to a separate function
found_something = False
for requirement in requirements:
is_exposed = is_exposed or requirement.is_exposed
dists = requirement.whls
if not pip_attr.download_only and requirement.sdist:
dists = dists + [requirement.sdist]
for distribution in dists:
found_something = True
is_reproducible = False
args = dict(whl_library_args)
if pip_attr.netrc:
args["netrc"] = pip_attr.netrc
if pip_attr.auth_patterns:
args["auth_patterns"] = pip_attr.auth_patterns
if not distribution.filename.endswith(".whl"):
# pip is not used to download wheels and the python
# `whl_library` helpers are only extracting things, however
# for sdists, they will be built by `pip`, so we still
# need to pass the extra args there.
args["extra_pip_args"] = requirement.extra_pip_args
# This is no-op because pip is not used to download the wheel.
args.pop("download_only", None)
repo_name = whl_repo_name(pip_name, distribution.filename, distribution.sha256)
args["requirement"] = requirement.srcs.requirement
args["urls"] = [distribution.url]
args["sha256"] = distribution.sha256
args["filename"] = distribution.filename
args["experimental_target_platforms"] = requirement.target_platforms
# Pure python wheels or sdists may need to have a platform here
target_platforms = None
if distribution.filename.endswith("-any.whl") or not distribution.filename.endswith(".whl"):
if len(requirements) > 1:
target_platforms = requirement.target_platforms
whl_libraries[repo_name] = args
whl_map.setdefault(whl_name, []).append(
repo = repo_name,
version = major_minor,
filename = distribution.filename,
target_platforms = target_platforms,
if found_something:
if is_exposed:
exposed_packages[whl_name] = None
if not pip_attr.parse_all_requirements_files:
requirement = select_requirement(
platform = None if pip_attr.download_only else repository_platform,
if not requirement:
# Sometimes the package is not present for host platform if there
# are whls specified only in particular requirements files, in that
# case just continue, however, if the download_only flag is set up,
# then the user can also specify the target platform of the wheel
# packages they want to download, in that case there will be always
# a requirement here, so we will not be in this code branch.
elif get_index_urls:
logger.warn(lambda: "falling back to pip for installing the right file for {}".format(requirement.requirement_line))
whl_library_args["requirement"] = requirement.requirement_line
if requirement.extra_pip_args:
whl_library_args["extra_pip_args"] = requirement.extra_pip_args
# We sort so that the lock-file remains the same no matter the order of how the
# args are manipulated in the code going before.
repo_name = "{}_{}".format(pip_name, whl_name)
whl_libraries[repo_name] = dict(whl_library_args.items())
whl_map.setdefault(whl_name, []).append(
repo = repo_name,
version = major_minor,
is_exposed = False
for requirement in requirements:
is_exposed = is_exposed or requirement.is_exposed
if get_index_urls:
logger.warn(lambda: "falling back to pip for installing the right file for {}".format(requirement.requirement_line))
args = dict(whl_library_args) # make a copy
args["requirement"] = requirement.requirement_line
if requirement.extra_pip_args:
args["extra_pip_args"] = requirement.extra_pip_args
if pip_attr.download_only:
args.setdefault("experimental_target_platforms", requirement.target_platforms)
target_platforms = requirement.target_platforms if len(requirements) > 1 else []
repo_name = pypi_repo_name(
whl_libraries[repo_name] = args
whl_map.setdefault(whl_name, []).append(
repo = repo_name,
version = major_minor,
target_platforms = target_platforms or None,
if is_exposed:
exposed_packages[whl_name] = None
return struct(
is_reproducible = is_reproducible,
whl_map = whl_map,
exposed_packages = exposed_packages,
extra_aliases = extra_aliases,
whl_libraries = whl_libraries,
def parse_modules(module_ctx, _fail = fail, **kwargs):
"""Implementation of parsing the tag classes for the extension and return a struct for registering repositories.
module_ctx: {type}`module_ctx` module context.
_fail: {type}`function` the failure function, mainly for testing.
**kwargs: Extra arguments passed to the layers below.
A struct with the following attributes:
whl_mods = {}
for mod in module_ctx.modules:
for whl_mod in mod.tags.whl_mods:
if whl_mod.whl_name in whl_mods.get(whl_mod.hub_name, {}):
# We cannot have the same wheel name in the same hub, as we
# will create the same JSON file name.
Found same whl_name '{}' in the same hub '{}', please use a different hub_name.""".format(
return None
build_content = whl_mod.additive_build_content
if whl_mod.additive_build_content_file != None and whl_mod.additive_build_content != "":
You cannot use both the additive_build_content and additive_build_content_file arguments at the same time.
return None
elif whl_mod.additive_build_content_file != None:
build_content =
whl_mods.setdefault(whl_mod.hub_name, {})[whl_mod.whl_name] = struct(
build_content = build_content,
copy_files = whl_mod.copy_files,
copy_executables = whl_mod.copy_executables,
data =,
data_exclude_glob = whl_mod.data_exclude_glob,
srcs_exclude_glob = whl_mod.srcs_exclude_glob,
_overriden_whl_set = {}
whl_overrides = {}
for module in module_ctx.modules:
for attr in module.tags.override:
if not module.is_root:
fail("overrides are only supported in root modules")
if not attr.file.endswith(".whl"):
fail("Only whl overrides are supported at this time")
whl_name = normalize_name(parse_whl_name(attr.file).distribution)
if attr.file in _overriden_whl_set:
fail("Duplicate module overrides for '{}'".format(attr.file))
_overriden_whl_set[attr.file] = None
for patch in attr.patches:
if whl_name not in whl_overrides:
whl_overrides[whl_name] = {}
if patch not in whl_overrides[whl_name]:
whl_overrides[whl_name][patch] = struct(
patch_strip = attr.patch_strip,
whls = [],
# Used to track all the different pip hubs and the spoke pip Python
# versions.
pip_hub_map = {}
simpleapi_cache = {}
# Keeps track of all the hub's whl repos across the different versions.
# dict[hub, dict[whl, dict[version, str pip]]]
# Where hub, whl, and pip are the repo names
hub_whl_map = {}
hub_group_map = {}
exposed_packages = {}
extra_aliases = {}
whl_libraries = {}
is_reproducible = True
for mod in module_ctx.modules:
for pip_attr in mod.tags.parse:
hub_name = pip_attr.hub_name
if hub_name not in pip_hub_map:
pip_hub_map[pip_attr.hub_name] = struct(
module_name =,
python_versions = [pip_attr.python_version],
elif pip_hub_map[hub_name].module_name !=
# We cannot have two hubs with the same name in different
# modules.
"Duplicate cross-module pip hub named '{hub}': pip hub " +
"names must be unique across modules. First defined " +
"by module '{first_module}', second attempted by " +
"module '{second_module}'"
hub = hub_name,
first_module = pip_hub_map[hub_name].module_name,
second_module =,
elif pip_attr.python_version in pip_hub_map[hub_name].python_versions:
"Duplicate pip python version '{version}' for hub " +
"'{hub}' in module '{module}': the Python versions " +
"used for a hub must be unique"
hub = hub_name,
module =,
version = pip_attr.python_version,
out = _create_whl_repos(
pip_attr = pip_attr,
simpleapi_cache = simpleapi_cache,
whl_overrides = whl_overrides,
hub_whl_map.setdefault(hub_name, {})
for key, settings in out.whl_map.items():
hub_whl_map[hub_name].setdefault(key, []).extend(settings)
extra_aliases.setdefault(hub_name, {})
for whl_name, aliases in out.extra_aliases.items():
extra_aliases[hub_name].setdefault(whl_name, {}).update(aliases)
exposed_packages.setdefault(hub_name, {}).update(out.exposed_packages)
is_reproducible = is_reproducible and out.is_reproducible
# TODO @aignas 2024-04-05: how do we support different requirement
# cycles for different abis/oses? For now we will need the users to
# assume the same groups across all versions/platforms until we start
# using an alternative cycle resolution strategy.
hub_group_map[hub_name] = pip_attr.experimental_requirement_cycles
return struct(
# We sort so that the lock-file remains the same no matter the order of how the
# args are manipulated in the code going before.
whl_mods = dict(sorted(whl_mods.items())),
hub_whl_map = {
hub_name: {
whl_name: sorted(settings, key = lambda x: (x.version, x.filename))
for whl_name, settings in sorted(whl_map.items())
for hub_name, whl_map in sorted(hub_whl_map.items())
hub_group_map = {
hub_name: {
key: sorted(values)
for key, values in sorted(group_map.items())
for hub_name, group_map in sorted(hub_group_map.items())
exposed_packages = {
k: sorted(v)
for k, v in sorted(exposed_packages.items())
extra_aliases = {
hub_name: {
whl_name: sorted(aliases)
for whl_name, aliases in extra_whl_aliases.items()
for hub_name, extra_whl_aliases in extra_aliases.items()
whl_libraries = {
k: dict(sorted(args.items()))
for k, args in sorted(whl_libraries.items())
is_reproducible = is_reproducible,
def _alias_dict(a):
ret = {
"repo": a.repo,
if a.config_setting:
ret["config_setting"] = a.config_setting
if a.filename:
ret["filename"] = a.filename
if a.target_platforms:
ret["target_platforms"] = a.target_platforms
if a.version:
ret["version"] = a.version
return ret
def _pip_impl(module_ctx):
"""Implementation of a class tag that creates the pip hub and corresponding pip spoke whl repositories.
This implementation iterates through all of the `pip.parse` calls and creates
different pip hub repositories based on the "hub_name". Each of the
pip calls create spoke repos that uses a specific Python interpreter.
In a MODULES.bazel file we have:
hub_name = "pip",
python_version = 3.9,
requirements_lock = "//:requirements_lock_3_9.txt",
requirements_windows = "//:requirements_windows_3_9.txt",
hub_name = "pip",
python_version = 3.10,
requirements_lock = "//:requirements_lock_3_10.txt",
requirements_windows = "//:requirements_windows_3_10.txt",
For instance, we have a hub with the name of "pip".
A repository named the following is created. It is actually called last when
all of the pip spokes are collected.
- @@rules_python~override~pip~pip
As shown in the example code above we have the following.
Two different pip.parse statements exist in MODULE.bazel provide the hub_name "pip".
These definitions create two different pip spoke repositories that are
related to the hub "pip".
One spoke uses Python 3.9 and the other uses Python 3.10. This code automatically
determines the Python version and the interpreter.
Both of these pip spokes contain requirements files that includes websocket
and its dependencies.
We also need repositories for the wheels that the different pip spokes contain.
For each Python version a different wheel repository is created. In our example
each pip spoke had a requirements file that contained websockets. We
then create two different wheel repositories that are named the following.
- @@rules_python~override~pip~pip_39_websockets
- @@rules_python~override~pip~pip_310_websockets
And if the wheel has any other dependencies subsequent wheels are created in the same fashion.
The hub repository has aliases for `pkg`, `data`, etc, which have a select that resolves to
a spoke repository depending on the Python version.
Also we may have more than one hub as defined in a MODULES.bazel file. So we could have multiple
hubs pointing to various different pip spokes.
Some other business rules notes. A hub can only have one spoke per Python version. We cannot
have a hub named "pip" that has two spokes that use the Python 3.9 interpreter. Second
we cannot have the same hub name used in sub-modules. The hub name has to be globally
This implementation also handles the creation of whl_modification JSON files that are used
during the creation of wheel libraries. These JSON files used via the annotations argument
when calling
module_ctx: module contents
mods = parse_modules(module_ctx)
# Build all of the wheel modifications if the tag class is called.
for name, args in mods.whl_libraries.items():
whl_library(name = name, **args)
for hub_name, whl_map in mods.hub_whl_map.items():
name = hub_name,
repo_name = hub_name,
extra_hub_aliases = mods.extra_aliases.get(hub_name, {}),
whl_map = {
key: json.encode([_alias_dict(a) for a in aliases])
for key, aliases in whl_map.items()
packages = mods.exposed_packages.get(hub_name, []),
groups = mods.hub_group_map.get(hub_name),
if bazel_features.external_deps.extension_metadata_has_reproducible:
# If we are not using the `experimental_index_url feature, the extension is fully
# deterministic and we don't need to create a lock entry for it.
# In order to be able to dogfood the `experimental_index_url` feature before it gets
# stabilized, we have created the `_pip_non_reproducible` function, that will result
# in extra entries in the lock file.
return module_ctx.extension_metadata(reproducible = mods.is_reproducible)
return None
def _pip_non_reproducible(module_ctx):
# We default to calling the PyPI index and that will go into the
# MODULE.bazel.lock file, hence return nothing here.
return None
def _pip_parse_ext_attrs(**kwargs):
"""Get the attributes for the pip extension.
**kwargs: A kwarg for setting defaults for the specific attributes. The
key is expected to be the same as the attribute key.
A dict of attributes.
attrs = dict({
"experimental_extra_index_urls": attr.string_list(
doc = """\
The extra index URLs to use for downloading wheels using bazel downloader.
Each value is going to be subject to `envsubst` substitutions if necessary.
The indexes must support Simple API as described here:
This is equivalent to `--extra-index-urls` `pip` option.
default = [],
"experimental_index_url": attr.string(
default = kwargs.get("experimental_index_url", ""),
doc = """\
The index URL to use for downloading wheels using bazel downloader. This value is going
to be subject to `envsubst` substitutions if necessary.
The indexes must support Simple API as described here:
In the future this could be defaulted to `` when this feature becomes
This is equivalent to `--index-url` `pip` option.
:::{versionchanged} 0.37.0
If {attr}`download_only` is set, then `sdist` archives will be discarded and `pip.parse` will
operate in wheel-only mode.
"experimental_index_url_overrides": attr.string_dict(
doc = """\
The index URL overrides for each package to use for downloading wheels using
bazel downloader. This value is going to be subject to `envsubst` substitutions
if necessary.
The key is the package name (will be normalized before usage) and the value is the
index URL.
This design pattern has been chosen in order to be fully deterministic about which
packages come from which source. We want to avoid issues similar to what happened in
The indexes must support Simple API as described here:
"hub_name": attr.string(
mandatory = True,
doc = """
The name of the repo pip dependencies will be accessible from.
This name must be unique between modules; unless your module is guaranteed to
always be the root module, it's highly recommended to include your module name
in the hub name. Repo mapping, `use_repo(..., pip="my_modules_pip_deps")`, can
be used for shorter local names within your module.
Within a module, the same `hub_name` can be specified to group different Python
versions of pip dependencies under one repository name. This allows using a
Python version-agnostic name when referring to pip dependencies; the
correct version will be automatically selected.
Typically, a module will only have a single hub of pip dependencies, but this
is not required. Each hub is a separate resolution of pip dependencies. This
means if different programs need different versions of some library, separate
hubs can be created, and each program can use its respective hub's targets.
Targets from different hubs should not be used together.
"parallel_download": attr.bool(
doc = """\
The flag allows to make use of parallel downloading feature in bazel 7.1 and above
when the bazel downloader is used. This is by default enabled as it improves the
performance by a lot, but in case the queries to the simple API are very expensive
or when debugging authentication issues one may want to disable this feature.
NOTE, This will download (potentially duplicate) data for multiple packages if
there is more than one index available, but in general this should be negligible
because the simple API calls are very cheap and the user should not notice any
extra overhead.
If we are in synchronous mode, then we will use the first result that we
find in case extra indexes are specified.
default = True,
"parse_all_requirements_files": attr.bool(
default = True,
doc = """\
A temporary flag to enable users to make `pip` extension result always
the same independent of the whether transitive dependencies use {bzl:attr}`experimental_index_url` or not.
This enables users to migrate to a solution that fixes
::::{deprecated} 0.38.0
This is a transition flag and will be removed in a subsequent release.
"python_version": attr.string(
mandatory = True,
doc = """
The Python version the dependencies are targetting, in Major.Minor format
(e.g., "3.11") or patch level granularity (e.g. "3.11.1").
If an interpreter isn't explicitly provided (using `python_interpreter` or
`python_interpreter_target`), then the version specified here must have
a corresponding `python.toolchain()` configured.
"whl_modifications": attr.label_keyed_string_dict(
mandatory = False,
doc = """\
A dict of labels to wheel names that is typically generated by the whl_modifications.
The labels are JSON config files describing the modifications.
"_evaluate_markers_srcs": attr.label_list(
doc = """\
The list of labels to use as SRCS for the marker evaluation code. This ensures that the
code will be re-evaluated when any of files in the default changes.
}, **ATTRS)
return attrs
def _whl_mod_attrs():
attrs = {
"additive_build_content": attr.string(
doc = "(str, optional): Raw text to add to the generated `BUILD` file of a package.",
"additive_build_content_file": attr.label(
doc = """\
(label, optional): path to a BUILD file to add to the generated
`BUILD` file of a package. You cannot use both additive_build_content and additive_build_content_file
arguments at the same time.""",
"copy_executables": attr.string_dict(
doc = """\
(dict, optional): A mapping of `src` and `out` files for
[@bazel_skylib//rules:copy_file.bzl][cf]. Targets generated here will also be flagged as
"copy_files": attr.string_dict(
doc = """\
(dict, optional): A mapping of `src` and `out` files for
"data": attr.string_list(
doc = """\
(list, optional): A list of labels to add as `data` dependencies to
the generated `py_library` target.""",
"data_exclude_glob": attr.string_list(
doc = """\
(list, optional): A list of exclude glob patterns to add as `data` to
the generated `py_library` target.""",
"hub_name": attr.string(
doc = """\
Name of the whl modification, hub we use this name to set the modifications for
pip.parse. If you have different pip hubs you can use a different name,
otherwise it is best practice to just use one.
You cannot have the same `hub_name` in different modules. You can reuse the same
name in the same module for different wheels that you put in the same hub, but you
cannot have a child module that uses the same `hub_name`.
mandatory = True,
"srcs_exclude_glob": attr.string_list(
doc = """\
(list, optional): A list of labels to add as `srcs` to the generated
`py_library` target.""",
"whl_name": attr.string(
doc = "The whl name that the modifications are used for.",
mandatory = True,
return attrs
# NOTE: the naming of 'override' is taken from the bzlmod native
# 'archive_override', 'git_override' bzlmod functions.
_override_tag = tag_class(
attrs = {
"file": attr.string(
doc = """\
The Python distribution file name which needs to be patched. This will be
applied to all repositories that setup this distribution via the pip.parse tag
mandatory = True,
default = 0,
doc = """\
The number of leading path segments to be stripped from the file name in the
"patches": attr.label_list(
doc = """\
A list of patches to apply to the repository *after* 'whl_library' is extracted
and BUILD.bazel file is generated.""",
mandatory = True,
doc = """\
Apply any overrides (e.g. patches) to a given Python distribution defined by
other tags in this extension.""",
pypi = module_extension(
doc = """\
This extension is used to make dependencies from pip available.
To use, call `pip.parse()` and specify `hub_name` and your requirements file.
Dependencies will be downloaded and made available in a repo named after the
`hub_name` argument.
Each `pip.parse()` call configures a particular Python version. Multiple calls
can be made to configure different Python versions, and will be grouped by
the `hub_name` argument. This allows the same logical name, e.g. `@pip//numpy`
to automatically resolve to different, Python version-specific, libraries.
This tag class is used to help create JSON files to describe modifications to
the BUILD files for wheels.
implementation = _pip_impl,
tag_classes = {
"override": _override_tag,
"parse": tag_class(
attrs = _pip_parse_ext_attrs(),
doc = """\
This tag class is used to create a pip hub and all of the spokes that are part of that hub.
This tag class reuses most of the attributes found in {bzl:obj}`pip_parse`.
The exception is it does not use the arg 'repo_prefix'. We set the repository
prefix for the user and the alias arg is always True in bzlmod.
"whl_mods": tag_class(
attrs = _whl_mod_attrs(),
doc = """\
This tag class is used to create JSON file that are used when calling These
JSON files contain instructions on how to modify a wheel's project. Each of the attributes
create different modifications based on the type of attribute. Previously to bzlmod these
JSON files where referred to as annotations, and were renamed to whl_modifications in this
pypi_internal = module_extension(
doc = """\
This extension is used to make dependencies from pypi available.
For now this is intended to be used internally so that usage of the `pip`
extension in `rules_python` does not affect the evaluations of the extension
for the consumers.
To use, call `pip.parse()` and specify `hub_name` and your requirements file.
Dependencies will be downloaded and made available in a repo named after the
`hub_name` argument.
Each `pip.parse()` call configures a particular Python version. Multiple calls
can be made to configure different Python versions, and will be grouped by
the `hub_name` argument. This allows the same logical name, e.g. `@pypi//numpy`
to automatically resolve to different, Python version-specific, libraries.
This tag class is used to help create JSON files to describe modifications to
the BUILD files for wheels.
TODO: will be removed before 1.0.
implementation = _pip_non_reproducible,
tag_classes = {
"override": _override_tag,
"parse": tag_class(
attrs = _pip_parse_ext_attrs(
experimental_index_url = "",
doc = """\
This tag class is used to create a pypi hub and all of the spokes that are part of that hub.
This tag class reuses most of the attributes found in {bzl:obj}`pip_parse`.
The exception is it does not use the arg 'repo_prefix'. We set the repository
prefix for the user and the alias arg is always True in bzlmod.
"whl_mods": tag_class(
attrs = _whl_mod_attrs(),
doc = """\
This tag class is used to create JSON file that are used when calling These
JSON files contain instructions on how to modify a wheel's project. Each of the attributes
create different modifications based on the type of attribute. Previously to bzlmod these
JSON files where referred to as annotations, and were renamed to whl_modifications in this
def _whl_mods_repo_impl(rctx):
rctx.file("BUILD.bazel", "")
for whl_name, mods in rctx.attr.whl_mods.items():
rctx.file("{}.json".format(whl_name), mods)
_whl_mods_repo = repository_rule(
doc = """\
This rule creates json files based on the whl_mods attribute.
implementation = _whl_mods_repo_impl,
attrs = {
"whl_mods": attr.string_dict(
mandatory = True,
doc = "JSON endcoded string that is provided to",