tree: 6ff58340508d90df236c004e5713d2cce343490e [path history] [tgz]
  1. hello_comp_opt/
  2. .bazelrc
  3. .bazelversion
  4. .gitignore
  5. BUILD.bazel
  6. MODULE.bazel

Hello World with compiler optimization

Each binary target can have its own compiler options, and these can be customised differently for different optimisation levels. This takes three steps:

  1. In your root folder BUILD.bazel, add the following entry:
    name = "release",
    values = {
        "compilation_mode": "opt",
  1. Add config option in .bazelrc to enable LTO together with optimized build.
common:opt --compilation_mode=opt
common:opt --@rules_rust//rust/settings:lto=thin
  1. In your binary target, add the optimization flags & strip settings prefixed with -C. For a complete list of Rust compiler optimization flag, please read the official cargo documentation.
load("@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_binary")

    name = "bin",
    srcs = ["src/"],
    deps = [],
    rustc_flags = select({
       "//:release": [
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],

Build with optimization:

bazel build --config opt //...

And run the optimized binary:

bazel run --config opt //...