[Bugfix] Convert metadata keys to screaming snake case instead of screaming kebab case in `cargo_build_script_runner` (#2682)

The `cargo_build_script_runner` currently converts the keys from
`cargo:KEY=VALUE` metadata build script output lines into uppercase.
This is not completely correct, however, because Cargo converts those
keys to uppercase AND replaces dashes with underscores (effectively
doing a conversion to SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE).

To verify that Cargo is indeed doing the dash-to-underscore conversion,
have a look at
which is the code responsible for building the
`DEP_{crate-name}_{metadata-key}` env variables in Cargo. The code is
    &format!("DEP_{}_{}", super::envify(&name), super::envify(key)),
where `super::envify()` is defined as
fn envify(s: &str) -> String {
        .flat_map(|c| c.to_uppercase())
        .map(|c| if c == '-' { '_' } else { c })

This PR adds the dash-to-underscore conversion to
diff --git a/cargo/cargo_build_script_runner/lib.rs b/cargo/cargo_build_script_runner/lib.rs
index 8a1b765..3739a17 100644
--- a/cargo/cargo_build_script_runner/lib.rs
+++ b/cargo/cargo_build_script_runner/lib.rs
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
                 // cargo:KEY=VALUE — Metadata, used by links scripts.
-                    key_split[1].to_uppercase(),
+                    key_split[1].to_uppercase().replace('-', "_"),