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# Rust Wasm Bindgen
* [rust_wasm_bindgen_dependencies](#rust_wasm_bindgen_dependencies)
* [rust_wasm_bindgen_register_toolchains](#rust_wasm_bindgen_register_toolchains)
* [rust_wasm_bindgen_toolchain](#rust_wasm_bindgen_toolchain)
* [rust_wasm_bindgen](#rust_wasm_bindgen)
* [RustWasmBindgenInfo](#RustWasmBindgenInfo)
## Overview
Bazel rules for generating wasm modules for Javascript using [wasm-bindgen][wb].
## Setup
To begin using the `wasm-bindgen` rules, users can load the necessary dependencies
in their workspace by adding the following to their `WORKSPACE.bazel` file.
load("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen:repositories.bzl", "rust_wasm_bindgen_dependencies", "rust_wasm_bindgen_register_toolchains")
This should enable users to start using the [rust_wasm_bindgen](#rust_wasm_bindgen)
rule. However, it's common to want to control the version of `wasm-bindgen` in the
workspace instead of relying on the one provided by `rules_rust`. In this case, users
should avoid calling `rust_wasm_bindgen_register_toolchains` and instead use the
[rust_wasm_bindgen_toolchain](#rust_wasm_bindgen_toolchain) rule to define their own
toolchains to register in the workspace.
### Interfacing with Javascript rules
While it's recommended for users to mantain their own , in the
`@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen` package there exists interface sub-packages for various
Javascript Bazel rules. E.g. `build_bazel_rules_nodejs` or `aspect_rules_js`. The
rules defined there are a more convenient way to use `rust_wasm_bindgen` with the
associated javascript rules due to the inclusion of additional providers. Each
directory contains a `defs.bzl` file that defines the different variants of
`rust_wasm_bindgen`. (e.g. `nodejs_rust_wasm_bindgen` for the `rules_nodejs` submodule).
<a id="rust_wasm_bindgen"></a>
## rust_wasm_bindgen
rust_wasm_bindgen(<a href="#rust_wasm_bindgen-name">name</a>, <a href="#rust_wasm_bindgen-bindgen_flags">bindgen_flags</a>, <a href="#rust_wasm_bindgen-target">target</a>, <a href="#rust_wasm_bindgen-wasm_file">wasm_file</a>)
Generates javascript and typescript bindings for a webassembly module using [wasm-bindgen][ws].
An example of this rule in use can be seen at [@rules_rust//examples/wasm](../examples/wasm)
| Name | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default |
| :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- |
| <a id="rust_wasm_bindgen-name"></a>name | A unique name for this target. | <a href="">Name</a> | required | |
| <a id="rust_wasm_bindgen-bindgen_flags"></a>bindgen_flags | Flags to pass directly to the bindgen executable. See for details. | List of strings | optional | `[]` |
| <a id="rust_wasm_bindgen-target"></a>target | The type of output to generate. See for details. | String | optional | `"bundler"` |
| <a id="rust_wasm_bindgen-wasm_file"></a>wasm_file | The `.wasm` file or crate to generate bindings for. | <a href="">Label</a> | required | |
<a id="rust_wasm_bindgen_toolchain"></a>
## rust_wasm_bindgen_toolchain
rust_wasm_bindgen_toolchain(<a href="#rust_wasm_bindgen_toolchain-name">name</a>, <a href="#rust_wasm_bindgen_toolchain-bindgen">bindgen</a>)
The tools required for the `rust_wasm_bindgen` rule.
In cases where users want to control or change the version of `wasm-bindgen` used by [rust_wasm_bindgen](#rust_wasm_bindgen),
a unique toolchain can be created as in the example below:
load("@rules_rust//bindgen:bindgen.bzl", "rust_bindgen_toolchain")
bindgen = "//3rdparty/crates:wasm_bindgen_cli__bin",
name = "wasm_bindgen_toolchain",
toolchain = "wasm_bindgen_toolchain_impl",
toolchain_type = "@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen:toolchain_type",
Now that you have your own toolchain, you need to register it by
inserting the following statement in your `WORKSPACE` file:
For additional information, see the [Bazel toolchains documentation][toolchains].
| Name | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default |
| :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- |
| <a id="rust_wasm_bindgen_toolchain-name"></a>name | A unique name for this target. | <a href="">Name</a> | required | |
| <a id="rust_wasm_bindgen_toolchain-bindgen"></a>bindgen | The label of a `wasm-bindgen-cli` executable. | <a href="">Label</a> | optional | `None` |
<a id="RustWasmBindgenInfo"></a>
## RustWasmBindgenInfo
RustWasmBindgenInfo(<a href="#RustWasmBindgenInfo-js">js</a>, <a href="#RustWasmBindgenInfo-ts">ts</a>, <a href="#RustWasmBindgenInfo-wasm">wasm</a>)
Info about wasm-bindgen outputs.
| Name | Description |
| :------------- | :------------- |
| <a id="RustWasmBindgenInfo-js"></a>js | Depset[File]: The Javascript files produced by `wasm-bindgen`. |
| <a id="RustWasmBindgenInfo-ts"></a>ts | Depset[File]: The Typescript files produced by `wasm-bindgen`. |
| <a id="RustWasmBindgenInfo-wasm"></a>wasm | File: The `.wasm` file generated by `wasm-bindgen`. |
<a id="rust_wasm_bindgen_dependencies"></a>
## rust_wasm_bindgen_dependencies
Declare dependencies needed for the `rules_rust` [wasm-bindgen][wb] rules.
list[struct(repo=str, is_dev_dep=bool)]: A list of the repositories
defined by this macro.
<a id="rust_wasm_bindgen_register_toolchains"></a>
## rust_wasm_bindgen_register_toolchains
rust_wasm_bindgen_register_toolchains(<a href="#rust_wasm_bindgen_register_toolchains-register_toolchains">register_toolchains</a>)
Registers the default toolchains for the `rules_rust` [wasm-bindgen][wb] rules.
| Name | Description | Default Value |
| :------------- | :------------- | :------------- |
| <a id="rust_wasm_bindgen_register_toolchains-register_toolchains"></a>register_toolchains | Whether or not to register toolchains. | `True` |