| <!-- Generated with Stardoc: http://skydoc.bazel.build --> |
| # Rust Repositories |
| |
| * [rules_rust_dependencies](#rules_rust_dependencies) |
| * [rust_analyzer_toolchain_repository](#rust_analyzer_toolchain_repository) |
| * [rust_register_toolchains](#rust_register_toolchains) |
| * [rust_repositories](#rust_repositories) |
| * [rust_repository_set](#rust_repository_set) |
| * [rust_stdlib_filegroup](#rust_stdlib_filegroup) |
| * [rust_toolchain_repository_proxy](#rust_toolchain_repository_proxy) |
| * [rust_toolchain_repository](#rust_toolchain_repository) |
| * [rust_toolchain_tools_repository](#rust_toolchain_tools_repository) |
| * [rust_toolchain](#rust_toolchain) |
| |
| <a id="rust_stdlib_filegroup"></a> |
| |
| ## rust_stdlib_filegroup |
| |
| <pre> |
| rust_stdlib_filegroup(<a href="#rust_stdlib_filegroup-name">name</a>, <a href="#rust_stdlib_filegroup-srcs">srcs</a>) |
| </pre> |
| |
| A dedicated filegroup-like rule for Rust stdlib artifacts. |
| |
| |
| |
| | Name | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default | |
| | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | |
| | <a id="rust_stdlib_filegroup-name"></a>name | A unique name for this target. | <a href="https://bazel.build/concepts/labels#target-names">Name</a> | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_stdlib_filegroup-srcs"></a>srcs | The list of targets/files that are components of the rust-stdlib file group | <a href="https://bazel.build/concepts/labels">List of labels</a> | required | | |
| |
| |
| <a id="rust_toolchain"></a> |
| |
| ## rust_toolchain |
| |
| <pre> |
| rust_toolchain(<a href="#rust_toolchain-name">name</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-allocator_library">allocator_library</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-binary_ext">binary_ext</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-cargo">cargo</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-cargo_clippy">cargo_clippy</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-clippy_driver">clippy_driver</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-debug_info">debug_info</a>, |
| <a href="#rust_toolchain-default_edition">default_edition</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-dylib_ext">dylib_ext</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-env">env</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-exec_triple">exec_triple</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-experimental_link_std_dylib">experimental_link_std_dylib</a>, |
| <a href="#rust_toolchain-experimental_use_cc_common_link">experimental_use_cc_common_link</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-extra_exec_rustc_flags">extra_exec_rustc_flags</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-extra_rustc_flags">extra_rustc_flags</a>, |
| <a href="#rust_toolchain-extra_rustc_flags_for_crate_types">extra_rustc_flags_for_crate_types</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-global_allocator_library">global_allocator_library</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-llvm_cov">llvm_cov</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-llvm_profdata">llvm_profdata</a>, |
| <a href="#rust_toolchain-llvm_tools">llvm_tools</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-opt_level">opt_level</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-per_crate_rustc_flags">per_crate_rustc_flags</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-rust_doc">rust_doc</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-rust_std">rust_std</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-rustc">rustc</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-rustc_lib">rustc_lib</a>, |
| <a href="#rust_toolchain-rustfmt">rustfmt</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-staticlib_ext">staticlib_ext</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-stdlib_linkflags">stdlib_linkflags</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-strip_level">strip_level</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-target_json">target_json</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain-target_triple">target_triple</a>) |
| </pre> |
| |
| Declares a Rust toolchain for use. |
| |
| This is for declaring a custom toolchain, eg. for configuring a particular version of rust or supporting a new platform. |
| |
| Example: |
| |
| Suppose the core rust team has ported the compiler to a new target CPU, called `cpuX`. This support can be used in Bazel by defining a new toolchain definition and declaration: |
| |
| ```python |
| load('@rules_rust//rust:toolchain.bzl', 'rust_toolchain') |
| |
| rust_toolchain( |
| name = "rust_cpuX_impl", |
| binary_ext = "", |
| dylib_ext = ".so", |
| exec_triple = "cpuX-unknown-linux-gnu", |
| rust_doc = "@rust_cpuX//:rustdoc", |
| rust_std = "@rust_cpuX//:rust_std", |
| rustc = "@rust_cpuX//:rustc", |
| rustc_lib = "@rust_cpuX//:rustc_lib", |
| staticlib_ext = ".a", |
| stdlib_linkflags = ["-lpthread", "-ldl"], |
| target_triple = "cpuX-unknown-linux-gnu", |
| ) |
| |
| toolchain( |
| name = "rust_cpuX", |
| exec_compatible_with = [ |
| "@platforms//cpu:cpuX", |
| "@platforms//os:linux", |
| ], |
| target_compatible_with = [ |
| "@platforms//cpu:cpuX", |
| "@platforms//os:linux", |
| ], |
| toolchain = ":rust_cpuX_impl", |
| ) |
| ``` |
| |
| Then, either add the label of the toolchain rule to `register_toolchains` in the WORKSPACE, or pass it to the `"--extra_toolchains"` flag for Bazel, and it will be used. |
| |
| See `@rules_rust//rust:repositories.bzl` for examples of defining the `@rust_cpuX` repository with the actual binaries and libraries. |
| |
| |
| |
| | Name | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default | |
| | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-name"></a>name | A unique name for this target. | <a href="https://bazel.build/concepts/labels#target-names">Name</a> | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-allocator_library"></a>allocator_library | Target that provides allocator functions when rust_library targets are embedded in a cc_binary. | <a href="https://bazel.build/concepts/labels">Label</a> | optional | `"@rules_rust//ffi/cc/allocator_library"` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-binary_ext"></a>binary_ext | The extension for binaries created from rustc. | String | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-cargo"></a>cargo | The location of the `cargo` binary. Can be a direct source or a filegroup containing one item. | <a href="https://bazel.build/concepts/labels">Label</a> | optional | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-cargo_clippy"></a>cargo_clippy | The location of the `cargo_clippy` binary. Can be a direct source or a filegroup containing one item. | <a href="https://bazel.build/concepts/labels">Label</a> | optional | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-clippy_driver"></a>clippy_driver | The location of the `clippy-driver` binary. Can be a direct source or a filegroup containing one item. | <a href="https://bazel.build/concepts/labels">Label</a> | optional | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-debug_info"></a>debug_info | Rustc debug info levels per opt level | <a href="https://bazel.build/rules/lib/dict">Dictionary: String -> String</a> | optional | `{"dbg": "2", "fastbuild": "0", "opt": "0"}` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-default_edition"></a>default_edition | The edition to use for rust_* rules that don't specify an edition. If absent, every rule is required to specify its `edition` attribute. | String | optional | `""` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-dylib_ext"></a>dylib_ext | The extension for dynamic libraries created from rustc. | String | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-env"></a>env | Environment variables to set in actions. | <a href="https://bazel.build/rules/lib/dict">Dictionary: String -> String</a> | optional | `{}` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-exec_triple"></a>exec_triple | The platform triple for the toolchains execution environment. For more details see: https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/rules.html#configurations | String | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-experimental_link_std_dylib"></a>experimental_link_std_dylib | Label to a boolean build setting that controls whether whether to link libstd dynamically. | <a href="https://bazel.build/concepts/labels">Label</a> | optional | `"@rules_rust//rust/settings:experimental_link_std_dylib"` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-experimental_use_cc_common_link"></a>experimental_use_cc_common_link | Label to a boolean build setting that controls whether cc_common.link is used to link rust binaries. | <a href="https://bazel.build/concepts/labels">Label</a> | optional | `"@rules_rust//rust/settings:experimental_use_cc_common_link"` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-extra_exec_rustc_flags"></a>extra_exec_rustc_flags | Extra flags to pass to rustc in exec configuration | List of strings | optional | `[]` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-extra_rustc_flags"></a>extra_rustc_flags | Extra flags to pass to rustc in non-exec configuration. Subject to location expansion with respect to the srcs of the `rust_std` attribute. | List of strings | optional | `[]` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-extra_rustc_flags_for_crate_types"></a>extra_rustc_flags_for_crate_types | Extra flags to pass to rustc based on crate type | <a href="https://bazel.build/rules/lib/dict">Dictionary: String -> List of strings</a> | optional | `{}` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-global_allocator_library"></a>global_allocator_library | Target that provides allocator functions for when a global allocator is present. | <a href="https://bazel.build/concepts/labels">Label</a> | optional | `"@rules_rust//ffi/cc/global_allocator_library"` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-llvm_cov"></a>llvm_cov | The location of the `llvm-cov` binary. Can be a direct source or a filegroup containing one item. If None, rust code is not instrumented for coverage. | <a href="https://bazel.build/concepts/labels">Label</a> | optional | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-llvm_profdata"></a>llvm_profdata | The location of the `llvm-profdata` binary. Can be a direct source or a filegroup containing one item. If `llvm_cov` is None, this can be None as well and rust code is not instrumented for coverage. | <a href="https://bazel.build/concepts/labels">Label</a> | optional | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-llvm_tools"></a>llvm_tools | LLVM tools that are shipped with the Rust toolchain. | <a href="https://bazel.build/concepts/labels">Label</a> | optional | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-opt_level"></a>opt_level | Rustc optimization levels. | <a href="https://bazel.build/rules/lib/dict">Dictionary: String -> String</a> | optional | `{"dbg": "0", "fastbuild": "0", "opt": "3"}` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-per_crate_rustc_flags"></a>per_crate_rustc_flags | Extra flags to pass to rustc in non-exec configuration | List of strings | optional | `[]` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-rust_doc"></a>rust_doc | The location of the `rustdoc` binary. Can be a direct source or a filegroup containing one item. | <a href="https://bazel.build/concepts/labels">Label</a> | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-rust_std"></a>rust_std | The Rust standard library. | <a href="https://bazel.build/concepts/labels">Label</a> | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-rustc"></a>rustc | The location of the `rustc` binary. Can be a direct source or a filegroup containing one item. | <a href="https://bazel.build/concepts/labels">Label</a> | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-rustc_lib"></a>rustc_lib | The libraries used by rustc during compilation. | <a href="https://bazel.build/concepts/labels">Label</a> | optional | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-rustfmt"></a>rustfmt | **Deprecated**: Instead see [rustfmt_toolchain](#rustfmt_toolchain) | <a href="https://bazel.build/concepts/labels">Label</a> | optional | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-staticlib_ext"></a>staticlib_ext | The extension for static libraries created from rustc. | String | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-stdlib_linkflags"></a>stdlib_linkflags | Additional linker flags to use when Rust standard library is linked by a C++ linker (rustc will deal with these automatically). Subject to location expansion with respect to the srcs of the `rust_std` attribute. | List of strings | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-strip_level"></a>strip_level | Rustc strip levels. For all potential options, see https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/codegen-options/index.html#strip | <a href="https://bazel.build/rules/lib/dict">Dictionary: String -> String</a> | optional | `{"dbg": "none", "fastbuild": "none", "opt": "debuginfo"}` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-target_json"></a>target_json | Override the target_triple with a custom target specification. For more details see: https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/targets/custom.html | String | optional | `""` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain-target_triple"></a>target_triple | The platform triple for the toolchains target environment. For more details see: https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/rules.html#configurations | String | optional | `""` | |
| |
| |
| <a id="rules_rust_dependencies"></a> |
| |
| ## rules_rust_dependencies |
| |
| <pre> |
| rules_rust_dependencies() |
| </pre> |
| |
| Dependencies used in the implementation of `rules_rust`. |
| |
| |
| |
| <a id="rust_analyzer_toolchain_repository"></a> |
| |
| ## rust_analyzer_toolchain_repository |
| |
| <pre> |
| rust_analyzer_toolchain_repository(<a href="#rust_analyzer_toolchain_repository-name">name</a>, <a href="#rust_analyzer_toolchain_repository-version">version</a>, <a href="#rust_analyzer_toolchain_repository-exec_compatible_with">exec_compatible_with</a>, <a href="#rust_analyzer_toolchain_repository-target_compatible_with">target_compatible_with</a>, |
| <a href="#rust_analyzer_toolchain_repository-sha256s">sha256s</a>, <a href="#rust_analyzer_toolchain_repository-urls">urls</a>, <a href="#rust_analyzer_toolchain_repository-auth">auth</a>, <a href="#rust_analyzer_toolchain_repository-netrc">netrc</a>, <a href="#rust_analyzer_toolchain_repository-auth_patterns">auth_patterns</a>) |
| </pre> |
| |
| Assemble a remote rust_analyzer_toolchain target based on the given params. |
| |
| |
| |
| | Name | Description | Default Value | |
| | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | |
| | <a id="rust_analyzer_toolchain_repository-name"></a>name | The name of the toolchain proxy repository contianing the registerable toolchain. | none | |
| | <a id="rust_analyzer_toolchain_repository-version"></a>version | The version of the tool among "nightly", "beta', or an exact version. | none | |
| | <a id="rust_analyzer_toolchain_repository-exec_compatible_with"></a>exec_compatible_with | A list of constraints for the execution platform for this toolchain. | `[]` | |
| | <a id="rust_analyzer_toolchain_repository-target_compatible_with"></a>target_compatible_with | A list of constraints for the target platform for this toolchain. | `[]` | |
| | <a id="rust_analyzer_toolchain_repository-sha256s"></a>sha256s | A dict associating tool subdirectories to sha256 hashes. See [rust_register_toolchains](#rust_register_toolchains) for more details. | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_analyzer_toolchain_repository-urls"></a>urls | A list of mirror urls containing the tools from the Rust-lang static file server. These must contain the '{}' used to substitute the tool being fetched (using .format). Defaults to ['https://static.rust-lang.org/dist/{}.tar.xz'] | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_analyzer_toolchain_repository-auth"></a>auth | Auth object compatible with repository_ctx.download to use when downloading files. See [repository_ctx.download](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/main/skylark/lib/repository_ctx.html#download) for more details. | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_analyzer_toolchain_repository-netrc"></a>netrc | .netrc file to use for authentication; mirrors the eponymous attribute from http_archive | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_analyzer_toolchain_repository-auth_patterns"></a>auth_patterns | Override mapping of hostnames to authorization patterns; mirrors the eponymous attribute from http_archive | `None` | |
| |
| **RETURNS** |
| |
| str: The name of a registerable rust_analyzer_toolchain. |
| |
| |
| <a id="rust_register_toolchains"></a> |
| |
| ## rust_register_toolchains |
| |
| <pre> |
| rust_register_toolchains(<a href="#rust_register_toolchains-dev_components">dev_components</a>, <a href="#rust_register_toolchains-edition">edition</a>, <a href="#rust_register_toolchains-allocator_library">allocator_library</a>, <a href="#rust_register_toolchains-global_allocator_library">global_allocator_library</a>, |
| <a href="#rust_register_toolchains-register_toolchains">register_toolchains</a>, <a href="#rust_register_toolchains-rustfmt_version">rustfmt_version</a>, <a href="#rust_register_toolchains-rust_analyzer_version">rust_analyzer_version</a>, <a href="#rust_register_toolchains-sha256s">sha256s</a>, |
| <a href="#rust_register_toolchains-extra_target_triples">extra_target_triples</a>, <a href="#rust_register_toolchains-extra_rustc_flags">extra_rustc_flags</a>, <a href="#rust_register_toolchains-extra_exec_rustc_flags">extra_exec_rustc_flags</a>, <a href="#rust_register_toolchains-urls">urls</a>, |
| <a href="#rust_register_toolchains-versions">versions</a>) |
| </pre> |
| |
| Emits a default set of toolchains for Linux, MacOS, and Freebsd |
| |
| Skip this macro and call the `rust_repository_set` macros directly if you need a compiler for other hosts or for additional target triples. |
| |
| The `sha256s` attribute represents a dict associating tool subdirectories to sha256 hashes. As an example: |
| ```python |
| { |
| "rust-1.46.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu": "e3b98bc3440fe92817881933f9564389eccb396f5f431f33d48b979fa2fbdcf5", |
| "rustfmt-1.4.12-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu": "1894e76913303d66bf40885a601462844eec15fca9e76a6d13c390d7000d64b0", |
| "rust-std-1.46.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu": "ac04aef80423f612c0079829b504902de27a6997214eb58ab0765d02f7ec1dbc", |
| } |
| ``` |
| This would match for `exec_triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"`. If not specified, rules_rust pulls from a non-exhaustive list of known checksums.. |
| |
| See `load_arbitrary_tool` in `@rules_rust//rust:repositories.bzl` for more details. |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Name | Description | Default Value | |
| | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | |
| | <a id="rust_register_toolchains-dev_components"></a>dev_components | Whether to download the rustc-dev components (defaults to False). Requires version to be "nightly". | `False` | |
| | <a id="rust_register_toolchains-edition"></a>edition | The rust edition to be used by default (2015, 2018, or 2021). If absent, every target is required to specify its `edition` attribute. | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_register_toolchains-allocator_library"></a>allocator_library | Target that provides allocator functions when rust_library targets are embedded in a cc_binary. | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_register_toolchains-global_allocator_library"></a>global_allocator_library | Target that provides allocator functions when global allocator is used with cc_common.link. | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_register_toolchains-register_toolchains"></a>register_toolchains | If true, repositories will be generated to produce and register `rust_toolchain` targets. | `True` | |
| | <a id="rust_register_toolchains-rustfmt_version"></a>rustfmt_version | The version of rustfmt. If none is supplied and only a single version in `versions` is given, then this defaults to that version, otherwise will default to the default nightly version. | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_register_toolchains-rust_analyzer_version"></a>rust_analyzer_version | The version of Rustc to pair with rust-analyzer. | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_register_toolchains-sha256s"></a>sha256s | A dict associating tool subdirectories to sha256 hashes. | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_register_toolchains-extra_target_triples"></a>extra_target_triples | Additional rust-style targets that rust toolchains should support. | `["wasm32-unknown-unknown", "wasm32-wasi"]` | |
| | <a id="rust_register_toolchains-extra_rustc_flags"></a>extra_rustc_flags | Dictionary of target triples to list of extra flags to pass to rustc in non-exec configuration. | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_register_toolchains-extra_exec_rustc_flags"></a>extra_exec_rustc_flags | Extra flags to pass to rustc in exec configuration. | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_register_toolchains-urls"></a>urls | A list of mirror urls containing the tools from the Rust-lang static file server. These must contain the '{}' used to substitute the tool being fetched (using .format). | `["https://static.rust-lang.org/dist/{}.tar.xz"]` | |
| | <a id="rust_register_toolchains-versions"></a>versions | A list of toolchain versions to download. This paramter only accepts one versions per channel. E.g. `["1.65.0", "nightly/2022-11-02", "beta/2020-12-30"]`. | `["1.82.0", "nightly/2024-10-17"]` | |
| |
| |
| <a id="rust_repositories"></a> |
| |
| ## rust_repositories |
| |
| <pre> |
| rust_repositories(<a href="#rust_repositories-kwargs">kwargs</a>) |
| </pre> |
| |
| **Deprecated**: Use [rules_rust_dependencies](#rules_rust_dependencies) and [rust_register_toolchains](#rust_register_toolchains) directly. |
| |
| |
| |
| | Name | Description | Default Value | |
| | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | |
| | <a id="rust_repositories-kwargs"></a>kwargs | Keyword arguments for the `rust_register_toolchains` macro. | none | |
| |
| |
| <a id="rust_repository_set"></a> |
| |
| ## rust_repository_set |
| |
| <pre> |
| rust_repository_set(<a href="#rust_repository_set-name">name</a>, <a href="#rust_repository_set-versions">versions</a>, <a href="#rust_repository_set-exec_triple">exec_triple</a>, <a href="#rust_repository_set-target_settings">target_settings</a>, <a href="#rust_repository_set-allocator_library">allocator_library</a>, |
| <a href="#rust_repository_set-global_allocator_library">global_allocator_library</a>, <a href="#rust_repository_set-extra_target_triples">extra_target_triples</a>, <a href="#rust_repository_set-rustfmt_version">rustfmt_version</a>, <a href="#rust_repository_set-edition">edition</a>, |
| <a href="#rust_repository_set-dev_components">dev_components</a>, <a href="#rust_repository_set-extra_rustc_flags">extra_rustc_flags</a>, <a href="#rust_repository_set-extra_exec_rustc_flags">extra_exec_rustc_flags</a>, <a href="#rust_repository_set-opt_level">opt_level</a>, <a href="#rust_repository_set-sha256s">sha256s</a>, |
| <a href="#rust_repository_set-urls">urls</a>, <a href="#rust_repository_set-auth">auth</a>, <a href="#rust_repository_set-netrc">netrc</a>, <a href="#rust_repository_set-auth_patterns">auth_patterns</a>, <a href="#rust_repository_set-register_toolchain">register_toolchain</a>, <a href="#rust_repository_set-exec_compatible_with">exec_compatible_with</a>, |
| <a href="#rust_repository_set-default_target_compatible_with">default_target_compatible_with</a>) |
| </pre> |
| |
| Assembles a remote repository for the given toolchain params, produces a proxy repository to contain the toolchain declaration, and registers the toolchains. |
| |
| |
| |
| | Name | Description | Default Value | |
| | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | |
| | <a id="rust_repository_set-name"></a>name | The name of the generated repository | none | |
| | <a id="rust_repository_set-versions"></a>versions | A list of toolchain versions to download. This paramter only accepts one versions per channel. E.g. `["1.65.0", "nightly/2022-11-02", "beta/2020-12-30"]`. | none | |
| | <a id="rust_repository_set-exec_triple"></a>exec_triple | The Rust-style target that this compiler runs on | none | |
| | <a id="rust_repository_set-target_settings"></a>target_settings | A list of config_settings that must be satisfied by the target configuration in order for this set of toolchains to be selected during toolchain resolution. | `[]` | |
| | <a id="rust_repository_set-allocator_library"></a>allocator_library | Target that provides allocator functions when rust_library targets are embedded in a cc_binary. | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_repository_set-global_allocator_library"></a>global_allocator_library | Target that provides allocator functions a global allocator is used with cc_common.link. | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_repository_set-extra_target_triples"></a>extra_target_triples | Additional rust-style targets that this set of toolchains should support. If a map, values should be (optional) target_compatible_with lists for that particular target triple. | `{}` | |
| | <a id="rust_repository_set-rustfmt_version"></a>rustfmt_version | The version of rustfmt to be associated with the toolchain. | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_repository_set-edition"></a>edition | The rust edition to be used by default (2015, 2018, or 2021). If absent, every rule is required to specify its `edition` attribute. | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_repository_set-dev_components"></a>dev_components | Whether to download the rustc-dev components. Requires version to be "nightly". | `False` | |
| | <a id="rust_repository_set-extra_rustc_flags"></a>extra_rustc_flags | Dictionary of target triples to list of extra flags to pass to rustc in non-exec configuration. | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_repository_set-extra_exec_rustc_flags"></a>extra_exec_rustc_flags | Extra flags to pass to rustc in exec configuration. | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_repository_set-opt_level"></a>opt_level | Dictionary of target triples to optimiztion config. | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_repository_set-sha256s"></a>sha256s | A dict associating tool subdirectories to sha256 hashes. See [rust_register_toolchains](#rust_register_toolchains) for more details. | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_repository_set-urls"></a>urls | A list of mirror urls containing the tools from the Rust-lang static file server. These must contain the '{}' used to substitute the tool being fetched (using .format). | `["https://static.rust-lang.org/dist/{}.tar.xz"]` | |
| | <a id="rust_repository_set-auth"></a>auth | Auth object compatible with repository_ctx.download to use when downloading files. See [repository_ctx.download](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/main/skylark/lib/repository_ctx.html#download) for more details. | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_repository_set-netrc"></a>netrc | .netrc file to use for authentication; mirrors the eponymous attribute from http_archive | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_repository_set-auth_patterns"></a>auth_patterns | Override mapping of hostnames to authorization patterns; mirrors the eponymous attribute from http_archive | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_repository_set-register_toolchain"></a>register_toolchain | If True, the generated `rust_toolchain` target will become a registered toolchain. | `True` | |
| | <a id="rust_repository_set-exec_compatible_with"></a>exec_compatible_with | A list of constraints for the execution platform for this toolchain. | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_repository_set-default_target_compatible_with"></a>default_target_compatible_with | A list of constraints for the target platform for this toolchain when the exec platform is the same as the target platform. | `None` | |
| |
| |
| <a id="rust_toolchain_repository"></a> |
| |
| ## rust_toolchain_repository |
| |
| <pre> |
| rust_toolchain_repository(<a href="#rust_toolchain_repository-name">name</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository-version">version</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository-exec_triple">exec_triple</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository-target_triple">target_triple</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository-exec_compatible_with">exec_compatible_with</a>, |
| <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository-target_compatible_with">target_compatible_with</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository-target_settings">target_settings</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository-channel">channel</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository-allocator_library">allocator_library</a>, |
| <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository-global_allocator_library">global_allocator_library</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository-rustfmt_version">rustfmt_version</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository-edition">edition</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository-dev_components">dev_components</a>, |
| <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository-extra_rustc_flags">extra_rustc_flags</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository-extra_exec_rustc_flags">extra_exec_rustc_flags</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository-opt_level">opt_level</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository-sha256s">sha256s</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository-urls">urls</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository-auth">auth</a>, |
| <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository-netrc">netrc</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository-auth_patterns">auth_patterns</a>) |
| </pre> |
| |
| Assembles a remote repository for the given toolchain params, produces a proxy repository to contain the toolchain declaration, and registers the toolchains. |
| |
| |
| |
| | Name | Description | Default Value | |
| | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository-name"></a>name | The name of the generated repository | none | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository-version"></a>version | The version of the tool among "nightly", "beta", or an exact version. | none | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository-exec_triple"></a>exec_triple | The Rust-style target that this compiler runs on. | none | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository-target_triple"></a>target_triple | The Rust-style target to build for. | none | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository-exec_compatible_with"></a>exec_compatible_with | A list of constraints for the execution platform for this toolchain. | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository-target_compatible_with"></a>target_compatible_with | A list of constraints for the target platform for this toolchain. | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository-target_settings"></a>target_settings | A list of config_settings that must be satisfied by the target configuration in order for this toolchain to be selected during toolchain resolution. | `[]` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository-channel"></a>channel | The channel of the Rust toolchain. | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository-allocator_library"></a>allocator_library | Target that provides allocator functions when rust_library targets are embedded in a cc_binary. | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository-global_allocator_library"></a>global_allocator_library | Target that provides allocator functions when a global allocator is used with cc_common.link. | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository-rustfmt_version"></a>rustfmt_version | The version of rustfmt to be associated with the toolchain. | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository-edition"></a>edition | The rust edition to be used by default (2015, 2018, or 2021). If absent, every rule is required to specify its `edition` attribute. | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository-dev_components"></a>dev_components | Whether to download the rustc-dev components. Requires version to be "nightly". Defaults to False. | `False` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository-extra_rustc_flags"></a>extra_rustc_flags | Extra flags to pass to rustc in non-exec configuration. | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository-extra_exec_rustc_flags"></a>extra_exec_rustc_flags | Extra flags to pass to rustc in exec configuration. | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository-opt_level"></a>opt_level | Optimization level config for this toolchain. | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository-sha256s"></a>sha256s | A dict associating tool subdirectories to sha256 hashes. See [rust_register_toolchains](#rust_register_toolchains) for more details. | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository-urls"></a>urls | A list of mirror urls containing the tools from the Rust-lang static file server. These must contain the '{}' used to substitute the tool being fetched (using .format). Defaults to ['https://static.rust-lang.org/dist/{}.tar.xz'] | `["https://static.rust-lang.org/dist/{}.tar.xz"]` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository-auth"></a>auth | Auth object compatible with repository_ctx.download to use when downloading files. See [repository_ctx.download](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/main/skylark/lib/repository_ctx.html#download) for more details. | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository-netrc"></a>netrc | .netrc file to use for authentication; mirrors the eponymous attribute from http_archive | `None` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository-auth_patterns"></a>auth_patterns | A list of patterns to match against urls for which the auth object should be used. | `None` | |
| |
| **RETURNS** |
| |
| str: The name of the registerable toolchain created by this rule. |
| |
| |
| <a id="rust_toolchain_repository_proxy"></a> |
| |
| ## rust_toolchain_repository_proxy |
| |
| <pre> |
| rust_toolchain_repository_proxy(<a href="#rust_toolchain_repository_proxy-name">name</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository_proxy-exec_compatible_with">exec_compatible_with</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository_proxy-repo_mapping">repo_mapping</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository_proxy-target_compatible_with">target_compatible_with</a>, |
| <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository_proxy-target_settings">target_settings</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository_proxy-toolchain">toolchain</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_repository_proxy-toolchain_type">toolchain_type</a>) |
| </pre> |
| |
| Generates a toolchain-bearing repository that declares the toolchains from some other rust_toolchain_repository. |
| |
| |
| |
| | Name | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default | |
| | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository_proxy-name"></a>name | A unique name for this repository. | <a href="https://bazel.build/concepts/labels#target-names">Name</a> | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository_proxy-exec_compatible_with"></a>exec_compatible_with | A list of constraints for the execution platform for this toolchain. | List of strings | optional | `[]` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository_proxy-repo_mapping"></a>repo_mapping | In `WORKSPACE` context only: a dictionary from local repository name to global repository name. This allows controls over workspace dependency resolution for dependencies of this repository.<br><br>For example, an entry `"@foo": "@bar"` declares that, for any time this repository depends on `@foo` (such as a dependency on `@foo//some:target`, it should actually resolve that dependency within globally-declared `@bar` (`@bar//some:target`).<br><br>This attribute is _not_ supported in `MODULE.bazel` context (when invoking a repository rule inside a module extension's implementation function). | <a href="https://bazel.build/rules/lib/dict">Dictionary: String -> String</a> | optional | | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository_proxy-target_compatible_with"></a>target_compatible_with | A list of constraints for the target platform for this toolchain. | List of strings | optional | `[]` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository_proxy-target_settings"></a>target_settings | A list of config_settings that must be satisfied by the target configuration in order for this toolchain to be selected during toolchain resolution. | List of strings | optional | `[]` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository_proxy-toolchain"></a>toolchain | The name of the toolchain implementation target. | String | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_repository_proxy-toolchain_type"></a>toolchain_type | The toolchain type of the toolchain to declare | String | required | | |
| |
| |
| <a id="rust_toolchain_tools_repository"></a> |
| |
| ## rust_toolchain_tools_repository |
| |
| <pre> |
| rust_toolchain_tools_repository(<a href="#rust_toolchain_tools_repository-name">name</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_tools_repository-allocator_library">allocator_library</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_tools_repository-auth">auth</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_tools_repository-auth_patterns">auth_patterns</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_tools_repository-dev_components">dev_components</a>, |
| <a href="#rust_toolchain_tools_repository-edition">edition</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_tools_repository-exec_triple">exec_triple</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_tools_repository-extra_exec_rustc_flags">extra_exec_rustc_flags</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_tools_repository-extra_rustc_flags">extra_rustc_flags</a>, |
| <a href="#rust_toolchain_tools_repository-global_allocator_library">global_allocator_library</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_tools_repository-netrc">netrc</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_tools_repository-opt_level">opt_level</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_tools_repository-repo_mapping">repo_mapping</a>, |
| <a href="#rust_toolchain_tools_repository-rustfmt_version">rustfmt_version</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_tools_repository-sha256s">sha256s</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_tools_repository-target_triple">target_triple</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_tools_repository-urls">urls</a>, <a href="#rust_toolchain_tools_repository-version">version</a>) |
| </pre> |
| |
| Composes a single workspace containing the toolchain components for compiling on a given platform to a series of target platforms. |
| |
| A given instance of this rule should be accompanied by a toolchain_repository_proxy invocation to declare its toolchains to Bazel; the indirection allows separating toolchain selection from toolchain fetching. |
| |
| |
| |
| | Name | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default | |
| | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_tools_repository-name"></a>name | A unique name for this repository. | <a href="https://bazel.build/concepts/labels#target-names">Name</a> | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_tools_repository-allocator_library"></a>allocator_library | Target that provides allocator functions when rust_library targets are embedded in a cc_binary. | String | optional | `"@rules_rust//ffi/cc/allocator_library"` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_tools_repository-auth"></a>auth | Auth object compatible with repository_ctx.download to use when downloading files. See [repository_ctx.download](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/main/skylark/lib/repository_ctx.html#download) for more details. | <a href="https://bazel.build/rules/lib/dict">Dictionary: String -> String</a> | optional | `{}` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_tools_repository-auth_patterns"></a>auth_patterns | A list of patterns to match against urls for which the auth object should be used. | List of strings | optional | `[]` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_tools_repository-dev_components"></a>dev_components | Whether to download the rustc-dev components (defaults to False). Requires version to be "nightly". | Boolean | optional | `False` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_tools_repository-edition"></a>edition | The rust edition to be used by default (2015, 2018, or 2021). If absent, every rule is required to specify its `edition` attribute. | String | optional | `""` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_tools_repository-exec_triple"></a>exec_triple | The Rust-style target that this compiler runs on | String | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_tools_repository-extra_exec_rustc_flags"></a>extra_exec_rustc_flags | Extra flags to pass to rustc in exec configuration | List of strings | optional | `[]` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_tools_repository-extra_rustc_flags"></a>extra_rustc_flags | Extra flags to pass to rustc in non-exec configuration | List of strings | optional | `[]` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_tools_repository-global_allocator_library"></a>global_allocator_library | Target that provides allocator functions when a global allocator is used with cc_common.link. | String | optional | `"@rules_rust//ffi/cc/global_allocator_library"` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_tools_repository-netrc"></a>netrc | .netrc file to use for authentication; mirrors the eponymous attribute from http_archive | String | optional | `""` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_tools_repository-opt_level"></a>opt_level | Rustc optimization levels. For more details see the documentation for `rust_toolchain.opt_level`. | <a href="https://bazel.build/rules/lib/dict">Dictionary: String -> String</a> | optional | `{}` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_tools_repository-repo_mapping"></a>repo_mapping | In `WORKSPACE` context only: a dictionary from local repository name to global repository name. This allows controls over workspace dependency resolution for dependencies of this repository.<br><br>For example, an entry `"@foo": "@bar"` declares that, for any time this repository depends on `@foo` (such as a dependency on `@foo//some:target`, it should actually resolve that dependency within globally-declared `@bar` (`@bar//some:target`).<br><br>This attribute is _not_ supported in `MODULE.bazel` context (when invoking a repository rule inside a module extension's implementation function). | <a href="https://bazel.build/rules/lib/dict">Dictionary: String -> String</a> | optional | | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_tools_repository-rustfmt_version"></a>rustfmt_version | The version of the tool among "nightly", "beta", or an exact version. | String | optional | `""` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_tools_repository-sha256s"></a>sha256s | A dict associating tool subdirectories to sha256 hashes. See [rust_register_toolchains](#rust_register_toolchains) for more details. | <a href="https://bazel.build/rules/lib/dict">Dictionary: String -> String</a> | optional | `{}` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_tools_repository-target_triple"></a>target_triple | The Rust-style target that this compiler builds for. | String | required | | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_tools_repository-urls"></a>urls | A list of mirror urls containing the tools from the Rust-lang static file server. These must contain the '{}' used to substitute the tool being fetched (using .format). | List of strings | optional | `["https://static.rust-lang.org/dist/{}.tar.xz"]` | |
| | <a id="rust_toolchain_tools_repository-version"></a>version | The version of the tool among "nightly", "beta", or an exact version. | String | required | | |
| |
| |