blob: b33a06bc25369cea64144c37ac9b317fe9b2d6ba [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Intermediate representation (IR) for Emboss.
# This was originally a Google Protocol Buffer file, but as of 2019 it turns
# out that a) the public Google Python Protocol Buffer implementation is
# extremely slow, and b) all the ways of getting Bazel+Python+Protocol Buffers
# to play nice are hacky and fragile.
# Thus, this file, which presents a similar-enough interface that the rest of
# Emboss can use it with minimal changes.
# Protobufs have a really, really strange, un-Pythonic interface, with tricky
# implicit semantics -- mostly around magically instantiating protos when you
# assign to some deeply-nested field. I (bolms@) would *strongly* prefer to
# have a more explicit interface, but don't (currently) have time to refactor
# everything that touches the IR (i.e., the entire compiler).
import json
import re
import sys
if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
_text = unicode
_text_types = (unicode, str)
_int = long
_int_types = (int, long)
_text = str
_text_types = (str,)
_int = int
_int_types = (int,)
_BASIC_TYPES = _text_types + _int_types + (bool,)
class Optional(object):
def __init__(self, type, oneof=None, names=None):
self._type = type
self._oneof = oneof
self._names = names
def __get__(self, obj, type=None):
result = obj.raw_fields.get(, None)
if result is not None:
return result
if self.type in _BASIC_TYPES:
return self._type()
result = self._type()
def on_write():
self._set_value(obj, result)
return result
def __set__(self, obj, value):
if issubclass(self._type, _BASIC_TYPES):
self.set(obj, value)
raise AttributeError("Cannot set {} (type {}) for type {}".format(
value, value.__class__, self._type))
def _set_value(self, obj, value):
if self._oneof is not None:
current = obj.oneofs.get(self._oneof)
if current in obj.raw_fields:
del obj.raw_fields[current]
obj.oneofs[self._oneof] =
obj.raw_fields[] = value
def set(self, obj, value):
if value is None:
if isinstance(value, dict):
self._set_value(obj, self._type(**value))
elif isinstance(value, _text) and self._names:
self._set_value(obj, self._type(self._names(value)))
elif (not isinstance(value, self._type) and
not (self._type == _int and isinstance(value, _int_types)) and
not (self._type == _text and isinstance(value, _text_types))):
raise AttributeError("Cannot set {} (type {}) for type {}".format(
value, value.__class__, self._type))
elif issubclass(self._type, Message):
self._set_value(obj, self._type(**value.raw_fields))
self._set_value(obj, self._type(value))
def resolve_type(self):
if isinstance(self._type, type(lambda: None)):
self._type = self._type()
def type(self):
return self._type
class Oneof(object):
def __init__(self, **members):
self.members = members
def __get__(self, obj, type=None):
return obj.oneofs[]
def __set__(self, obj, value):
raise AttributeError("Cannot set {}".format(
class TypedScopedList(object):
def __init__(self, type, on_write=lambda: None):
self._type = type
self._list = []
self._on_write = on_write
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._list)
def __delitem__(self, key):
del self._list[key]
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self._list[key]
def extend(self, values):
for value in values:
if isinstance(value, dict):
elif (not isinstance(value, self._type) and
not (self._type == _int and isinstance(value, _int_types)) and
not (self._type == _text and isinstance(value, _text_types))):
raise TypeError(
"Needed {}, got {} ({!r})".format(
self._type, value.__class__, value))
if self._type in _BASIC_TYPES:
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self._list)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._list)
def __eq__(self, other):
return ((self.__class__ == other.__class__ and
self._list == other._list) or
(isinstance(other, list) and self._list == other))
def __ne__(self, other):
return not (self == other)
class Repeated(object):
def __init__(self, type):
self._type = type
def __get__(self, obj, type=None):
return obj.raw_fields[]
def __set__(self, obj, value):
raise AttributeError("Cannot set {}".format(
def set(self, obj, values):
typed_list = obj.raw_fields[]
if not isinstance(values, (list, TypedScopedList)):
raise TypeError("Cannot initialize repeated field {} from {}".format(, values.__class__))
del typed_list[:]
def resolve_type(self):
if isinstance(self._type, type(lambda: None)):
self._type = self._type()
def type(self):
return self._type
_deferred_specs = []
def message(cls):
# TODO(bolms): move this into __init_subclass__ after dropping Python 2
# support.
return cls
class Message(object):
def __init__(self, **field_values):
self.oneofs = {}
self._on_write = lambda: None
def _initialize_raw_fields_from(self, field_values):
self.raw_fields = {}
for name, type in self.repeated_fields.items():
self.raw_fields[name] = TypedScopedList(type, self.on_write)
for k, v in field_values.items():
spec = self.field_specs.get(k)
if spec is None:
raise AttributeError("No field {} on {}.".format(
k, self.__class__.__name__))
spec.set(self, v)
def from_json(cls, text):
as_dict = json.loads(text)
return cls(**as_dict)
def on_write(self):
self._on_write = lambda: None
def set_on_write(self, on_write):
self._on_write = on_write
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self.__class__ == other.__class__ and
self.raw_fields == other.raw_fields)
def CopyFrom(self, other):
if self.__class__ != other.__class__:
raise TypeError("{} cannot CopyFrom {}".format(
self.__class__.__name__, other.__class__.__name__))
def HasField(self, name):
return name in self.raw_fields
def WhichOneof(self, oneof_name):
return self.oneofs.get(oneof_name)
def to_dict(self):
result = {}
for k, v in self.raw_fields.items():
if isinstance(v, _BASIC_TYPES):
result[k] = v
elif isinstance(v, TypedScopedList):
if len(v):
# For compatibility with the proto world, empty lists are just
# elided.
result[k] = [
item if isinstance(item, _BASIC_TYPES) else item.to_dict()
for item in v
result[k] = v.to_dict()
return result
def __repr__(self):
return self.to_json(separators=(',', ':'), sort_keys=True)
def to_json(self, *args, **kwargs):
return json.dumps(self.to_dict(), *args, **kwargs)
def __str__(self):
return _text(self.to_dict())
def _initialize_deferred_specs():
for cls in _deferred_specs:
field_specs = {}
repeated_fields = {}
for k, v in cls.__dict__.items():
if k[0] == "_":
if isinstance(v, (Optional, Repeated)): = k
field_specs[k] = v
if isinstance(v, Repeated):
repeated_fields[k] = v.type
cls.field_specs = field_specs
cls.repeated_fields = repeated_fields
class Position(Message):
"""A zero-width position within a source file."""
line = Optional(int) # Line (starts from 1).
column = Optional(int) # Column (starts from 1).
class Location(Message):
"""A half-open start:end range within a source file."""
start = Optional(Position) # Beginning of the range.
end = Optional(Position) # One column past the end of the range.
# True if this Location is outside of the parent object's Location.
is_disjoint_from_parent = Optional(bool)
# True if this Location's parent was synthesized, and does not directly
# appear in the source file. The Emboss front end uses this field to cull
# irrelevant error messages.
is_synthetic = Optional(bool)
class Word(Message):
"""IR for a bare word in the source file.
This is used in NameDefinitions and References."""
text = Optional(_text)
source_location = Optional(Location)
class String(Message):
"""IR for a string in the source file."""
text = Optional(_text)
source_location = Optional(Location)
class Documentation(Message):
text = Optional(_text)
source_location = Optional(Location)
class BooleanConstant(Message):
"""IR for a boolean constant."""
value = Optional(bool)
source_location = Optional(Location)
class Empty(Message):
"""Placeholder message for automatic element counts for arrays."""
source_location = Optional(Location)
class NumericConstant(Message):
"""IR for any numeric constant."""
# Numeric constants are stored as decimal strings; this is the simplest way
# to store the full -2**63..+2**64 range.
# TODO(bolms): switch back to int, and just use strings during
# serialization, now that we're free of proto.
value = Optional(_text)
source_location = Optional(Location)
class Function(Message):
"""IR for a single function (+, -, *, ==, $max, etc.) in an expression."""
ADDITION = 1 # +
EQUALITY = 4 # ==
AND = 6 # &&
OR = 7 # ||
LESS = 8 # <
LESS_OR_EQUAL = 9 # <=
GREATER = 10 # >
CHOICE = 12 # ?:
MAXIMUM = 13 # $max()
PRESENCE = 14 # $present()
UPPER_BOUND = 15 # $upper_bound()
LOWER_BOUND = 16 # $lower_bound()
function = Optional(int, names=lambda x: getattr(Function, x))
args = Repeated(lambda: Expression)
function_name = Optional(Word)
source_location = Optional(Location)
class CanonicalName(Message):
"""CanonicalName is the unique, absolute name for some object.
A CanonicalName is the unique, absolute name for some object (Type, field,
etc.) in the IR. It is used both in the definitions of objects ("struct
Foo"), and in references to objects (a field of type "Foo")."""
# The module_file is the Module.source_file_name of the Module in which this
# object's definition appears. Note that the Prelude always has a
# Module.source_file_name of "", and thus references to Prelude names will
# have module_file == "".
module_file = Optional(_text)
# The object_path is the canonical path to the object definition within its
# module file. For example, the field "bar" would have an object path of
# ["Foo", "bar"]:
# struct Foo:
# 0:3 UInt bar
# The enumerated name "BOB" would have an object path of ["Baz", "Qux",
# "BOB"]:
# struct Baz:
# 0:3 Qux qux
# enum Qux:
# BOB = 0
object_path = Repeated(_text)
class NameDefinition(Message):
"""NameDefinition is IR for the name of an object, within the object.
That is, a TypeDefinition or Field will hold a NameDefinition as its
# The name, as directly generated from the source text. name.text will
# match the last element of canonical_name.object_path. Note that in some
# cases, the exact string in name.text may not appear in the source text.
name = Optional(Word)
# The CanonicalName that will appear in References. This field is
# technically redundant: canonical_name.module_file should always match the
# source_file_name of the enclosing Module, and canonical_name.object_path
# should always match the names of parent nodes.
canonical_name = Optional(CanonicalName)
# If true, indicates that this is an automatically-generated name, which
# should not be visible outside of its immediate namespace.
is_anonymous = Optional(bool)
# The location of this NameDefinition in source code.
source_location = Optional(Location)
class Reference(Message):
"""A Reference holds the canonical name of something defined elsewhere.
For example, take this fragment:
struct Foo:
0:3 UInt size (s)
4:s Int:8[] payload
"Foo", "size", and "payload" will become NameDefinitions in their
corresponding Field and Message IR objects, while "UInt", the second "s",
and "Int" are References. Note that the second "s" will have a
canonical_name.object_path of ["Foo", "size"], not ["Foo", "s"]: the
Reference always holds the single "true" name of the object, regardless of
what appears in the .emb."""
# The canonical name of the object being referred to. This name should be
# used to find the object in the IR.
canonical_name = Optional(CanonicalName)
# The source_name is the name the user entered in the source file; it could
# be either relative or absolute, and may be an alias (and thus not match
# any part of the canonical_name). Back ends should use canonical_name for
# name lookup, and reserve source_name for error messages.
source_name = Repeated(Word)
# If true, then symbol resolution should only look at local names when
# resolving source_name. This is used so that the names of inline types
# aren't "ambiguous" if there happens to be another type with the same name
# at a parent scope.
is_local_name = Optional(bool)
# TODO(bolms): Allow absolute paths starting with ".".
# Note that this is the source_location of the *Reference*, not of the
# object to which it refers.
source_location = Optional(Location)
class FieldReference(Message):
"""IR for a "field" or "field.sub.subsub" reference in an expression.
The first element of "path" is the "base" field, which should be directly
readable in the (runtime) context of the expression. For example:
struct Foo:
0:1 UInt header_size (h)
0:h UInt:8[] header_bytes
The "h" will translate to ["Foo", "header_size"], which will be the first
(and in this case only) element of "path".
Subsequent path elements should be treated as subfields. For example, in:
struct Foo:
struct Sizes:
0:1 UInt header_size
1:2 UInt body_size
0 [+2] Sizes sizes
0 [+sizes.header_size] UInt:8[] header
sizes.header_size [+sizes.body_size] UInt:8[] body
The references to "sizes.header_size" will have a path of [["Foo",
"sizes"], ["Foo", "Sizes", "header_size"]]. Note that each path element is
a fully-qualified reference; some back ends (C++, Python) may only use the
last element, while others (C) may use the complete path.
This representation is a bit awkward, and is fundamentally limited to a
dotted list of static field names. It does not allow an expression like
`array[n]` on the left side of a `.`. At this point, it is an artifact of
the era during which I (bolms@) thought I could get away with skipping
compiler-y things."""
# TODO(bolms): Add composite types to the expression type system, and
# replace FieldReference with a "member access" Expression kind. Further,
# move the symbol resolution for FieldReferences that is currently in
# into
# TODO(bolms): Make the above change before declaring the IR to be "stable".
path = Repeated(Reference)
source_location = Optional(Location)
class OpaqueType(Message):
class IntegerType(Message):
"""Type of an integer expression."""
# For optimization, the modular congruence of an integer expression is
# tracked. This consists of a modulus and a modular_value, such that for
# all possible values of expression, expression MOD modulus ==
# modular_value.
# The modulus may be the special value "infinity" to indicate that the
# expression's value is exactly modular_value; otherwise, it should be a
# positive integer.
# A modulus of 1 places no constraints on the value.
# The modular_value should always be a nonnegative integer that is smaller
# than the modulus.
# Note that this is specifically the *modulus*, which is not equivalent to
# the value from C's '%' operator when the dividend is negative: in C, -7 %
# 4 == -3, but the modular_value here would be 1. Python uses modulus: in
# Python, -7 % 4 == 1.
modulus = Optional(_text)
modular_value = Optional(_text)
# The minimum and maximum values of an integer are tracked and checked so
# that Emboss can implement reliable arithmetic with no operations
# overflowing either 64-bit unsigned or 64-bit signed 2's-complement
# integers.
# Note that constant subexpressions are allowed to overflow, as long as the
# final, computed constant value of the subexpression fits in a 64-bit
# value.
# The minimum_value may take the value "-infinity", and the maximum_value
# may take the value "infinity". These sentinel values indicate that
# Emboss has no bound information for the Expression, and therefore the
# Expression may only be evaluated during compilation; the back end should
# never need to compile such an expression into the target language (e.g.,
# C++).
minimum_value = Optional(_text)
maximum_value = Optional(_text)
class BooleanType(Message):
value = Optional(bool)
class EnumType(Message):
name = Optional(Reference)
value = Optional(_text)
class ExpressionType(Message):
opaque = Optional(OpaqueType, "type")
integer = Optional(IntegerType, "type")
boolean = Optional(BooleanType, "type")
enumeration = Optional(EnumType, "type")
class Expression(Message):
""" IR for an expression.
An Expression is a potentially-recursive data structure. It can either
represent a leaf node (constant or reference) or an operation combining
other Expressions (function)."""
constant = Optional(NumericConstant, "expression")
constant_reference = Optional(Reference, "expression")
function = Optional(Function, "expression")
field_reference = Optional(FieldReference, "expression")
boolean_constant = Optional(BooleanConstant, "expression")
builtin_reference = Optional(Reference, "expression")
type = Optional(ExpressionType)
source_location = Optional(Location)
class ArrayType(Message):
"""IR for an array type ("Int:8[12]" or "Message[2]" or "UInt[3][2]")."""
base_type = Optional(lambda: Type)
element_count = Optional(Expression, "size")
automatic = Optional(Empty, "size")
source_location = Optional(Location)
class AtomicType(Message):
"""IR for a non-array type ("UInt" or "Foo(Version.SIX)")."""
reference = Optional(Reference)
runtime_parameter = Repeated(Expression)
source_location = Optional(Location)
class Type(Message):
"""IR for a type reference ("UInt", "Int:8[12]", etc.)."""
atomic_type = Optional(AtomicType, "type")
array_type = Optional(ArrayType, "type")
size_in_bits = Optional(Expression)
source_location = Optional(Location)
class AttributeValue(Message):
"""IR for a attribute value."""
# TODO(bolms): Make String a type of Expression, and replace
# AttributeValue with Expression.
expression = Optional(Expression, "value")
string_constant = Optional(String, "value")
source_location = Optional(Location)
class Attribute(Message):
"""IR for a [name = value] attribute."""
name = Optional(Word)
value = Optional(AttributeValue)
back_end = Optional(Word)
is_default = Optional(bool)
source_location = Optional(Location)
class WriteTransform(Message):
"""IR which defines an expression-based virtual field write scheme.
E.g., for a virtual field like `x_plus_one`:
struct Foo:
0 [+1] UInt x
let x_plus_one = x + 1
... the `WriteMethod` would be `transform`, with `$logical_value - 1` for
`function_body` and `x` for `destination`."""
function_body = Optional(Expression)
destination = Optional(FieldReference)
class WriteMethod(Message):
"""IR which defines the method used for writing to a virtual field."""
# A physical Field can be written directly.
physical = Optional(bool, "method")
# A read_only Field cannot be written.
read_only = Optional(bool, "method")
# An alias is a direct, untransformed forward of another field; it can be
# implemented by directly returning a reference to the aliased field.
# Aliases are the only kind of virtual field that may have an opaque type.
alias = Optional(FieldReference, "method")
# A transform is a way of turning a logical value into a value which should
# be written to another field: A virtual field like `let y = x + 1` would
# have a transform WriteMethod to subtract 1 from the new `y` value, and
# write that to `x`.
transform = Optional(WriteTransform, "method")
class FieldLocation(Message):
"""IR for a field location."""
start = Optional(Expression)
size = Optional(Expression)
source_location = Optional(Location)
class Field(Message):
"""IR for a field in a struct definition.
There are two kinds of Field: physical fields have location and (physical)
type; virtual fields have read_transform. Although there are differences,
in many situations physical and virtual fields are treated the same way,
and they can be freely intermingled in the source file."""
location = Optional(FieldLocation) # The physical location of the field.
type = Optional(Type) # The physical type of the field.
read_transform = Optional(Expression) # The value of a virtual field.
# How this virtual field should be written.
write_method = Optional(WriteMethod)
name = Optional(NameDefinition) # The name of the field.
abbreviation = Optional(Word) # An optional short name for the field, only
# visible inside the enclosing bits/struct.
attribute = Repeated(Attribute) # Field-specific attributes.
documentation = Repeated(Documentation) # Field-specific documentation.
# The field only exists when existence_condition evaluates to true. For
# example:
# struct Message:
# 0 [+4] UInt length
# 4 [+8] MessageType message_type
# if message_type == MessageType.FOO:
# 8 [+length] Foo foo
# if message_type == MessageType.BAR:
# 8 [+length] Bar bar
# 8+length [+4] UInt crc
# For length, message_type, and crc, existence_condition will be
# "boolean_constant { value: true }"
# For "foo", existence_condition will be:
# function { function: EQUALITY
# args: [reference to message_type]
# args: { [reference to MessageType.FOO] } }
# The "bar" field will have a similar existence_condition to "foo":
# function { function: EQUALITY
# args: [reference to message_type]
# args: { [reference to MessageType.BAR] } }
# When message_type is MessageType.BAR, the Message struct does not contain
# field "foo", and vice versa for message_type == MessageType.FOO and field
# "bar": those fields only conditionally exist in the structure.
# TODO(bolms): Document conditional fields better, and replace some of this
# explanation with a reference to the documentation.
existence_condition = Optional(Expression)
source_location = Optional(Location)
class Structure(Message):
"""IR for a bits or struct definition."""
field = Repeated(Field)
# The fields in `field` are listed in the order they appear in the original
# .emb.
# For text format output, this can lead to poor results. Take the following
# struct:
# struct Foo:
# b [+4] UInt a
# 0 [+4] UInt b
# Here, the location of `a` depends on the current value of `b`. Because of
# this, if someone calls
# emboss::UpdateFromText(foo_view, "{ a: 10, b: 4 }");
# then foo_view will not be updated the way one would expect: if `b`'s value
# was something other than 4 to start with, then `UpdateFromText` will write
# the 10 to some other location, then update `b` to 4.
# To avoid surprises, `emboss::DumpAsText` should return `"{ b: 4, a: 10
# }"`.
# The `fields_in_dependency_order` field provides a permutation of `field`
# such that each field appears after all of its dependencies. For example,
# `struct Foo`, above, would have `{ 1, 0 }` in
# `fields_in_dependency_order`.
# The exact ordering of `fields_in_dependency_order` is not guaranteed, but
# some effort is made to keep the order close to the order fields are listed
# in the original `.emb` file. In particular, if the ordering 0, 1, 2, 3,
# ... satisfies dependency ordering, then `fields_in_dependency_order` will
# be `{ 0, 1, 2, 3, ... }`.
fields_in_dependency_order = Repeated(int)
source_location = Optional(Location)
class External(Message):
"""IR for an external type declaration."""
# Externals have no values other than name and attribute list, which are
# common to all type definitions.
source_location = Optional(Location)
class EnumValue(Message):
"""IR for a single value within an enumerated type."""
name = Optional(NameDefinition) # The name of the enum value.
value = Optional(Expression) # The value of the enum value.
documentation = Repeated(Documentation) # Value-specific documentation.
source_location = Optional(Location)
class Enum(Message):
"""IR for an enumerated type definition."""
value = Repeated(EnumValue)
source_location = Optional(Location)
class Import(Message):
"""IR for an import statement in a module."""
file_name = Optional(String) # The file to import.
local_name = Optional(Word) # The name to use within this module.
source_location = Optional(Location)
class RuntimeParameter(Message):
name = Optional(NameDefinition) # The name of the parameter.
type = Optional(ExpressionType) # The type of the parameter.
# For convenience and readability, physical types may be used in the .emb
# source instead of a full expression type. That way, users can write
# something like:
# struct Foo(version :: UInt:8):
# instead of:
# struct Foo(version :: {$int x |: 0 <= x <= 255}):
# In these cases, physical_type_alias holds the user-supplied type, and type
# is filled in after initial parsing is finished.
# TODO(bolms): Actually implement the set builder type notation.
physical_type_alias = Optional(Type)
source_location = Optional(Location)
class TypeDefinition(Message):
"""Container IR for a type definition (struct, union, etc.)"""
# The "addressable unit" is the size of the smallest unit that can be read
# from the backing store that this type expects. For `struct`s, this is
# BYTE; for `enum`s and `bits`, this is BIT, and for `external`s it depends
# on the specific type.
NONE = 0
BIT = 1
BYTE = 8
external = Optional(External, "type")
enumeration = Optional(Enum, "type")
structure = Optional(Structure, "type")
name = Optional(NameDefinition) # The name of the type.
attribute = Repeated(Attribute) # All attributes attached to the type.
documentation = Repeated(Documentation) # Docs for the type.
subtype = Repeated(lambda: TypeDefinition) # Subtypes of this type.
addressable_unit = Optional(
int, names=lambda x: getattr(TypeDefinition, x))
# If the type requires parameters at runtime, these are its parameters.
# These are currently only allowed on structures, but in the future they
# should be allowed on externals.
runtime_parameter = Repeated(RuntimeParameter)
source_location = Optional(Location)
class Module(Message):
"""The IR for an individual Emboss module (file)."""
attribute = Repeated(Attribute) # Module-level attributes.
type = Repeated(TypeDefinition) # Module-level type definitions.
documentation = Repeated(Documentation) # Module-level docs.
foreign_import = Repeated(Import) # Other modules imported.
source_location = Optional(Location) # Source code covered by this IR.
source_file_name = Optional(_text) # Name of the source file.
class EmbossIr(Message):
"""The top-level IR for an Emboss module and all of its dependencies."""
# All modules. The first entry will be the main module; back ends should
# generate code corresponding to that module. The second entry will be the
# prelude module.
module = Repeated(Module)