blob: 2caad6233ce6e9809530c0d4d93607efd92f9bfe [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors
# All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import asyncio
import logging
import math
import queue
import random
import time
from binascii import hexlify
from threading import Event
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Set
import chip.CertificateAuthority
import chip.clusters as Clusters
import chip.FabricAdmin
from chip import ChipDeviceCtrl
from chip.clusters.Attribute import AttributeStatus, SubscriptionTransaction, TypedAttributePath
from chip.clusters.Types import NullValue
from chip.interaction_model import Status as StatusEnum
from chip.utils import CommissioningBuildingBlocks
from matter_testing_support import MatterBaseTest, async_test_body, default_matter_test_main
from mobly import asserts
from TC_SC_3_6 import AttributeChangeAccumulator, ResubscriptionCatcher
# TODO: Overall, we need to add validation that session IDs have not changed throughout to be agnostic
# to some internal behavior assumptions of the SDK we are making relative to the write to
# the trigger the subscriptions not re-opening a new CASE session
class TC_RR_1_1(MatterBaseTest):
def setup_class(self):
self._pseudo_random_generator = random.Random(1234)
self._subscriptions = []
def teardown_class(self):"Teardown: shutting down all subscription to avoid racy callbacks")
for subscription in self._subscriptions:
async def test_TC_RR_1_1(self):
dev_ctrl = self.default_controller
# Debug/test arguments
# Get overrides for debugging the test
num_fabrics_to_commission = self.user_params.get("num_fabrics_to_commission", 5)
num_controllers_per_fabric = self.user_params.get("num_controllers_per_fabric", 3)
# Immediate reporting
min_report_interval_sec = self.user_params.get("min_report_interval_sec", 0)
# 10 minutes max reporting interval --> We don't care about keep-alives per-se and
# want to avoid resubscriptions
max_report_interval_sec = self.user_params.get("max_report_interval_sec", 10 * 60)
# Time to wait after changing NodeLabel for subscriptions to all hit. This is dependant
# on MRP params of subscriber and on actual min_report_interval.
# TODO: Determine the correct max value depending on target. Test plan doesn't say!
timeout_delay_sec = self.user_params.get("timeout_delay_sec", max_report_interval_sec * 2)
# Whether to skip filling the UserLabel clusters
skip_user_label_cluster_steps = self.user_params.get("skip_user_label_cluster_steps", False)
# Whether to do the local session ID comparison checks to prove new sessions have not been established.
check_local_session_id_unchanged = self.user_params.get("check_local_session_id_unchanged", False)
# Whether to check heap statistics. Add `--bool-arg check_heap_watermarks:true` to command line to enable
check_heap_watermarks = self.user_params.get("check_heap_watermarks", False)
BEFORE_LABEL = "Before Subscriptions 12345678912"
AFTER_LABEL = "After Subscriptions 123456789123"
# Pre-conditions
# Do a read-out of heap statistics before the test begins
if check_heap_watermarks:"Read Heap info before stress test")
high_watermark_before, current_usage_before = await self.read_heap_statistics(dev_ctrl)
# Make sure all certificates are installed with maximal size
dev_ctrl.fabricAdmin.certificateAuthority.maximizeCertChains = True
# TODO: Do from PICS list. The reflection approach here what a real client would do,
# and it respects what the test says: "TH writes 4 entries per endpoint where LabelList is supported""Pre-condition: determine whether any endpoints have UserLabel cluster (ULABEL.S.A0000(LabelList))")
endpoints_with_user_label_list = await dev_ctrl.ReadAttribute(self.dut_node_id, [Clusters.UserLabel.Attributes.LabelList])
has_user_labels = len(endpoints_with_user_label_list) > 0
if has_user_labels:"--> User label cluster present on endpoints %s" %
", ".join(["%d" % ep for ep in endpoints_with_user_label_list.keys()]))
else:"--> User label cluster not present on any endpoitns")
# Generate list of all clients names
all_names = []
for fabric_idx in range(num_fabrics_to_commission):
for controller_idx in range(num_controllers_per_fabric):
all_names.append("RD%d%s" % (fabric_idx, chr(ord('A') + controller_idx)))"Client names that will be used: {all_names}")
client_list = []
# TODO: Shall we also verify SupportedFabrics attribute, and the CapabilityMinima attribute?"Pre-conditions: validate CapabilityMinima.CaseSessionsPerFabric >= 3")
capability_minima = await self.read_single_attribute(dev_ctrl, node_id=self.dut_node_id, endpoint=0, attribute=Clusters.BasicInformation.Attributes.CapabilityMinima)
asserts.assert_greater_equal(capability_minima.caseSessionsPerFabric, 3)
# Step 1: Commission 5 fabrics with maximized NOC chains. 1a and 1b have already been completed at this time."Step 1: use existing fabric to configure new fabrics so that total is {num_fabrics_to_commission} fabrics")
# Generate Node IDs for subsequent controllers start at 200, follow 200, 300, ...
node_ids = [200 + (i * 100) for i in range(num_controllers_per_fabric - 1)]
# Prepare clients for first fabric, that includes the default controller = all_names.pop(0)
if num_controllers_per_fabric > 1:
new_controllers = await CommissioningBuildingBlocks.CreateControllersOnFabric(fabricAdmin=dev_ctrl.fabricAdmin, adminDevCtrl=dev_ctrl, controllerNodeIds=node_ids, privilege=Clusters.AccessControl.Enums.AccessControlEntryPrivilegeEnum.kAdminister, targetNodeId=self.dut_node_id, catTags=[0x0001_0001])
for controller in new_controllers: = all_names.pop(0)
# Step 1c - Ensure there are no leftover fabrics from another process.
commissioned_fabric_count: int = await self.read_single_attribute(dev_ctrl, node_id=self.dut_node_id, endpoint=0, attribute=Clusters.OperationalCredentials.Attributes.CommissionedFabrics)
# Insert a fabric to self-test the next step.
# This is not hidden behind a flag to avoid potential undetected bugs.
if commissioned_fabric_count == 1:"Commissioning fabric for TH test.")
new_certificate_authority = self.certificate_authority_manager.NewCertificateAuthority()
new_fabric_admin = new_certificate_authority.NewFabricAdmin(vendorId=0xFFF1, fabricId=2)
new_admin_ctrl = new_fabric_admin.NewController(nodeId=dev_ctrl.nodeId, catTags=[0x0001_0001]) = "THTF"
await CommissioningBuildingBlocks.AddNOCForNewFabricFromExisting(commissionerDevCtrl=dev_ctrl, newFabricDevCtrl=new_admin_ctrl, existingNodeId=self.dut_node_id, newNodeId=self.dut_node_id)
commissioned_fabric_count = await self.read_single_attribute(dev_ctrl, node_id=self.dut_node_id, endpoint=0, attribute=Clusters.OperationalCredentials.Attributes.CommissionedFabrics)
asserts.assert_not_equal(commissioned_fabric_count, 1, "TH Error: failed to add fabric for testing TH.")
# Step 1c - perform removal.
if commissioned_fabric_count > 1:"Removing extra fabrics from device.")
fabrics: List[Clusters.OperationalCredentials.Structs.FabricDescriptorStruct] = await self.read_single_attribute(dev_ctrl, node_id=self.dut_node_id, endpoint=0, attribute=Clusters.OperationalCredentials.Attributes.Fabrics, fabricFiltered=False)
for fabric in fabrics:
if fabric.fabricID == dev_ctrl.fabricId:
# This is not the initial client's fabric, so remove it.
await dev_ctrl.SendCommand(self.dut_node_id, 0, Clusters.OperationalCredentials.Commands.RemoveFabric(fabricIndex=fabric.fabricIndex))
commissioned_fabric_count = await self.read_single_attribute(dev_ctrl, node_id=self.dut_node_id, endpoint=0, attribute=Clusters.OperationalCredentials.Attributes.CommissionedFabrics)
asserts.assert_equal(commissioned_fabric_count, 1, "Failed to remove extra fabrics from DUT.")
# Prepare clients for subsequent fabrics (step 1d)
for i in range(num_fabrics_to_commission - 1):
admin_index = 2 + i"Commissioning fabric %d/%d" % (admin_index, num_fabrics_to_commission))
new_certificate_authority = self.certificate_authority_manager.NewCertificateAuthority()
new_fabric_admin = new_certificate_authority.NewFabricAdmin(vendorId=0xFFF1, fabricId=admin_index)
new_admin_ctrl = new_fabric_admin.NewController(nodeId=dev_ctrl.nodeId, catTags=[0x0001_0001]) = all_names.pop(0)
await CommissioningBuildingBlocks.AddNOCForNewFabricFromExisting(commissionerDevCtrl=dev_ctrl, newFabricDevCtrl=new_admin_ctrl, existingNodeId=self.dut_node_id, newNodeId=self.dut_node_id)
if num_controllers_per_fabric > 1:
new_controllers = await CommissioningBuildingBlocks.CreateControllersOnFabric(fabricAdmin=new_fabric_admin, adminDevCtrl=new_admin_ctrl,
controllerNodeIds=node_ids, privilege=Clusters.AccessControl.Enums.AccessControlEntryPrivilegeEnum.kAdminister, targetNodeId=self.dut_node_id, catTags=[0x0001_0001])
for controller in new_controllers: = all_names.pop(0)
asserts.assert_equal(len(client_list), num_fabrics_to_commission *
num_controllers_per_fabric, "Must have the right number of clients")
commissioned_fabric_count = await self.read_single_attribute(dev_ctrl, node_id=self.dut_node_id, endpoint=0, attribute=Clusters.OperationalCredentials.Attributes.CommissionedFabrics)
asserts.assert_equal(commissioned_fabric_count, num_fabrics_to_commission,
"Must have the right number of fabrics commissioned.")
fabric_table: List[Clusters.OperationalCredentials.Structs.FabricDescriptorStruct] = await self.read_single_attribute(dev_ctrl, node_id=self.dut_node_id, endpoint=0, attribute=Clusters.OperationalCredentials.Attributes.Fabrics, fabricFiltered=False)
client_by_name = { client for client in client_list}
local_session_id_by_client_name = { client.GetConnectedDeviceSync(
self.dut_node_id).localSessionId for client in client_list}
# Step 2: Set the Label field for each fabric and BasicInformation.NodeLabel to 32 characters"Step 2: Setting the Label field for each fabric and BasicInformation.NodeLabel to 32 characters")
for table_idx in range(len(fabric_table)):
# Client is client A for each fabric to set the Label field
fabric = fabric_table[table_idx]
client_name = "RD%dA" % table_idx
client = client_by_name[client_name]
# Send the UpdateLabel command
label = ("%d" % fabric.fabricIndex) * 32"Step 2a: Setting fabric label on fabric %d to '%s' using client %s" %
(fabric.fabricIndex, label, client_name))
await client.SendCommand(self.dut_node_id, 0, Clusters.OperationalCredentials.Commands.UpdateFabricLabel(label))
# Read back
fabric_metadata = await self.read_single_attribute(client, node_id=self.dut_node_id, endpoint=0, attribute=Clusters.OperationalCredentials.Attributes.Fabrics)
asserts.assert_equal(fabric_metadata[0].label, label, "Fabrics[x].label must match what was written")
# Before subscribing, set the NodeLabel to "Before Subscriptions""Step 2b: Set BasicInformation.NodeLabel to {BEFORE_LABEL}")
await client_list[0].WriteAttribute(self.dut_node_id, [(0, Clusters.BasicInformation.Attributes.NodeLabel(value=BEFORE_LABEL))])
node_label = await self.read_single_attribute(client, node_id=self.dut_node_id, endpoint=0, attribute=Clusters.BasicInformation.Attributes.NodeLabel)
asserts.assert_equal(node_label, BEFORE_LABEL, "NodeLabel must match what was written")
# Step 3: Add 4 Access Control entries on DUT with a list of 4 Subjects and 3 Targets with the following parameters (...)
for table_idx in range(len(fabric_table)):
# Client is client A for each fabric
fabric = fabric_table[table_idx]
client_name = "RD%dA" % table_idx
client = client_by_name[client_name]
acl = self.build_acl()"Step 3a: Writing ACL entry for fabric {fabric.fabricIndex}")
await client.WriteAttribute(self.dut_node_id, [(0, Clusters.AccessControl.Attributes.Acl(acl))])"Step 3b: Validating ACL entry for fabric {fabric.fabricIndex}")
acl_readback = await self.read_single_attribute(client, node_id=self.dut_node_id, endpoint=0, attribute=Clusters.AccessControl.Attributes.Acl)
fabric_index = 9999
for entry in acl_readback:
asserts.assert_equal(entry.fabricIndex, fabric.fabricIndex, "Fabric Index of response entries must match")
fabric_index = entry.fabricIndex
for entry in acl:
# Fix-up the original ACL list items (that all had fabricIndex of 0 on write, since ignored)
# so that they match incoming fabric index. Allows checking by equality of the structs
entry.fabricIndex = fabric_index
asserts.assert_equal(acl_readback, acl, "ACL must match what was written")
# Step 4 and 5 (the operations cannot be separated): establish all CASE sessions and subscriptions
# Subscribe with all clients to NodeLabel attribute and 2 more paths
sub_handlers = []
resub_catchers = []
output_queue = queue.Queue()
subscription_contents = [
(0, Clusters.BasicInformation.Attributes.NodeLabel), # Single attribute
(0, Clusters.OperationalCredentials), # Wildcard all of opcreds attributes on EP0
Clusters.Descriptor # All descriptors on all endpoints
]"Step 4 and 5 (first part): Establish subscription with all %d clients" % len(client_list))
for sub_idx, client in enumerate(client_list):"Establishing subscription %d/%d from controller node %s" % (sub_idx + 1, len(client_list),
sub = await client.ReadAttribute(nodeid=self.dut_node_id, attributes=subscription_contents,
reportInterval=(min_report_interval_sec, max_report_interval_sec), keepSubscriptions=False)
attribute_handler = AttributeChangeAccumulator(, expected_attribute=Clusters.BasicInformation.Attributes.NodeLabel, output=output_queue)
# TODO: Replace resubscription catcher with API to disable re-subscription on failure
resub_catcher = ResubscriptionCatcher(
asserts.assert_equal(len(self._subscriptions), len(client_list), "Must have the right number of subscriptions")
# Step 6: Read 9 paths and validate success"Step 6: Read 9 paths (first 9 attributes of Basic Information cluster) and validate success")
large_read_contents = [
large_read_paths = [(0, attrib) for attrib in large_read_contents]
basic_info = await dev_ctrl.ReadAttribute(self.dut_node_id, large_read_paths)
# Make sure everything came back from the read that we expected
asserts.assert_true(0 in basic_info.keys(), "Must have read endpoint 0 data")
asserts.assert_true(Clusters.BasicInformation in basic_info[0].keys(), "Must have read Basic Information cluster data")
for attribute in large_read_contents:
asserts.assert_true(attribute in basic_info[0][Clusters.BasicInformation],
"Must have read back attribute %s" % (attribute.__name__))
# Step 7: Trigger a change on NodeLabel
"Step 7: Change attribute with one client, await all attributes changed successfully without loss of subscriptions")
await asyncio.sleep(1)
await client_list[0].WriteAttribute(self.dut_node_id, [(0, Clusters.BasicInformation.Attributes.NodeLabel(value=AFTER_LABEL))])
all_changes = { False for client in client_list}
# Await a stabilization delay in increments to let the event loops run
start_time = time.time()
elapsed = 0
time_remaining = timeout_delay_sec
while time_remaining > 0:
item = output_queue.get(block=True, timeout=time_remaining)
client_name, endpoint, attribute, value = item['name'], item['endpoint'], item['attribute'], item['value']
# Record arrival of an expected subscription change when seen
if endpoint == 0 and attribute == Clusters.BasicInformation.Attributes.NodeLabel and value == AFTER_LABEL:
if not all_changes[client_name]:"Got expected attribute change for client %s" % client_name)
all_changes[client_name] = True
# We are done waiting when we have accumulated all results
if all(all_changes.values()):"All clients have reported, done waiting.")
except queue.Empty:
# No error, we update timeouts and keep going
elapsed = time.time() - start_time
time_remaining = timeout_delay_sec - elapsed"Step 7: Validation of results")
sub_test_failed = False
for catcher in resub_catchers:
if catcher.caught_resubscription:
logging.error("Client %s saw a resubscription" %
sub_test_failed = True
else:"Client %s correctly did not see a resubscription" %
all_reports_gotten = all(all_changes.values())
if not all_reports_gotten:
logging.error("Missing reports from the following clients: %s" %
", ".join([name for name, value in all_changes.items() if value is False]))
sub_test_failed = True
else:"Got successful reports from all clients, meaning all concurrent CASE sessions worked")
# Determine result of Step 7
if sub_test_failed:"Failed step 7 !")
# Step 8: Validate sessions have not changed by doing a read on NodeLabel from all clients"Step 8a: Read back NodeLabel directly from all clients")
for sub_idx, client in enumerate(client_list):"Reading NodeLabel (%d/%d) from controller node %s" % (sub_idx + 1, len(client_list),
label_readback = await self.read_single_attribute(client, node_id=self.dut_node_id, endpoint=0, attribute=Clusters.BasicInformation.Attributes.NodeLabel)
asserts.assert_equal(label_readback, AFTER_LABEL)
# On each client, read back the local session id for the CASE session to the DUT and ensure it's the same as that of the session established right at the
# beginning of the test. In tandem with checking that the number of sessions to the DUT is exactly one, this ensures we have not established any new CASE
# sessions in this test.
if check_local_session_id_unchanged:"Step 8b: Validate that the local CASE session ID hasn't changed")
num_failed_clients = 0
for client in client_list:
beginning_session_id = local_session_id_by_client_name[]
end_session_id = client.GetConnectedDeviceSync(self.dut_node_id).localSessionId
total_sessions = client.GetConnectedDeviceSync(self.dut_node_id).numTotalSessions
if (beginning_session_id != end_session_id):
f"Test ended with a different session ID created from what we had before for {} (total sessions = {total_sessions})")
num_failed_clients = num_failed_clients + 1
elif (total_sessions != 1):
logging.error(f"Test ended with more than 1 session for {}")
num_failed_clients = num_failed_clients + 1
if (num_failed_clients > 0):"Failed Step 8b: ({num_failed_clients} / {len(client_list)} failed)")
# Step 9: Fill user label list
if has_user_labels and not skip_user_label_cluster_steps:
await self.fill_user_label_list(dev_ctrl, self.dut_node_id)
else:"Step 9: Skipped due to no UserLabel cluster instances")
# Step 10: Count all group cluster instances
# and ensure MaxGroupsPerFabric >= 4 * counted_groups_clusters."Step 10: Validating groups support minimums")
groups_cluster_endpoints: Dict[int, Any] = await dev_ctrl.ReadAttribute(self.dut_node_id, [Clusters.Groups])
counted_groups_clusters: int = len(groups_cluster_endpoints)
# The test for Step 10 and all of Steps 11 to 14 are only performed if Groups cluster instances are found.
if counted_groups_clusters > 0:
indicated_max_groups_per_fabric: int = await self.read_single_attribute(dev_ctrl,
if indicated_max_groups_per_fabric < 4 * counted_groups_clusters:"Failed Step 10: MaxGroupsPerFabric < 4 * counted_groups_clusters")
# Step 11: Confirm MaxGroupKeysPerFabric meets the minimum requirement of 3.
indicated_max_group_keys_per_fabric: int = await self.read_single_attribute(dev_ctrl,
if indicated_max_group_keys_per_fabric < 3:"Failed Step 11: MaxGroupKeysPerFabric < 3")
# Create a list of per-fabric clients to use for filling group resources accross all fabrics.
fabric_unique_clients: List[Any] = []
for table_idx in range(len(fabric_table)):
# Client is client A for each fabric
fabric = fabric_table[table_idx]
client_name = "RD%dA" % table_idx
# Step 12: Write and verify indicated_max_group_keys_per_fabric group keys to all fabrics.
group_keys: List[List[Clusters.GroupKeyManagement.Structs.GroupKeySetStruct]] = await self.fill_and_validate_group_key_sets(
num_fabrics_to_commission, fabric_unique_clients, indicated_max_group_keys_per_fabric)
# Step 13: Write and verify indicated_max_groups_per_fabric group/key mappings for all fabrics.
# First, Generate list of unique group/key mappings
group_key_map: List[Dict[int, int]] = [{} for _ in range(num_fabrics_to_commission)]
for fabric_list_idx in range(num_fabrics_to_commission):
for group_idx in range(indicated_max_groups_per_fabric):
group_id: int = fabric_list_idx * indicated_max_groups_per_fabric + group_idx + 1
group_key_idx: int = group_idx % len(group_keys[fabric_list_idx])
group_key_map[fabric_list_idx][group_id] = group_keys[fabric_list_idx][group_key_idx].groupKeySetID
await self.fill_and_validate_group_key_map(num_fabrics_to_commission, fabric_unique_clients, group_key_map, fabric_table)
# Step 14: Add all the groups to the discovered groups-supporting endpoints and verify GroupTable
group_table_written: List[Dict[int, Clusters.GroupKeyManagement.Structs.GroupInfoMapStruct]] = await self.add_all_groups(
num_fabrics_to_commission, fabric_unique_clients, group_key_map, groups_cluster_endpoints, indicated_max_groups_per_fabric, fabric_table)
await self.validate_group_table(num_fabrics_to_commission, fabric_unique_clients, group_table_written, fabric_table)
# Read heap watermarks after the test
if check_heap_watermarks:"Read Heap info after stress test")
high_watermark_after, current_usage_after = await self.read_heap_statistics(dev_ctrl)"=== Heap Usage Diagnostics ===\nHigh watermark: {} (before) / {} (after)\n"
"Current usage: {} (before) / {} (after)".format(high_watermark_before, high_watermark_after,
current_usage_before, current_usage_after))
def random_string(self, length) -> str:
rnd = self._pseudo_random_generator
return "".join([rnd.choice("abcdef0123456789") for _ in range(length)])[:length]
async def fill_user_label_list(self, dev_ctrl, target_node_id):"Step 9: Fill UserLabel clusters on each endpoint")
user_labels = await dev_ctrl.ReadAttribute(target_node_id, [Clusters.UserLabel])
# Build 4 sets of maximized labels
random_label = self.random_string(16)
random_value = self.random_string(16)
labels = [Clusters.UserLabel.Structs.LabelStruct(label=random_label, value=random_value) for _ in range(4)]
for endpoint_id in user_labels:
clusters = user_labels[endpoint_id]
for cluster in clusters:
if cluster == Clusters.UserLabel:"Step 9a: Filling UserLabel cluster on endpoint %d" % endpoint_id)
statuses = await dev_ctrl.WriteAttribute(target_node_id, [(endpoint_id, Clusters.UserLabel.Attributes.LabelList(labels))])
asserts.assert_equal(statuses[0].Status, StatusEnum.Success, "Label write must succeed")"Step 9b: Validate UserLabel cluster contents after write on endpoint %d" % endpoint_id)
read_back_labels = await self.read_single_attribute(dev_ctrl, node_id=target_node_id, endpoint=endpoint_id, attribute=Clusters.UserLabel.Attributes.LabelList)
asserts.assert_equal(read_back_labels, labels, "LabelList attribute must match what was written")
async def fill_and_validate_group_key_sets(self,
fabrics: int,
clients: List[Any],
keys_per_fabric: int) -> List[List[Clusters.GroupKeyManagement.Structs.GroupKeySetStruct]]:
# Step 12: Write indicated_max_group_keys_per_fabric group keys to all fabrics.
group_keys: List[List[Clusters.GroupKeyManagement.Structs.GroupKeySetStruct]] = [[] for _ in range(fabrics)]
for client_idx in range(fabrics):
client: Any = clients[client_idx]
# Write, skip the IPK key set.
for group_key_cluster_idx in range(1, keys_per_fabric):
group_key_list_idx: int = group_key_cluster_idx - 1"Step 12: Setting group key on fabric %d at index '%d'" % (client_idx+1, group_key_cluster_idx))
group_keys[client_idx].append(self.build_group_key(client_idx, group_key_cluster_idx, keys_per_fabric))
await client.SendCommand(self.dut_node_id, 0, Clusters.GroupKeyManagement.Commands.KeySetWrite(group_keys[client_idx][group_key_list_idx]))
# Step 12 verification: After all the key sets were written, read all the information back.
for client_idx in range(fabrics):
client: Any = clients[client_idx]"Step 12: Reading back group keys on fabric %d" % (client_idx+1))
resp = await client.SendCommand(self.dut_node_id, 0,
read_group_key_ids: List[int] = resp.groupKeySetIDs
known_group_key_ids: List[int] = [key_set.groupKeySetID for key_set in group_keys[client_idx]]
ipk_group_key_id: Set[int] = set(read_group_key_ids) - set(known_group_key_ids)
asserts.assert_equal(keys_per_fabric, len(read_group_key_ids),
"KeySetReadAllIndicesResponse length does not match the key support indicated: %d." % (keys_per_fabric))
asserts.assert_equal(len(ipk_group_key_id), 1,
"Read more than 1 key ID that did not match written values after IPK (only expected 1 for IPK).")
return group_keys
async def fill_and_validate_group_key_map(self,
fabrics: int,
clients: List[Any],
group_key_map: List[Dict[int, int]],
fabric_table: List[Clusters.OperationalCredentials.Structs.FabricDescriptorStruct]) -> None:
# Step 13: Write and verify indicated_max_groups_per_fabric group/key mappings for all fabrics.
mapping_structs: List[List[Clusters.GroupKeyManagement.Structs.GroupKeyMapStruct]] = [[] for _ in range(fabrics)]
for client_idx in range(fabrics):
client: Any = clients[client_idx]
fabric_idx: int = fabric_table[client_idx].fabricIndex
for group in group_key_map[client_idx]:
fabricIndex=fabric_idx))"Step 13: Setting group key map on fabric %d" % (fabric_idx))
await client.WriteAttribute(self.dut_node_id, [(0, Clusters.GroupKeyManagement.Attributes.GroupKeyMap(mapping_structs[client_idx]))])
# Step 13 verification: After all the group key maps were written, read all the information back.
for client_idx in range(fabrics):
client: Any = clients[client_idx]
fabric_idx: int = fabric_table[client_idx].fabricIndex"Step 13: Reading group key map on fabric %d" % (fabric_idx))
group_key_map_readback = await self.read_single_attribute(client, node_id=self.dut_node_id, endpoint=0, attribute=Clusters.GroupKeyManagement.Attributes.GroupKeyMap)
found_entry: int = 0
for read_entry in group_key_map_readback:
if read_entry.fabricIndex != fabric_idx:
written_entry = next(entry for entry in mapping_structs[client_idx] if entry.groupId == read_entry.groupId)
found_entry += 1
asserts.assert_equal(written_entry.groupId, read_entry.groupId)
asserts.assert_equal(written_entry.groupKeySetID, read_entry.groupKeySetID)
asserts.assert_equal(written_entry.fabricIndex, read_entry.fabricIndex)
asserts.assert_equal(found_entry, len(mapping_structs[client_idx]),
"GroupKeyMap does not match the length of written data.")
async def add_all_groups(self,
fabrics: int,
clients: List[Any],
group_key_map: List[Dict[int, int]],
group_endpoints: Dict[int, Any],
groups_per_fabric: int,
fabric_table: List[Clusters.OperationalCredentials.Structs.FabricDescriptorStruct]) -> List[Dict[int, Clusters.GroupKeyManagement.Structs.GroupInfoMapStruct]]:
# Step 14: Add indicated_max_groups_per_fabric to each fabric through the Groups clusters on supporting endpoints.
written_group_table_map: List[Dict[int, Clusters.GroupKeyManagement.Structs.GroupInfoMapStruct]] = [
{} for _ in range(fabrics)]
for client_idx in range(fabrics):
client: Any = clients[client_idx]
fabric_idx: int = fabric_table[client_idx].fabricIndex
base_groups_per_endpoint: int = math.floor(groups_per_fabric / len(group_endpoints))
groups_remainder: int = groups_per_fabric % len(group_endpoints)
fabric_group_index: int = 0
for endpoint_id in group_endpoints:
groups_to_add: int = base_groups_per_endpoint + groups_remainder
groups_remainder -= 1
feature_map: int = await self.read_single_attribute(client,
name_featrure_bit: int = 0
name_supported: bool = (feature_map & (1 << name_featrure_bit)) != 0
# Write groups to cluster
for group_id in group_key_map[client_idx]:
group_name: str = self.random_string(16) if name_supported else ""
command: Clusters.Groups.Commands.AddGroup = Clusters.Groups.Commands.AddGroup(
groupID=group_id, groupName=group_name)
written_group_table_map[client_idx][group_id] = Clusters.GroupKeyManagement.Structs.GroupInfoMapStruct(groupId=group_id,
add_response: Clusters.Groups.Commands.AddGroupResponse = await client.SendCommand(self.dut_node_id, endpoint_id, command,
asserts.assert_equal(StatusEnum.Success, add_response.status)
asserts.assert_equal(group_id, add_response.groupID)
# for endpoint_id in group_endpoints
fabric_group_index += groups_to_add
return written_group_table_map
async def validate_group_table(self,
fabrics: int,
clients: List[Any],
group_table_written: List[Dict[int, Clusters.GroupKeyManagement.Structs.GroupInfoMapStruct]],
fabric_table: List[Clusters.OperationalCredentials.Structs.FabricDescriptorStruct]) -> None:
for client_idx in range(fabrics):
client: Any = clients[client_idx]
fabric_idx: int = fabric_table[client_idx].fabricIndex
group_table_read: List[Clusters.GroupKeyManagement.Attributes.GroupTable] = await self.read_single_attribute(
client, node_id=self.dut_node_id, endpoint=0, attribute=Clusters.GroupKeyManagement.Attributes.GroupTable)
found_groups: int = 0
for read_entry in group_table_read:
if read_entry.fabricIndex != fabric_idx:
found_groups += 1
asserts.assert_in(read_entry.groupId, group_table_written[client_idx], "Group missing from group map")
written_entry: Clusters.GroupKeyManagement.Structs.GroupInfoMapStruct = group_table_written[
asserts.assert_equal(written_entry.groupId, read_entry.groupId)
asserts.assert_equal(written_entry.endpoints, read_entry.endpoints)
asserts.assert_equal(written_entry.groupName, read_entry.groupName)
asserts.assert_equal(written_entry.fabricIndex, read_entry.fabricIndex)
asserts.assert_equal(found_groups, len(group_table_written[client_idx]),
"Found group count does not match written value.")
def build_acl(self):
acl = []
# Test says:
# . struct
# - Privilege field: Administer (5)
# - AuthMode field: CASE (2)
# - Subjects field: [0xFFFF_FFFD_0001_0001, 0x2000_0000_0000_0001, 0x2000_0000_0000_0002, 0x2000_0000_0000_0003]
# - Targets field: [{Endpoint: 0}, {Cluster: 0xFFF1_FC00, DeviceType: 0xFFF1_FC30}, {Cluster: 0xFFF1_FC00, DeviceType: 0xFFF1_FC31}]
# . struct
# - Privilege field: Manage (4)
# - AuthMode field: CASE (2)
# - Subjects field: [0x1000_0000_0000_0001, 0x1000_0000_0000_0002, 0x1000_0000_0000_0003, 0x1000_0000_0000_0004]
# - Targets field: [{Cluster: 0xFFF1_FC00, DeviceType: 0xFFF1_FC20}, {Cluster: 0xFFF1_FC01, DeviceType: 0xFFF1_FC21}, {Cluster: 0xFFF1_FC02, DeviceType: 0xFFF1_FC22}]
# . struct
# - Privilege field: Operate (3)
# - AuthMode field: CASE (2)
# - Subjects field: [0x3000_0000_0000_0001, 0x3000_0000_0000_0002, 0x3000_0000_0000_0003, 0x3000_0000_0000_0004]
# - Targets field: [{Cluster: 0xFFF1_FC40, DeviceType: 0xFFF1_FC20}, {Cluster: 0xFFF1_FC41, DeviceType: 0xFFF1_FC21}, {Cluster: 0xFFF1_FC02, DeviceType: 0xFFF1_FC42}]
# . struct
# - Privilege field: View (1)
# - AuthMode field: CASE (2)
# - Subjects field: [0x4000_0000_0000_0001, 0x4000_0000_0000_0002, 0x4000_0000_0000_0003, 0x4000_0000_0000_0004]
# - Targets field: [{Cluster: 0xFFF1_FC80, DeviceType: 0xFFF1_FC20}, {Cluster: 0xFFF1_FC81, DeviceType: 0xFFF1_FC21}, {Cluster: 0xFFF1_FC82, DeviceType: 0xFFF1_FC22}]
# Administer ACL entry
admin_subjects = [0xFFFF_FFFD_0001_0001, 0x2000_0000_0000_0001, 0x2000_0000_0000_0002, 0x2000_0000_0000_0003]
admin_targets = [
Clusters.AccessControl.Structs.Target(cluster=0xFFF1_FC00, deviceType=0xFFF1_BC30),
Clusters.AccessControl.Structs.Target(cluster=0xFFF1_FC01, deviceType=0xFFF1_BC31)
admin_acl_entry = Clusters.AccessControl.Structs.AccessControlEntryStruct(privilege=Clusters.AccessControl.Enums.AccessControlEntryPrivilegeEnum.kAdminister,
# Manage ACL entry
manage_subjects = [0x1000_0000_0000_0001, 0x1000_0000_0000_0002, 0x1000_0000_0000_0003, 0x1000_0000_0000_0004]
manage_targets = [
Clusters.AccessControl.Structs.Target(cluster=0xFFF1_FC00, deviceType=0xFFF1_BC20),
Clusters.AccessControl.Structs.Target(cluster=0xFFF1_FC01, deviceType=0xFFF1_BC21),
Clusters.AccessControl.Structs.Target(cluster=0xFFF1_FC02, deviceType=0xFFF1_BC22)
manage_acl_entry = Clusters.AccessControl.Structs.AccessControlEntryStruct(privilege=Clusters.AccessControl.Enums.AccessControlEntryPrivilegeEnum.kManage,
# Operate ACL entry
operate_subjects = [0x3000_0000_0000_0001, 0x3000_0000_0000_0002, 0x3000_0000_0000_0003, 0x3000_0000_0000_0004]
operate_targets = [
Clusters.AccessControl.Structs.Target(cluster=0xFFF1_FC40, deviceType=0xFFF1_BC20),
Clusters.AccessControl.Structs.Target(cluster=0xFFF1_FC41, deviceType=0xFFF1_BC21),
Clusters.AccessControl.Structs.Target(cluster=0xFFF1_FC42, deviceType=0xFFF1_BC42)
operate_acl_entry = Clusters.AccessControl.Structs.AccessControlEntryStruct(privilege=Clusters.AccessControl.Enums.AccessControlEntryPrivilegeEnum.kOperate,
# View ACL entry
view_subjects = [0x4000_0000_0000_0001, 0x4000_0000_0000_0002, 0x4000_0000_0000_0003, 0x4000_0000_0000_0004]
view_targets = [
Clusters.AccessControl.Structs.Target(cluster=0xFFF1_FC80, deviceType=0xFFF1_BC20),
Clusters.AccessControl.Structs.Target(cluster=0xFFF1_FC81, deviceType=0xFFF1_BC21),
Clusters.AccessControl.Structs.Target(cluster=0xFFF1_FC82, deviceType=0xFFF1_BC22)
view_acl_entry = Clusters.AccessControl.Structs.AccessControlEntryStruct(privilege=Clusters.AccessControl.Enums.AccessControlEntryPrivilegeEnum.kView,
return acl
def build_group_key(self, fabric_index: int, group_key_index: int, keys_per_fabric: int) -> Clusters.GroupKeyManagement.Structs.GroupKeySetStruct:
asserts.assert_not_equal(group_key_index, 0, "TH Internal Error: IPK key set index (0) should not be re-generated.")
# groupKeySetID is definted as uint16 in the Matter specification.
# To easily test that the stored values are unique, unique values are created accross all fabrics.
# However, it is only required that values be unique within a fabric according to the specifiction.
# If a device ever provides over 65535 total key sets, then this will need to be updated.
set_id: int = fabric_index*keys_per_fabric + group_key_index
set_id, 0xFFFF, "Invalid Key Set ID. This may be a limitation of the test harness, not the device under test.")
return Clusters.GroupKeyManagement.Structs.GroupKeySetStruct(groupKeySetID=set_id,
epochStartTime0=(set_id * 4),
epochStartTime1=(set_id * 4 + 1),
epochStartTime2=(set_id * 4 + 2))
async def read_heap_statistics(self, dev_ctrl):
diagnostics_contents = [
diagnostics_paths = [(0, attrib) for attrib in diagnostics_contents]
swdiag_info = await dev_ctrl.ReadAttribute(self.dut_node_id, diagnostics_paths)
# Make sure everything came back from the read that we expected
asserts.assert_true(0 in swdiag_info.keys(), "Must have read endpoint 0 data")
asserts.assert_true(Clusters.SoftwareDiagnostics in swdiag_info[0].keys(
), "Must have read Software Diagnostics cluster data")
for attribute in diagnostics_contents:
asserts.assert_true(attribute in swdiag_info[0][Clusters.SoftwareDiagnostics],
"Must have read back attribute %s" % (attribute.__name__))
high_watermark = swdiag_info[0][Clusters.SoftwareDiagnostics][Clusters.SoftwareDiagnostics.Attributes.CurrentHeapHighWatermark]
current_usage = swdiag_info[0][Clusters.SoftwareDiagnostics][Clusters.SoftwareDiagnostics.Attributes.CurrentHeapUsed]
return high_watermark, current_usage
if __name__ == "__main__":
default_matter_test_main(maximize_cert_chains=True, controller_cat_tags=[0x0001_0001])