blob: c833bf648724bb19ce8959f8c11159c41d3d0cef [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2024 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <app/util/af-types.h>
#include <app/util/att-storage.h>
#include <app/util/attribute-metadata.h>
#include <app/util/config.h>
#include <app/util/endpoint-config-defines.h>
#include <lib/support/CodeUtils.h>
#include <app-common/zap-generated/attribute-type.h>
#include <app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h>
// NOTE: direct include here even though app/util/config.h is the public header,
// because MAX_ENDPOINT_COUNT needs FIXED_ENDPOINT_COUNT definitions.
#include <zap-generated/endpoint_config.h>
static constexpr uint16_t kEmberInvalidEndpointIndex = 0xFFFF;
// If we have fixed number of endpoints, then max is the same.
#define DECLARE_DYNAMIC_ENDPOINT(endpointName, clusterList) \
EmberAfEndpointType endpointName = { clusterList, ArraySize(clusterList), 0 }
#define DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLUSTER_LIST_BEGIN(clusterListName) EmberAfCluster clusterListName[] = {
// The role argument should be used to determine whether cluster works as a server or a client.
// It can be assigned with the ZAP_CLUSTER_MASK(SERVER) or ZAP_CLUSTER_MASK(CLUSTER) values.
#define DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLUSTER(clusterId, clusterAttrs, role, incomingCommands, outgoingCommands) \
{ \
clusterId, clusterAttrs, ArraySize(clusterAttrs), 0, role, NULL, incomingCommands, outgoingCommands \
#define DECLARE_DYNAMIC_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_BEGIN(attrListName) EmberAfAttributeMetadata attrListName[] = {
{ \
} /* cluster revision */ \
// The attrMask must contain the relevant ATTRIBUTE_MASK_* bits from
// attribute-metadata.h. Specifically:
// * Writable attributes must have ATTRIBUTE_MASK_WRITABLE
// * Nullable attributes (have X in the quality column in the spec) must have ATTRIBUTE_MASK_NULLABLE
// * Attributes that have T in the Access column in the spec must have ATTRIBUTE_MASK_MUST_USE_TIMED_WRITE
#define DECLARE_DYNAMIC_ATTRIBUTE(attId, attType, attSizeBytes, attrMask) \
{ \
* @brief locate attribute metadata
* Function returns pointer to the attribute metadata structure,
* or NULL if attribute was not found.
* @param endpoint Zigbee endpoint number.
* @param clusterId Cluster ID of the sought cluster.
* @param attributeId Attribute ID of the sought attribute.
* @return Returns pointer to the attribute metadata location.
const EmberAfAttributeMetadata * emberAfLocateAttributeMetadata(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId clusterId,
chip::AttributeId attributeId);
* @brief Returns true if endpoint contains the ZCL server with specified id.
* This function returns true if
* the endpoint contains server of a given cluster.
bool emberAfContainsServer(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId clusterId);
* @brief Returns true if endpoint of given index contains the ZCL server with specified id.
* This function returns true if
* the endpoint of given index contains server of a given cluster.
* If this function is used with a manufacturer specific clusterId
* then this will return the first cluster that it finds in the Cluster table.
* and will not return any other clusters that share that id.
bool emberAfContainsServerFromIndex(uint16_t index, chip::ClusterId clusterId);
* @brief Returns true if endpoint contains the ZCL client with specified id.
* This function returns true if
* the endpoint contains client of a given cluster.
bool emberAfContainsClient(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId clusterId);
* @brief macro that returns size of attribute in bytes.
* @param metadata EmberAfAttributeMetadata* to consider.
#define emberAfAttributeSize(metadata) ((metadata)->size)
* Returns the index of a given endpoint. Will return 0xFFFF if this is not a
* valid endpoint id or if the endpoint is disabled.
uint16_t emberAfIndexFromEndpoint(chip::EndpointId endpoint);
* @brief Returns parent endpoint for a given endpoint index
chip::EndpointId emberAfParentEndpointFromIndex(uint16_t index);
* @brief Returns the index of the given endpoint in the list of all endpoints that might support the given cluster server.
* Returns kEmberInvalidEndpointIndex if the given endpoint does not support the
* given cluster or if the given endpoint is disabled.
* This function always returns the same index for a given endpointId instance, fixed or dynamic.
* The return index for fixed endpoints will range from 0 to (fixedClusterServerEndpointCount - 1),
* For dynamic endpoints the indexing assumes that any dynamic endpoint could start supporting
* the given server cluster and their index will range from fixedClusterServerEndpointCount to
* (fixedClusterServerEndpointCount + CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_DYNAMIC_ENDPOINT_COUNT - 1).
* For example, if a device has 4 fixed endpoints (ids 0-3) and 2 dynamic
* endpoints, and cluster X is supported on endpoints 1 and 3, then
* fixedClusterServerEndpointCount should be 2 and
* 1) emberAfGetClusterServerEndpointIndex(0, X) returns kEmberInvalidEndpointIndex
* 2) emberAfGetClusterServerEndpointIndex(1, X) returns 0
* 3) emberAfGetClusterServerEndpointIndex(2, X) returns kEmberInvalidEndpointIndex
* 4) emberAfGetClusterServerEndpointIndex(3, X) returns 1
* The Dynamic endpoints are placed after the fixed ones;
* therefore their return index will always be >= to fixedClusterServerEndpointCount
* If a dynamic endpoint, supporting cluster X, is defined to dynamic index 1 with endpoint id 7,
* (via emberAfSetDynamicEndpoint(1, 7, ...))
* then emberAfGetClusterServerEndpointIndex(7, X) returns 3 (fixedClusterServerEndpointCount{2} + DynamicEndpointIndex {1}).
* If now a second dynamic endpoint, also supporting cluster X, is defined to dynamic index 0
* with endpoint id 9 (via emberAfSetDynamicEndpoint(0, 9, ...)),
* emberAfGetClusterServerEndpointIndex(9, X) returns 2. (fixedClusterServerEndpointCount{2} + DynamicEndpointIndex {0}).
* and emberAfGetClusterServerEndpointIndex(7, X) still returns 3
* @param endpoint Endpoint number
* @param cluster Id the of the Cluster server you are interrested on
* @param fixedClusterServerEndpointCount The number of fixed endpoints containing this cluster server. Typically one of the
uint16_t emberAfGetClusterServerEndpointIndex(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId cluster,
uint16_t fixedClusterServerEndpointCount);
* Returns the pointer to the data version storage for the given endpoint and
* cluster. Can return null in the following cases:
* 1) There is no such endpoint.
* 2) There is no such server cluster on the given endpoint.
* 3) No storage for a data version was provided for the endpoint.
chip::DataVersion * emberAfDataVersionStorage(const chip::app::ConcreteClusterPath & aConcreteClusterPath);
* @brief Returns the number of pre-compiled endpoints.
uint16_t emberAfFixedEndpointCount();
* Get the semantic tags of the endpoint.
* Fills in the provided SemanticTagStruct with tag at index `index` if there is one,
* or returns CHIP_ERROR_NOT_FOUND if the index is out of range for the list of tag,
* or returns CHIP_ERROR_NOT_FOUND if the endpoint is invalid.
* @param endpoint The target endpoint.
* @param index The index of the tag, with 0 representing the first tag.
* @param tag The SemanticTagStruct is filled.
CHIP_ERROR GetSemanticTagForEndpointAtIndex(chip::EndpointId endpoint, size_t index,
chip::app::Clusters::Descriptor::Structs::SemanticTagStruct::Type & tag);
// Override the tag list current associated with an endpoint with a user-provided list. The buffers backing
// that list have to live as long as the endpoint is enabled.
// NOTE: It is the application's responsibility to free the existing list that is being replaced if needed.
CHIP_ERROR SetTagList(chip::EndpointId endpoint,
chip::Span<const chip::app::Clusters::Descriptor::Structs::SemanticTagStruct::Type> tagList);
// Returns number of clusters put into the passed cluster list
// for the given endpoint and client/server polarity
uint8_t emberAfGetClustersFromEndpoint(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId * clusterList, uint8_t listLen, bool server);
// Note the difference in for server filtering.
// This method will return the cluster count for BOTH client and server
// and those do NOT work with NthCluster/NthClusterId
// - Use emberAfGetClustersFromEndpoint() with emberAfGetNthCluster() emberAfGetNthClusterId()
uint8_t emberAfGetClusterCountForEndpoint(chip::EndpointId endpoint);
// Check if a cluster is implemented or not. If yes, the cluster is returned.
// mask = 0 -> find either client or server
// mask = CLUSTER_MASK_CLIENT -> find client
// mask = CLUSTER_MASK_SERVER -> find server
// If a pointer to an index is provided, it will be updated to point to the relative index of the cluster
// within the set of clusters that match the mask criteria.
const EmberAfCluster * emberAfFindClusterInType(const EmberAfEndpointType * endpointType, chip::ClusterId clusterId,
EmberAfClusterMask mask, uint8_t * index = nullptr);
// Initial configuration
void emberAfEndpointConfigure();
// Register a dynamic endpoint. This involves registering descriptors that describe
// the composition of the endpoint (encapsulated in the 'ep' argument) as well as providing
// storage for data versions.
// dataVersionStorage.size() needs to be at least as large as the number of
// server clusters on this endpoint. If it's not, the endpoint will not be able
// to store data versions, which may break consumers.
// The memory backing dataVersionStorage needs to remain allocated until this dynamic
// endpoint is cleared.
// An optional device type list can be passed in as well. If provided, the memory
// backing the list needs to remain allocated until this dynamic endpoint is cleared.
// An optional parent endpoint id should be passed for child endpoints of composed device.
// Returns CHIP_NO_ERROR No error.
// CHIP_ERROR_NO_MEMORY MAX_ENDPOINT_COUNT is reached or when no storage is left for clusters
// CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT The EndpointId value passed is kInvalidEndpointId
// CHIP_ERROR_ENDPOINT_EXISTS If the EndpointId value passed already exists
CHIP_ERROR emberAfSetDynamicEndpoint(uint16_t index, chip::EndpointId id, const EmberAfEndpointType * ep,
const chip::Span<chip::DataVersion> & dataVersionStorage,
chip::Span<const EmberAfDeviceType> deviceTypeList = {},
chip::EndpointId parentEndpointId = chip::kInvalidEndpointId);
chip::EndpointId emberAfClearDynamicEndpoint(uint16_t index);
uint16_t emberAfGetDynamicIndexFromEndpoint(chip::EndpointId id);
* @brief Loads attribute defaults and any non-volatile attributes stored
* @param endpoint EnpointId. Use chip::kInvalidEndpointId to initialize all endpoints
void emberAfInitializeAttributes(chip::EndpointId endpoint);
// If server == true, returns the number of server clusters,
// otherwise number of client clusters on this endpoint
uint8_t emberAfClusterCount(chip::EndpointId endpoint, bool server);
// If server == true, returns the number of server clusters,
// otherwise number of client clusters on the endpoint at the given index.
uint8_t emberAfClusterCountForEndpointType(const EmberAfEndpointType * endpointType, bool server);
// Returns the cluster of Nth server or client cluster,
// depending on server toggle.
const EmberAfCluster * emberAfGetNthCluster(chip::EndpointId endpoint, uint8_t n, bool server);
// Retrieve the device type list associated with a specific endpoint.
chip::Span<const EmberAfDeviceType> emberAfDeviceTypeListFromEndpoint(chip::EndpointId endpoint, CHIP_ERROR & err);
chip::Span<const EmberAfDeviceType> emberAfDeviceTypeListFromEndpointIndex(unsigned endpointIndex, CHIP_ERROR & err);
// Override the device type list current associated with an endpoint with a user-provided list. The buffers backing
// that list have to live as long as the endpoint is enabled.
// NOTE: It is the application's responsibility to free the existing list that is being replaced if needed.
CHIP_ERROR emberAfSetDeviceTypeList(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::Span<const EmberAfDeviceType> deviceTypeList);
/// Returns a change listener that uses the global InteractionModelEngine
/// instance to report dirty paths
chip::app::AttributesChangedListener * emberAfGlobalInteractionModelAttributesChangedListener();
/// Mark the given attribute as having changed:
/// - increases the cluster data version for the given cluster
/// - uses `listener` to `MarkDirty` the given path. This is typically done to mark an
/// attribute as dirty within the matter attribute reporting engine, so that subscriptions
/// receive updated attribute values for a cluster.
/// This is a convenience function to make it clear when a `emberAfDataVersionStorage` increase
/// and a `AttributesChangeListener::MarkDirty` always occur in lock-step.
void emberAfAttributeChanged(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId clusterId, chip::AttributeId attributeId,
chip::app::AttributesChangedListener * listener);
/// Mark attributes on the given endpoint as having changed.
/// Schedules reporting engine to consider the endpoint dirty, however does NOT increase/alter
/// any cluster data versions.
void emberAfEndpointChanged(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::app::AttributesChangedListener * listener);
/// Maintains a increasing index of structural changes within ember
/// that determine if existing "indexes" and metadata pointers within ember
/// are still valid or not.
/// Changes to metadata structure (e.g. endpoint enable/disable and dynamic endpoint changes)
/// are reflected in this generation count changing.
unsigned emberAfMetadataStructureGeneration();
namespace chip {
namespace app {
class EnabledEndpointsWithServerCluster
EnabledEndpointsWithServerCluster(ClusterId clusterId);
// Instead of having a separate Iterator class, optimize for codesize by
// just reusing ourselves as our own iterator. We could do a bit better
// here with C++17 and using a different type for the end iterator, but this
// is the best I've found with C++14 so far.
// This does mean that you can only iterate a given
// EnabledEndpointsWithServerCluster once, but that's OK given how we use it
// in practice.
EnabledEndpointsWithServerCluster & begin() { return *this; }
const EnabledEndpointsWithServerCluster & end() const { return *this; }
bool operator!=(const EnabledEndpointsWithServerCluster & other) const { return mEndpointIndex != mEndpointCount; }
EnabledEndpointsWithServerCluster & operator++();
EndpointId operator*() const;
void EnsureMatchingEndpoint();
uint16_t mEndpointIndex = 0;
uint16_t mEndpointCount = 0;
ClusterId mClusterId;
* @brief Sets the parent endpoint for a given endpoint
CHIP_ERROR SetParentEndpointForEndpoint(EndpointId childEndpoint, EndpointId parentEndpoint);
* @brief Sets an Endpoint to use Flat Composition
CHIP_ERROR SetFlatCompositionForEndpoint(EndpointId endpoint);
* @brief Sets an Endpoint to use Tree Composition
CHIP_ERROR SetTreeCompositionForEndpoint(EndpointId endpoint);
* @brief Returns true is an Endpoint has flat composition
bool IsFlatCompositionForEndpoint(EndpointId endpoint);
* @brief Returns true is an Endpoint has tree composition
bool IsTreeCompositionForEndpoint(EndpointId endpoint);
enum class EndpointComposition : uint8_t
* @brief Returns the composition for a given endpoint index
EndpointComposition GetCompositionForEndpointIndex(uint16_t index);
} // namespace app
} // namespace chip