blob: 43aac026a5b488cd0feebf96729dc421a9140f9b [file] [log] [blame]
// Enum for {{label}}
enum class {{asType label}} : {{asUnderlyingZclType name}} {
k{{asUpperCamelCase label}} = {{asHex value 2}},
{{#unless (isInConfigList (concat ns "::" label) "EnumsNotUsedAsTypeInXML")}}
// All received enum values that are not listed above will be mapped
// to kUnknownEnumValue. This is a helper enum value that should only
// be used by code to process how it handles receiving and unknown
// enum value. This specific should never be transmitted.
kUnknownEnumValue = {{first_unused_enum_value mode="first_unused"}},
// kUnknownEnumValue intentionally not defined. This enum never goes
// through DataModel::Decode, likely because it is a part of a derived
// cluster. As a result having kUnknownEnumValue in this enum is error
// prone, and was removed. See
// src/app/common/templates/config-data.yaml.