blob: 3e03f1fe141be9df38e6516c212a6fab183a1e22 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _nrf52840_pca10059:
Zephyr applications use the nrf52840_pca10059 board configuration
to run on the nRF52840 PCA10059 (USB Dongle) hardware. It provides
support for the Nordic Semiconductor nRF52840 ARM Cortex-M4F CPU and
the following devices:
* :abbr:`NVIC (Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller)`
* :abbr:`RTC (nRF RTC System Clock)`
* RADIO (Bluetooth Low Energy)
.. figure:: img/nrf52840_pca10059.jpg
:width: 442px
:align: center
:alt: nRF52840 Dongle
nRF52840 PCA10059
More information about the board can be found at the
`nRF52840 Dongle website`_. The `Nordic Semiconductor Infocenter`_
contains the processor's information and the datasheet.
The ``nrf52840_pca10059`` has two external oscillators. The frequency of
the slow clock is 32.768 kHz. The frequency of the main clock
is 32 MHz.
Supported Features
The ``nrf52840_pca10059`` board configuration supports the following
hardware features:
| Interface | Controller | Driver/Component |
| NVIC | on-chip | nested vectored |
| | | interrupt controller |
| RTC | on-chip | system clock |
| GPIO | on-chip | gpio |
| FLASH | on-chip | flash |
| RADIO | on-chip | Bluetooth |
Other hardware features are not supported by the Zephyr kernel.
See `nRF52840 Dongle website`_ and `Nordic Semiconductor Infocenter`_
for a complete list of nRF52840 PCA10059 Development Kit board hardware features.
Connections and IOs
* LED0 (green) = P0.6
* LED1 (red) = P0.8
* LED1 (green) = P1.9
* LED1 (blue) = P0.12
Push buttons
* BUTTON1 = SW1 = P1.6
* RESET = SW2 = P0.18
Programming and Debugging
Applications for the ``nrf52840_pca10059`` board configuration can be
built in the usual way (see :ref:`build_an_application` for more details);
however, an external debugger IC is necessary to program the device,
and the standard debugging targets are not currently available.
Flashing Zephyr onto the ``nrf52840_pca10059`` board requires an external
J-Link programmer. The programmer is attached to the SWD header on the back
side of the board.
Follow the instructions in the :ref:`nordic_segger` page to install
and configure all the necessary software. Further information can be
found in :ref:`nordic_segger_flashing`. Then build and flash
applications as usual (see :ref:`build_an_application` and
:ref:`application_run` for more details).
Here is an example for the :ref:`blinky-sample` application.
.. zephyr-app-commands::
:zephyr-app: samples/basic/blinky
:board: nrf52840_pca10059
:goals: build flash
Observe the LED on the board blinking.
The ``nrf52840_pca10059`` board does not have an on-board J-Link debug IC
as some nRF5x development boards, however, instructions from the
:ref:`nordic_segger` page also apply to this board, with the additional step
of connecting an external debugger.
Testing the LEDs and buttons on the nRF52840 PCA10059
There are 2 samples that allow you to test that the buttons (switches) and LEDs on
the board are working properly with Zephyr:
* :ref:`blinky-sample`
You can build and program the examples to make sure Zephyr is running correctly on
your board. The button and LED definitions can be found in :file:`boards/arm/nrf52840_pca10059/board.h`.
.. target-notes::
.. _nRF52840 Dongle website:
.. _Nordic Semiconductor Infocenter:
.. _J-Link Software and documentation pack: