blob: ba2a31c4ebd13872e0afa10cd1e6cd1cdc6734f6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015 Wind River Systems, Inc.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <ztest.h>
void test_intmath(void)
* Declaring volatile so the compiler doesn't try to optimize any
* of the math away at build time
volatile u64_t bignum, ba, bb;
volatile u32_t num, a, b;
ba = 0x00000012ABCDEF12ULL;
bb = 0x0000001000000111ULL;
bignum = ba * bb;
zassert_true((bignum == 0xbcdf0509369bf232ULL), "64-bit multiplication failed");
a = 30000;
b = 5872;
num = a * b;
zassert_true((num == 176160000), "32-bit multiplication failed");
a = 234424432;
b = 98982;
num = a / b;
zassert_true((num == 2368), "32-bit division failed");