blob: 7e2a1aec8a3e5daa24bae38f22c82fd2428ea49c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <zephyr/sys/util.h>
#include <zephyr/kernel.h>
/** @internal Internal ID's to distinguish context type. */
/** @brief Descriptor of a k_timer handler execution context.
* The handler is executed in the k_timer handler context which typically means
* interrupt context. This context will preempt any other used in the set.
* @note There can only be up to one k_timer context in the set and it must be the
* first argument of @ref ZTRESS_EXECUTE.
* @param handler User handler of type @ref ztress_handler.
* @param user_data User data passed to the @p handler.
* @param exec_cnt Number of handler executions to complete the test. If 0 then
* this is not included in completion criteria.
* @param init_timeout Initial backoff time base (given in @ref k_timeout_t). It
* is adjusted during the test to optimize CPU load. The actual timeout used for
* the timer is randomized.
#define ZTRESS_TIMER(handler, user_data, exec_cnt, init_timeout) \
(ZTRESS_ID_K_TIMER, handler, user_data, exec_cnt, 0, init_timeout)
/** @brief Descriptor of a thread execution context.
* The handler is executed in the thread context. The priority of the thread is
* determined based on the order in which contexts are listed in @ref ZTRESS_EXECUTE.
* @note thread sleeps for random amount of time. Additionally, the thread busy-waits
* for a random length of time to further increase randomization in the test.
* @param handler User handler of type @ref ztress_handler.
* @param user_data User data passed to the @p handler.
* @param exec_cnt Number of handler executions to complete the test. If 0 then
* this is not included in completion criteria.
* @param preempt_cnt Number of preemptions of that context to complete the test.
* If 0 then this is not included in completion criteria.
* @param init_timeout Initial backoff time base (given in @ref k_timeout_t). It
* is adjusted during the test to optimize CPU load. The actual timeout used for
* sleeping is randomized.
#define ZTRESS_THREAD(handler, user_data, exec_cnt, preempt_cnt, init_timeout) \
(ZTRESS_ID_THREAD, handler, user_data, exec_cnt, preempt_cnt, init_timeout)
/** @brief User handler called in one of the configured contexts.
* @param user_data User data provided in the context descriptor.
* @param cnt Current execution counter. Counted from 0.
* @param last Flag set to true indicates that it is the last execution because
* completion criteria are met, test timed out or was aborted.
* @param prio Context priority counting from 0 which indicates the highest priority.
* @retval true continue test.
* @retval false stop executing the current context.
typedef bool (*ztress_handler)(void *user_data, uint32_t cnt, bool last, int prio);
/** @internal Context structure. */
struct ztress_context_data {
/* Handler. */
ztress_handler handler;
/* User data */
void *user_data;
/* Minimum number of executions to complete the test. */
uint32_t exec_cnt;
/* Minimum number of preemptions to complete the test. Valid only for
* thread context.
uint32_t preempt_cnt;
/* Initial timeout. */
k_timeout_t t;
/** @brief Initialize context structure.
* For argument types see @ref ztress_context_data. For more details see
* @param _handler Handler.
* @param _user_data User data passed to the handler.
* @param _exec_cnt Execution count limit.
* @param _preempt_cnt Preemption count limit.
* @param _t Initial timeout.
#define ZTRESS_CONTEXT_INITIALIZER(_handler, _user_data, _exec_cnt, _preempt_cnt, _t) \
{ \
.handler = (_handler), \
.user_data = (_user_data), \
.exec_cnt = (_exec_cnt), \
.preempt_cnt = (_preempt_cnt), \
.t = (_t) \
/** @internal Strip first argument (context type) and call struct initializer. */
#define Z_ZTRESS_GET_HANDLER_DATA2(_, ...) \
/** @internal Macro for initializing context data. */
/** @internal Macro for checking if provided context is a timer context. */
#define Z_ZTRESS_HAS_TIMER(data, ...) \
/** @internal If context descriptor is @ref ZTRESS_TIMER, it returns index of that
* descriptor in the list of arguments.
#define Z_ZTRESS_TIMER_IDX(idx, data) \
((GET_ARG_N(1, __DEBRACKET data)) == ZTRESS_ID_K_TIMER ? idx : 0)
/** @intenal Macro validates that @ref ZTRESS_TIMER context is not used except for
* the first item in the list of contexts.
"There can only be up to one ZTRESS_TIMER context and it must " \
"be the first in the list")
/** @brief Setup and run stress test.
* It initialises all contexts and calls @ref ztress_execute.
* @param ... List of contexts. Contexts are configured using @ref ZTRESS_TIMER
* and @ref ZTRESS_THREAD macros. @ref ZTRESS_TIMER must be the first argument if
* used. Each thread context has an assigned priority. The priority is assigned in
* a descending order (first listed thread context has the highest priority). The
* number of supported thread contexts is configurable in Kconfig.
#define ZTRESS_EXECUTE(...) do { \
int has_timer = Z_ZTRESS_HAS_TIMER(__VA_ARGS__); \
struct ztress_context_data data[] = { \
}; \
size_t cnt = ARRAY_SIZE(data) - has_timer; \
int err = ztress_execute(has_timer ? &data[0] : NULL, &data[has_timer], cnt); \
zassert_equal(err, 0, "ztress_execute failed (err: %d)", err); \
} while (0)
/** Execute contexts.
* The test runs until all completion requirements are met or until the test times out
* (use @ref ztress_set_timeout to configure timeout) or until the test is aborted
* (@ref ztress_abort).
* on test completion a report is printed (@ref ztress_report is called internally).
* @param timer_data Timer context. NULL if timer context is not used.
* @param thread_data List of thread contexts descriptors in priority descending order.
* @param cnt Number of thread contexts.
* @retval -EINVAL If configuration is invalid.
* @retval 0 if test is successfully performed.
int ztress_execute(struct ztress_context_data *timer_data,
struct ztress_context_data *thread_data,
size_t cnt);
/** @brief Abort ongoing stress test. */
void ztress_abort(void);
/** @brief Set test timeout.
* Test is terminated after timeout disregarding completion criteria. Setting
* is persistent between executions.
* @param t Timeout.
void ztress_set_timeout(k_timeout_t t);
/** @brief Print last test report.
* Report contains number of executions and preemptions for each context, initial
* and adjusted timeouts and CPU load during the test.
void ztress_report(void);
/** @brief Get number of executions of a given context in the last test.
* @param id Context id. 0 means the highest priority.
* @return Number of executions.
int ztress_exec_count(uint32_t id);
/** @brief Get number of preemptions of a given context in the last test.
* @param id Context id. 0 means the highest priority.
* @return Number of preemptions.
int ztress_preempt_count(uint32_t id);
/** @brief Get optimized timeout base of a given context in the last test.
* Optimized value can be used to update initial value. It will improve the test
* since optimal CPU load will be reach immediately.
* @param id Context id. 0 means the highest priority.
* @return Optimized timeout base.
uint32_t ztress_optimized_ticks(uint32_t id);