blob: 4ac623efe2f420815d3bb587d3d6b866008f3b1d [file] [log] [blame]
.. zephyr:board:: actinius_icarus
The Icarus is a cost-effective cellular IoT board in Adafruit's Feather/FeatherWing
form factor. It is built around Nordic Semi's nRF9160 modem and combines
LTE-M, NB-IoT, GPS, accelerometer, USB, LiPo charger as well as
an eSIM and a nano SIM connector.
The main uController is the Nordic Semiconductor nRF9160, with
ARM Cortex-M33F CPU, ARMv8-M Security Extension and the
following devices (provided directly by Nordic):
* :abbr:`ADC (Analog to Digital Converter)`
* :abbr:`GPIO (General Purpose Input Output)`
* :abbr:`I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit)`
* :abbr:`MPU (Memory Protection Unit)`
* :abbr:`NVIC (Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller)`
* :abbr:`PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)`
* :abbr:`RTC (nRF RTC System Clock)`
* Segger RTT (RTT Console)
* :abbr:`SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface)`
* :abbr:`UARTE (Universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter with EasyDMA)`
* :abbr:`WDT (Watchdog Timer)`
* :abbr:`IDAU (Implementation Defined Attribution Unit)`
The detailed information about the on-board hardware can be found at the `Icarus Product Website`_.
.. figure:: img/Icarus_pinouts.jpg
:align: center
:alt: Icarus IoT Dev Board w/ Pinouts
Icarus IoT Dev Board w/ Pinouts
Pin description
External Pins available to user:
| Icarus pin | Function | Description | Device-tree node |
| RST | Reset | Active low reset with internal pullup | - |
| 3.3V | Power output | Main 3.3 V supply | - |
| NC | - | Not connected | - |
| GND | Power output | Ground | - |
| 14 / A1 | GPIO / Analog in | nRF9160 P0.14 / AIN1 | gpio0 / adc_1 |
| 15 / A2 | GPIO / Analog in | nRF9160 P0.15 / AIN2 | gpio0 / adc_2 |
| 16 / A3 | GPIO / Analog in | nRF9160 P0.16 / AIN3 | gpio0 / adc_3 |
| 17 / A4 | GPIO / Analog in | nRF9160 P0.17 / AIN4 | gpio0 / adc_4 |
| 18 / A5 | GPIO / Analog in | nRF9160 P0.18 / AIN5 | gpio0 / adc_5 |
| 19 / A6 | GPIO / Analog in | nRF9160 P0.19 / AIN6 | gpio0 / adc_6 |
| 20 / SCK | GPIO / SPI pin | nRF9160 P0.20 / SPI SCK pin | gpio0 / spi3 |
| 21 / MOSI | GPIO / SPI pin | nRF9160 P0.21 / SPI MOSI pin | gpio0 / spi3 |
| 22 / MISO | GPIO / SPI pin | nRF9160 P0.22 / SPI MISO pin | gpio0 / spi3 |
| 23 / RX | GPIO / UART pin | nRF9160 P0.23 / UART RX pin | gpio0 / uart1 |
| 24 / TX | GPIO / UART pin | nRF9160 P0.24 / UART TX pin | gpio0 / uart1 |
| VIN | Power input | Voltage input (maximum 10.2 V) | - |
| VBAT | Power input | Battery voltage input | - |
| EN | Power enable | Power enable pin (pull low to disable power) | - |
| USB | Power input | USB voltage input | gpio0 |
| 4 | GPIO | nRF9160 P0.04 | gpio0 |
| 3 | GPIO | nRF9160 P0.03 | gpio0 |
| 2 | GPIO | nRF9160 P0.02 | gpio0 |
| 1 | GPIO | nRF9160 P0.01 | gpio0 |
| 0 | GPIO | nRF9160 P0.00 | gpio0 |
| 30 | GPIO | nRF9160 P0.30 | gpio0 |
| 31 | GPIO | nRF9160 P0.31 | gpio0 |
| SCL | GPIO / I2C pin | nRF9160 P0.26 / I2C SCL pin | gpio0 / i2c2 |
| SDA | GPIO / I2C pin | nRF9160 P0.27 / I2C SDA pin | gpio0 / i2c2 |
nRF9160 pins connected internally:
| nRF9160 pin | Function | Device-tree node |
| P0.05 | User button | button0 |
| P0.10 | Red LED | led0 / pwm-led0 |
| P0.11 | Green LED | led1 / pwm-led1 |
| P0.12 | Blue LED | led2 / pwm-led2 |
| P0.28 | Accelerometer Interrupt 1 | lis2dh12-accel |
| P0.29 | Accelerometer Interrupt 2 | lis2dh12-accel |
| P0.08 | SIM select pin | gpio0 |
| P0.13 / AIN0 | Battery voltage measurement | adc_0 |
| P0.06 | USB - FTDI serial RX | uart0 |
| P0.09 | USB - FTDI serial TX | uart0 |
| P0.07 | USB - FTDI serial RTS | uart0 |
| | Charger enable pin (Icarus v2.0) | gpio0 (Icarus v2.0) |
| P0.25 | USB - FTDI serial CTS | uart0 |
| | FLASH memory SPI CS pin (Icarus v2.0) | gpio0 (Icarus v2.0) |
Supported Features
The actinius_icarus board configuration supports the following
hardware features:
| Interface | Controller | Driver/Component |
| ADC | on-chip | adc |
| CLOCK | on-chip | clock_control |
| FLASH | on-chip | flash |
| GPIO | on-chip | gpio |
| I2C(M) | on-chip | i2c |
| MPU | on-chip | arch/arm |
| NVIC | on-chip | arch/arm |
| PWM | on-chip | pwm |
| SPI(M/S) | on-chip | spi |
| SPU | on-chip | system protection |
| UARTE | on-chip | serial |
| ACCEL | st | lis2dh |
SIM Selection
The SIM choice (eSIM or nano-SIM) can be configured in Devicetree by adjusting
the ``sim`` property in the ``sim_select`` node.
Charger Enable/Disable
Since hardware version 2.0 the charger can be disabled by adjusting the ``charger``
property of the ``charger_enable`` device tree node.
Security components
- Implementation Defined Attribution Unit (`IDAU`_). The IDAU is implemented
with the System Protection Unit and is used to define secure and non-secure
memory maps. By default, all of the memory space (Flash, SRAM, and
peripheral address space) is defined to be secure accessible only.
- Secure boot.
Building Secure/Non-Secure Zephyr applications
The process requires the following steps:
1. Build the Secure Zephyr application using ``-DBOARD=actinius_icarus`` and
``CONFIG_TRUSTED_EXECUTION_SECURE=y`` in the application project configuration file.
2. Build the Non-Secure Zephyr application using ``-DBOARD=actinius_icarus/ns``.
3. Merge the two binaries together.
If you are using Segger Embedded Studio v4.18 or later, the two binaries are built, merged, and
burned automatically, unless you have disabled the feature.
When building a Secure/Non-Secure application, the Secure application will
have to set the IDAU (SPU) configuration to allow Non-Secure access to all
CPU resources utilized by the Non-Secure application firmware. SPU
configuration shall take place before jumping to the Non-Secure application.
More information can be found in the `Icarus "Get Started" Guide`_ or the
`Actinius Documentation Portal`_.
.. target-notes::
.. _IDAU:
.. _Icarus Product Website:
.. _Icarus "Get Started" Guide:
.. _Actinius Documentation Portal: