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* \file cy_prot.h
* \version 1.20
* \brief
* Provides an API declaration of the Protection Unit driver
* \copyright
* Copyright 2016-2018, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* \defgroup group_prot Protection Unit (Prot)
* \{
* The Protection Unit driver provides an API to configure the Memory Protection
* Units (MPU), Shared Memory Protection Units (SMPU), and Peripheral Protection
* Units (PPU). These are separate from the ARM Core MPUs and provide additional
* mechanisms for securing resource accesses. The Protection units address the
* following concerns in an embedded design:
* - <b>Security requirements:</b> This includes the prevention of malicious attacks
* to access secure memory or peripherals.
* - <b>Safety requirements:</b> This includes detection of accidental (non-malicious)
* SW errors and random HW errors. It is important to enable failure analysis
* to investigate the root cause of a safety violation.
* \section group_prot_protection_type Protection Types
* Protection units are hardware configuration structures that control bus accesses
* to the resources that they protect. By combining these individual configuration
* structures, a system is built to allow strict restrictions on the capabilities
* of individual bus masters (e.g. CM0+, CM4, Crypt) and their operating modes.
* This architecture can then be integrated into the overall security system
* of the end application. To build this system, 3 main protection unit types
* are available; MPU, SMPU and PPU. When a resource is accessed (memory/register),
* it must pass the evaluation performed for each category. These access evaluations
* are prioritized, where MPU has the highest priority, followed by SMPU, followed
* by PPU. i.e. if an SMPU and a PPU protect the same resource and if access is
* denied by the SMPU, then the PPU access evaluation is skipped. This can lead to a
* denial-of-service scenario and the application should pay special attention in
* taking ownership of the protection unit configurations.
* \subsection group_prot_memory_protection Memory Protection
* Memory access control for a bus master is controlled using an MPU. These are
* most often used to distinguish user and privileged accesses from a single bus
* master such as task switching in an OS/kernel. For ARM cores (CM0+, CM4), the
* core MPUs are used to perform this task. For other non-ARM bus masters such
* as Crypto, MPU structs are available, which can be used in a similar manner
* as the ARM core MPUs. These MPUs however must be configured by the ARM cores.
* Other bus masters that do not have an MPU, such as DMA (DW), inherit the access
* control attributes of the bus master that configured the channel. Also note
* that unlike other protection units, MPUs do not support protection context
* evaluation. MPU structs have a descending priority, where larger index struct
* has higher priority access evaluation over lower index structs. E.g. MPU_STRUCT15
* has higher priority than MPU_STRUCT14 and its access will be evaluated before
* MPU_STRUCT14. If both target the same memory, then the higher index (MPU_STRUCT15)
* will be used, and the lower index (MPU_STRUCT14) will be ignored.
* \subsection group_prot_shared_memory_protection Shared Memory Protection
* In order to protect a region of memory from all bus masters, an SMPU is used.
* This protection effectively allows only those with correct bus master access
* settings to read/write/execute the memory region. This type of protection
* is used in general memory such as Flash and SRAM. Peripheral registers are
* best configured using the peripheral protection units instead. SMPU structs
* have a descending priority, where larger index struct has higher priority
* access evaluation over lower index structs. E.g. SMPU_STRUCT15 has higher priority
* than SMPU_STRUCT14 and its access will be evaluated before SMPU_STRUCT14.
* If both target the same memory, then the higher index (MPU_STRUCT15) will be
* used, and the lower index (SMPU_STRUCT14) will be ignored.
* \subsection group_prot_peripheral_protection Peripheral Protection
* Peripheral protection is provided by PPUs and allow control of peripheral
* register accesses by bus masters. Four types of PPUs are available.
* - <b>Fixed Group (GR) PPUs</b> are used to protect an entire peripheral MMIO group
* from invalid bus master accesses. The MMIO grouping information and which
* resource belongs to which group is device specific and can be obtained
* from the device technical reference manual (TRM). Group PPUs have the highest
* priority in the PPU category. Therefore their access evaluations take precedence
* over the other types of PPUs.
* - <b>Programmable (PROG) PPUs</b> are used to protect any peripheral memory region
* in a device from invalid bus master accesses. It is the most versatile
* type of peripheral protection unit. Programmable PPUs have the second highest
* priority and take precedence over Region PPUs and Slave PPUs. Similar to SMPUs,
* higher index PROG PPUs have higher priority than lower indexes PROG PPUs.
* - <b>Fixed Region (RG) PPUs</b> are used to protect an entire peripheral slave
* instance from invalid bus master accesses. For example, TCPWM0, TCPWM1,
* SCB0, and SCB1, etc. Region PPUs have the third highest priority and take precedence
* over Slave PPUs.
* - <b>Fixed Slave (SL) PPUs</b> are used to protect specified regions of peripheral
* instances. For example, individual DW channel structs, SMPU structs, and
* IPC structs, etc. Slave PPUs have the lowest priority in the PPU category and
* therefore are evaluated last.
* \section group_prot_protection_context Protection Context
* Protection context (PC) attribute is present in all bus masters and is evaluated
* when accessing memory protected by an SMPU or a PPU. There are no limitations
* to how the PC values are allocated to the bus masters and this makes it
* possible for multiple bus masters to essentially share protection context
* values. The exception to this rule is the PC value 0.
* \subsection group_prot_pc0 PC=0
* Protection context 0 is a hardware controlled protection context update
* mechanism that allows only a single entry point for transitioning into PC=0
* value. This mechanism is only present for the secure CM0+ core and is a
* fundamental feature in defining a security solution. While all bus masters
* are configured to PC=0 at device boot, it is up to the security solution
* to transition these bus masters to PC!=0 values. Once this is done, those
* bus masters can no longer revert back to PC=0 and can no longer access
* resources protected at PC=0.
* In order to enter PC=0, the CM0+ core must assign an interrupt vector or
* an exception handler address to the CPUSS.CM0_PC0_HANDLER register. This
* allows the hardware to check whether the executing code address matches the
* value in this register. If they match, the current PC value is saved and
* the CM0+ bus master automatically transitions to PC=0. It is then up to
* the executing code to decide if and when it will revert to a PC!=0 value.
* At that point, the only way to re-transition to PC=0 is through the defined
* exception/interrupt handler.
* \section group_prot_access_evaluation Access Evaluation
* Each protection unit is capable of evaluating several access types. These can
* be used to build a system of logical evaluations for different kinds of
* bus master modes of operations. These access types can be divided into
* three broad access categories.
* - <b>User/Privileged access:</b> The ARM convention of user mode versus privileged
* mode is applied in the protection units. For ARM cores, switching between
* user and privileged modes is handled by updating its Control register or
* by exception entries. Other bus masters such as Crypto have their own
* user/privileged settings bit in the bus master control register. This is
* then controlled by the ARM cores. Bus masters that do not have
* user/privileged access controls, such as DMA, inherit their attributes
* from the bus master that configured it. The user/privileged distinction
* is used mainly in the MPUs for single bus master accesses but they can
* also be used in all other protection units.
* - <b>Secure/Non-secure access:</b> The secure/non-secure attribute is another
* identifier to distinguish between two separate modes of operations. Much
* like the user/privileged access, the secure/non-secure mode flag is present
* in the bus master control register. The ARM core does not have this
* attribute in its control register and must use the bus master control
* register instead. Bus masters that inherit their attributes, such as DMA,
* inherit the secure/non-secure attribute. The primary use-case for this
* access evaluation is to define a region to be secure or non-secure using
* an SMPU or a PPU. A bus master with a secure attribute can access
* both secure and non-secure regions, whereas a bus master with non-secure
* attribute can only access non-secure regions.
* - <b>Protection Context access:</b> Protection Context is an attribute
* that serves two purposes; To enter the hardware controlled secure PC=0
* mode of operation from non-secure modes and to provide finer granularity
* to the bus master access definitions. It is used in SMPU and PPU configuration
* to control which bus master protection context can access the resources
* that they protect.
* \section group_prot_protection_structure Protection Structure
* Each protection unit is comprised of a master struct and a slave struct pair.
* The exception to this rule is MPU structs, which only have the slave struct
* equivalent. The protection units apply their access evaluations in a decreasing
* index order. For example, if SMPU1 and SMPU2 both protect a specific memory region,
* the the higher index (SMPU2) will be evaluated first. In a secure system, the
* higher index protection structs would then provide the high level of security
* and the lower indexes would provide the lower level of security. Refer to the
* \ref group_prot_protection_type section for more information.
* \subsection group_prot_slave_struct Slave Struct
* The slave struct is used to configure the protection settings for the resource
* of interest (memory/registers). Depending on the type of protection unit,
* the available attributes differ. However all Slave protection units have the
* following general format.
* \subsubsection group_prot_slave_addr Slave Struct Address Definition
* - Address: For MPU, SMPU and PROG PPU, the address field is used to define
* the base memory region to apply the protection. This field has a dependency
* on the region size, which dictates the alignment of the protection unit. E.g.
* if the region size is 64KB, the address field is aligned to 64KB. Hence
* the lowest bits [15:0] are ignored. For instance, if the address is defined
* at 0x0800FFFF, the protection unit would apply its protection settings from
* 0x08000000. Thus alignment must be checked before defining the protection
* address. The address field for other PPUs are not used, as they are bound
* to their respective peripheral memory locations.
* - Region Size: For MPU, SMPU and PROG PPU, the region size is used to define
* the memory block size to apply the protection settings, starting from the
* defined base address. It is also used to define the 8 sub-regions for the
* chosen memory block. E.g. If the region size is 64KB, each subregion would
* be 8KB. This information can then be used to disable the protection
* settings for select subregions, which gives finer granularity to the
* memory regions. PPUs do not have region size definitions as they are bound
* to their respective peripheral memory locations.
* - Subregions: The memory block defined by the address and region size fields
* is divided into 8 (0 to 7) equally spaced subregions. The protection settings
* of the protection unit can be disabled for these subregions. E.g. for a
* given 64KB of memory block starting from address 0x08000000, disabling
* subregion 0 would result in the protection settings not affecting the memory
* located between 0x08000000 to 0x08001FFF. PPUs do not have subregion
* definitions as they are bound to their respective peripheral memory locations.
* \subsubsection group_prot_slave_attr Slave Struct Attribute Definition
* - User Permission: Protection units can control the access restrictions
* of the read (R), write (W) and execute (X) (subject to their availability
* depending on the type of protection unit) operations on the memory block
* when the bus master is operating in user mode. PPU structs do not provide
* execute attributes.
* - Privileged Permission: Similar to the user permission, protection units can
* control the access restrictions of the read (R), write (W) and execute (X)
* (subject to their availability depending on the type of protection unit)
* operations on the memory block when the bus master is operating in
* privileged mode. PPU structs do not provide execute attributes.
* - Secure/Non-secure: Applies the secure/non-secure protection settings to
* the defined memory region. Secure protection allows only bus masters that
* access the memory with secure attribute. Non-secure protection allows
* bus masters that have either secure or non-secure attributes.
* - PC match: This attribute allows the protection unit to either apply the
* 3 access evaluations (user/privileged, secure/non-secure, protection context)
* or to only provide an address range match. This is useful when multiple
* protection units protect an overlapping memory region and it's desirable
* to only have access evaluations applied from only one of these protection
* units. For example, SMPU1 protects memory A and SMPU2 protects memory B.
* There exists a region where A and B intersect and this is accessed by a
* bus master. Both SMPU1 and SMPU2 are configured to operate in "match" mode.
* In this scenario, the access evaluation will only be applied by the higher
* index protection unit (i.e. SMPU2) and the access attributes of SMPU1 will
* be ignored. If the bus master then tries to access a memory region A (that
* does not intersect with B), the access evaluation from SMPU1 will be used.
* Note that the PC match functionality is only available in SMPUs.
* - PC mask: Defines the allowed protection context values that can access the
* protected memory. The bus master attribute must be operating in one of the
* protection context values allowed by the protection unit. E.g. If SMPU1 is
* configured to allow only PC=1 and PC=5, a bus master (such as CM4) must
* be operating at PC=1 or PC=5 when accessing the protected memory region.
* \subsection group_prot_master_struct Master Struct
* The master struct protects its slave struct in the protection unit. This
* architecture makes possible for the slave configuration to be protected from
* reconfiguration by an unauthorized bus master. The configuration attributes
* and the format are similar to that of the slave structs.
* \subsubsection group_prot_master_addr Master Struct Address Definition
* - Address: The address definition for master struct is fixed to the slave
* struct that it protects.
* - Region Size: The region size is fixed to 256B region.
* - Subregion: This value is fixed to only enable the first 64B subregions,
* which applies the protection settings to the entire protection unit.
* \subsubsection group_prot_master_attr Master Struct Attribute Definition
* - User Permission: Only the write (W) access attribute is allowed for
* master structs, which controls whether a bus master operating in user
* mode has the write access.
* - Privileged Permission: Only the write (W) access attribute is allowed for
* master structs, which controls whether a bus master operating in privileged
* mode has the write access.
* - Secure/Non-Secure: Same behavior as slave struct.
* - PC match: Same behavior as slave struct.
* - PC mask: Same behavior as slave struct.
* \section group_prot_driver_usage Driver Usage
* Setting up and using protection units can be summed up in four stages:
* - Configure the bus master attributes. This defines the capabilities of
* the bus master when trying to access the protected resources.
* - Configure the slave struct of a given protection unit. This defines
* the protection attributes to be applied to the bus master accessing
* the protected resource and also defines the size and location of the
* memory block to protect.
* - Configure the master struct of the protection unit. This defines the
* attributes to be checked against the bus master that is trying to
* reconfigure the slave struct.
* - Set the active PC value of the bus master and place it in the correct
* mode of operation (user/privileged, secure/non-secure). Then access
* the protected memory.
* For example, by configuring the CM0+ bus master configuration to allow
* only protection contexts 2 and 3, the bus master will be able to
* set its protection context only to 2 or 3. During runtime, the CM0+ core
* can set its protection context to 2 by calling Cy_Prot_SetActivePC()
* and access all regions of protected memory that allow PC=2. A fault will
* be triggered if a resource is protected with different protection settings.
* Note that each protection unit is distinguished by its type (e.g.
* PROT_MPU_MPU_STRUCT_Type). The list of supported protection units can be
* obtained from the device definition header file. Choose a protection unit
* of interest, and call its corresponding Cy_Prot_Config<X>Struct() function
* with its software protection unit configuration structure populated. Then
* enable the protection unit by calling the Cy_Prot_Enable<X>Struct() function.
* Note that the bus master ID (en_prot_master_t) is defined in the device
* config header file.
* \section group_prot_configuration Configuration Considerations
* When a resource (memory/register) is accessed, it must pass evaluation of
* all three protection unit categories in the following order: MPU->SMPU->PPU.
* The application should ensure that a denial-of-service attack cannot be
* made on the PPU by the SMPU. For this reason, it is recommended that the
* application's security policy limit the ability for the non-secure client
* from configuring the SMPUs.
* Within each category, the priority hierarchy must be carefully considered
* to ensure that a higher priority protection unit cannot be configured to
* override the security configuration of a lower index protection unit.
* Therefore if a lower index protection unit is configured, relevant higher
* priority indexes should be configured (or protected from unwanted
* reconfiguration). E.g. If a PPU_SL is configured, PPU_RG and PPU_GR that
* overlaps with the protected registers should also be configured. SImilar
* to SMPUs, it is recommended that the configuration of PPU_PROG be limited.
* Otherwise they can be used to override the protection settings of PPU_RG
* and PPU_SL structs.
* All bus masters are set to PC=0 value at device reset and therefore have full
* access to all resources. It is up to the security solution to implement
* what privileges each bus master has. Once transitioned to a PC!=0 value,
* only the CM0+ core is capable of re-entering the PC=0 via the user-defined
* exception entry in the CPUSS.CM0_PC0_HANDLER register.
* - SMPU 15 and 14 are configured and enabled to only allow PC=0 accesses at
* device boot.
* - PROG PPU 15, 14, 13 and 12 are configured to only allow PC=0 accesses at
* device boot.
* - GR PPU 0 and 2 are configured to only allow PC=0 accesses at device boot.
* \section group_prot_more_information More Information
* Refer to Technical Reference Manual (TRM) and the device datasheet.
* \section group_prot_MISRA MISRA-C Compliance]
* The Prot driver does not have any driver-specific deviations.
* \section group_prot_changelog Changelog
* <table class="doxtable">
* <tr><th>Version</th><th>Changes</th><th>Reason for Change</th></tr>
* <tr>
* <td>1.20</td>
* <td>Flattened the driver source code organization into the single
* source directory and the single include directory
* </td>
* <td>Simplified the driver library directory structure</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td rowspan="2">1.10</td>
* <td>Added input parameter validation to the API functions.<br>
* cy_en_prot_pcmask_t, cy_en_prot_subreg_t and cy_en_prot_pc_t
* types are set to typedef enum</td>
* <td>Improved debugging capability</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Expanded documentation</td>
* <td></td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>1.0</td>
* <td>Initial version</td>
* <td></td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* \defgroup group_prot_macros Macros
* \defgroup group_prot_functions Functions
* \{
* \defgroup group_prot_functions_busmaster Bus Master and PC Functions
* \defgroup group_prot_functions_mpu MPU Functions
* \defgroup group_prot_functions_smpu SMPU Functions
* \defgroup group_prot_functions_ppu_prog_v2 PPU Programmable (PROG) v2 Functions
* \defgroup group_prot_functions_ppu_fixed_v2 PPU Fixed (FIXED) v2 Functions
* \defgroup group_prot_functions_ppu_prog PPU Programmable (PROG) Functions
* \defgroup group_prot_functions_ppu_gr PPU Group (GR) Functions
* \defgroup group_prot_functions_ppu_sl PPU Slave (SL) Functions
* \defgroup group_prot_functions_ppu_rg PPU Region (RG) Functions
* \}
* \defgroup group_prot_data_structures Data Structures
* \defgroup group_prot_enums Enumerated Types
#if !defined(__CY_PROT_H__)
#define __CY_PROT_H__
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include "cy_device.h"
#include "cy_device_headers.h"
#include "cy_syslib.h"
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
/** \addtogroup group_prot_macros
* \{
/** Driver major version */
/** Driver minor version */
/** Prot driver ID */
#define CY_PROT_ID CY_PDL_DRV_ID(0x30u)
/** \} group_prot_macros */
* \addtogroup group_prot_enums
* \{
* Prot Driver error codes
typedef enum
CY_PROT_SUCCESS = 0x00u, /**< Returned successful */
CY_PROT_BAD_PARAM = CY_PROT_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0x01u, /**< Bad parameter was passed */
CY_PROT_FAILURE = CY_PROT_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0x03u /**< The resource is locked */
} cy_en_prot_status_t;
* User/Privileged permission
typedef enum
CY_PROT_PERM_DISABLED = 0x00u, /**< Read, Write and Execute disabled */
CY_PROT_PERM_R = 0x01u, /**< Read enabled */
CY_PROT_PERM_W = 0x02u, /**< Write enabled */
CY_PROT_PERM_RW = 0x03u, /**< Read and Write enabled */
CY_PROT_PERM_X = 0x04u, /**< Execute enabled */
CY_PROT_PERM_RX = 0x05u, /**< Read and Execute enabled */
CY_PROT_PERM_WX = 0x06u, /**< Write and Execute enabled */
CY_PROT_PERM_RWX = 0x07u /**< Read, Write and Execute enabled */
* Memory region size
typedef enum
CY_PROT_SIZE_4B = 1u, /**< 4 bytes */
CY_PROT_SIZE_8B = 2u, /**< 8 bytes */
CY_PROT_SIZE_16B = 3u, /**< 16 bytes */
CY_PROT_SIZE_32B = 4u, /**< 32 bytes */
CY_PROT_SIZE_64B = 5u, /**< 64 bytes */
CY_PROT_SIZE_128B = 6u, /**< 128 bytes */
CY_PROT_SIZE_256B = 7u, /**< 256 bytes */
CY_PROT_SIZE_512B = 8u, /**< 512 bytes */
CY_PROT_SIZE_1KB = 9u, /**< 1 Kilobyte */
CY_PROT_SIZE_2KB = 10u, /**< 2 Kilobytes */
CY_PROT_SIZE_4KB = 11u, /**< 4 Kilobytes */
CY_PROT_SIZE_8KB = 12u, /**< 8 Kilobytes */
CY_PROT_SIZE_16KB = 13u, /**< 16 Kilobytes */
CY_PROT_SIZE_32KB = 14u, /**< 32 Kilobytes */
CY_PROT_SIZE_64KB = 15u, /**< 64 Kilobytes */
CY_PROT_SIZE_128KB = 16u, /**< 128 Kilobytes */
CY_PROT_SIZE_256KB = 17u, /**< 256 Kilobytes */
CY_PROT_SIZE_512KB = 18u, /**< 512 Kilobytes */
CY_PROT_SIZE_1MB = 19u, /**< 1 Megabyte */
CY_PROT_SIZE_2MB = 20u, /**< 2 Megabytes */
CY_PROT_SIZE_4MB = 21u, /**< 4 Megabytes */
CY_PROT_SIZE_8MB = 22u, /**< 8 Megabytes */
CY_PROT_SIZE_16MB = 23u, /**< 16 Megabytes */
CY_PROT_SIZE_32MB = 24u, /**< 32 Megabytes */
CY_PROT_SIZE_64MB = 25u, /**< 64 Megabytes */
CY_PROT_SIZE_128MB = 26u, /**< 128 Megabytes */
CY_PROT_SIZE_256MB = 27u, /**< 256 Megabytes */
CY_PROT_SIZE_512MB = 28u, /**< 512 Megabytes */
CY_PROT_SIZE_1GB = 29u, /**< 1 Gigabyte */
CY_PROT_SIZE_2GB = 30u, /**< 2 Gigabytes */
CY_PROT_SIZE_4GB = 31u /**< 4 Gigabytes */
* Protection Context (PC)
enum cy_en_prot_pc_t
CY_PROT_PC1 = 1u, /**< PC = 1 */
CY_PROT_PC2 = 2u, /**< PC = 2 */
CY_PROT_PC3 = 3u, /**< PC = 3 */
CY_PROT_PC4 = 4u, /**< PC = 4 */
CY_PROT_PC5 = 5u, /**< PC = 5 */
CY_PROT_PC6 = 6u, /**< PC = 6 */
CY_PROT_PC7 = 7u, /**< PC = 7 */
CY_PROT_PC8 = 8u, /**< PC = 8 */
CY_PROT_PC9 = 9u, /**< PC = 9 */
CY_PROT_PC10 = 10u, /**< PC = 10 */
CY_PROT_PC11 = 11u, /**< PC = 11 */
CY_PROT_PC12 = 12u, /**< PC = 12 */
CY_PROT_PC13 = 13u, /**< PC = 13 */
CY_PROT_PC14 = 14u, /**< PC = 14 */
CY_PROT_PC15 = 15u /**< PC = 15 */
* Subregion disable (0-7)
enum cy_en_prot_subreg_t
CY_PROT_SUBREGION_DIS0 = 0x01u, /**< Disable subregion 0 */
CY_PROT_SUBREGION_DIS1 = 0x02u, /**< Disable subregion 1 */
CY_PROT_SUBREGION_DIS2 = 0x04u, /**< Disable subregion 2 */
CY_PROT_SUBREGION_DIS3 = 0x08u, /**< Disable subregion 3 */
CY_PROT_SUBREGION_DIS4 = 0x10u, /**< Disable subregion 4 */
CY_PROT_SUBREGION_DIS5 = 0x20u, /**< Disable subregion 5 */
CY_PROT_SUBREGION_DIS6 = 0x40u, /**< Disable subregion 6 */
CY_PROT_SUBREGION_DIS7 = 0x80u /**< Disable subregion 7 */
* Protection context mask (PC_MASK)
enum cy_en_prot_pcmask_t
CY_PROT_PCMASK1 = 0x0001u, /**< Mask to allow PC = 1 */
CY_PROT_PCMASK2 = 0x0002u, /**< Mask to allow PC = 2 */
CY_PROT_PCMASK3 = 0x0004u, /**< Mask to allow PC = 3 */
CY_PROT_PCMASK4 = 0x0008u, /**< Mask to allow PC = 4 */
CY_PROT_PCMASK5 = 0x0010u, /**< Mask to allow PC = 5 */
CY_PROT_PCMASK6 = 0x0020u, /**< Mask to allow PC = 6 */
CY_PROT_PCMASK7 = 0x0040u, /**< Mask to allow PC = 7 */
CY_PROT_PCMASK8 = 0x0080u, /**< Mask to allow PC = 8 */
CY_PROT_PCMASK9 = 0x0100u, /**< Mask to allow PC = 9 */
CY_PROT_PCMASK10 = 0x0200u, /**< Mask to allow PC = 10 */
CY_PROT_PCMASK11 = 0x0400u, /**< Mask to allow PC = 11 */
CY_PROT_PCMASK12 = 0x0800u, /**< Mask to allow PC = 12 */
CY_PROT_PCMASK13 = 0x1000u, /**< Mask to allow PC = 13 */
CY_PROT_PCMASK14 = 0x2000u, /**< Mask to allow PC = 14 */
CY_PROT_PCMASK15 = 0x4000u /**< Mask to allow PC = 15 */
/** \} group_prot_enums */
* Constants
/** \cond INTERNAL */
#if !defined(PERI_MS_PPU_PR_Type)
typedef PERI_MS_PPU_PR_V2_Type PERI_MS_PPU_PR_Type;
typedef PERI_MS_PPU_FX_V2_Type PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type;
#endif /* defined(PERI_MS_PPU_PR_Type) */
#if !defined(PERI_PPU_PR_Type)
typedef PERI_PPU_PR_V1_Type PERI_PPU_PR_Type;
typedef PERI_PPU_GR_V1_Type PERI_PPU_GR_Type;
typedef PERI_GR_PPU_SL_V1_Type PERI_GR_PPU_SL_Type;
typedef PERI_GR_PPU_RG_V1_Type PERI_GR_PPU_RG_Type;
#endif /* defined(PERI_PPU_PR_Type) */
//#endif /* CY_PERI_V1 */
/* General Masks and shifts */
#define CY_PROT_MSX_CTL_SHIFT (0x02UL) /**< Shift for MSx_CTL register */
#define CY_PROT_STRUCT_ENABLE (0x01UL) /**< Enable protection unit struct */
#define CY_PROT_STRUCT_DISABLE (0x00UL) /**< Disable protection unit struct */
#define CY_PROT_ADDR_SHIFT (8UL) /**< Address shift for MPU, SMPU and PROG PPU structs */
#define CY_PROT_PCMASK_CHECK (0x01UL) /**< Shift and mask for pcMask check */
/* Permission masks and shifts */
#define CY_PROT_ATT_PERMISSION_MASK (0x07UL) /**< Protection Unit attribute permission mask */
#define CY_PROT_ATT_PRIV_PERMISSION_SHIFT (0x03UL) /**< Protection Unit priviliged attribute permission shift */
#define CY_PROT_ATT_PERI_USER_PERM_Pos (0UL) /**< PERI v2 priviliged attribute permission shift */
#define CY_PROT_ATT_PERI_USER_PERM_Msk (0x03UL) /**< PERI v2 attribute permission mask */
#define CY_PROT_ATT_PERI_PRIV_PERM_Pos (2UL) /**< PERI v2 priviliged attribute permission shift */
#define CY_PROT_ATT_PERI_PRIV_PERM_Msk ((uint32_t)(0x03UL << CY_PROT_ATT_PERI_PRIV_PERM_Pos)) /**< PERI v2 attribute permission mask */
#define CY_PROT_ATT_PC_MAX (4U) /**< Maximum PC value per ATT reg */
/* BWC macros */
/* End of BWC macros */
#define CY_PROT_PC_MAX (8u) /* TODO replace this with the device struct member */
#define CY_PROT_PPU_PROG_ATT0_MASK ((uint32_t)~(PERI_PPU_PR_ATT0_UX_Msk \
#define CY_PROT_PPU_PROG_ATT1_MASK ((uint32_t)~(PERI_PPU_PR_ATT1_UX_Msk \
#define CY_PROT_PPU_GR_ATT0_MASK ((uint32_t)~(PERI_PPU_GR_ATT0_UX_Msk \
#define CY_PROT_PPU_GR_ATT1_MASK ((uint32_t)~(PERI_PPU_GR_ATT1_UX_Msk \
#define CY_PROT_PPU_SL_ATT0_MASK ((uint32_t)~(PERI_PPU_GR_ATT0_UX_Msk \
#define CY_PROT_PPU_SL_ATT1_MASK ((uint32_t)~(PERI_PPU_GR_ATT1_UX_Msk \
#define CY_PROT_PPU_RG_ATT0_MASK ((uint32_t)~(PERI_PPU_GR_ATT0_UX_Msk \
#define CY_PROT_PPU_RG_ATT1_MASK ((uint32_t)~(PERI_PPU_GR_ATT1_UX_Msk \
/* Parameter check macros */
#define CY_PROT_BUS_MASTER_FIELD (0x0000FFFFUL) /* TODO Replace this with bitfield value from device config struct */
#define CY_PROT_IS_BUS_MASTER_VALID(busMaster) ((CY_PROT_BUS_MASTER_FIELD && (1UL << (uint32_t)(busMaster))) != 0UL)
#define CY_PROT_IS_MPU_PERM_VALID(permission) (((permission) == CY_PROT_PERM_DISABLED) || \
((permission) == CY_PROT_PERM_R) || \
((permission) == CY_PROT_PERM_W) || \
((permission) == CY_PROT_PERM_RW) || \
((permission) == CY_PROT_PERM_X) || \
((permission) == CY_PROT_PERM_RX) || \
((permission) == CY_PROT_PERM_WX) || \
((permission) == CY_PROT_PERM_RWX))
#define CY_PROT_IS_SMPU_MS_PERM_VALID(permission) (((permission) == CY_PROT_PERM_R) || \
((permission) == CY_PROT_PERM_RW))
#define CY_PROT_IS_SMPU_SL_PERM_VALID(permission) (((permission) == CY_PROT_PERM_DISABLED) || \
((permission) == CY_PROT_PERM_R) || \
((permission) == CY_PROT_PERM_W) || \
((permission) == CY_PROT_PERM_RW) || \
((permission) == CY_PROT_PERM_X) || \
((permission) == CY_PROT_PERM_RX) || \
((permission) == CY_PROT_PERM_WX) || \
((permission) == CY_PROT_PERM_RWX))
#define CY_PROT_IS_PROG_MS_PERM_VALID(permission) (((permission) == CY_PROT_PERM_R) || \
((permission) == CY_PROT_PERM_RW))
#define CY_PROT_IS_PROG_SL_PERM_VALID(permission) (((permission) == CY_PROT_PERM_DISABLED) || \
((permission) == CY_PROT_PERM_R) || \
((permission) == CY_PROT_PERM_W) || \
((permission) == CY_PROT_PERM_RW))
#define CY_PROT_IS_FIXED_MS_PERM_VALID(permission) (((permission) == CY_PROT_PERM_R) || \
((permission) == CY_PROT_PERM_RW))
#define CY_PROT_IS_FIXED_SL_PERM_VALID(permission) (((permission) == CY_PROT_PERM_DISABLED) || \
((permission) == CY_PROT_PERM_R) || \
((permission) == CY_PROT_PERM_W) || \
((permission) == CY_PROT_PERM_RW))
#define CY_PROT_IS_REGION_SIZE_VALID(regionSize) (((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_256B) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_512B) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_1KB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_2KB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_4KB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_8KB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_16KB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_32KB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_64KB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_128KB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_256KB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_512KB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_1MB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_2MB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_4MB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_8MB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_16MB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_32MB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_64MB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_128MB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_256MB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_512MB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_1GB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_2GB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_4GB))
#define CY_PROT_IS_PPU_V2_SIZE_VALID(regionSize) (((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_4B) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_8B) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_16B) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_32B) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_64B) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_128B) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_256B) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_512B) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_1KB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_2KB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_4KB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_8KB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_16KB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_32KB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_64KB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_128KB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_256KB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_512KB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_1MB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_2MB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_4MB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_8MB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_16MB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_32MB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_64MB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_128MB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_256MB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_512MB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_1GB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_2GB) || \
((regionSize) == CY_PROT_SIZE_4GB))
/** \endcond */
* Configuration Structures
* \addtogroup group_prot_data_structures
* \{
/** Configuration structure for MPU Struct initialization */
typedef struct
uint32_t* address; /**< Base address of the memory region */
cy_en_prot_size_t regionSize; /**< Size of the memory region */
uint8_t subregions; /**< Mask of the 8 subregions to disable */
cy_en_prot_perm_t userPermission; /**< User permissions for the region */
cy_en_prot_perm_t privPermission; /**< Privileged permissions for the region */
bool secure; /**< Non Secure = 0, Secure = 1 */
} cy_stc_mpu_cfg_t;
/** Configuration structure for SMPU struct initialization */
typedef struct
uint32_t* address; /**< Base address of the memory region (Only applicable to slave) */
cy_en_prot_size_t regionSize; /**< Size of the memory region (Only applicable to slave) */
uint8_t subregions; /**< Mask of the 8 subregions to disable (Only applicable to slave) */
cy_en_prot_perm_t userPermission; /**< User permissions for the region */
cy_en_prot_perm_t privPermission; /**< Privileged permissions for the region */
bool secure; /**< Non Secure = 0, Secure = 1 */
bool pcMatch; /**< Access evaluation = 0, Matching = 1 */
uint16_t pcMask; /**< Mask of allowed protection context(s) */
} cy_stc_smpu_cfg_t;
/** Configuration structure for Programmable (PROG) PPU (PPU_PR) struct initialization */
typedef struct
uint32_t* address; /**< Base address of the memory region (Only applicable to slave) */
cy_en_prot_size_t regionSize; /**< Size of the memory region (Only applicable to slave) */
uint8_t subregions; /**< Mask of the 8 subregions to disable (Only applicable to slave) */
cy_en_prot_perm_t userPermission; /**< User permissions for the region */
cy_en_prot_perm_t privPermission; /**< Privileged permissions for the region */
bool secure; /**< Non Secure = 0, Secure = 1 */
bool pcMatch; /**< Access evaluation = 0, Matching = 1 */
uint16_t pcMask; /**< Mask of allowed protection context(s) */
} cy_stc_ppu_prog_cfg_t;
/** Configuration structure for Fixed Group (GR) PPU (PPU_GR) struct initialization */
typedef struct
cy_en_prot_perm_t userPermission; /**< User permissions for the region */
cy_en_prot_perm_t privPermission; /**< Privileged permissions for the region */
bool secure; /**< Non Secure = 0, Secure = 1 */
bool pcMatch; /**< Access evaluation = 0, Matching = 1 */
uint16_t pcMask; /**< Mask of allowed protection context(s) */
} cy_stc_ppu_gr_cfg_t;
/** Configuration structure for Fixed Slave (SL) PPU (PPU_SL) struct initialization */
typedef struct
cy_en_prot_perm_t userPermission; /**< User permissions for the region */
cy_en_prot_perm_t privPermission; /**< Privileged permissions for the region */
bool secure; /**< Non Secure = 0, Secure = 1 */
bool pcMatch; /**< Access evaluation = 0, Matching = 1 */
uint16_t pcMask; /**< Mask of allowed protection context(s) */
} cy_stc_ppu_sl_cfg_t;
/** Configuration structure for Fixed Region (RG) PPU (PPU_RG) struct initialization */
typedef struct
cy_en_prot_perm_t userPermission; /**< User permissions for the region */
cy_en_prot_perm_t privPermission; /**< Privileged permissions for the region */
bool secure; /**< Non Secure = 0, Secure = 1 */
bool pcMatch; /**< Access evaluation = 0, Matching = 1 */
uint16_t pcMask; /**< Mask of allowed protection context(s) */
} cy_stc_ppu_rg_cfg_t;
/** \} group_prot_data_structures */
* Function Prototypes
* \addtogroup group_prot_functions
* \{
* \addtogroup group_prot_functions_busmaster
* \{
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_ConfigBusMaster(en_prot_master_t busMaster, bool privileged, bool secure, uint32_t pcMask);
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_SetActivePC(en_prot_master_t busMaster, uint32_t pc);
uint32_t Cy_Prot_GetActivePC(en_prot_master_t busMaster);
/** \} group_prot_functions_busmaster */
* \addtogroup group_prot_functions_mpu
* \{
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_ConfigMpuStruct(PROT_MPU_MPU_STRUCT_Type* base, const cy_stc_mpu_cfg_t* config);
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_EnableMpuStruct(PROT_MPU_MPU_STRUCT_Type* base);
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_DisableMpuStruct(PROT_MPU_MPU_STRUCT_Type* base);
/** \} group_prot_functions_mpu */
* \addtogroup group_prot_functions_smpu
* \{
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_ConfigSmpuMasterStruct(PROT_SMPU_SMPU_STRUCT_Type* base, const cy_stc_smpu_cfg_t* config);
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_ConfigSmpuSlaveStruct(PROT_SMPU_SMPU_STRUCT_Type* base, const cy_stc_smpu_cfg_t* config);
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_EnableSmpuMasterStruct(PROT_SMPU_SMPU_STRUCT_Type* base);
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_DisableSmpuMasterStruct(PROT_SMPU_SMPU_STRUCT_Type* base);
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_EnableSmpuSlaveStruct(PROT_SMPU_SMPU_STRUCT_Type* base);
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_DisableSmpuSlaveStruct(PROT_SMPU_SMPU_STRUCT_Type* base);
/** \} group_prot_functions_smpu */
* \addtogroup group_prot_functions_ppu_prog_v2
* \{
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_ConfigPpuProgMasterAtt(PERI_MS_PPU_PR_Type* base, uint16_t pcMask, cy_en_prot_perm_t userPermission, cy_en_prot_perm_t privPermission, bool secure);
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_ConfigPpuProgSlaveCore(PERI_MS_PPU_PR_Type* base, uint32_t address, cy_en_prot_size_t regionSize);
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_ConfigPpuProgSlaveAtt(PERI_MS_PPU_PR_Type* base, uint16_t pcMask, cy_en_prot_perm_t userPermission, cy_en_prot_perm_t privPermission, bool secure);
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_EnablePpuProgSlaveRegion(PERI_MS_PPU_PR_Type* base);
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_DisablePpuProgSlaveRegion(PERI_MS_PPU_PR_Type* base);
/** \} group_prot_functions_ppu_prog_v2 */
* \addtogroup group_prot_functions_ppu_fixed_v2
* \{
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_ConfigPpuFixedMasterAtt(PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type* base, uint16_t pcMask, cy_en_prot_perm_t userPermission, cy_en_prot_perm_t privPermission, bool secure);
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_ConfigPpuFixedSlaveAtt(PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type* base, uint16_t pcMask, cy_en_prot_perm_t userPermission, cy_en_prot_perm_t privPermission, bool secure);
/** \} group_prot_functions_ppu_fixed_v2 */
* \addtogroup group_prot_functions_ppu_prog
* \{
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_ConfigPpuProgMasterStruct(PERI_PPU_PR_Type* base, const cy_stc_ppu_prog_cfg_t* config);
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_ConfigPpuProgSlaveStruct(PERI_PPU_PR_Type* base, const cy_stc_ppu_prog_cfg_t* config);
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_EnablePpuProgMasterStruct(PERI_PPU_PR_Type* base);
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_DisablePpuProgMasterStruct(PERI_PPU_PR_Type* base);
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_EnablePpuProgSlaveStruct(PERI_PPU_PR_Type* base);
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_DisablePpuProgSlaveStruct(PERI_PPU_PR_Type* base);
/** \} group_prot_functions_ppu_prog */
* \addtogroup group_prot_functions_ppu_gr
* \{
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_ConfigPpuFixedGrMasterStruct(PERI_PPU_GR_Type* base, const cy_stc_ppu_gr_cfg_t* config);
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_ConfigPpuFixedGrSlaveStruct(PERI_PPU_GR_Type* base, const cy_stc_ppu_gr_cfg_t* config);
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_EnablePpuFixedGrMasterStruct(PERI_PPU_GR_Type* base);
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_DisablePpuFixedGrMasterStruct(PERI_PPU_GR_Type* base);
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_EnablePpuFixedGrSlaveStruct(PERI_PPU_GR_Type* base);
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_DisablePpuFixedGrSlaveStruct(PERI_PPU_GR_Type* base);
/** \} group_prot_functions_ppu_gr */
* \addtogroup group_prot_functions_ppu_sl
* \{
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_ConfigPpuFixedSlMasterStruct(PERI_GR_PPU_SL_Type* base, const cy_stc_ppu_sl_cfg_t* config);
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_ConfigPpuFixedSlSlaveStruct(PERI_GR_PPU_SL_Type* base, const cy_stc_ppu_sl_cfg_t* config);
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_EnablePpuFixedSlMasterStruct(PERI_GR_PPU_SL_Type* base);
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_DisablePpuFixedSlMasterStruct(PERI_GR_PPU_SL_Type* base);
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_EnablePpuFixedSlSlaveStruct(PERI_GR_PPU_SL_Type* base);
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_DisablePpuFixedSlSlaveStruct(PERI_GR_PPU_SL_Type* base);
/** \} group_prot_functions_ppu_sl */
* \addtogroup group_prot_functions_ppu_rg
* \{
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_ConfigPpuFixedRgMasterStruct(PERI_GR_PPU_RG_Type* base, const cy_stc_ppu_rg_cfg_t* config);
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_ConfigPpuFixedRgSlaveStruct(PERI_GR_PPU_RG_Type* base, const cy_stc_ppu_rg_cfg_t* config);
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_EnablePpuFixedRgMasterStruct(PERI_GR_PPU_RG_Type* base);
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_DisablePpuFixedRgMasterStruct(PERI_GR_PPU_RG_Type* base);
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_EnablePpuFixedRgSlaveStruct(PERI_GR_PPU_RG_Type* base);
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_DisablePpuFixedRgSlaveStruct(PERI_GR_PPU_RG_Type* base);
/** \} group_prot_functions_ppu_rg */
/** \} group_prot_functions */
/** \} group_prot */
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif /* CY_PROT_H */