blob: 112f560621e6575d764420e192e0123a5e3c9647 [file] [log] [blame]
* \file cy_tcpwm_pwm.h
* \version 1.10.1
* \brief
* The header file of the TCPWM PWM driver.
* \copyright
* Copyright 2016-2018, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#if !defined(CY_TCPWM_PWM_H)
#define CY_TCPWM_PWM_H
#include "cy_tcpwm.h"
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
* \addtogroup group_tcpwm_pwm
* Driver API for PWM.
* \{
* \defgroup group_tcpwm_macros_pwm Macros
* \defgroup group_tcpwm_functions_pwm Functions
* \defgroup group_tcpwm_data_structures_pwm Data Structures
* \} */
* \addtogroup group_tcpwm_data_structures_pwm
* \{
/** PWM configuration structure */
typedef struct cy_stc_tcpwm_pwm_config
uint32_t pwmMode; /**< Sets the PWM mode. See \ref group_tcpwm_pwm_modes */
/** Sets the clock prescaler inside the TCWPM block. See \ref group_tcpwm_pwm_clk_prescalers */
uint32_t clockPrescaler;
uint32_t pwmAlignment; /**< Sets the PWM alignment. See \ref group_tcpwm_pwm_alignment */
uint32_t deadTimeClocks; /**< The number of dead time-clocks if PWM with dead time is chosen */
uint32_t runMode; /**< Sets the PWM run mode. See \ref group_tcpwm_pwm_run_modes */
uint32_t period0; /**< Sets the period0 of the pwm */
uint32_t period1; /**< Sets the period1 of the pwm */
bool enablePeriodSwap; /**< Enables swapping of period 0 and period 1 on terminal count */
uint32_t compare0; /**< Sets the value for Compare0 */
uint32_t compare1; /**< Sets the value for Compare1 */
bool enableCompareSwap; /**< If enabled, the compare values are swapped on the terminal count */
/** Enables an interrupt on the terminal count, capture or compare. See \ref group_tcpwm_interrupt_sources */
uint32_t interruptSources;
uint32_t invertPWMOut; /**< Inverts the PWM output */
uint32_t invertPWMOutN; /**< Inverts the PWM_n output */
uint32_t killMode; /**< Configures the PWM kill modes. See \ref group_tcpwm_pwm_kill_modes */
uint32_t swapInputMode; /**< Configures how the swap input behaves. See \ref group_tcpwm_input_modes */
/** Selects which input the swap uses. Inputs are device-specific. See \ref group_tcpwm_input_selection */
uint32_t swapInput;
uint32_t reloadInputMode; /**< Configures how the reload input behaves. See \ref group_tcpwm_input_modes */
/** Selects which input the reload uses. The inputs are device-specific. See \ref group_tcpwm_input_selection */
uint32_t reloadInput;
uint32_t startInputMode; /**< Configures how the start input behaves. See \ref group_tcpwm_input_modes */
/** Selects which input the start uses. The inputs are device-specific. See \ref group_tcpwm_input_selection */
uint32_t startInput;
uint32_t killInputMode; /**< Configures how the kill input behaves. See \ref group_tcpwm_input_modes */
/** Selects which input the kill uses. The inputs are device-specific. See \ref group_tcpwm_input_selection */
uint32_t killInput;
uint32_t countInputMode; /**< Configures how the count input behaves. See \ref group_tcpwm_input_modes */
/** Selects which input the count uses. The inputs are device-specific. See \ref group_tcpwm_input_selection */
uint32_t countInput;
/** \} group_tcpwm_data_structures_pwm */
* \addtogroup group_tcpwm_macros_pwm
* \{
* \defgroup group_tcpwm_pwm_run_modes PWM run modes
* \{
* Run modes for the pwm timer.
#define CY_TCPWM_PWM_ONESHOT (1U) /**< Counter runs once and then stops */
#define CY_TCPWM_PWM_CONTINUOUS (0U) /**< Counter runs forever */
/** \} group_tcpwm_pwm_run_modes */
/** \defgroup group_tcpwm_pwm_modes PWM modes
* \{
* Sets the PWM modes.
#define CY_TCPWM_PWM_MODE_PWM (4U) /**< Standard PWM Mode*/
#define CY_TCPWM_PWM_MODE_DEADTIME (5U) /**< PWM with deadtime mode*/
#define CY_TCPWM_PWM_MODE_PSEUDORANDOM (6U) /**< Pseudo Random PWM */
/** \} group_tcpwm_pwm_modes */
/** \defgroup group_tcpwm_pwm_alignment PWM Alignment
* Sets the alignment of the PWM.
* \{
#define CY_TCPWM_PWM_LEFT_ALIGN (0U) /**< PWM is left aligned, meaning it starts high */
#define CY_TCPWM_PWM_RIGHT_ALIGN (1U) /**< PWM is right aligned, meaning it starts low */
/** PWM is centered aligned, terminal count only occurs on underflow */
/** PWM is asymmetrically aligned, terminal count occurs on overflow and underflow */
/** \} group_tcpwm_pwm_alignment */
/** \defgroup group_tcpwm_pwm_kill_modes PWM kill modes
* Sets the kill mode for the PWM.
* \{
#define CY_TCPWM_PWM_STOP_ON_KILL (2U) /**< PWM stops counting on kill */
#define CY_TCPWM_PWM_SYNCH_KILL (1U) /**< PWM output is killed after next TC*/
#define CY_TCPWM_PWM_ASYNC_KILL (0U) /**< PWM output is killed instantly */
/** \} group_tcpwm_pwm_kill_modes */
/** \defgroup group_tcpwm_pwm_clk_prescalers PWM CLK Prescaler values
* \{
* Clock prescaler values.
#define CY_TCPWM_PWM_PRESCALER_DIVBY_1 (0U) /**< Divide by 1 */
#define CY_TCPWM_PWM_PRESCALER_DIVBY_2 (1U) /**< Divide by 2 */
#define CY_TCPWM_PWM_PRESCALER_DIVBY_4 (2U) /**< Divide by 4 */
#define CY_TCPWM_PWM_PRESCALER_DIVBY_8 (3U) /**< Divide by 8 */
#define CY_TCPWM_PWM_PRESCALER_DIVBY_16 (4U) /**< Divide by 16 */
#define CY_TCPWM_PWM_PRESCALER_DIVBY_32 (5U) /**< Divide by 32 */
#define CY_TCPWM_PWM_PRESCALER_DIVBY_64 (6U) /**< Divide by 64 */
#define CY_TCPWM_PWM_PRESCALER_DIVBY_128 (7U) /**< Divide by 128 */
/** \} group_tcpwm_pwm_clk_prescalers */
/** \defgroup group_tcpwm_pwm_output_invert PWM output invert
* \{
* Output invert modes.
#define CY_TCPWM_PWM_INVERT_ENABLE (1U) /**< Invert the output mode */
#define CY_TCPWM_PWM_INVERT_DISABLE (0U) /**< Do not invert the output mode */
/** \} group_tcpwm_pwm_output_invert */
/** \defgroup group_tcpwm_pwm_status PWM Status
* \{
* The counter status.
#define CY_TCPWM_PWM_STATUS_DOWN_COUNTING (0x1UL) /**< PWM is down counting */
#define CY_TCPWM_PWM_STATUS_UP_COUNTING (0x2UL) /**< PWM is up counting */
/** \} group_tcpwm_pwm_status */
* Registers Constants
/** \cond INTERNAL */
/** \endcond */
/** \defgroup group_tcpwm_pwm_output_configuration PWM output signal configuration
* \{
* The configuration of PWM output signal for PWM alignment.
#define CY_TCPWM_PWM_TR_CTRL2_SET (0UL) /**< Set define for PWM output signal configuration */
#define CY_TCPWM_PWM_TR_CTRL2_CLEAR (1UL) /**< Clear define for PWM output signal configuration */
#define CY_TCPWM_PWM_TR_CTRL2_INVERT (2UL) /**< Invert define for PWM output signal configuration */
#define CY_TCPWM_PWM_TR_CTRL2_NO_CHANGE (3UL) /**< No change define for PWM output signal configuration */
/** The configuration of PWM output signal in Pseudo Random Mode */
/** The configuration of PWM output signal for Left alignment */
/** The configuration of PWM output signal for Right alignment */
/** The configuration of PWM output signal for Center and Asymmetric alignment */
/** \} group_tcpwm_pwm_output_configuration */
/** \} group_tcpwm_macros_pwm */
* Function Prototypes
* \addtogroup group_tcpwm_functions_pwm
* \{
cy_en_tcpwm_status_t Cy_TCPWM_PWM_Init(TCPWM_Type *base, uint32_t cntNum, cy_stc_tcpwm_pwm_config_t const *config);
void Cy_TCPWM_PWM_DeInit(TCPWM_Type *base, uint32_t cntNum, cy_stc_tcpwm_pwm_config_t const *config);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_TCPWM_PWM_Enable(TCPWM_Type *base, uint32_t cntNum);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_TCPWM_PWM_Disable(TCPWM_Type *base, uint32_t cntNum);
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_TCPWM_PWM_GetStatus(TCPWM_Type const *base, uint32_t cntNum);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_TCPWM_PWM_SetCompare0(TCPWM_Type *base, uint32_t cntNum, uint32_t compare0);
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_TCPWM_PWM_GetCompare0(TCPWM_Type const *base, uint32_t cntNum);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_TCPWM_PWM_SetCompare1(TCPWM_Type *base, uint32_t cntNum, uint32_t compare1);
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_TCPWM_PWM_GetCompare1(TCPWM_Type const *base, uint32_t cntNum);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_TCPWM_PWM_EnableCompareSwap(TCPWM_Type *base, uint32_t cntNum, bool enable);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_TCPWM_PWM_SetCounter(TCPWM_Type *base, uint32_t cntNum, uint32_t count);
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_TCPWM_PWM_GetCounter(TCPWM_Type const *base, uint32_t cntNum);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_TCPWM_PWM_SetPeriod0(TCPWM_Type *base, uint32_t cntNum, uint32_t period0);
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_TCPWM_PWM_GetPeriod0(TCPWM_Type const *base, uint32_t cntNum);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_TCPWM_PWM_SetPeriod1(TCPWM_Type *base, uint32_t cntNum, uint32_t period1);
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_TCPWM_PWM_GetPeriod1(TCPWM_Type const *base, uint32_t cntNum);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_TCPWM_PWM_EnablePeriodSwap(TCPWM_Type *base, uint32_t cntNum, bool enable);
* Function Name: Cy_TCPWM_PWM_Enable
* Enables the counter in the TCPWM block for the PWM operation.
* \param base
* The pointer to a TCPWM instance.
* \param cntNum
* The Counter instance number in the selected TCPWM.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tcpwm/tcpwm_v1_0_pwm_sut_01.cydsn/main_cm4.c snippet_Cy_TCPWM_PWM_Init
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_TCPWM_PWM_Enable(TCPWM_Type *base, uint32_t cntNum)
TCPWM_CTRL_SET(base) = (1UL << cntNum);
* Function Name: Cy_TCPWM_PWM_Disable
* Disables the counter in the TCPWM block.
* \param base
* The pointer to a TCPWM instance.
* \param cntNum
* The Counter instance number in the selected TCPWM.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tcpwm/tcpwm_v1_0_pwm_sut_01.cydsn/main_cm4.c snippet_Cy_TCPWM_PWM_DeInit
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_TCPWM_PWM_Disable(TCPWM_Type *base, uint32_t cntNum)
TCPWM_CTRL_CLR(base) = (1UL << cntNum);
* Function Name: Cy_TCPWM_PWM_GetStatus
* Returns the status of the PWM.
* \param base
* The pointer to a TCPWM instance.
* \param cntNum
* The Counter instance number in the selected TCPWM.
* \return
* The status. See \ref group_tcpwm_pwm_status
* \funcusage
* \snippet tcpwm/tcpwm_v1_0_pwm_sut_01.cydsn/main_cm4.c snippet_Cy_TCPWM_PWM_GetStatus
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_TCPWM_PWM_GetStatus(TCPWM_Type const *base, uint32_t cntNum)
uint32_t status = TCPWM_CNT_STATUS(base, cntNum);
/* Generates proper up counting status, does not generated by HW */
status |= ((~status & CY_TCPWM_PWM_STATUS_DOWN_COUNTING & (status >> TCPWM_CNT_STATUS_RUNNING_Pos)) <<
* Function Name: Cy_TCPWM_PWM_SetCompare0
* Sets the compare value for Compare0 when the compare mode enabled.
* \param base
* The pointer to a TCPWM instance.
* \param cntNum
* The Counter instance number in the selected TCPWM.
* \param compare0
* The Compare0 value.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tcpwm/tcpwm_v1_0_pwm_sut_01.cydsn/main_cm4.c snippet_Cy_TCPWM_PWM_SetCompare0
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_TCPWM_PWM_SetCompare0(TCPWM_Type *base, uint32_t cntNum, uint32_t compare0)
TCPWM_CNT_CC(base, cntNum) = compare0;
* Function Name: Cy_TCPWM_PWM_GetCompare0
* Returns compare value 0.
* \param base
* The pointer to a TCPWM instance.
* \param cntNum
* The Counter instance number in the selected TCPWM.
* \return
* Compare value 0.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tcpwm/tcpwm_v1_0_pwm_sut_01.cydsn/main_cm4.c snippet_Cy_TCPWM_PWM_SetCompare0
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_TCPWM_PWM_GetCompare0(TCPWM_Type const *base, uint32_t cntNum)
return(TCPWM_CNT_CC(base, cntNum));
* Function Name: Cy_TCPWM_PWM_SetCompare1
* Sets the compare value for Compare1 when the compare mode is enabled.
* \param base
* The pointer to a TCPWM instance.
* \param cntNum
* The Counter instance number in the selected TCPWM.
* \param compare1
* The Compare1 value.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tcpwm/tcpwm_v1_0_pwm_sut_01.cydsn/main_cm4.c snippet_Cy_TCPWM_PWM_SetCompare1
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_TCPWM_PWM_SetCompare1(TCPWM_Type *base, uint32_t cntNum, uint32_t compare1)
TCPWM_CNT_CC_BUFF(base, cntNum) = compare1;
* Function Name: Cy_TCPWM_PWM_GetCompare1
* Returns compare value 1.
* \param base
* The pointer to a TCPWM instance.
* \param cntNum
* The Counter instance number in the selected TCPWM.
* \return
* Compare value 1.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tcpwm/tcpwm_v1_0_pwm_sut_01.cydsn/main_cm4.c snippet_Cy_TCPWM_PWM_SetCompare1
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_TCPWM_PWM_GetCompare1(TCPWM_Type const *base, uint32_t cntNum)
return(TCPWM_CNT_CC_BUFF(base, cntNum));
* Function Name: Cy_TCPWM_PWM_EnableCompareSwap
* Enables the comparison swap on OV and/or UN, depending on the PWM alignment.
* \param base
* The pointer to a TCPWM instance.
* \param cntNum
* The Counter instance number in the selected TCPWM.
* \param enable
* true = swap enabled; false = swap disabled
* \funcusage
* \snippet tcpwm/tcpwm_v1_0_pwm_sut_01.cydsn/main_cm4.c snippet_Cy_TCPWM_PWM_EnableCompareSwap
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_TCPWM_PWM_EnableCompareSwap(TCPWM_Type *base, uint32_t cntNum, bool enable)
if (enable)
* Function Name: Cy_TCPWM_PWM_SetCounter
* Sets the value of the counter.
* \param base
* The pointer to a TCPWM instance.
* \param cntNum
* The Counter instance number in the selected TCPWM.
* \param count
* The value to write into the counter.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tcpwm/tcpwm_v1_0_pwm_sut_01.cydsn/main_cm4.c snippet_Cy_TCPWM_PWM_SetCounter
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_TCPWM_PWM_SetCounter(TCPWM_Type *base, uint32_t cntNum, uint32_t count)
TCPWM_CNT_COUNTER(base, cntNum) = count;
* Function Name: Cy_TCPWM_PWM_GetCounter
* Returns the value in the counter.
* \param base
* The pointer to a TCPWM instance.
* \param cntNum
* The Counter instance number in the selected TCPWM.
* \return
* The current counter value.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tcpwm/tcpwm_v1_0_pwm_sut_01.cydsn/main_cm4.c snippet_Cy_TCPWM_PWM_GetCounter
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_TCPWM_PWM_GetCounter(TCPWM_Type const *base, uint32_t cntNum)
return(TCPWM_CNT_COUNTER(base, cntNum));
* Function Name: Cy_TCPWM_PWM_SetPeriod0
* Sets the value of the period register.
* \param base
* The pointer to a TCPWM instance.
* \param cntNum
* The Counter instance number in the selected TCPWM.
* \param period0
* The value to write into a period.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tcpwm/tcpwm_v1_0_pwm_sut_01.cydsn/main_cm4.c snippet_Cy_TCPWM_PWM_SetPeriod0
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_TCPWM_PWM_SetPeriod0(TCPWM_Type *base, uint32_t cntNum, uint32_t period0)
TCPWM_CNT_PERIOD(base, cntNum) = period0;
* Function Name: Cy_TCPWM_PWM_GetPeriod0
* Returns the value in the period register.
* \param base
* The pointer to a TCPWM instance.
* \param cntNum
* The Counter instance number in the selected TCPWM.
* \return
* The current period value.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tcpwm/tcpwm_v1_0_pwm_sut_01.cydsn/main_cm4.c snippet_Cy_TCPWM_PWM_SetPeriod0
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_TCPWM_PWM_GetPeriod0(TCPWM_Type const *base, uint32_t cntNum)
return(TCPWM_CNT_PERIOD(base, cntNum));
* Function Name: Cy_TCPWM_PWM_SetPeriod1
* Sets the value of the period register.
* \param base
* The pointer to a TCPWM instance.
* \param cntNum
* The Counter instance number in the selected TCPWM.
* \param period1
* The value to write into a period1.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tcpwm/tcpwm_v1_0_pwm_sut_01.cydsn/main_cm4.c snippet_Cy_TCPWM_PWM_SetPeriod1
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_TCPWM_PWM_SetPeriod1(TCPWM_Type *base, uint32_t cntNum, uint32_t period1)
TCPWM_CNT_PERIOD_BUFF(base, cntNum) = period1;
* Function Name: Cy_TCPWM_PWM_GetPeriod1
* Returns the value in the period register.
* \param base
* The pointer to a COUNTER PWM instance.
* \param cntNum
* The Counter instance number in the selected TCPWM.
* \return
* The current period value.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tcpwm/tcpwm_v1_0_pwm_sut_01.cydsn/main_cm4.c snippet_Cy_TCPWM_PWM_SetPeriod1
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_TCPWM_PWM_GetPeriod1(TCPWM_Type const *base, uint32_t cntNum)
return(TCPWM_CNT_PERIOD_BUFF(base, cntNum));
* Function Name: Cy_TCPWM_PWM_EnablePeriodSwap
* Enables a period swap on OV and/or UN, depending on the PWM alignment
* \param base
* The pointer to a TCPWM instance.
* \param cntNum
* The Counter instance number in the selected TCPWM.
* \param enable
* true = swap enabled; false = swap disabled
* \funcusage
* \snippet tcpwm/tcpwm_v1_0_pwm_sut_01.cydsn/main_cm4.c snippet_Cy_TCPWM_PWM_EnablePeriodSwap
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_TCPWM_PWM_EnablePeriodSwap(TCPWM_Type *base, uint32_t cntNum, bool enable)
if (enable)
/** \} group_tcpwm_functions_pwm */
/** \} group_tcpwm_pwm */
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif /* CY_TCPWM_PWM_H */
/* [] END OF FILE */