blob: 15a4b14293512d1bf1f140d97cc261d9036935f5 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _ncp-sample:
OpenThread NCP
OpenThread NCP allows building a Thread Border Router. The code in this
sample is only the MCU target part of a complete Thread Border Router.
The Linux tools from
(especially wpantund and wpanctl) are required to get a complete Thread
Border Router.
The source code for this sample application can be found at:
Building and Running
Build the OpenThread NCP sample application like this:
.. zephyr-app-commands::
:zephyr-app: samples/net/openthread/ncp
:board: <board to use>
:conf: <config file to use>
:goals: build
There are configuration files for different boards and setups in the
ncp directory:
- :file:`prj.conf`
Generic config file, normally you should use this.
- :file:`overlay-tri-n4m-br.conf`
This is an overlay for the dedicated Thread Border Router hardware
The board support is not part of the Zephyr repositories, but the
product is based on NXP K64 and AT86RF233. This file can be used as an
example for a development set-up based on development boards.