blob: 752156865e3a6a240b790c5266a62f36279bb0da [file] [log] [blame]
@echo off
set ZEPHYR_BASE=%~dp0
if exist "%userprofile%\zephyrrc.cmd" (
call "%userprofile%\zephyrrc.cmd"
rem Zephyr meta-tool (west) launcher alias, which keeps monorepo
rem Zephyr installations' 'make flash' etc. working. See
rem for details on the
rem virtualenv-related pieces. (We need to implement this manually
rem because Zephyr's minimum supported Python version is 3.4.)
if defined VIRTUAL_ENV (
doskey west=python %ZEPHYR_BASE%\scripts\west $*
) else (
doskey west=py -3 %ZEPHYR_BASE%\scripts\west $*