blob: a087d0d502f3ef5e7be6fab0abfe138d07405eca [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2019 Intel Corporation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#define X86_THREAD_FLAG_ALL 0x01 /* _thread_arch.flags: entire state saved */
#include <zephyr/types.h>
#include <kernel_arch_data.h>
* The _callee_saved registers are unconditionally saved/restored across
* context switches; the _thread_arch registers are only preserved when
* the thread is interrupted. _arch_thread.flags tells __resume when to
* cheat and only restore the first set. For more details see locore.S.
struct _callee_saved {
u64_t rsp;
u64_t rbx;
u64_t rbp;
u64_t r12;
u64_t r13;
u64_t r14;
u64_t r15;
u64_t rip;
u64_t rflags;
typedef struct _callee_saved _callee_saved_t;
struct _thread_arch {
u8_t flags;
u64_t rax;
u64_t rcx;
u64_t rdx;
u64_t rsi;
u64_t rdi;
u64_t r8;
u64_t r9;
u64_t r10;
u64_t r11;
char __aligned(X86_FXSAVE_ALIGN) sse[X86_FXSAVE_SIZE];
typedef struct _thread_arch _thread_arch_t;
#endif /* _ASMLANGUAGE */