blob: 6b6ee4eca1a51de8dead4a8cd11213cfd81404fb [file] [log] [blame]
Kconfig Extension
Copyright (c) 2022 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
This extension adds a new domain (``kconfig``) for the Kconfig language. Unlike
many other domains, the Kconfig options are not rendered by Sphinx directly but
on the client side using a database built by the extension. A special directive
``.. kconfig:search::`` can be inserted on any page to render a search box that
allows to browse the database. References to Kconfig options can be created by
using the ``:kconfig:option:`` role. Kconfig options behave as regular domain
objects, so they can also be referenced by other projects using Intersphinx.
- kconfig_generate_db: Set to True if you want to generate the Kconfig database.
This is only required if you want to use the ``.. kconfig:search::``
directive, not if you just need support for Kconfig domain (e.g. when using
Intersphinx in another project). Defaults to False.
- kconfig_ext_paths: A list of base paths where to search for external modules
Kconfig files when they use ``kconfig-ext: True``. The extension will look for
from import build
from itertools import chain
import json
from operator import mod
import os
from pathlib import Path
import re
import sys
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple
from docutils import nodes
from sphinx.addnodes import pending_xref
from sphinx.application import Sphinx
from import Builder
from import Domain, ObjType
from sphinx.environment import BuildEnvironment
from sphinx.errors import ExtensionError
from sphinx.roles import XRefRole
from sphinx.util import progress_message
from sphinx.util.docutils import SphinxDirective
from sphinx.util.nodes import make_refnode
__version__ = "0.1.0"
RESOURCES_DIR = Path(__file__).parent / "static"
ZEPHYR_BASE = Path(__file__).parents[4]
sys.path.insert(0, str(SCRIPTS))
sys.path.insert(0, str(KCONFIGLIB))
import zephyr_module
import kconfiglib
def kconfig_load(app: Sphinx) -> Tuple[kconfiglib.Kconfig, Dict[str, str]]:
"""Load Kconfig"""
with TemporaryDirectory() as td:
modules = zephyr_module.parse_modules(ZEPHYR_BASE)
# generate Kconfig.modules file
kconfig = ""
for module in modules:
kconfig += zephyr_module.process_kconfig(module.project, module.meta)
with open(Path(td) / "Kconfig.modules", "w") as f:
# generate dummy Kconfig.dts file
kconfig = ""
with open(Path(td) / "Kconfig.dts", "w") as f:
# base environment
os.environ["ZEPHYR_BASE"] = str(ZEPHYR_BASE)
os.environ["srctree"] = str(ZEPHYR_BASE)
os.environ["KCONFIG_DOC_MODE"] = "1"
os.environ["KCONFIG_BINARY_DIR"] = td
# include all archs and boards
os.environ["ARCH_DIR"] = "arch"
os.environ["ARCH"] = "*"
os.environ["BOARD_DIR"] = "boards/*/*"
# insert external Kconfigs to the environment
module_paths = dict()
for module in modules:
name = module.meta["name"]
name_var = module.meta["name-sanitized"].upper()
module_paths[name] = module.project
build_conf = module.meta.get("build")
if not build_conf:
if build_conf.get("kconfig"):
kconfig = Path(module.project) / build_conf["kconfig"]
os.environ[f"ZEPHYR_{name_var}_KCONFIG"] = str(kconfig)
elif build_conf.get("kconfig-ext"):
for path in app.config.kconfig_ext_paths:
kconfig = Path(path) / "modules" / name / "Kconfig"
if kconfig.exists():
os.environ[f"ZEPHYR_{name_var}_KCONFIG"] = str(kconfig)
return kconfiglib.Kconfig(ZEPHYR_BASE / "Kconfig"), module_paths
class KconfigSearchNode(nodes.Element):
def html():
return '<div id="__kconfig-search"></div>'
def kconfig_search_visit_html(self, node: nodes.Node) -> None:
raise nodes.SkipNode
def kconfig_search_visit_latex(self, node: nodes.Node) -> None:
self.body.append("Kconfig search is only available on HTML output")
raise nodes.SkipNode
class KconfigSearch(SphinxDirective):
"""Kconfig search directive"""
has_content = False
def run(self):
if not self.config.kconfig_generate_db:
raise ExtensionError(
"Kconfig search directive can not be used without database"
if "kconfig_search_inserted" in self.env.temp_data:
raise ExtensionError("Kconfig search directive can only be used once")
self.env.temp_data["kconfig_search_inserted"] = True
# register all options to the domain at this point, so that they all
# resolve to the page where the kconfig:search directive is inserted
domain = self.env.get_domain("kconfig")
unique = set({option["name"] for option in self.env.kconfig_db})
for option in unique:
return [KconfigSearchNode()]
class _FindKconfigSearchDirectiveVisitor(nodes.NodeVisitor):
def __init__(self, document):
self._found = False
def unknown_visit(self, node: nodes.Node) -> None:
if self._found:
self._found = isinstance(node, KconfigSearchNode)
def found_kconfig_search_directive(self) -> bool:
return self._found
class KconfigDomain(Domain):
"""Kconfig domain"""
name = "kconfig"
label = "Kconfig"
object_types = {"option": ObjType("option", "option")}
roles = {"option": XRefRole()}
directives = {"search": KconfigSearch}
initial_data: Dict[str, Any] = {"options": []}
def get_objects(self) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, str, str, str, str, int]]:
for obj in["options"]:
yield obj
def merge_domaindata(self, docnames: List[str], otherdata: Dict) -> None:["options"] += otherdata["options"]
def resolve_xref(
env: BuildEnvironment,
fromdocname: str,
builder: Builder,
typ: str,
target: str,
node: pending_xref,
contnode: nodes.Element,
) -> Optional[nodes.Element]:
match = [
(docname, anchor)
for name, _, _, docname, anchor, _ in self.get_objects()
if name == target
if match:
todocname, anchor = match[0]
return make_refnode(
builder, fromdocname, todocname, anchor, contnode, anchor
return None
def add_option(self, option):
"""Register a new Kconfig option to the domain."""["options"].append(
(option, option, "option", self.env.docname, option, -1)
def sc_fmt(sc):
if isinstance(sc, kconfiglib.Symbol):
if sc.nodes:
return f'<a href="#CONFIG_{}">CONFIG_{}</a>'
elif isinstance(sc, kconfiglib.Choice):
if not
return "&ltchoice&gt"
return f'&ltchoice <a href="#CONFIG_{}">CONFIG_{}</a>&gt'
return kconfiglib.standard_sc_expr_str(sc)
def kconfig_build_resources(app: Sphinx) -> None:
"""Build the Kconfig database and install HTML resources."""
if not app.config.kconfig_generate_db:
with progress_message("Building Kconfig database..."):
kconfig, module_paths = kconfig_load(app)
db = list()
for sc in sorted(
chain(kconfig.unique_defined_syms, kconfig.unique_choices),
key=lambda sc: if else "",
# skip nameless symbols
if not
# store alternative defaults (from defconfig files)
alt_defaults = list()
for node in sc.nodes:
if "defconfig" not in node.filename:
for value, cond in node.orig_defaults:
fmt = kconfiglib.expr_str(value, sc_fmt)
if cond is not sc.kconfig.y:
fmt += f" if {kconfiglib.expr_str(cond, sc_fmt)}"
alt_defaults.append([fmt, node.filename])
# build list of symbols that select/imply the current one
# note: all reverse dependencies are ORed together, and conditionals
# (e.g. select/imply A if B) turns into A && B. So we first split
# by OR to include all entries, and we split each one by AND to just
# take the first entry.
selected_by = list()
if isinstance(sc, kconfiglib.Symbol) and sc.rev_dep != sc.kconfig.n:
for select in kconfiglib.split_expr(sc.rev_dep, kconfiglib.OR):
sym = kconfiglib.split_expr(select, kconfiglib.AND)[0]
implied_by = list()
if isinstance(sc, kconfiglib.Symbol) and sc.weak_rev_dep != sc.kconfig.n:
for select in kconfiglib.split_expr(sc.weak_rev_dep, kconfiglib.OR):
sym = kconfiglib.split_expr(select, kconfiglib.AND)[0]
# only process nodes with prompt or help
nodes = [node for node in sc.nodes if node.prompt or]
inserted_paths = list()
for node in nodes:
# avoid duplicate symbols by forcing unique paths. this can
# happen due to dependencies on 0, a trick used by some modules
path = f"{node.filename}:{node.linenr}"
if path in inserted_paths:
dependencies = None
if node.dep is not sc.kconfig.y:
dependencies = kconfiglib.expr_str(node.dep, sc_fmt)
defaults = list()
for value, cond in node.orig_defaults:
fmt = kconfiglib.expr_str(value, sc_fmt)
if cond is not sc.kconfig.y:
fmt += f" if {kconfiglib.expr_str(cond, sc_fmt)}"
selects = list()
for value, cond in node.orig_selects:
fmt = kconfiglib.expr_str(value, sc_fmt)
if cond is not sc.kconfig.y:
fmt += f" if {kconfiglib.expr_str(cond, sc_fmt)}"
implies = list()
for value, cond in node.orig_implies:
fmt = kconfiglib.expr_str(value, sc_fmt)
if cond is not sc.kconfig.y:
fmt += f" if {kconfiglib.expr_str(cond, sc_fmt)}"
ranges = list()
for min, max, cond in node.orig_ranges:
fmt = (
f"[{kconfiglib.expr_str(min, sc_fmt)}, "
f"{kconfiglib.expr_str(max, sc_fmt)}]"
if cond is not sc.kconfig.y:
fmt += f" if {kconfiglib.expr_str(cond, sc_fmt)}"
choices = list()
if isinstance(sc, kconfiglib.Choice):
for sym in sc.syms:
choices.append(kconfiglib.expr_str(sym, sc_fmt))
menupath = ""
iternode = node
while iternode.parent is not iternode.kconfig.top_node:
iternode = iternode.parent
if iternode.prompt:
title = iternode.prompt[0]
title = kconfiglib.standard_sc_expr_str(iternode.item)
menupath = f" > {title}" + menupath
menupath = "(Top)" + menupath
filename = node.filename
for name, path in module_paths.items():
path += "/"
if node.filename.startswith(path):
filename = node.filename.replace(path, f"<module:{name}>/")
"name": f"CONFIG_{}",
"prompt": node.prompt[0] if node.prompt else None,
"type": kconfiglib.TYPE_TO_STR[sc.type],
"dependencies": dependencies,
"defaults": defaults,
"alt_defaults": alt_defaults,
"selects": selects,
"selected_by": selected_by,
"implies": implies,
"implied_by": implied_by,
"ranges": ranges,
"choices": choices,
"filename": filename,
"linenr": node.linenr,
"menupath": menupath,
app.env.kconfig_db = db # type: ignore
outdir = Path(app.outdir) / "kconfig"
kconfig_db_file = outdir / "kconfig.json"
with open(kconfig_db_file, "w") as f:
json.dump(db, f)
def kconfig_install(
app: Sphinx,
pagename: str,
templatename: str,
context: Dict,
doctree: Optional[nodes.Node],
) -> None:
"""Install the Kconfig library files on pages that require it."""
if (
not app.config.kconfig_generate_db
or app.builder.format != "html"
or not doctree
visitor = _FindKconfigSearchDirectiveVisitor(doctree)
if visitor.found_kconfig_search_directive:
app.add_js_file("kconfig.mjs", type="module")
def setup(app: Sphinx):
app.add_config_value("kconfig_generate_db", False, "env")
app.add_config_value("kconfig_ext_paths", [], "env")
html=(kconfig_search_visit_html, None),
latex=(kconfig_search_visit_latex, None),
app.connect("builder-inited", kconfig_build_resources)
app.connect("html-page-context", kconfig_install)
return {
"version": __version__,
"parallel_read_safe": True,
"parallel_write_safe": True,