blob: 0371bb9b5b81a958bc493dcab300de3e02523fa0 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _qemu_cortex_a53:
ARM Cortex-A53 Emulation (QEMU)
This board configuration will use QEMU to emulate a generic Cortex-A53 hardware
This configuration provides support for an ARM Cortex-A53 CPU and these
* GIC-400 interrupt controller
* ARM architected timer
* PL011 UART controller
Supported Features
The following hardware features are supported:
| Interface | Controller | Driver/Component |
| GIC | on-chip | interrupt controller |
| PL011 UART | on-chip | serial port |
| ARM TIMER | on-chip | system clock |
The kernel currently does not support other hardware features on this platform.
System Clock
This board configuration uses a system clock frequency of 62.5 MHz.
Serial Port
This board configuration uses a single serial communication channel with the
Known Problems or Limitations
The following platform features are unsupported:
* Writing to the hardware's flash memory
Programming and Debugging
Use this configuration to run basic Zephyr applications and kernel tests in the QEMU
emulated environment, for example, with the :ref:`synchronization_sample`:
.. zephyr-app-commands::
:zephyr-app: samples/synchronization
:host-os: unix
:board: qemu_cortex_a53
:goals: run
This will build an image with the synchronization sample app, boot it using
QEMU, and display the following console output:
.. code-block:: console
***** Booting Zephyr OS build zephyr-v2.0.0-1657-g99d310da48e5 *****
threadA: Hello World from qemu_cortex_a53!
threadB: Hello World from qemu_cortex_a53!
threadA: Hello World from qemu_cortex_a53!
threadB: Hello World from qemu_cortex_a53!
threadA: Hello World from qemu_cortex_a53!
threadB: Hello World from qemu_cortex_a53!
threadA: Hello World from qemu_cortex_a53!
threadB: Hello World from qemu_cortex_a53!
Exit QEMU by pressing :kbd:`CTRL+A` :kbd:`x`.
Refer to the detailed overview about :ref:`application_debugging`.
1. (ID050815) ARM® Cortex®-A Series - Programmers Guide for ARMv8-A
2. (ID070919) Arm® Architecture Reference Manual - Armv8, for Armv8-A architecture profile
3. (ARM DAI 0527A) Application Note Bare-metal Boot Code for ARMv8-A Processors
4. AArch64 Exception and Interrupt Handling
5. Fundamentals of ARMv8-A