blob: ce36d072215febd932e8519316b4b2c9976332cc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Intel Corporation.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <stddef.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
/* Query ID */
enum coredump_query_id {
* Returns error code from backend.
* Check if there is a stored coredump from backend.
* Returns 1 if there is a stored coredump.
* 0 if none.
* -ENOTSUP if this query is not supported.
* Otherwise, error code from backend.
* Returns coredump raw size from backend.
* 0 if none.
* -ENOTSUP if this query is not supported.
* Otherwise, error code from backend.
/* Command ID */
enum coredump_cmd_id {
* Clear error code from backend.
* Returns 0 if successful, failed otherwise.
* Verify that the stored coredump is valid.
* Returns 1 if valid.
* 0 if not valid or no stored coredump.
* -ENOTSUP if this command is not supported.
* Otherwise, error code from backend.
* Erase the stored coredump.
* Returns 0 if successful.
* -ENOTSUP if this command is not supported.
* Otherwise, error code from backend.
* Copy the raw stored coredump.
* Returns copied size if successful
* 0 if stored coredump is not found
* -ENOTSUP if this command is not supported.
* Otherwise, error code from backend.
* Invalidate the stored coredump. This is faster than
* erasing the whole partition.
* Returns 0 if successful.
* -ENOTSUP if this command is not supported.
* Otherwise, error code from backend.
/* Coredump copy command argument definition */
struct coredump_cmd_copy_arg {
/* Copy offset */
off_t offset;
/* Copy destination buffer */
uint8_t *buffer;
/* Copy length */
size_t length;
#include <zephyr/toolchain.h>
#include <zephyr/arch/cpu.h>
#include <zephyr/sys/byteorder.h>
/* Target code */
enum coredump_tgt_code {
/* Coredump header */
struct coredump_hdr_t {
/* 'Z', 'E' */
char id[2];
/* Header version */
uint16_t hdr_version;
/* Target code */
uint16_t tgt_code;
/* Pointer size in Log2 */
uint8_t ptr_size_bits;
uint8_t flag;
/* Coredump Reason given */
unsigned int reason;
} __packed;
/* Architecture-specific block header */
struct coredump_arch_hdr_t {
char id;
/* Header version */
uint16_t hdr_version;
/* Number of bytes in this block (excluding header) */
uint16_t num_bytes;
} __packed;
/* Memory block header */
struct coredump_mem_hdr_t {
char id;
/* Header version */
uint16_t hdr_version;
/* Address of start of memory region */
uintptr_t start;
/* Address of end of memory region */
uintptr_t end;
} __packed;
typedef void (*coredump_backend_start_t)(void);
typedef void (*coredump_backend_end_t)(void);
typedef void (*coredump_backend_buffer_output_t)(uint8_t *buf, size_t buflen);
typedef int (*coredump_backend_query_t)(enum coredump_query_id query_id,
void *arg);
typedef int (*coredump_backend_cmd_t)(enum coredump_cmd_id cmd_id,
void *arg);
struct coredump_backend_api {
/* Signal to backend of the start of coredump. */
coredump_backend_start_t start;
/* Signal to backend of the end of coredump. */
coredump_backend_end_t end;
/* Raw buffer output */
coredump_backend_buffer_output_t buffer_output;
/* Perform query on backend */
coredump_backend_query_t query;
/* Perform command on backend */
coredump_backend_cmd_t cmd;
void coredump(unsigned int reason, const z_arch_esf_t *esf,
struct k_thread *thread);
void coredump_memory_dump(uintptr_t start_addr, uintptr_t end_addr);
void coredump_buffer_output(uint8_t *buf, size_t buflen);
int coredump_query(enum coredump_query_id query_id, void *arg);
int coredump_cmd(enum coredump_cmd_id cmd_id, void *arg);
void coredump(unsigned int reason, const z_arch_esf_t *esf,
struct k_thread *thread)
void coredump_memory_dump(uintptr_t start_addr, uintptr_t end_addr)
void coredump_buffer_output(uint8_t *buf, size_t buflen)
int coredump_query(enum coredump_query_id query_id, void *arg)
return -ENOTSUP;
int coredump_cmd(enum coredump_cmd_id query_id, void *arg)
return -ENOTSUP;
* @defgroup coredump_apis Coredump APIs
* @brief Coredump APIs
* @{
* @fn void coredump(unsigned int reason, const z_arch_esf_t *esf, struct k_thread *thread);
* @brief Perform coredump.
* Normally, this is called inside z_fatal_error() to generate coredump
* when a fatal error is encountered. This can also be called on demand
* whenever a coredump is desired.
* @param reason Reason for the fatal error
* @param esf Exception context
* @param thread Thread information to dump
* @fn void coredump_memory_dump(uintptr_t start_addr, uintptr_t end_addr);
* @brief Dump memory region
* @param start_addr Start address of memory region to be dumped
* @param end_addr End address of memory region to be dumped
* @fn int coredump_buffer_output(uint8_t *buf, size_t buflen);
* @brief Output the buffer via coredump
* This outputs the buffer of byte array to the coredump backend.
* For example, this can be called to output the coredump section
* containing registers, or a section for memory dump.
* @param buf Buffer to be send to coredump output
* @param buflen Buffer length
* @fn int coredump_query(enum coredump_query_id query_id, void *arg);
* @brief Perform query on coredump subsystem.
* Query the coredump subsystem for information, for example, if there is
* an error.
* @param[in] query_id Query ID
* @param[in,out] arg Pointer to argument for exchanging information
* @return Depends on the query
* @fn int coredump_cmd(enum coredump_cmd_id cmd_id, void *arg);
* @brief Perform command on coredump subsystem.
* Perform certain on coredump subsystem, for example, output the stored
* coredump via logging.
* @param[in] cmd_id Command ID
* @param[in,out] arg Pointer to argument for exchanging information
* @return Depends on the command
* @}