blob: 39bb1da7865ebc44d48477a5e5a604777d32fd3d [file] [log] [blame]
.. _building_zephyr:
Building and Running an Application
Congratulations! You have successfully set up your development environment
and created a Zephyr application. This section provides all the steps to
build a Zephyr kernel containing your application and run it. We use the
`Hello World` sample application as an example. However, the steps needed are
the same for your own application.
The processes to build and run a Zephyr application are the same across
operating systems. Nevertheless, the commands needed do differ from one OS to
the next. The following sections contain the commands used in a Linux
development environment. If you are using Mac OS please use the appropriate
commands for your OS.
Building a Sample Application
To build an example application follow these steps:
#. Go to the root directory of the Zephyr Project.
#. Set the environment variables on each console, see
#. Build the example project, enter:
.. code-block:: console
$ cd $ZEPHYR_BASE/samples/hello_world/microkernel
$ make
The above invocation of make will build the hello_world sample application
using the default settings defined in the application's Makefile. You can
build for a different platform by defining the variable BOARD with one of the
supported platforms, for example:
.. code-block:: console
$ make BOARD=minnowboard
For further information on the supported platforms go see
:ref:`here <board>`. Alternatively, run the following command on the code
root to obtain a list of the supported platforms of a particular
.. code-block:: console
$ make help
The sample projects for the microkernel and the nanokernel are found
at :file:`$ZEPHYR_BASE/samples` with each sample having a microkernel
and nanokernel specific build.
After building an application successfully, the results can be found in the
:file:`outdir` sub-directory under the application root directory.
The ELF binaries generated by the build system are named by default
:file:`zephyr.elf`. This value can be overridden in the Makefile. The build
system generates different names for different use cases depending on the
hardware and platforms used.
Running a Sample Application
To perform rapid testing of an application in the development environment you
can use QEMU with some of the supported platforms and architecture. This can
be easily accomplished by calling a special target when building an
application that invokes QEMU once the build process is completed.
1. Run an application using the default board configuration, type:
.. code-block:: console
$ make qemu
To run an application using the x86 emulation board configuration (qemu_x86), type:
.. code-block:: console
$ make BOARD=qemu_x86 qemu
To run an application using the ARM qemu_cortex_m3 board configuration, type:
.. code-block:: console
$ make BOARD=qemu_cortex_m3 ARCH=arm qemu
QEMU is not supported on all boards and platforms. Some samples and test
cases might fail when running in the emulator. When developing for a specific
hardware target you should always test on the actual hardware and should not
rely on testing in the QEMU emulation environment only.