| .. zephyr:code-sample:: ble_central_iso |
| :name: ISO (Central) |
| :relevant-api: bt_iso bluetooth |
| |
| Transfer isochronous data to a peer device using an isochronous channel as a central. |
| |
| Overview |
| ******** |
| |
| This sample demonstrates how to use an isochronous channel as a central. |
| The sample scans for a peripheral, establishes a connection, and sets up a connected isochronous channel to it. |
| Once the isochronous channel is connected, isochronous data is transferred to the peer device every 10 milliseconds. |
| It is recommended to run this sample together with the :zephyr:code-sample:`ble_peripheral_iso` sample. |
| |
| To run the sample with an encrypted isochronous channel, enable :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_BT_SMP`. |
| |
| Requirements |
| ************ |
| |
| * BlueZ running on the host, or |
| * A board with Bluetooth Low Energy 5.2 support |
| * A Bluetooth Controller and board that supports setting |
| :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_BT_CTLR_CENTRAL_ISO`. |
| |
| Building and Running |
| ******************** |
| This sample can be found under :zephyr_file:`samples/bluetooth/iso_central` in |
| the Zephyr tree. |
| |
| 1. Start the application. |
| In the terminal window, check that it is scanning for other devices. |
| |
| Bluetooth initialized |
| Scanning successfully started |
| Device found: D3:3A:5D:F5:73:33 (random) (RSSI -78) |
| Device found: 70:7B:F4:2B:76:AD (random) (RSSI -68) |
| Device found: 65:CF:20:0D:CB:9D (random) (RSSI -82) |
| |
| 2. Observe that the device connects. |
| |
| Connected: 65:CF:20:0D:CB:9D (random) |
| |
| 3. Observe that the ISO channel is connected |
| |
| ISO Channel 0x200048f8 connected |
| |
| See :zephyr:code-sample-category:`bluetooth` samples for more details. |