| .. _bluetooth_api: |
| |
| Bluetooth API |
| ############# |
| |
| .. contents:: |
| :depth: 1 |
| :local: |
| :backlinks: top |
| |
| This is the full set of available Bluetooth APIs. It's important to note |
| that the set that will in practice be available for the application |
| depends on the exact Kconfig options that have been chosen, since most |
| of the Bluetooth functionality is build-time selectable. E.g. any |
| connection-related APIs require :option:`CONFIG_BT_CONN` and any |
| BR/EDR (Bluetooth Classic) APIs require :option:`CONFIG_BT_BREDR`. |
| |
| Generic Access Profile (GAP) |
| **************************** |
| |
| .. doxygengroup:: bt_gap |
| :project: Zephyr |
| |
| Connection Management |
| ********************* |
| |
| .. doxygengroup:: bt_conn |
| :project: Zephyr |
| |
| Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) |
| ******************************** |
| |
| .. doxygengroup:: bt_gatt |
| :project: Zephyr |
| |
| Mesh Profile |
| ************ |
| |
| .. doxygengroup:: bt_mesh |
| :project: Zephyr |
| |
| Universal Unique Identifiers (UUIDs) |
| ************************************ |
| |
| .. doxygengroup:: bt_uuid |
| :project: Zephyr |
| |
| Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP) |
| **************************************************** |
| |
| .. doxygengroup:: bt_l2cap |
| :project: Zephyr |
| |
| Serial Port Emulation (RFCOMM) |
| ****************************** |
| |
| .. doxygengroup:: bt_rfcomm |
| :project: Zephyr |
| |
| Data Buffers |
| ************ |
| |
| .. doxygengroup:: bt_buf |
| :project: Zephyr |
| |
| Persistent Storage |
| ****************** |
| |
| .. doxygengroup:: bt_storage |
| :project: Zephyr |
| |
| HCI Drivers |
| *********** |
| |
| .. doxygengroup:: bt_hci_driver |
| :project: Zephyr |
| |
| HCI RAW channel |
| *************** |
| |
| HCI RAW channel API is intended to expose HCI interface to the remote entity. |
| The local Bluetooth controller gets owned by the remote entity and host |
| Bluetooth stack is not used. RAW API provides direct access to packets which |
| are sent and received by the Bluetooth HCI driver. |
| |
| .. doxygengroup:: hci_raw |
| :project: Zephyr |