blob: dae35e4791b14567487627ac1fb5b96854b90ac6 [file] [log] [blame]
.. rt1xxx-lpclink2-probes
A debug probe is used for both flashing and debugging the board. This board has
an :ref:`lpc-link2-onboard-debug-probe`. The default firmware present on this
probe is the :ref:`lpclink2-daplink-onboard-debug-probe`.
Based on the host tool installed, please use the following instructions
to setup your debug probe:
* :ref:`jlink-debug-host-tools`:
`Using J-Link with LPC-Link2 Probe`_
* :ref:`linkserver-debug-host-tools`:
`Using CMSIS-DAP with LPC-Link2 Probe`_
* :ref:`pyocd-debug-host-tools`:
`Using CMSIS-DAP with LPC-Link2 Probe`_
Using CMSIS-DAP with LPC-Link2 Probe
1. Follow the instructions provided at
:ref:`lpclink2-cmsis-onboard-debug-probe` to reprogram the default debug
probe firmware on this board.
#. Ensure the SWD isolation jumpers are populated
Using J-Link with LPC-Link2 Probe
There are two options: the onboard debug circuit can be updated with Segger
J-Link firmware, or a :ref:`jlink-external-debug-probe` can be attached to the
To update the onboard debug circuit, please do the following:
1. Switch the power source for the EVK to a different source than the
debug USB, as the J-Link firmware does not power the EVK via the
debug USB.
#. Follow the instructions provided at
:ref:`lpclink2-jlink-onboard-debug-probe` to reprogram the default debug
probe firmware on this board.
#. Ensure the SWD isolation jumpers are populated.
To attach an external J-Link probe, ensure the SWD isolation jumpers are
removed, then connect the probe to the external JTAG/SWD header