blob: caa6d5583a408acf65c9a3c23b5c807cfed1cd68 [file] [log] [blame]
Title: Task Level Interrupt Handling
This test exercises the APIs of the task level interrupt handling feature.
Building and Running Project:
This microkernel project outputs to the console. It can be built and executed
on QEMU as follows:
make qemu
Problems caused by out-dated project information can be addressed by
issuing one of the following commands then rebuilding the project:
make clean # discard results of previous builds
# but keep existing configuration info
make pristine # discard results of previous builds
# and restore pre-defined configuration info
Sample Output:
Starting task level interrupt handling tests
IRQ object 0 using IRQ8 allocated
IRQ object 1 using IRQ14 allocated
IRQ object 2 using IRQ32 allocated
IRQ object 3 using IRQ34 allocated
Generating interrupts for all allocated IRQ objects...
Received event for IRQ object 0
Received event for IRQ object 1
Received event for IRQ object 2
Received event for IRQ object 3
Attempt to allocate an IRQ object that
is already allocated by another task...
Re-allocation of IRQ object 3 prevented
Attempt to allocate an IRQ that
is already allocated by another task...
Re-allocation of IRQ34 prevented
Attempt to free an IRQ object...
IRQ object 2 freed