blob: 8c3fe9d1ca1c45c99ce5c27e957e9effed37858e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018 Intel Corporation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#ifndef _XUK_SWITCH_H
#define _XUK_SWITCH_H
/* This lives separate from the rest of the xuk API, as it has
* to be inlined into Zephyr code.
static inline void xuk_switch(void *switch_to, void **switched_from)
/* Constructs an IRETQ interrupt frame, the final CALL pushes
* the RIP to which to return
__asm__ volatile("mov %%rsp, %%rcx;"
"pushq $0x10;" /* SS */
"pushq %%rcx;" /* RSP */
"pushfq;" /* RFLAGS */
"pushq $0x08;" /* CS */
"callq _switch_top"
: : "a"(switch_to), "d"(switched_from)
: "ecx", "memory");
#endif /* _XUK_SWITCH_H */