blob: c9e32319df921842b83d37b178855921235ef842 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2019, Nordic Semiconductor
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
import os
import shutil
import sys
import dtlib
# Test suite for Can be run directly as an executable.
# This script expects to be run from the directory its in. This simplifies
# things, as paths in the output can be assumed below.
# TODO: Factor out common code from error tests
def run():
Runs all dtlib tests. Immediately exits with status 1 and a message on
stderr on test suite failures.
# Note: All code is within this function, even though some triple-quoted
# strings are unindented to make things less awkward
def fail(msg):
sys.exit("test failed: {}".format(msg))
def parse(dts, include_path=()):
open(".tmp.dts", "w").write(dts)
return dtlib.DT(".tmp.dts", include_path)
def verify_parse(dts, expected, include_path=()):
# The [1:] is so that the first line can be put on a separate line
# after """
dt = parse(dts[1:], include_path)
actual = str(dt)
expected = expected[1:-1]
if actual != expected:
fail("expected '{}' to parse as '{}', parsed as '{}'"
.format(dts, expected, actual))
return dt
def verify_error(dts, msg):
prefix = "expected '{}' to generate the error '{}', generated" \
.format(dts, msg)
fail(prefix + " no error")
except dtlib.DTError as e:
if str(e) != msg:
fail("{} the error '{}'".format(prefix, e))
except Exception as e:
fail("{} the non-DTError '{}'".format(prefix, e))
# These might already exist from failed earlier runs
except OSError:
except OSError:
# Test cell parsing
/ {
b = < >;
c = [ ];
d = < 10 20 >;
e = < 0U 1L 2UL 3LL 4ULL >;
f = < 0x10 0x20 >;
g = < 010 020 >;
h = /bits/ 8 < 0x10 0x20 (-1) >;
i = /bits/ 16 < 0x10 0x20 (-1) >;
j = /bits/ 32 < 0x10 0x20 (-1) >;
k = /bits/ 64 < 0x10 0x20 (-1) >;
l = < 'a' 'b' 'c' >;
/ {
d = < 0xa 0x14 >;
e = < 0x0 0x1 0x2 0x3 0x4 >;
f = < 0x10 0x20 >;
g = < 0x8 0x10 >;
h = [ 10 20 FF ];
i = /bits/ 16 < 0x10 0x20 0xffff >;
j = < 0x10 0x20 0xffffffff >;
k = /bits/ 64 < 0x10 0x20 0xffffffffffffffff >;
l = < 0x61 0x62 0x63 >;
/ {
a = /bits/ 16 < 0x10000 >;
".tmp.dts:4 (column 18): parse error: 65536 does not fit in 16 bits")
/ {
a = < 0x100000000 >;
".tmp.dts:4 (column 8): parse error: 4294967296 does not fit in 32 bits")
/ {
a = /bits/ 128 < 0 >;
".tmp.dts:4 (column 13): parse error: expected 8, 16, 32, or 64")
# Test bytes parsing
/ {
a = [ ];
b = [ 12 34 ];
c = [ 1234 ];
/ {
b = [ 12 34 ];
c = [ 12 34 ];
/ {
a = [ 123 ];
".tmp.dts:4 (column 10): parse error: expected two-digit byte or ']'")
# Test string parsing
/ {
a = "";
b = "ABC";
c = "\\\"\xab\377\a\b\t\n\v\f\r";
/ {
a = "";
b = "ABC";
c = "\\\"\xab\xff\a\b\t\n\v\f\r";
/ {
a = "\400";
".tmp.dts:4 (column 6): parse error: octal escape out of range (> 255)")
# Test character literal parsing
/ {
a = < '\'' >;
b = < '\x12' >;
/ {
a = < 0x27 >;
b = < 0x12 >;
/ {
// Character literals are not allowed at the top level
a = 'x';
".tmp.dts:5 (column 6): parse error: malformed value")
/ {
a = < '' >;
".tmp.dts:4 (column 7): parse error: character literals must be length 1")
/ {
a = < '12' >;
".tmp.dts:4 (column 7): parse error: character literals must be length 1")
# Test /incbin/
open(".tmp.bin", "wb").write(b"\00\01\02\03")
/ {
a = /incbin/ (".tmp.bin");
b = /incbin/ (".tmp.bin", 1, 1);
c = /incbin/ (".tmp.bin", 1, 2);
/ {
a = [ 00 01 02 03 ];
b = [ 01 ];
c = [ 01 02 ];
open(".tmp/in_subdir", "wb").write(b"\00\01\02")
/ {
a = /incbin/ ("in_subdir");
/ {
a = [ 00 01 02 ];
/ {
a = /incbin/ ("missing");
".tmp.dts:4 (column 25): parse error: 'missing' could not be found")
# Test node merging
/ {
l1: l2: l1: foo {
foo1 = [ 01 ];
l4: l5: bar {
bar1 = [ 01 ];
l3: &l1 {
foo2 = [ 02 ];
l6: l7: bar {
bar2 = [ 02 ];
&l3 {
foo3 = [ 03 ];
&{/foo} {
foo4 = [ 04 ];
&{/foo/bar} {
bar3 = [ 03 ];
l8: baz {};
/ {
/ {
top = [ 01 ];
/ {
top = [ 01 ];
l1: l2: l3: foo {
foo1 = [ 01 ];
foo2 = [ 02 ];
foo3 = [ 03 ];
foo4 = [ 04 ];
l4: l5: l6: l7: bar {
bar1 = [ 01 ];
bar2 = [ 02 ];
bar3 = [ 03 ];
l8: baz {
/ {
&missing {
".tmp.dts:6 (column 1): parse error: undefined node label 'missing'")
/ {
&{foo} {
".tmp.dts:6 (column 1): parse error: node path does not start with '/'")
/ {
&{/foo} {
".tmp.dts:6 (column 1): parse error: component 1 ('foo') in path '/foo' does not exist")
# Test property labels
def verify_label2prop(label, expected):
actual = dt.label2prop[label].name
if actual != expected:
fail("expected label '{}' to map to prop '{}', mapped to prop '{}'"
.format(label, expected, actual))
dt = verify_parse("""
/ {
l2: c;
l4: l5: l5: l4: d = < 0 >;
/ {
l1: b;
l3: c;
l6: d;
/ {
l1: b;
l2: l3: c;
l4: l5: l6: d = < 0x0 >;
verify_label2prop("l1", "b")
verify_label2prop("l2", "c")
verify_label2prop("l3", "c")
verify_label2prop("l4", "d")
verify_label2prop("l5", "d")
verify_label2prop("l6", "d")
# Test offset labels
def verify_label2offset(label, expected_prop, expected_offset):
actual_prop, actual_offset = dt.label2prop_offset[label]
actual_prop =
if (actual_prop, actual_offset) != (expected_prop, expected_offset):
fail("expected label '{}' to map to offset {} on prop '{}', "
"mapped to offset {} on prop '{}'"
.format(label, expected_offset, expected_prop, actual_offset,
dt = verify_parse("""
/ {
a = l01: l02: < l03: &node l04: l05: 2 l06: >,
l07: l08: [ l09: 03 l10: l11: 04 l12: l13: ] l14:, "A";
b = < 0 > l23: l24:;
node: node {
/ {
a = l01: l02: < l03: &node l04: l05: 0x2 l06: l07: l08: >, [ l09: 03 l10: l11: 04 l12: l13: l14: ], "A";
b = < 0x0 l23: l24: >;
node: node {
phandle = < 0x1 >;
verify_label2offset("l01", "a", 0)
verify_label2offset("l02", "a", 0)
verify_label2offset("l04", "a", 4)
verify_label2offset("l05", "a", 4)
verify_label2offset("l06", "a", 8)
verify_label2offset("l09", "a", 8)
verify_label2offset("l10", "a", 9)
verify_label2offset("l23", "b", 4)
verify_label2offset("l24", "b", 4)
# Test unit_addr
def verify_unit_addr(path, expected):
node = dt.get_node(path)
if node.unit_addr != expected:
fail("expected {!r} to have unit_addr '{}', was '{}'"
.format(node, expected, node.unit_addr))
dt = verify_parse("""
/ {
no-unit-addr {
unit-addr@ABC {
unit-addr-non-numeric@foo-bar {
/ {
no-unit-addr {
unit-addr@ABC {
unit-addr-non-numeric@foo-bar {
verify_unit_addr("/no-unit-addr", "")
verify_unit_addr("/unit-addr@ABC", "ABC")
verify_unit_addr("/unit-addr-non-numeric@foo-bar", "foo-bar")
# Test node path references
/ {
a = &label;
b = [ 01 ], &label;
c = [ 01 ], &label, <2>;
d = &{/abc};
label: abc {
e = &label;
f = &{/abc};
/ {
a = &label;
b = [ 01 ], &label;
c = [ 01 ], &label, < 0x2 >;
d = &{/abc};
label: abc {
e = &label;
f = &{/abc};
/ {
sub {
x = &missing;
"/sub: undefined node label 'missing'")
/ {
sub {
x = &{/sub/missing};
"/sub: component 2 ('missing') in path '/sub/missing' does not exist")
# Test phandles
/ {
x = < &a &{/b} &c >;
dummy1 {
phandle = < 1 >;
dummy2 {
phandle = < 3 >;
a: a {
b {
c: c {
phandle = < 0xFF >;
/ {
x = < &a &{/b} &c >;
dummy1 {
phandle = < 0x1 >;
dummy2 {
phandle = < 0x3 >;
a: a {
phandle = < 0x2 >;
b {
phandle = < 0x4 >;
c: c {
phandle = < 0xff >;
# Check that a node can be assigned a phandle to itself. This just forces a
# phandle to be allocated on it. The C tools support this too.
/ {
dummy {
phandle = < 1 >;
a {
foo: phandle = < &{/a} >;
label: b {
bar: phandle = < &label >;
/ {
dummy {
phandle = < 0x1 >;
a {
foo: phandle = < &{/a} >;
label: b {
bar: phandle = < &label >;
/ {
sub {
x = < &missing >;
"/sub: undefined node label 'missing'")
/ {
a: sub {
x = /bits/ 16 < &a >;
".tmp.dts:5 (column 19): parse error: phandle references are only allowed in arrays with 32-bit elements")
/ {
foo {
phandle = [ 00 ];
"/foo: bad phandle length (1), expected 4 bytes")
/ {
foo {
phandle = < 0 >;
"/foo: bad value 0x00000000 for phandle")
/ {
foo {
phandle = < (-1) >;
"/foo: bad value 0xffffffff for phandle")
/ {
foo {
phandle = < 17 >;
bar {
phandle = < 17 >;
"/bar: duplicated phandle 0x11 (seen before at /foo)")
/ {
foo {
phandle = < &{/bar} >;
bar {
"/foo: phandle refers to another node")
# Test phandle2node
def verify_phandle2node(prop, offset, expected_name):
phandle = dtlib.to_num(dt.root.props[prop].value[offset:offset + 4])
actual_name = dt.phandle2node[phandle].name
if actual_name != expected_name:
fail("expected {} to be a phandle for {}, was a phandle for {}"
.format(prop, expected_name, actual_name))
dt = parse("""
/ {
phandle_ = < &{/node1} 0 1 >;
phandles = < 0 &{/node2} 1 &{/node3} >;
node1 {
phandle = < 123 >;
node2 {
node3 {
verify_phandle2node("phandle_", 0, "node1")
verify_phandle2node("phandles", 4, "node2")
verify_phandle2node("phandles", 12, "node3")
# Test mixed value type assignments
/ {
x = /bits/ 8 < 0xFF 0xFF >,
< 0xFF &abc 0xFF &abc >,
[ FF FF ],
abc: abc {
/ {
x = [ FF FF ], &abc, < 0xff &abc 0xff &abc >, &abc, [ FF FF ], "abc";
abc: abc {
phandle = < 0x1 >;
# Test property deletion
/ {
keep = < 1 >;
delete = < &sub >, &sub;
/delete-property/ missing;
/delete-property/ delete;
sub: sub {
y = < &sub >, &sub;
&sub {
/delete-property/ y;
/ {
keep = < 0x1 >;
sub: sub {
# Test node deletion
/ {
sub1 {
x = < 1 >;
sub2 {
x = < &sub >, &sub;
/delete-node/ sub2;
sub3: sub3 {
x = < &sub >, &sub;
sub4 {
x = < &sub >, &sub;
/delete-node/ &sub3;
/delete-node/ &{/sub4};
/ {
sub1 {
x = < 0x1 >;
/ {
/delete-node/ &missing;
".tmp.dts:6 (column 15): parse error: undefined node label 'missing'")
# Test /include/ (which is handled in the lexer)
# Verify that /include/ searches the current directory
open(".tmp/same-dir-1", "w").write("""
x = [ 00 ];
/include/ "same-dir-2"
open(".tmp/same-dir-2", "w").write("""
y = [ 01 ];
/include/ "same-dir-3"
open(".tmp/same-dir-3", "w").write("""
z = [ 02 ];
/ {
/include/ ".tmp/same-dir-1"
/ {
x = [ 00 ];
y = [ 01 ];
z = [ 02 ];
# Test tricky includes and include paths
open(".tmp2.dts", "w").write("""
/ {
open(".tmp3.dts", "w").write("""
x = <1>;
open(".tmp/via-include-path-1", "w").write("""
= /include/ "via-include-path-2"
open(".tmp2/via-include-path-2", "w").write("""
/include/ ".tmp2.dts"
/include/ ".tmp3.dts"
y /include/ "via-include-path-1"
/ {
x = < 0x1 >;
y = < 0x2 >;
include_path=(".tmp", ".tmp2",))
/include/ "missing"
".tmp.dts:1 (column 1): parse error: 'missing' could not be found")
# Verify that an error in an included file points to the right location
open(".tmp2.dts", "w").write("""\
/include/ ".tmp2.dts"
".tmp2.dts:3 (column 3): parse error: expected '/dts-v1/;' at start of file")
# Test recursive /include/ detection
open(".tmp2.dts", "w").write("""\
/include/ ".tmp3.dts"
open(".tmp3.dts", "w").write("""\
/include/ ".tmp.dts"
/include/ ".tmp2.dts"
.tmp3.dts:1 (column 1): parse error: recursive /include/:
.tmp.dts:1 ->
.tmp2.dts:1 ->
.tmp3.dts:1 ->
/include/ ".tmp.dts"
.tmp.dts:1 (column 1): parse error: recursive /include/:
.tmp.dts:1 ->
# Test /omit-if-no-ref/
/ {
x = < &{/referenced} >, &referenced2;
/omit-if-no-ref/ referenced {
referenced2: referenced2 {
/omit-if-no-ref/ unreferenced {
l1: /omit-if-no-ref/ unreferenced2 {
/omit-if-no-ref/ l2: unreferenced3 {
unreferenced4: unreferenced4 {
unreferenced5 {
/omit-if-no-ref/ &referenced2;
/omit-if-no-ref/ &unreferenced4;
/omit-if-no-ref/ &{/unreferenced5};
/ {
x = < &{/referenced} >, &referenced2;
referenced {
phandle = < 0x1 >;
referenced2: referenced2 {
/ {
/omit-if-no-ref/ x = "";
".tmp.dts:4 (column 21): parse error: /omit-if-no-ref/ can only be used on nodes")
/ {
/omit-if-no-ref/ x;
".tmp.dts:4 (column 20): parse error: /omit-if-no-ref/ can only be used on nodes")
/ {
/omit-if-no-ref/ {
".tmp.dts:4 (column 19): parse error: expected node or property name")
/ {
/omit-if-no-ref/ = < 0 >;
".tmp.dts:4 (column 19): parse error: expected node or property name")
/ {
/omit-if-no-ref/ &missing;
".tmp.dts:6 (column 18): parse error: undefined node label 'missing'")
# Test expressions
/ {
ter1 = < (0 ? 1 : 0 ? 2 : 3) >;
ter2 = < (0 ? 1 : 1 ? 2 : 3) >;
ter3 = < (1 ? 1 : 0 ? 2 : 3) >;
ter4 = < (1 ? 1 : 1 ? 2 : 3) >;
or1 = < (0 || 0) >;
or2 = < (0 || 1) >;
or3 = < (1 || 0) >;
or4 = < (1 || 1) >;
and1 = < (0 && 0) >;
and2 = < (0 && 1) >;
and3 = < (1 && 0) >;
and4 = < (1 && 1) >;
bitor = < (1 | 2) >;
bitxor = < (7 ^ 2) >;
bitand = < (3 & 6) >;
eq1 = < (1 == 0) >;
eq2 = < (1 == 1) >;
neq1 = < (1 != 0) >;
neq2 = < (1 != 1) >;
lt1 = < (1 < 2) >;
lt2 = < (2 < 2) >;
lt3 = < (3 < 2) >;
lteq1 = < (1 <= 2) >;
lteq2 = < (2 <= 2) >;
lteq3 = < (3 <= 2) >;
gt1 = < (1 > 2) >;
gt2 = < (2 > 2) >;
gt3 = < (3 > 2) >;
gteq1 = < (1 >= 2) >;
gteq2 = < (2 >= 2) >;
gteq3 = < (3 >= 2) >;
lshift = < (2 << 3) >;
rshift = < (16 >> 3) >;
add = < (3 + 4) >;
sub = < (7 - 4) >;
mul = < (3 * 4) >;
div = < (11 / 3) >;
mod = < (11 % 3) >;
unary_minus = < (-3) >;
bitnot = < (~1) >;
not0 = < (!-1) >;
not1 = < (!0) >;
not2 = < (!1) >;
not3 = < (!2) >;
nest = < (((--3) + (-2)) * (--(-2))) >;
char_lits = < ('a' + 'b') >;
/ {
ter1 = < 0x3 >;
ter2 = < 0x2 >;
ter3 = < 0x1 >;
ter4 = < 0x1 >;
or1 = < 0x0 >;
or2 = < 0x1 >;
or3 = < 0x1 >;
or4 = < 0x1 >;
and1 = < 0x0 >;
and2 = < 0x0 >;
and3 = < 0x0 >;
and4 = < 0x1 >;
bitor = < 0x3 >;
bitxor = < 0x5 >;
bitand = < 0x2 >;
eq1 = < 0x0 >;
eq2 = < 0x1 >;
neq1 = < 0x1 >;
neq2 = < 0x0 >;
lt1 = < 0x1 >;
lt2 = < 0x0 >;
lt3 = < 0x0 >;
lteq1 = < 0x1 >;
lteq2 = < 0x1 >;
lteq3 = < 0x0 >;
gt1 = < 0x0 >;
gt2 = < 0x0 >;
gt3 = < 0x1 >;
gteq1 = < 0x0 >;
gteq2 = < 0x1 >;
gteq3 = < 0x1 >;
lshift = < 0x10 >;
rshift = < 0x2 >;
add = < 0x7 >;
sub = < 0x3 >;
mul = < 0xc >;
div = < 0x3 >;
mod = < 0x2 >;
unary_minus = < 0xfffffffd >;
bitnot = < 0xfffffffe >;
not0 = < 0x0 >;
not1 = < 0x1 >;
not2 = < 0x0 >;
not3 = < 0x0 >;
nest = < 0xfffffffe >;
char_lits = < 0xc3 >;
/ {
a = < (1/(-1 + 1)) >;
".tmp.dts:4 (column 18): parse error: division by zero")
/ {
a = < (1%0) >;
".tmp.dts:4 (column 11): parse error: division by zero")
# Test comment removal
// foo
/ /**/{// foo
/ {
x = < 0x1 >;
# Test get_node()
def verify_path_is(path, node_name):
node = dt.get_node(path)
if != node_name:
fail("expected {} to lead to {}, lead to {}"
.format(path, node_name,
except dtlib.DTError:
fail("no node found for path " + path)
def verify_path_error(path, msg):
prefix = "expected looking up '{}' to generate the error '{}', " \
"generated ".format(path, msg)
fail(prefix + " no error")
except dtlib.DTError as e:
if str(e) != msg:
fail("{} the error '{}'".format(prefix, e))
except Exception as e:
fail("{} the non-DTError '{}'".format(prefix, e))
def verify_path_exists(path):
if not dt.has_node(path):
fail("expected path '{}' to exist, didn't".format(path))
def verify_path_missing(path):
if dt.has_node(path):
fail("expected path '{}' to not exist, did".format(path))
dt = parse("""
/ {
foo {
bar {
baz {
verify_path_is("/", "/")
verify_path_is("//", "/")
verify_path_is("///", "/")
verify_path_is("/foo", "foo")
verify_path_is("//foo", "foo")
verify_path_is("///foo", "foo")
verify_path_is("/foo/bar", "bar")
verify_path_is("//foo//bar", "bar")
verify_path_is("///foo///bar", "bar")
verify_path_is("/baz", "baz")
verify_path_error("", "no alias '' found -- did you forget the leading '/' in the node path?")
verify_path_error("missing", "no alias 'missing' found -- did you forget the leading '/' in the node path?")
verify_path_error("/missing", "component 1 ('missing') in path '/missing' does not exist")
verify_path_error("/foo/missing", "component 2 ('missing') in path '/foo/missing' does not exist")
# Test /aliases
def verify_alias_target(alias, node_name):
verify_path_is(alias, node_name)
if alias not in dt.alias2node:
fail("expected {} to be in alias2node".format(alias))
if dt.alias2node[alias].name != node_name:
fail("expected alias {} to lead to {}, lead to {}"
.format(alias, node_name, dt.alias2node[alias].name))
dt = parse("""
/ {
aliases {
alias1 = &l1;
alias2 = &l2;
alias3 = &{/sub/node3};
alias4 = &{/node4};
l1: node1 {
l2: node2 {
sub {
node3 {
node4 {
node5 {
verify_alias_target("alias1", "node1")
verify_alias_target("alias2", "node2")
verify_alias_target("alias3", "node3")
verify_path_is("alias4/node5", "node5")
"component 3 ('node6') in path 'alias4/node5/node6' does not exist")
/ {
aliases {
a = [ 00 ];
"expected property 'a' on /aliases in .tmp.dts to be assigned with either 'a = &foo' or 'a = \"/path/to/node\"', not 'a = [ 00 ];'")
/ {
aliases {
a = "\xFF";
r"value of property 'a' (b'\xff\x00') on /aliases in .tmp.dts is not valid UTF-8")
/ {
aliases {
A = "/aliases";
"/aliases: alias property name 'A' should include only characters from [0-9a-z-]")
/ {
aliases {
a = "/missing";
"property 'a' on /aliases in .tmp.dts points to the non-existent node \"/missing\"")
# Test Property.type
def verify_type(prop, expected):
actual = dt.root.props[prop].type
if actual != expected:
fail("expected {} to have type {}, had type {}"
.format(prop, expected, actual))
dt = parse("""
/ {
bytes1 = [ ];
bytes2 = [ 01 ];
bytes3 = [ 01 02 ];
bytes4 = foo: [ 01 bar: 02 ];
bytes5 = /bits/ 8 < 1 2 3 >;
num = < 1 >;
nums1 = < >;
nums2 = < >, < >;
nums3 = < 1 2 >;
nums4 = < 1 2 >, < 3 >, < 4 >;
string = "foo";
strings = "foo", "bar";
phandle1 = < &node >;
phandle2 = < &{/node} >;
path1 = &node;
path2 = &{/node};
compound1 = < 1 >, [ 02 ];
compound2 = "foo", < >;
compound3 = < 1 &{/node} 2>;
node: node {
verify_type("empty", dtlib.TYPE_EMPTY)
verify_type("bytes1", dtlib.TYPE_BYTES)
verify_type("bytes2", dtlib.TYPE_BYTES)
verify_type("bytes3", dtlib.TYPE_BYTES)
verify_type("bytes4", dtlib.TYPE_BYTES)
verify_type("bytes5", dtlib.TYPE_BYTES)
verify_type("num", dtlib.TYPE_NUM)
verify_type("nums1", dtlib.TYPE_NUMS)
verify_type("nums2", dtlib.TYPE_NUMS)
verify_type("nums3", dtlib.TYPE_NUMS)
verify_type("nums4", dtlib.TYPE_NUMS)
verify_type("string", dtlib.TYPE_STRING)
verify_type("strings", dtlib.TYPE_STRINGS)
verify_type("phandle1", dtlib.TYPE_PHANDLE)
verify_type("phandle2", dtlib.TYPE_PHANDLE)
verify_type("path1", dtlib.TYPE_PATH)
verify_type("path2", dtlib.TYPE_PATH)
verify_type("compound1", dtlib.TYPE_COMPOUND)
verify_type("compound2", dtlib.TYPE_COMPOUND)
verify_type("compound3", dtlib.TYPE_COMPOUND)
# Test Property.to_{num,nums,string,strings,node}()
dt = parse(r"""
/ {
u = < 1 >;
s = < 0xFFFFFFFF >;
u8 = /bits/ 8 < 1 >;
u16 = /bits/ 16 < 1 2 >;
u64 = /bits/ 64 < 1 >;
bytes = [ 01 02 03 ];
zero = < >;
two_u = < 1 2 >;
two_s = < 0xFFFFFFFF 0xFFFFFFFE >;
three_u = < 1 2 3 >;
three_u_split = < 1 >, < 2 >, < 3 >;
empty_string = "";
string = "foo\tbar baz";
invalid_string = "\xff";
strings = "foo", "bar", "baz";
invalid_strings = "foo", "\xff", "bar";
ref = <&{/target}>;
manualref = < 100 >;
missingref = < 123 >;
path = &{/target};
manualpath = "/target";
missingpath = "/missing";
target {
phandle = < 100 >;
# Test Property.to_num()
def verify_to_num(prop, signed, expected):
actual = dt.root.props[prop].to_num(signed)
except dtlib.DTError as e:
fail("failed to convert '{}' to {} number: {}"
.format(prop, "a signed" if signed else "an unsigned", e))
if actual != expected:
fail("expected {} to have the {} numeric value {:#x}, had the "
"value {:#x}".format(prop, "signed" if signed else "unsigned",
expected, actual))
def verify_to_num_error(prop, msg):
prefix = "expected fetching '{}' as a number to generate the error " \
"'{}', generated".format(prop, msg)
fail(prefix + " no error")
except dtlib.DTError as e:
if str(e) != msg:
fail("{} the error '{}'".format(prefix, e))
except Exception as e:
fail("{} the non-DTError '{}'".format(prefix, e))
verify_to_num("u", False, 1)
verify_to_num("u", True, 1)
verify_to_num("s", False, 0xFFFFFFFF)
verify_to_num("s", True, -1)
verify_to_num_error("two_u", "expected property 'two_u' on / in .tmp.dts to be assigned with 'two_u = < (number) >;', not 'two_u = < 0x1 0x2 >;'")
verify_to_num_error("u8", "expected property 'u8' on / in .tmp.dts to be assigned with 'u8 = < (number) >;', not 'u8 = [ 01 ];'")
verify_to_num_error("u16", "expected property 'u16' on / in .tmp.dts to be assigned with 'u16 = < (number) >;', not 'u16 = /bits/ 16 < 0x1 0x2 >;'")
verify_to_num_error("u64", "expected property 'u64' on / in .tmp.dts to be assigned with 'u64 = < (number) >;', not 'u64 = /bits/ 64 < 0x1 >;'")
verify_to_num_error("string", "expected property 'string' on / in .tmp.dts to be assigned with 'string = < (number) >;', not 'string = \"foo\\tbar baz\";'")
# Test Property.to_nums()
def verify_to_nums(prop, signed, expected):
actual = dt.root.props[prop].to_nums(signed)
except dtlib.DTError as e:
fail("failed to convert '{}' to {} numbers: {}"
.format(prop, "signed" if signed else "unsigned", e))
if actual != expected:
fail("expected {} to give the {} numbers {}, gave {}"
.format(prop, "signed" if signed else "unsigned", expected,
def verify_to_nums_error(prop, msg):
prefix = "expected converting '{}' to numbers to generate the error " \
"'{}', generated".format(prop, msg)
fail(prefix + " no error")
except dtlib.DTError as e:
if str(e) != msg:
fail("{} the error '{}'".format(prefix, e))
except Exception as e:
fail("{} the non-DTError '{}'".format(prefix, e))
verify_to_nums("zero", False, [])
verify_to_nums("u", False, [1])
verify_to_nums("two_u", False, [1, 2])
verify_to_nums("two_u", True, [1, 2])
verify_to_nums("two_s", False, [0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFE])
verify_to_nums("two_s", True, [-1, -2])
verify_to_nums("three_u", False, [1, 2, 3])
verify_to_nums("three_u_split", False, [1, 2, 3])
verify_to_nums_error("empty", "expected property 'empty' on / in .tmp.dts to be assigned with 'empty = < (number) (number) ... >', not 'empty;'")
verify_to_nums_error("string", "expected property 'string' on / in .tmp.dts to be assigned with 'string = < (number) (number) ... >', not 'string = \"foo\\tbar baz\";'")
# Test Property.to_bytes()
def verify_to_bytes(prop, expected):
actual = dt.root.props[prop].to_bytes()
except dtlib.DTError as e:
fail("failed to convert '{}' to bytes: {}".format(prop, e))
if actual != expected:
fail("expected {} to give the bytes {}, gave {}"
.format(prop, expected, actual))
def verify_to_bytes_error(prop, msg):
prefix = "expected converting '{}' to bytes to generate the error " \
"'{}', generated".format(prop, msg)
fail(prefix + " no error")
except dtlib.DTError as e:
if str(e) != msg:
fail("{} the error '{}'".format(prefix, e))
except Exception as e:
fail("{} the non-DTError '{}'".format(prefix, e))
verify_to_bytes("u8", b"\x01")
verify_to_bytes("bytes", b"\x01\x02\x03")
verify_to_bytes_error("u16", "expected property 'u16' on / in .tmp.dts to be assigned with 'u16 = [ (byte) (byte) ... ]', not 'u16 = /bits/ 16 < 0x1 0x2 >;'")
verify_to_bytes_error("empty", "expected property 'empty' on / in .tmp.dts to be assigned with 'empty = [ (byte) (byte) ... ]', not 'empty;'")
# Test Property.to_string()
def verify_to_string(prop, expected):
actual = dt.root.props[prop].to_string()
except dtlib.DTError as e:
fail("failed to convert '{}' to string: {}".format(prop, e))
if actual != expected:
fail("expected {} to have the value '{}', had the value '{}'"
.format(prop, expected, actual))
def verify_to_string_error(prop, msg):
prefix = "expected converting '{}' to string to generate the error " \
"'{}', generated".format(prop, msg)
fail(prefix + " no error")
except dtlib.DTError as e:
if str(e) != msg:
fail("{} the error '{}'".format(prefix, e))
except Exception as e:
fail("{} the non-DTError '{}'".format(prefix, e))
verify_to_string("empty_string", "")
verify_to_string("string", "foo\tbar baz")
verify_to_string_error("u", "expected property 'u' on / in .tmp.dts to be assigned with 'u = \"string\"', not 'u = < 0x1 >;'")
verify_to_string_error("strings", "expected property 'strings' on / in .tmp.dts to be assigned with 'strings = \"string\"', not 'strings = \"foo\", \"bar\", \"baz\";'")
verify_to_string_error("invalid_string", r"value of property 'invalid_string' (b'\xff\x00') on / in .tmp.dts is not valid UTF-8")
# Test Property.to_strings()
def verify_to_strings(prop, expected):
actual = dt.root.props[prop].to_strings()
except dtlib.DTError as e:
fail("failed to convert '{}' to strings: {}".format(prop, e))
if actual != expected:
fail("expected {} to have the value '{}', had the value '{}'"
.format(prop, expected, actual))
def verify_to_strings_error(prop, msg):
prefix = "expected converting '{}' to strings to generate the error " \
"'{}', generated".format(prop, msg)
fail(prefix + " no error")
except dtlib.DTError as e:
if str(e) != msg:
fail("{} the error '{}'".format(prefix, e))
except Exception as e:
fail("{} the non-DTError '{}'".format(prefix, e))
verify_to_strings("empty_string", [""])
verify_to_strings("string", ["foo\tbar baz"])
verify_to_strings("strings", ["foo", "bar", "baz"])
verify_to_strings_error("u", "expected property 'u' on / in .tmp.dts to be assigned with 'u = \"string\", \"string\", ...', not u = < 0x1 >;")
verify_to_strings_error("invalid_strings", r"value of property 'invalid_strings' (b'foo\x00\xff\x00bar\x00') on / in .tmp.dts is not valid UTF-8")
# Test Property.to_node()
def verify_to_node(prop, path):
actual = dt.root.props[prop].to_node().path
except dtlib.DTError as e:
fail("failed to convert '{}' to node: {}".format(prop, e))
if actual != path:
fail("expected {} to point to {}, pointed to {}"
.format(prop, path, actual))
def verify_to_node_error(prop, msg):
prefix = "expected converting '{}' to a node to generate the error " \
"'{}', generated".format(prop, msg)
fail(prefix + " no error")
except dtlib.DTError as e:
if str(e) != msg:
fail("{} the error '{}'".format(prefix, e))
except Exception as e:
fail("{} the non-DTError '{}'".format(prefix, e))
verify_to_node("ref", "/target")
verify_to_node("manualref", "/target")
verify_to_node_error("string", "expected property 'string' on / in .tmp.dts to be assigned with either 'string = < &foo >' or 'string = < (valid phandle number) >', not string = \"foo\\tbar baz\";")
verify_to_node_error("missingref", "the phandle given in property 'missingref' (123) on / in .tmp.dts does not exist")
# Test Property.to_path()
def verify_to_path(prop, path):
actual = dt.root.props[prop].to_path().path
except dtlib.DTError as e:
fail("failed to convert '{}' to path: {}".format(prop, e))
if actual != path:
fail("expected {} to contain the path {}, contained {}"
.format(prop, path, actual))
def verify_to_path_error(prop, msg):
prefix = "expected converting '{}' to a path to generate the error " \
"'{}', generated".format(prop, msg)
fail(prefix + " no error")
except dtlib.DTError as e:
if str(e) != msg:
fail("{} the error '{}'".format(prefix, e))
except Exception as e:
fail("{} the non-DTError '{}'".format(prefix, e))
verify_to_path("path", "/target")
verify_to_path("manualpath", "/target")
verify_to_path_error("u", "expected property 'u' on / in .tmp.dts to be assigned with either 'u = &foo' or 'u = \"/path/to/node\"', not 'u = < 0x1 >;'")
verify_to_path_error("missingpath", "property 'missingpath' on / in .tmp.dts points to the non-existent node \"/missing\"")
# Test top-level to_num() and to_nums()
def verify_raw_to_num(fn, prop, length, signed, expected):
actual = fn(dt.root.props[prop].value, length, signed)
except dtlib.DTError as e:
fail("failed to convert '{}' to {} number(s) with {}: {}"
.format(prop, "signed" if signed else "unsigned",
fn.__name__, e))
if actual != expected:
fail("expected {}(<{}>, {}, {}) to be {}, was {}"
.format(fn.__name__, prop, length, signed, expected, actual))
def verify_raw_to_num_error(fn, data, length, msg):
prefix = "expected {}() called with data='{}', length='{}' to " \
"generate the error '{}', generated" \
.format(fn.__name__, data, length, msg)
fn(data, length)
fail(prefix + " no error")
except dtlib.DTError as e:
if str(e) != msg:
fail("{} the error '{}'".format(prefix, e))
except Exception as e:
fail("{} the non-DTError '{}'".format(prefix, e))
verify_raw_to_num(dtlib.to_num, "u", None, False, 1)
verify_raw_to_num(dtlib.to_num, "u", 4, False, 1)
verify_raw_to_num(dtlib.to_num, "s", None, False, 0xFFFFFFFF)
verify_raw_to_num(dtlib.to_num, "s", None, True, -1)
verify_raw_to_num(dtlib.to_nums, "empty", 4, False, [])
verify_raw_to_num(dtlib.to_nums, "u16", 2, False, [1, 2])
verify_raw_to_num(dtlib.to_nums, "two_s", 4, False, [0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFE])
verify_raw_to_num(dtlib.to_nums, "two_s", 4, True, [-1, -2])
verify_raw_to_num_error(dtlib.to_num, 0, 0, "'0' has type 'int', expected 'bytes'")
verify_raw_to_num_error(dtlib.to_num, b"", 0, "'length' must be greater than zero, was 0")
verify_raw_to_num_error(dtlib.to_nums, 0, 0, "'0' has type 'int', expected 'bytes'")
verify_raw_to_num_error(dtlib.to_nums, b"", 0, "'length' must be greater than zero, was 0")
# Test duplicate label error
/ {
sub1 {
label: foo {
sub2 {
label: bar {
"Label 'label' appears on /sub1/foo and on /sub2/bar")
/ {
sub {
label: foo {
/ {
sub {
label: bar {
"Label 'label' appears on /sub/bar and on /sub/foo")
/ {
foo: a = < 0 >;
foo: node {
"Label 'foo' appears on /node and on property 'a' of node /")
/ {
foo: a = < 0 >;
node {
foo: b = < 0 >;
"Label 'foo' appears on property 'a' of node / and on property 'b' of node /node")
/ {
foo: a = foo: < 0 >;
"Label 'foo' appears in the value of property 'a' of node / and on property 'a' of node /")
# Giving the same label twice for the same node is fine
/ {
sub {
label: foo {
/ {
sub {
label: foo {
/ {
sub {
label: foo {
# Duplicate labels are fine if one of the nodes is deleted
/ {
label: foo {
label: bar {
/delete-node/ &{/bar};
/ {
label: foo {
# Test overriding/deleting a property with references
/ {
x = &foo, < &foo >;
y = &foo, < &foo >;
foo: foo {
/ {
x = < 1 >;
/delete-property/ y;
/ {
x = < 0x1 >;
foo: foo {
# Test self-referential node
/ {
label: foo {
x = &{/foo}, &label, < &label >;
/ {
label: foo {
x = &{/foo}, &label, < &label >;
phandle = < 0x1 >;
# Test /memreserve/
dt = verify_parse("""
l1: l2: /memreserve/ (1 + 1) (2 * 2);
/memreserve/ 0x100 0x200;
/ {
l1: l2: /memreserve/ 0x0000000000000002 0x0000000000000004;
/memreserve/ 0x0000000000000100 0x0000000000000200;
/ {
expected = [(["l1", "l2"], 2, 4), ([], 0x100, 0x200)]
if dt.memreserves != expected:
fail("expected {} for dt.memreserve, got {}"
.format(expected, dt.memreserves))
# Test __repr__() functions
def verify_repr(obj, expected):
if repr(obj) != expected:
fail("expected repr() to be '{}', was '{}'"
.format(expected, repr(obj)))
dt = parse("""
/ {
x = < 0 >;
sub {
y = < 1 >;
include_path=("foo", "bar"))
verify_repr(dt, "DT(filename='.tmp.dts', include_path=('foo', 'bar'))")
verify_repr(dt.root.props["x"], "<Property 'x' at '/' in '.tmp.dts'>")
verify_repr(dt.root.nodes["sub"], "<Node /sub in '.tmp.dts'>")
# Test names
# The C tools disallow '@' in property names, but otherwise accept the same
# characters in node and property names. Emulate that instead of the DT spec
# (v0.2), which gives different characters for nodes and properties.
/ {
// A leading \ is accepted but ignored in node/propert names
\aA0,._+*#?- = &_, &{/aA0,._+*#?@-};
// Names that overlap with operators and integer literals
+ = [ 00 ];
* = [ 02 ];
- = [ 01 ];
? = [ 03 ];
0 = [ 04 ];
0x123 = [ 05 ];
_: \aA0,._+*#?@- {
0 {
/ {
aA0,._+*#?- = &_, &{/aA0,._+*#?@-};
+ = [ 00 ];
* = [ 02 ];
- = [ 01 ];
? = [ 03 ];
0 = [ 04 ];
0x123 = [ 05 ];
_: aA0,._+*#?@- {
0 {
/ {
".tmp.dts:4 (column 7): parse error: '@' is only allowed in node names")
/ {
foo@3 = < 0 >;
".tmp.dts:4 (column 8): parse error: '@' is only allowed in node names")
/ {
foo@2@3 {
".tmp.dts:4 (column 10): parse error: multiple '@' in node name")
# Test bad formatting
/dts-v1/;/{l1:l2:foo{l3:l4:bar{l5:x=l6:/bits/8<l7:1 l8:2>l9:,[03],"a";};};};
/ {
l1: l2: foo {
l3: l4: bar {
l5: x = l6: [ l7: 01 l8: 02 l9: ], [ 03 ], "a";
# Test misc. errors and non-errors
verify_error("", ".tmp.dts:1 (column 1): parse error: expected '/dts-v1/;' at start of file")
".tmp.dts:2 (column 1): parse error: no root node defined")
/dts-v1/; /plugin/;
".tmp.dts:1 (column 11): parse error: /plugin/ is not supported")
/ {
foo: foo {
// Only one label supported before label references at the top level
l1: l2: &foo {
".tmp.dts:9 (column 5): parse error: expected label reference (&foo)")
/ {
foo: {};
".tmp.dts:4 (column 14): parse error: expected node or property name")
# Multiple /dts-v1/ at the start of a file is fine
/ {
/ {
print("all tests passed")
# Only remove these if tests succeed. They're handy to have around otherwise.
if __name__ == "__main__":